Thank you to those who show some appreciation for the content shared within this Substack. I wish you all a blessed 2024.
In the last Substack I shared how technology is directly linked to demonic activity within the realm of the 2nd heaven. This picture highlights this dilemma mankind now has to contend with. Now that we are hooked psychologically and emotionally to our Smartphones the next step is to implant these devises inside our brain. Our thoughts and beliefs will then become predominately Luciferian.
Remember we said that the only “Way” out of this dilemma is to move ourselves off the chess board ….. to STOP playing the game on the terms of the spiritual mafia MOB. How do we do that? That is a great question…..
What we have determined thus far is there is a weakness in the energetic heart of mankind that nobody has any answers for. In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory to modern cognitive psychology, he classified this weakness as the unconsciousness mind. However, Freud never found any way to eliminate it - it just became like a cancerous growth in our mind that everyone knows about, but cannot resolve.
Edward Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud [an Austrian Ashkenazi Jew who was the founder of psychoanalysis, a movement that popularised the theory that unconscious motives control much behaviour]. Bernays was a Tavistock Institute [the epicentre of global mind control in London] coach who believed people were so irrational and he believed so strongly in crowd psychology, that he could convince masses of people to do almost anything - without them being consciously aware of it.
Edward Bernay’s could see that this weakness in mankind was incurable and he decided to leverage that weakness and began using hypnotic, subliminal messaging within advertisements on TV and in movies. Bernays commercialised the manipulation of American minds. He was a master salesman and the manipulator of billions through modern day advertising. He is often referred to as “the father” of public relations (PR). He was for sure, the father of persuasion technology.
Edward Bernays was one of the most influential occultists to have ever lived. During the 1920s, Bernays consulted for a number of major Corporations, helping to boost their business through expertly crafted marketing campaigns aimed at influencing public opinion. Edward Bernays originated the whole concept of being a social “influencer”. He targeted specific themes in his advertising, like vanity in women, to establish dissent between groups. He was an expert in knowing the weaknesses in both men and women [think about the occult art of compromising an individual’s moral standards through subtle unethical persuasion, whilst fully knowing their weaknesses]. Therefore everyone became Bernays’ target market.
The MOB’s goal is to create a world of selfish individualism where one’s ego is supreme - that becomes fertile soil for unconsciousness to germinate. What we are witnessing today is the pinnacle of that goal. According to Freud (1915), the unconscious mind is the primary source of human behaviour.
Like an iceberg, the most important part of the mind is the part you cannot see. Our feelings, motives and decisions are actually powerfully influenced by our past experiences, especially when abusive trauma is involved, and that which we have participated in is stored in the unconscious. Freud suggested that the binding force of the crowd emerged through any man adopting the drives shared by the collective. The essence of this uncontrollable force is self-hatred, the hatred of God and the hatred of our fellow man.
I contend that Freud’s unconscious, the “hidden irrational forces” of an individual and the binding force of the crowd are nothing other than what the bible classifies as iniquity of heart. Iniquity is the dark enemy within each individual that totalitarianism endeavours to manipulate and control. It is our primary motivation force to be corrupt, unethical and move away from all forms of morality.
Edward Bernays learnt how to appeal to the masses by using propaganda to appeal to one’s unconscious mind with the desire to satisfy one’s own sense of self gratification. Edward Bernays called this obsession with Self and our own ego, “The Century of the Self”. The twentieth century saw a spiritual and energetic hurricane/cyclone building up in intensity which is totally unseen. That is a major problem for the majority, because it is subtle and hidden within our unconscious mind. It is found in our search for the ‘ideal self’ which engages the Nordic Vril energy and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system.
Therefore the root problem for every individual and for society is this unconscious, unseen weakness that nobody has an answer for, outside of God’s provision. It can also be defined as a lack of God-consciousness, or what the bible calls iniquity of heart, or corruption of heart, wickedness of heart, or lawlessness, or just “the dark side” of our being that prevents us from seeing or understanding with clarity. Some call this dark part of our soul “our shadow”.
In the movie The Matrix, whilst Agent Smith was hacking into Morpheus’ mind, he described it as “a state of mind where billions of people are just living out their lives. Oblivious....” The antidote to being ‘oblivious’ is conscious awareness which comes only from God’s source of consciousness and wisdom.
In The Matrix, Agent Smith has the ability to enter any body, at anytime. We could say he “spiritually slims” everyone he comes into contact with. This scenario is a reflection of our Real world. It can only occur when we have entered the matrix by giving consent to experiencing some form of Alternate reality. Remember, all truth is threatened inside the matrix….. especially God’s Truth, God’s justice and God’s righteousness. Like oil and water, they simply do not mix! The matrix is programmed into most people below the age of 5 years old through use, abuse and intense trauma. This sets the stage for self sabotage and “spiritual sliming”. Because of this “Agent Smith” programming [i.e. MKUltra programming or even mass brain washing], these people become guardians of the matrix belief system, protectors of the code, police or watchers of the mind controlled and enforcers of the indoctrination…… which holds together our false concept of reality like super glue.
This is not “how it ought be” - this is the definition of unrighteousness. There is nothing surer - in some way - you have been lied to too! That is because we are all unconscious to some degree in this Beast system.
Now, I have hammered home the root cause of mankind’s dilemma, because if we don’t address the root cause we will never move ourselves off the chess board and STOP playing the game on the terms of the spiritual mafia MOB. The mind is unique and one of our greatest assets. The spiritual mafia MOB of psychopaths and sociopaths know that if they can intimidate, manipulate and dominate our minds, they can control the entire world. However, the MOB can only manipulate us if we are in a state of unconsciousness, or entertain iniquity in our hearts.
This fact is a major clue for us!
Because the root cause of our dilemma is unconscious, we are not aware that we have a demonic issue hidden in our hearts. If we go to the majority of Doctors who are puppets of the pharmaceutical companies, they will never disclose to us the root cause of our problem - even if they know what it is - which they don’t. Why? Because there is no money in making us well - there is only $$$ in keeping us sick and dependant on the Beast system. So they diagnose and treat our symptoms, not the root cause.
Likewise, if we go to a Christian church with our dilemma of being unconscious, they too will never disclose to us the root cause of our problem - even if they know - which they don’t. You see, the Christian church almost never teaches, nor deals with the hidden issue of iniquity, or corruption of heart. Why? Because the Priests and Pastors have more then likely never erased the iniquity, or corruption from their own heart. The leadership is corrupt, so how can they lead someone else into a relationship with a Holy God? It is impossible! They do not have the authority to cast demons out, like Yeshua did, or genuinely heal the sick or conquer the spirit of death. And they don’t want to, because like the Doctors, their is no money in making us healthy and free spirited - there is only $$$ in keeping us psychologically and physically sick and dependant on them. The Christian church has been designed to be just another form of intimidating, manipulating and dominating our minds.
Here is the problem for a Christian church that operates essentially out of their own flesh. The Christian church attacks sin as the root issue. Sin is never the root issue. Iniquity, or corruption of heart is the root issue, and sin is the fruit. One cannot change a tree by attacking and destroying the fruit. Obviously, when the next season comes around, the same bad fruit will just reappear. One can only move ourselves off the chess board by attacking the root cause.
Iniquity of heart is corruption of heart - and that is the core root cause of all of our dilemmas.
In 40 years of observing the Christian church, I have only heard one message on the topic of Iniquity… and this one by Craig Hill is a good one….. he calls iniquity the “wrongfulness of character” on the inside of our heart.
Now remember that we are unaware of our state of mind or “wrongfulness of character”. Therefore, the only avenue we have to moving ourselves off the chess board is to ask God what weaknesses are holding us back. Ask God to take away your fears and hatred and transform your mind. Ask God to eliminate the spiritual parasites that are hiding inside of your energy chakras. You can be sure of one thing - whether you are a professing Christian or holding a pagan philosophy, those little demons are there, sucking life energy out of you! It is almost impossible not to have them resident in our energetic heart these days. Yet God’s Holy Spirit can disperse them instantly, without effort.
I ask you to put your judgements aside and watch this video with an open heart. This Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel has some really good attributes and points to consider.
#1. He was one of the few Bishops, Priests or Pastors in Australia that stood up publicly from 2020-2022 and declared that the C-19 injections were biological [Bio] weapons directed against the human body. This fact alone tells me this man is God-conscious.
#2 We shouldn’t have to market Christianity if it was preaching the Truth - people would be running away from Lucifer’s propaganda and running towards God’s representatives for answers, salvation, healing, sanity of mind and safety. Yeshua didn’t come to create a new church - He came to provide Life for both Jews and Gentiles. However, the MOB created the Greek religion we call Christianity and desecrated it with a Gnostic gospel.
#3 The question in this interview was worldly, but the Bishop’s reply was full of wisdom. The Bishop teaches that only God can change the human heart! Absolutely! Yeshua didn’t come to attack sin in our lives, He can to set us free of the energy of death by changing and transforming our hearts with His resurrection life.
#4 God’s true church required two pillars - one is unconditional love and the second is humility. Absolutely! The infusion of these two divine qualities into our spirit, mind, heart and soul is the only way our unredeemed ego can be brought into submission. God’s righteousness - or “how it ought be” is only accessible when we submit our ego to the reign of God’s supreme Ego and His divine Mind. God’s righteousness is the only antidote to the carnal heart attitude of iniquity, our ego and therefore unconsciousness. Nevertheless, God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord must turn away from iniquity.” 2 Tim 2:19 BOOM! That one verse puts a nail in the coffin of the majority of Christian churches - they are not preaching LIFE, they are actually preaching DEATH as puppets of the MOB.
#4 In order to experience LIFE and immortality, we must first die to our own ego. The hubris or pride of ego stimulates unconsciousness and corruption of heart. As Bishop Emmanuel says the divine Son of God didn’t come to turn a bad person into a “good” person, Yeshua came to turn a person that is experiencing the Vril energy of death, into a living being. Absolutely! And God’s resurrection LIFE is exactly what the spiritual mafia MOB, the Jesuits, the Ashkenazi Jews and all secret societies who study the Jewish Kabbalah oppose so vehemently.
#5 Immortality can only be experienced when our heart is transformed by God’s unconditional love - and that can only occur when we participate in God’s divine, Holy quantum energetic field. Our transformation imprints His righteousness and His goodness onto our hearts. This is a quantum event which engages quantum entanglement - or spiritual relational connection. The ultimate miracle Yeshua performs is He has the ability to change or indeed quantum transform our hearts. No religion, including the Greek instigated religion called Christianity, can do that!
Five points - the number 5 in God’s spiritual realm represents His grace. When the unknown shepherd boy David took out the Philistine giant Goliath, he selected five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag. And with his sling in hand, he approached the Philistine. David was quantum entangled to his creator God. He loved God and trusted in Him - therefore God only needed one stone to create the right affect …. and we all know the result and who won that battle.
I trust you are beginning to see that we have a global spiritual dilemma, that can only be resolved with a wholesome spiritual solution. The spiritual mafia MOB are the equivalent of the Philistine giant - they appear invincible to our weak, human, fearful hearts. However, we too can become like David - if we as individuals choose to love God enough to choose just five smooth stones from the brook of eternal LIFE, and we too can be candidates to quantum entangle with our creator God - and He will only need one small stone to collapse the MOB’s dominoes and totally destroy their fake play.
The main point to be made about Bishop Emmanuel’s interview is his obvious love for God. That is the key to moving ourselves off the chess board. Yeshua instructed us to, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” And “Love your neighbour as yourself.” These two laws are the greatest commands of all. That will ensure we move from hating God in our hearts to loving and trusting God - this is the route to God-consciousness and our freedom.
You're right, Mr Hopkins. Our corrupt hearts are at the root of all the world's ptoblems. Well said.