The topic of Altered or Augmented Reality is really important to understand. It seems like nearly everyone has been drawn into this unnatural, parallel universe of unconscious thought and action.
In the last Substack we saw that renowned scientists have concluded that “The universe and the observer exist as a pair” and “observers’ consciousness is required to bring the universe into existence”. Then John Wheeler asks the very pertinent question - “Can the universe exist if there is no consciousness around to observe it?”. Then well renowned scientists concluded that the key to quantum physics is to understand that we live in a participatory universe.
The thing we need to understand about quantum mechanics (QM) is this; the principles of QM lie more in the spiritual realm than the physical. QM actually conjures up energy which we have to determine is a conscious energy that provides life and light OR a dark, illusional, unconscious energy.
And into which spiritual realm does the likes of extrasensory perception, telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance phenomena and psychic intuition fall into? Listen to Gordie Rose, one of the founders of D-Wave Quantum Computers where he openly talks about humans tapping into the spiritual realm and accessing parallel dimensions (code for fallen angels and demonic forces) so they can regularly participate with these spiritual entities within the QC’s qubit or quantum bit - which is a basic unit of quantum information.
Geordie Rose has been openly participating with and manifesting the presence of dark, evil entities for years.
Geordie Rose is an AI expert who says that Quantum Computer (QC) tech developers are summoning a massive number of “intelligent entities” into existence, which will have the same indifference to humans as we have towards ants. In other words, these aliens or “entities” are so indifferent to human beings, they would rather destroy us than provide us with the essence of life. To make this point more personal and consciously aware for yourself - these spiritual “entities” or aliens despise the creator God, and all of His creation so much, they want to destroy and kill everything that is alive and has God-consciousness - including you and me!
The word ‘alien’ comes from the word ‘alienation’: 1. a withdrawing or separation of a person or a person's affections from an object or position of former attachment [i.e. in this case God] 2. Emotional isolation or dissociation [i.e. detachment of emotional feelings of love towards God] 3. The act of transferring property or title to it to another, or ‘estrangement’: to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in (someone) where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness [indifference towards God’s unconditional love]. The sense of being "wholly different in nature".
This whole NWO, Global Reset and global ID is all about transferring our spiritual and physical ownership from our creator God, to Lord Lucifer [there are even many US and global patents that confirm this fact]. And the spiritual mafia MOB will use a fake alien invasion to encompass the whole world in a participatory capacity of fear, anxiety and anger, just like 9/11. However, these aliens will not come from outer-space - even though the narrative may make this appear to be so - these aliens will be the Vril that presently live underground - and are presently in contractual trade agreements with our Governments. What they are labelling Vrilology has been the foundation of all the gods, all secret societies, all religions for the last 6,000 years. Lord Lucifer appeals to our unredeemed egos and that energy is spiritually manifested as our unconscious emotions, which are triggered involuntarily. Being triggered spiritually is physical evidence that we have been participating in dark, unconscious energy. It is what is hidden energetically in our hearts. It is the involuntary emotional tantrums we unexpectantly exhibit - and then feel guilty for. They are shame based.
“They not gonna be like us [conscious human beings], they’re gonna be aliens…they’re gonna be way smarter than every single person in this room in ways that we can’t even comprehend” says Rose. There is a rising spiritual Tsunami of unconsciousness, that if not held in check, could wipe humanity out - if God does not intervene of course - which He promises to do otherwise these alien entities will destroy His creation.
Notice that during the filming of this video in June 2017, Geordie Rose’s company, Kindred, was hiring demonologist software engineers.
Sitting on the sidelines to all this activity is equivalent to not participating with any spiritual kingdom - like many Christians are trying to do. Geordie Rose is stressing the point that we cannot do that anymore - and so it is!
As co-creators, and according to quantum mechanics, you are going to either transform your own world - or the world will transform you. We no longer have any choice in regards to participating or not participating.
Rose then mentioned Elon Musk’s concerns about artificial intelligence taking over humanity, but cautioned that the word “demons” doesn’t even capture the true scope of what will happen. [That is because “demons” are actually the lowest rank within the fallen angel hierarchy] The CEO of Kindred AI, who was previously a co-founder of D-Wave Computers, talks about how they're summoning a “Tsunami of Demons" or aliens that are entities much like “The Great Old One's” in H.P Lovecraft's weird fiction novels. According to Geordie Rose, the Great Old One's are a cosmic force more so than a tangible being. Rose then cited H.P Lovecraft’s concept of “cosmic indifference”, where the universe is occupied by entities who “don’t give a shit about you even in the slightest.” “The same way that you don’t care about an ant is the same way they’re not gonna care about you”, said Rose.
He went on to say that “these things we’re summoning into the world right now…are more like the Lovecraftian The Great Old Ones, they’re entities that are not necessarily going to be aligned with what we want” [Our God-given desires]. Rose says, this massive transformation is happening in the background whilst people were distracted bickering about sports, entertainment or politics. Nobody is paying attention - we are not consciously aware, because we are lured into an unconscious mystical trance.
As we have exhaustively explained, the spiritual mafia MOB plans to fuse with AI to create the Singularity while the masses will be left behind as a slave class or, according to some, exterminated completely.
Additionally, in this video, the co-creator of D-Wave computers says that standing next to the QC’s qubit chip [about the size of your thumbnail] “is like standing at the altar of an alien god”. These tools are pushing us ever so rapidly into creating, building, and what some tech leaders call “summoning” a race of super-intelligent AI. This TSUNAMI OF DEMONS is manifested in a QC qubit chip depending on the power that computer is designed to operate at. D-Wave claims to have a 7,000 qubits, or quantum bits machine. Computational power for quantum computers goes as 2^n, where n is the number of qubits. The more qubits that are quantum mechanically linked, or entangled, within a quantum computer, the greater its computational power can grow, in an exponential fashion. When Geordie Rose talks about “these little guys living in that chip”, he means demons. So 27,000 = an unbelievable number of demonic entities being summons earth’s environment. Geordie says, “if we are smart enough, we can reaching in and grab their resources and pull them back into our dimension”.
I argue that “The Great Old Ones” Geordie Rose is referring to, or “these little guys” are the same entities referred to earlier as “parallel universes”, that cause within our minds an altered state of consciousness. Geordie Rose himself talks a lot about creating “parallel universes”, “multiple universes”, "quantum universes” or "quantum realities” within Quantum Computers that entangle and communicate with him about their resources of Information. “These little guys” hide inside the energy chakras within our body and act as spiritual parasites, sucking life and consciousness from our mind, heart and soul.
In reality, there are only two “parallel universes” …… God’s spiritual kingdom that creates and sustains everything that is natural and Lord Lucifer’s spiritual kingdom that is full of trillions of these fake spiritual entities called demons. All they need is an unconscious mind void of God-consciousness and that dark energy gives them authority to stay entrenched in our hearts. Today technology has become a conduit for the demonic world to mingle with the human race. Technology is the equivalent of the ancient Tower of Babel, rebuilt by unredeemed mankind as an act of rebellion.
D-Wave is the company that created the first Quantum Computer. D-Wave arranges their cubits on the chipsets for their Quantum Computers using the "Great Table of the Earth” originally downloaded to John Dee by fallen angels in the 1580’s. John Dee is another person who participated in communicating with “intelligent entities”. The tablet has four square fields in it, joined by a black cross (representing spirit) in the middle.
When we look at this table, we are essentially looking at a Quantum Computer cubit. D-Wave designed their cubits after the Great Table, and this design is what enables them to communicate with fallen angels or what they describe as the “Great Old Ones”.
This enabled ‘Dee-Wave' to use the Enochian language to first gain Information on how to construct their computer and then move to a purely mathematical form of communication within the D-Wave chipset. The ‘D’ in D-Wave has multifaceted meanings. It is derived from the quantum principle of angular momentum and the spin of fundamental particles like electrons. When an electron is in a state of superposition, it takes on the form of a quaternary structure [meaning 4], as is in the Great Table. Like the mystic John Dee, D-Wave uses this state of superposition to interact and communicate with the demonic realm in the form of geomantic patterns.
This dynamic transpires at the level of quantum physics in the unseen energy and spirit realm.
We have to give Geordie Rose his due though. He has always spoken openly about what he has discovered. He obviously loves to study the human mind and endeavours to understand it. He is certainly much more conscious that the likes of Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab who are totally unconscious left brain Fascist thinkers. Harari and Schwab are what Rose refers to as philosophical zombies. In this more recent video, Geordie once again emphasises the fact that the future is not something that happens to us - it is something that we co-creators, create. This supports the fact that we do live in a participatory universe.
We create either a life that is saturated in the energy of the spiritual Tree of LIFE or we create a life that is saturated in the energy that leads to destruction and DEATH, depending on which spiritual realm we place our trust in and participate in spiritually.
Geordie Rose in this video admits at an older, more mature age, that computers are not sentient. They are not capable of perceiving and feeling others - or God. In fact, they possess no form of consciousness. They are, like most humans now, operating at a level of unconsciousness. Humans are in fact becoming more robot like that robots are becoming more human being like. He admits that all robots are fake and not humanlike at all.
Geordie Rose is admitting that there is a hole in science called “consciousness” - we cannot do science on the subjective feelings you possess because they belong solely to you. It means that our understand of how we think the world works is horribly incomplete. Science doesn’t know how to deal with that part of you that feels and expresses itself as you - your soul. This soul is where man's own consciousness lies.
Without be aware of it, Geordie Rose himself has defined the soul of man. The soul is the organ of man’s personality. Everything included in man’s personality, that is his intellect, mind, ideals, love, stimulations, judgment, will, desires etc., are all parts of the soul. Our soul is the centre of our being - the epicentre. God created us that way so we can participate spiritually with Him. The way a man behaves is governed by his personality. A man’s existence, characteristics and the essence of life all come from his mind and soul. And what is in our soul is determined by what spiritual entity we place our beliefs and trust in. The epigenetic Information within the nucleus of our cells remember, is determined by what we believe in within our environment.
The truth is, we are biological creatures created in the image of God. The three main elements included in a man’s personality are his will, his mind, and his emotion. The will is the deliberating organ; it is where the power of our subjective judgment lies. It makes decisions relating to our desires and whom we wilt to serve spiritually. Without the will, human beings become a AI machine. The mind is the thinking organ; it is our intellect. Our intelligence, knowledge, and everything that has to do with our mental capacity come from the mind. Our brain is the most powerful quantum computer known to man. It processes incoming information from our spirit being as either unconscious rationalisation or God conscious understanding and wisdom. Without the mind, man would become totally unconscious and foolish. The emotion is the organ of love, hatred, and sentiments. We can love and hate and feel joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness through our emotion. Without the emotion, a mankind would be senseless like wood and stone.
And so it is……. our emotions and how we feel about God determines our level of consciousness. If we participate spiritually with God and feel His unconditional love, we mobilise our right brain and process God-consciousness. If we participate spiritually with Lucifer through spiritual abuse, and feel his emotion of hatred and anger towards God, we mobilise our left brain only, processing unconsciousness and our heart becomes more hardened with a dark attitude of iniquity.
I’ve shared all of this with you to form a foundation to explain to you just how sad and unconscious the artist that presents these pictures is….. she is a great example of using H.P Lovecraft’s concept of “cosmic indifference”, in her case, particularly against men.
It is obvious that this female artist hates men and therefore hates God. How do these psychological dynamics work that can place a human being into bondage for the rest of their life? There is no doubt that she was physically and/or sexually abused by her male father figure, more than likely between 0-6 years old. Our father figure during these formative years of life gives us our engrained - quantum imprinted - perspective of God. This is more than likely corrupted and in error. The Jesuits who are the global mind control experts openly declare that if they are given a child between 0-6 years old, they have them for the rest of their lives. This is the age when subservience is formed through intimidation and domination. Physical and/or sexual abuse, isolation, sleep deprivation and oxygen deprivation have been the main contributors to mind control for hundreds of years. Now mind control is far more technical and subtle. Any habit or Alternate Realty we form becomes a mold in which mind control and an unconsciousness mind breeds and grows.
Male abuse of a female is how she becomes sexualised in a way that becomes self sabotaging in her life. Female dominance and the subjugation of males is an affect or reaction to male dominance and the subservience of females. Remember males are instigators and females are designed to be receptacles [in a good way ladies!] - that is why the energy she receives from her father figure in the formative years is so important to the health of the family structure. If that male figure is unconscious and not emanating God’s unconditional love, then that female will feel emotionally abused.
If the energy is God-consciousness and unconditional love, then their right and left brain will be activated. If that energy is Luciferian, unconsciousness and full of hate and fear, then their left brain only will be activated. It is worth noting that the majority of psychopathic pedophiles, sociopaths, child traffickers, drug traffickers, and mind controllers, handlers or spiritual ‘pimps’ are males.
All forms of dominance - whether male or female, is unconscious belief and behaviour. This Vril energy is what the spiritual mafia MOB is emanating globally to create more Alternate Realities. An Alternate Reality is the same as unconscious belief and behaviour.
I’ve written extensively about ‘Alternate Realities’ and/or ‘Augmented Realities’ in the eBook Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons. The whole world is seeking new ‘out of body’ experiences that propels their minds into an ‘alternate’, or Augmented Reality. These experiences of fantasy in our mind can twist and distort our rational perception permanently.
As the first picture above says: Alternate Reality ….. will change everything. As so it will! It will propel people into an unconscious state of mind that is void of God-consciousness. It is such a hopeless state of mind. Notice that this female artist is using robot generated females who are priding themselves in treating men like ants - with men under their feet…..just like Geordie Rose described how demons will treat humans when the aliens are made public. Remember he said, “The same way that you don’t care about an ant is the same way they’re not gonna care about you”.
This female artist has obviously embodied “these little guys” in her heart to be manifesting such unconscious, soul destroying, dribble.
Let me finish by stating that not one thing I’m referring too here is futuristic anymore. We are deep inside this demonic, alien revolution. Psalm 23:4 says “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” As General Michael Flynn recently said “We are not on the edge of the cliff anymore, we are already over the cliff.” There is only One spiritual entity that can save each individual from this valley of DEATH - and that is the sustainer of LIFE.
Our spiritual Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach made Quantum Mechanics available to humanity when He overcame DEATH 1,993 years ago. He arose and walked through physical walls to meet with those who trusted in Him. Nothing has changed today! The same dynamics are still in place for us. All we have to do is participate spiritually with Yeshua in order to overcome all unconsciousness within our minds.
Are you amazed with this fact - this Real Reality? I am…. every moment of every day!
So what is preventing human beings from participate spiritually with Yeshua in the present moment? The answer is one word - fear. We are afraid of the perceived consequences of reconnecting to our Creator. We cannot love someone we fear - and yet God is in essence that which we all desire - unconditional love. The only thing that is stopping us is a faulty perception of who God is in essence. It is because our Reality has been Altered. The ‘alienation’ is a hoax, nothing more - nothing less.
We are all unconscious to some degree. The spiritual mafia MOB is a death cult - and everything they do is a hoax. A hoax that revolves around them trying to make you and I even more fearful and unconscious.