In the last Substack ‘The April 8th Solar Eclipse Is Highly, Highly Significant’, we concluded that if we do not understand the importance of the even more significant event that occured on Sep. 22nd 2017, which was an extremely rare and complex astronomical alignment of the solar system, we will never understand the significance of the April 8th Solar Eclipse.
This is what a fact checker wrote prior to that event….”On September 23, 2017 the sun will be in the zodiac constellation Virgo — “a woman clothed with the sun”. The moon will be at the feet of Virgo — “with the moon under her feet”. The ‘nine’ stars of the zodiac constellation Leo, plus three planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars), will be at the head of Virgo — “on her head a crown of 12 stars”. The planet Jupiter will be in the center of Virgo, and, as the weeks pass after September 23, Jupiter will exit Virgo to the east, past her feet, so to speak — “She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth”. Jupiter is the largest of the planets, the “king” of the planets, so to speak — “She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod”."
Then they asked cynically, “Must this not be a sign of something momentous?”
Well it absolutely was! It was more momentous than we can even image - and the collective in the world slept through it - because the masses have been conditioned to be unconscious, with their conscience severed to varying degrees. That is how mind control works…..
I personally became aware of this 40 years ago and made every attempt to protect my mind and become totally God conscious, which is 180°from what the MOB is doing to our minds. For instance, take the shenanigans going on in the Royal family at present - I know that is merely a diversion away from something more significant. But that is all the masses are bombarded with in the media and on our TV news….. It is also setting the stage for the next round of global events….. Buckingham Palace is a stage for the MOB’s play, just like America is!
A comment under this video below about says it all - “I have a book written in the late 1800's called the "Witness of the Stars" and so have understood for a long time that stars are like a giant clock in the sky giving us messages.”
Well that was 7 years ago! Do you know how often the number of 7 years is used in the prophetic books of the bible? What we need to understand now is the indelible and unfading link between the celestial signs of the years 2017 and 2024.
However, the most important statement in this video is this ……. “the main message to know is that this alignment has not happened in the last two thousand years since its prophecy…..some have run the odds of this and the odds of this are in the trillions…….33 days before September 23, on August 21st a total eclipse cuts the U.S. in half….. which is extremely rare and we feel is very prophetic…..
That statements is so easy to miss - isn’t it!? I missed it twice …….. but this is a major key to understanding why we are now right in the zone for a convergence of events that are bringing God’s judgement to a world that essentially hates G-D. This is not a good place to be in…….
Please STOP and meditate on these words…… 33 days between these highly significant events! This is not a counterfeit, this message is coming to us from our Creator Himself. He orgistarted these signs in the heavens for our benefit. Likewise, our divine Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach, was 33 years old when the Son of God painstakingly took all of mankind’s guilt, shame, sin and iniquity upon a cross - and then left the tomb of DEATH empty, to enable us to overcome DEATH. Can you even begin to imagine? Your Creator, did that for you! And me! Otherwise our future will be consumed with the MOB’s Vril energy of DEATH! The same energy that the Nazis and Hitler survived on.
Can you image the horrified look on the faces of the self-righteous Jews who had just crucified Yeshua when they visited the empty tomb the day after the Jewish Sabbath? That would have been the Gregorian Calendar’s Saturday evening btw after sunset, because a Jewish day runs from sunset to sunset. And the Pharisees immediately set about covering up the evidence and diverting the masses attention away from the Truth! Can you imaging the press stories circulating unjust lies and untruths, just like the media does today?
Nothing has changed 1,994 years later. The corruption in the heart of the Jews is still plotting and planning the arrival of their NWO false Messiah - they even devised a pagan based religion called Christianity in AD 312 to divert billions of minds away from the Truth of Yeshua’s resurrection. This was all instigated by The 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines. Four of the Papal Bloodlines came from Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers and nine were descendants of Persia, holding ancient Babylonian, Phoenician and Canaanite beliefs. Keep this fact in mind when we discuss the coming Iran [Persian] war on Israel. The main point is - the controlling spiritual mafia MOB, who not only crucified Yeshua, are by majority Persians.
Their main goal is for you to crucify our Saviour, Yeshua in your own mind and heart too - just to be like them! Come on folks…. wake up to their destructive scheme!
Think about it - what would you do if you had just walked into that empty grave and received such a slap in the face, that effectively made your whole belief system null-n-void? The ruling Pharisees were impregnated by the Jewish Kabbalah belief system from Babylon btw - they had come to the point of total rejecting their G-D and worshipped Lucifer instead!!!
What did they do to cover up the entire Truth? They counterfeited everything associated with that one event and diverted the masses focus and attention away from the power of the divinely instigated resurrection.
This was a massive blow to both Lucifer and Satan. Now all they can use is a deceptive narrative. They essentially have no power. The only power they have is given to them by decieved mankind. That may seem far fetched - but that is the Truth.
That is why in Freemasonry there are 33 degrees of “enlightened” knowledge. Initiates have to “work their way” to the top, and when they reach the 30th degree it is revealed to them that the “god” they are worshipping is Lucifer. That is - 3 degrees prior to the top of the tree. We all know that Yeshua haMashiach spent 3 days and 3 nights in the grave as He Himself prophesied prior to that event….. yet we do not celebrate this truth as such, because there is not 3 full days and 3 full nights between the Christian Easter Friday and Easter Sunday. Is there? Do the sums!
Instead of the Pharisees and Sadducees respecting the followers of Yeshua haMashiach that His disciples called the “Way”, they and the Greeks started calling these powerful followers of God, “Christians” as a counterfeit, political measure. And encouraged the masses to worship their god on a Sun-day, instead of the Jewish Sabbath as instructed by Yeshua. You have to understand, Yeshua did not come to begin a new Gentile religion. He came to fulfil the Jewish law with unconditional love.
So the MOB argued, let’s allow them to worship the sun on Sun-day….. that makes sense doesn’t it? And let’s change the name of the celebration of Yeshua death and resurrection from the Feast of Unleavened Bread to let’s see….. “Easter”….. there we go….. the name of the Anglo-Saxon, Vril goddess called ‘Eostre’. This is where the legend of the mythical “Easter bunnies” comes from. Everything about the Christian celebrations of Easter is mythical - and its focus and attention is to our OVERLORDS and the Vril spirit.
I’ve written extensively about the Nordic Vril energy and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system in……
or, Hope in the Midst of Altered Reality, and in my three eBooks on Amazon.
The Christmas period or Merry Saturnalia is the celebration of Satan’s birthday in witchcraft…… which the Christian church also unconsciously celebrates in conjunction with the Beast system Vril energy of the “good” old Santa Claus and the mistletoe.
Yeshua was never born on December the 25th - He was born on 9/11, BC 3. Why do you think 911 or 9-1-1 is the emergency telephone number for eleven countries in the world? Particularly on the set of the New World staged play - the MOB called America. Then you will maybe work out why God has chosen America to host the The April 8th Solar Eclipse.
And why do you think the spiritual mafia MOB used the date 9/11, 2001 to begin WW3 and the offensive against the minds of all those Created in God’s image?
Do you think this is a coincidence too? Listen, there are no coincidence - period. It is no coincidence that you are reading this Substack - and there is no coincidence that you are here to witness this sign in the heavens from God on April 8th, 2024!
This short period of time is a huge wake up call! May I suggest that you stop buying hot crossed buns, stop searching for the secret societies “hidden” easter eggs, spiritually and energetically move off the MOB’s chess board, switch off your TV, movies and refrain from any of the worldly entertainment. And stop living according to your religious, self-righteous man-made dogma.
Instead tune into God’s celebration of Passover on March 26th to celebrate Yeshua rising from the grave in victory over DEATH on Sunday 31st March. These dates are set according to the Enoch Calendar. According to the Enoch Calendar, Yeshua was crucified on the Gregorian Wednesday, and rose on the Sunday [or sunset after the Sabbath]. That equates to exactly 3 days and 3 nights in the grave, exactly as He Himself prophesied.
This celebration of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, 26th-31st March 2024 on the Gregorian Calendar could be the most important time of repentance you will ever have before your Creator God. Learn to appreciate, and be grateful for, what Yeshua sacrificed for you! Do not miss this opportunity now that you are consciously aware of the deception going on in this Beast system that has been controlling your thinking.
And if this Substack does nothing more - at least realise that EVERYTHING in this Beast system is a counterfeit of God’s Truth - EVERYTHING! If it wasn’t a counterfeit of the Truth, nothing would work for the Luciferian/manmade partnership. Just like the “Hot Cross Bunnie Buns”is a counterfeit of God’s warning to you this March, April and May!! 3 months right!? Do you get it?
Here is the reality - you and I have been conned! And now it is time to make a free will decision to change that and transform our lives into a meaningful Reality, connected to the Real Tree of Life. Move out of this wimpy, Alternate matrix, and into God’s wonderful, natural spiritual Matrix. Sure it is an unseen realm….. but so are the so called “viruses” like COVID-19 that you have been brainwashed to believe in.
That is the ultimate message of The April 8th Solar Eclipse. Wake up to the unseen realm that is just outside of our peripheral vision. The year 2024 is turning out to be a year of profound revelation and transformation…….
The guy presenting in the video I left you with in my last Substack was Mark Blitz. He raised the whole issue of the significance of the importance of the Blood Moons back in 2008. The Christian community went wild with expectation and prophesying ‘in the flesh’ [i.e. leaving God out of their thinking] for years afterwards - but to no avail. Christians cannot work it all out because of the corruption in their own hearts preventing them from seeing clearly. It is impossible to see clearly, with clarity of mind, whilst using calendars that have been corrupted, firstly by the Jews with the Jewish Calendar, and then the Gentiles with their falsified Gregorian calendar. Both calendars are occult divined diversions from the Truth - and a serious counterfeit like everything else in this Beast system.
I have just discovered myself how I’ve been deceived for 70 years by the spiritual mafia MOB’s attempts to counterfeit God’s truth in every aspect of society. This began years ago with the formation of the original ancient 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines who became the Venetian Lombard bankers, the Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy from Venice who became the MOB who financed the Knights Templar and the Crusades in the first place. Most of the Crusades actually sailed from Venice.
The bottomline in all of this is - the spiritual mafia MOB, the Swiss Octagon, the Venetian Lombard bankers, the Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy, and the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines are all one and the same group that now control global finance from the Canton of Geneva which has been set up with independent, autonomous rule. The Jesuits and Ashkenazi Jews are akin to this group ruling the world.
Between them, they also created Christianity, the Muslim faith, and hijacked Judaism with their false Kabbalah “Tree of Life” which is nothing more than a counterfeit of the Real “Tree of Life” which is in heaven, under God’s rule of justice. In doing this, they created the false, counterfeit Gregorian and Jewish calendars to divert attention away from God’s True signs.
This is the dilemma America finds itself in. This is written by an aware, conscious, non religious journalist, Paul Craig Roberts. The article is titled ‘2024 is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World’, Feb 23, 2024.
“Everyone needs to understand that the ruling elite in the US are implementing a decision to redefine democracy in a way that eliminates democracy, makes Congress superfluous, voting pointless, and discards the Constitution as an outdated document inconsistent with the power the ruling elite intend to wield over Americans and the rest of the world….. Gullible Americans are expert at fleeing from unsettling bad news. Thus, they pave their own path to tyranny. Tyranny is easy to establish over peoples who have confidence in their Constitutional rights and integrity of their institutions. The more patriotic the population is, the more susceptible it is to deception and betrayal by government. Try telling patriots what is happening to them, and they will call you a commie for speaking badly about their beloved country.
Christian evangelicals have no opposition to the evil that is engulfing us, because they have been brainwashed that they will escape it by being wafted up to Heaven. The growth of evil is actually their escape from a sinful world into Heaven. The more evil, the sooner their escape.
For most of the rest, liberal interventionists and hegemonic neoconservatives have taught that America is exceptional and indispensable, so how can anything go wrong.
Combine these awareness-blockers with the fact that uncomfortable truths are a bad news turnoff, and that censorship is being established as a national security matter with the argument that it makes us safe and “protects democracy.”
Consequently, the criminalization of Truth is rushing ahead. Even the word “Truth” is slated to become a hate word that cannot be spoken.”
This article is eloquently describing Babylon or the Beast system which is about to be judged by God Himself - beginning with America which has hosted the MOB’s occult stage play since 1776. The complacency of American Corporate Evangelical Christians is toxic to the nostril of our Creator God. Amos 9: 9-10 says “For behold, I will command, and shake the house of Israel among all the nations as one shakes with a sieve,
but no pebble shall fall to the earth. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, who say, ‘Disaster shall not overtake or meet us.” Assyria conquered northern kingdom comprising ten tribes of the house of Israel and dispersed everyone amongst the nations back in BC 721. Many of those Israelites ended up migrating to America when the New World was established. This April 8th Solar Eclipse is a sign to these Israelites that God has not forgotten them. God wants restitution! God desires to reveal to these people that He is their Messiah. The Eclipse is also for complacent Christians who believe in the Pre-Rapture fable and do not understand that we are already in the Tribulation period - and for some “unknown reason” they haven’t mysteriously disappeared. They need to become aware that they are also in God’s furnace and the furnace is getting hotter each day.
The drose will be burnt to ashes and the pure gold will remain. That is how God’s True economy, Matrix and Kingdom operate.
We also have a Lunar Eclipse on the 25th March, the day before Passover, then the Total Solar Eclipse 14 days later on April 8th. Right throughout history, whenever there has been a Lunar Eclipse within two weeks of a Solar Eclipse, a major catastrophe has occurred. For instance, on 7 October, 2023 Palestinian militant groups led by Hamas launched an attack on Israel after the Israeli government had purposefully relaxed its security along the Israel-Gaza border security fence - yes, they incited war on the Muslims. Why? Because the Islamic religion was created by the MOB’s House of Pallavicini to rise up against political Zionism in Israel in this WW3 scenario as foretold by Freemason, Albert Pike, 153 years ago. Albert Pike received a vision in 1871 that prophesied there would be three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about their fascist ‘New World Order’. That war would be between - wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… Israel and Islam. Between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. Islam, lead by Persia! Do you get it?
The Persian based spiritual mafia MOB have been writing their script for the last 2,500 years. Since the days of the Greek Empire. In fact, the NWO economic design is base on the economic profile of the ancient Greeks - with a Persian, Babylonian flavour…. of course!
In the next Substack we will begin to look at the meaning and significance of the X Marks the Spot and the Hebrew letter ת (Tav). Tav is the twenty-second and final letter of the Hebrew alphabet - and most significantly has a numerical value of: - wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]……400. It is highly significant that it is the final letter.
This is also highly significant…..
The word TAV means 'impression' or 'mark'….. this is even more significant because these are terms used in quantum physics - and God’s pure Quantum field that He uses to communicate with us and our DNA.
So then you can decide whose sign, 'impression' or 'mark' will win the day….. God’s untampered April 8th Solar Eclipse or Elon Musk’s man-ipulation mark?
Thank you for reading this article and considering its content,
The pagan based version of Christianity is obviously the Roman Catholic Church. Did the Reformation correct the situation? Is there an Authentic Church today and what form does it take?
Once again, Graeme, you have presented some thought-provoking arguments, keep up the good work,