There is so much going on with an event like the solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 being highly, highly significant. That event is only 3 weeks and 3 days away, so let’s examine its significance - if any!
Meanwhile, the Senior Creative Director of IBM iX/Craft with Ai, Phil Langer recently debuted “The Hybrids.” This GMO, alchemy science is also highly significant. In fact, maybe this is direct evidence of these unrighteous, unjust deeds in the world that is the reason for the occurrence of the solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024.
Could the X be a sign from G-D? Keep an opened mind and you may well be surprised!
Welcome to the Brave New World of mankind’s destruction of God’s creation. This is what the spiritual mafia MOB wants to turn us into; and they are well on their way. We are being turned into Human GMOs - the process Yuval Noah Harari calls evolution by intelligent design.
We are now witnessing a convergence of events, both manmade and also with natural signs that cannot be man-ipulated, but surely can only be significant marks and forewarnings from God that the judgement of mankind is nigh.
I am proposing that both man’s use of technology for destructive purposes and God’s signs are running in parallel with a common warning - we are out of time! God has warned since the beginning that mankind has 6,000 years to work their predicament out and then He will intervene. The spiritual mafia MOB actually know this - that is why they are working fervently to try to eradicate God before that happens. The MOB knows this - but do you know it? Or have you too been conned by the biggest fraud in human history?
So what is it that has mankind running willingly, headlong towards their own demise?Surely this must be an unseen energy of some description that is causing this insanity.
X Marks the Spot is an idiom which signifies the exact point where something valuable or significant is believed to be hidden or located. This mark shows the scene of the crime, the hiding place of a treasure, or some other special location. Today we are going to examine the possibility that our Creator God is using the quantum field to mark the spot over America on April 8th, 2024 with the second total solar eclipse occurring 7 years after the first one which occurred Aug. 21st in 2017.
We will come to see that a mark can be either an unrighteous mark, or a righteous mark depending on which spiritual realm it comes from. If it originates with mankind and this Beast system like the Military-grade Binary Weapon Systems, the X Marks the Spot is a destructive mark that imprints fear into the lives of the masses. The marks of unrighteousness, like JFK’s assassination, 9/11 2001, or the present war in Gaza leave us with imprints of terror on our mind, heart and soul.
If it is a X Marks the Spot like a total solar eclipse, then that mark may leave an impression caused by the imprint of God using quantum entanglement. When God shows up in our lives, like He did when Moses climbed Mount Sinai, He indelibly imprints His mark of righteousness in our mind, heart and soul that one can never, ever forget.
Mind control is a great example of how a distorted quantum field imprints the mind, heart and soul of an individual who has not been redeemed by God. We uncovered a classic example of this mind man-ipulation with Céline Dion in Unmasking The Devil. Once again, this is not conspiracy theory - this observation is uncovering the greatest con-spiracy of all time!
However, the X formed over America is not a con-spiracy made by man, this is a subtle warning from our Creator that we as a society are in trouble. God loves to communicate and participate with His creation. Therefore, I am advocating participating with God in His participatory universe in order to gain understanding and wisdom.
We need to understand that God speaks to us through the open skies of the heavens. In 1960 B.C.Abraham (Abram) was born. Abram (his birth name before being renamed Abraham) was the third son of Terah, being raised in Ur of the Chaldees. This was the time period of early Babylon. The bible refers to our period of time as being the return of the same evil Babylonian spirit. “Babylon the Great, Mother of All Prostitutes and Obscenities in the World” is represented by Stellar in the videos to follow. The family Abraham was born into worshipped pagan deities, however Abraham chose to seek a quantum relationship with his Creator God. The way God spoke too, and entangled Himself with, individuals in those days was through signs in the heavens. There is no doubt God gave mankind astronomy to speak to us through the stars and heavenly bodies. The reason is, these heavenly bodies are outside of mankind’s influence of iniquity and corruption of heart, therefore they cannot be disputed.
Abraham trusted God and followed His instructions being lead by the heavenly constellation patterns to the Promised Land - and the epicentre of that land is now known as Jerusalem. When Abraham was 70 years old [my age], he left Babylon and paganism behind. When God later revealed Himself to Abraham, He made a blood covenant [oath, treaty, seal, agreement or contract] with him and changed his named to Abram. Abram’s trust in God made him the father of our own trust in God. Notice I didn’t say “Abram is the father of our faith”! Because “faith” is a weak Greek concept. Anyone can have objective faith in any narrative or god, but not many have a trust relationship with our Creator God. Faith is objective, trust is subjective. It demands our soul participates with God in such a way that it impacts us emotionally.
In the creation week God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to distinguish between the day and the night [creation of the sun and moon], and let them be signs [sign, pledge, token] to mark the seasons [appointed time, place, meeting or appointed feasts] and days and years.” Primarily, God created the sun and the moon to act as signs that we can interpret.
Nothing has changed today! Abram is still the father of our trust in God. And we can still view the heavens and observe God’s story in detail. However to understand God’s story [or HIS-story] we must 1. acknowledge that the book of Enoch [note the date this article was published!] was deleted as Scripture by the MOB in the fourth century 2. reference the Enoch calendar calendar and 3, acknowledge that the Feasts of God, like Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles [which are 6 months apart] are designed to remember and celebrate the seasons. In doing so, we can start to see the signs. The Enoch calendar outlines God’s timeline, not the Beast’s Gregorian, pagan timeline.
The Book of Enoch was banned from the Jewish scriptures shortly after Yeshua’s resurrection had overcome their spirit of DEATH, most likely because it directly referred to Him as the Messiah. As we will see, this is very significant! In order to read God’s signs we need to apply the method of astronomy contained in the Book of Enoch. All the patterns in the book Revelation prophesied by the Apostle John use the Enoch calendar.
Can you see how significant this is? After the Jews had crucified the Son of God, they changed their scriptures and their Jewish calendar to change significant dates so as to cover up their deceitful hearts and actions. This was done to appease their own guilt and shame. Then the Gentiles entered the deception by introducing the Gregorian calendar in October 1582 following the papal bull Inter gravissimas issued by Pope Gregory XIII, which introduced it as a modification of, and replacement for, the Julian calendar. Keep in mind that neither of these calendars depict God’s timing.
Regardless of this, you may have noticed that every major Black Swan event happens during a Hebrew Festive period of time. For instance, Hamas launched an attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 following the seven days of Sukkot, and entering the happy holiday of Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah. This timing is significant because this manmade atrocity was based on the Jewish calendar - not God’s calendar.
This is no coincidence. Israel is, and will always be the epicentre of WW3. And Jerusalem [the future home of Zion, the New Jerusalem] is the major prize.
We were warned of this happening: “He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times [also the times of the sacred festivals] and the law….” Dan.7:25
Before we start talking about Babylon falling as is evidenced right now, let us define Babylon. Babylon is the spiritual manifestation and the Beast is the physical manifestation of Lucifer’s spiritual kingdom. Maybe surprisingly, the spirit of Babylon is not predominantly a warlike machine because the LORD of Babylon is Lucifer, not Satan - his energy is more subtle than Satan’s. Lucifer acts as the carrot to entice mankind to corrupt himself/herself and Satan acts as the Stick to destroy mankind.
Therefore Babylon exudes peace, prosperity, pride, wealth, prosperity, progress, technical advancement, and putting the masses under a hypnotic spell with copious amounts of entertainment. However, the number one seduction in this Beast system is - seduction, luring, subtle persuasion, enticement, enchantment or bating one into doing something debaucherous. Babylon offers people a “good time”….it seduces people into rebellion. Right? Like the Israelites leaving Egypt experienced, it is difficult to give up because it satisfies our own self-centered ego. Why live a moral life when we can be compromised and be seduced with a “good time”?
This is where we are at in March 2024, shortly before Satan totally possesses the person known to be the anti-Christ, thus manifesting himself in a way that hands Satan the Stick and authority to destroy mankind. We humans have unconsciously handed Satan, or the anti-Christ spirit, that stick by trusting Lucifer, not our Creator. Thus we have collectively, digitally imprisoned ourselves.
This attitude of heart - or iniquity of heart, is sure evidence that a society is about to collapse. Here is a biblical example…. Then YHWH said to Abram, “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not their own [Egypt], and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years. But I will judge the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will depart with many possessions. In the fourth generation your descendants will return here[the Promised Land], for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete” (Genesis 15:16) - that means their iniquity was not quite ripe.
God promised Abram that his descendants would return to Canaan and after 400 years of pagan slavery in Egypt, that became a reality when God used Moses to lead the descendants of Abram in a return to Canaan. The Amorites inhabited the land of Canaan and the Israelites return coincided with God’s judgment on the Amorites. Joshua then led his people into Canaan and conquered the land. Joshua’s conquest took place only after the iniquity of the Canaanites had “reached its full measure”. Notice that God had given the rebellious Amorites 400 years of grace before he ordered the Israelites to destroy them.
The whole issue was wickedness or iniquity in the hearts of the Amorites. The only time God uses war to destroy those who hate Him is when rebellion, seduction and iniquity have “reached its full measure” and there is no hope for them anymore because their conscience has been seared. God’s knows that if iniquity, or corruption of heart is not eradicated, it will result in the total destruction of those who are made in His image.
Nothing has changed today!
We should be careful not make the same mistake as the Amorites today and spurn God’s grace. Like the rebellious Amorites, God has also given us 400 years of grace since the Age of Enlightenment to turn from our wicked ways. It is 376 years to be exact since Switzerland became a neutral country in 1648 and provided a jurisdiction for the spiritual mafia MOB, like the UN, the WHO and WEF to operate securely within their borders, unrestricted.
The history of mankind shows clear evidence that when “iniquity has reached its full measure” God’s judgement is nigh. The Great Flood, the Tower of Babel, the captivity of the Jews in Babylon and 9/11 are just a few examples of this recorded history. The only thing we have to discern is - at what stage does God declare “iniquity has reached its full measure”? I now contend that this time is very, very, very close! What began in earnest on 9/11, 2001 has now matured to an overripe state of collective “iniquity of mind and heart”.
Moses climbed Mount Sinai to connect with his G-D and seek instructions. The masses were too afraid to be in G-D’s Presence so they waited at the base of the mountain, quivering in fear. Moses returned to them on the 17th day of Tammuz after 40 days on top of the mountain, only to find the masses had revolted against Aaron and pooled their jewelry in an act of disobedience to build for themselves a golden calf to worship their gods. The Creator God was so angry, three thousand men of the children of Israel lost their lives, in punishment for their idolatry. Have a think about how many lives were sacrificed on 9/11 2001 by the spiritual mafia MOB. Keep the worship of the golden calf in mind when we look at the worship of ‘the Bull’ at the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games at Birmingham in 2022 in the next few Substacks.
Whilst processing this, keep in mind that on the 17th day of Tammuz AD 1776, America became a nation - the same day of the year on the Hebrew calendar that the Israelites worshipped the golden calf. Do you think this was a coincidence or a well planned strategy by the Jews hiding amongst our OVERLORDS? For the Israelites leaving Egypt, worshipping the golden calf smashed the first three Commandments immediately……. and the root cause was - even though they had physically left the pagan world of Egypt, their hearts were still in Egypt. They had not yet overcome the seduction and glamour of Egyptian life - even though they were slaves.
I am the YWHW your G-d, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.”
Only eight total solar eclipses have occured over the U.S. since the Declaration of Independence in AD 1,776.
Of those eight total solar eclipses, only the one on Aug. 21st in 2017 and now 7 years later on April 8th, 2024, only these two cover the entire territory of the U.S.A.. In other words, there is not intrusion into another country enroute. Do you think this is coincidence or subject to evolution by intelligent design?
This total solar eclipse on the April 8th will occur in the Jewish calendar month of Nissan. According to Rabbinic sage Joshua ben Hananiah, “God created the Universe in the first month of the Jewish calendar, Nissan”. According to the Hebrew calendar, Nissan is the beginning of the New Year, and could also represent the beginning of God’s judgement against America. If this is the case, we can comfortably conclude that this is the completeness and fulfilment of America’s iniquity. If so, America will fall into Civil War.
However….. this judgement is not only for America. America is merely the stage for the spiritual mafia MOB’s play that has its epicentre in England and Switzerland - and these two countries essentially control everyone of the 193 “sovereign” states in the world - that is inclusive of America. The whole world therefore is now coming under the judgment of God.
How would this manifest in the material world? This recent article asks; Are we heading for World War 3? “The doomsday pendulum is swinging back towards Europe as the Kremlin warns of 'inevitability' of conflict with NATO if troops are sent to Ukraine.” So an escalation of WW3 is a real possibility. This sign could manifest in many ways. It could manifest as a global cyber attack that stops the use of the internet indefinitely. It could mean the collapse of the stock market and crypto market. It will mean the introduction of a biometric digital ID. Right now the United Nations is organizing a global effort to digitally register all births worldwide. It will more than likely see the release of fear and panic associated with a new unseen Pandemic X. Then the MOB will introduce their NWO at some stage in amongst the fear and confusion.
What I have shared with you thus far has been setting the foundation for what is to come with the X Marks the Spot on April 8th. My goal is not to generate fear, but to help you gain wisdom and understanding. This is the greatest gift I can give you in order to prepare for the next 7 months as it could be like hell on earth!
However, before we discuss the significance of total solar eclipses X on April 8th, 2024, I need to repeat a quote from Merry Saturnalia, written during the last pagan festival of Father Christmas in December 2023 ….. you know, the fairy tale Nordic saint, Santa, who wears a long Nordic beard!
However, look what I discovered whilst researching this topic…. one way to determine Truth is to realise that the spiritual mafia MOB will always counterfeit that which is True and then twist it 180°. So it is easy to reverse “engineer” their foolish tactics when we know how too!
I like the way Dr. Michael S. Heise expresses his beliefs. He is embarking here on what is called Hebraic Astral Prophecy… “The only way to really understand a person’s communication, especially when all we have is writing, is to be inside their head [God’s or the Hebrew head], to know how they think and process life in their world. How can you possibly understand what someone has written if you don’t look at the world the way they do, and know what it is they believe and why?”
In Merry Saturnalia I advocated ……."Heise is advocating participating with God in His participatory universe. This is so, so important…… it is called knowing the Mind of God. I like his coherent, reasoned, logical thought…. He is talking to the modern Christian church when he says: “We have lost this context as modern readers.” Dr. Heise’s reasoning is proof that December 25th is an artificial date, just like Transhumanism is all about AI and artificial, unconscious beings that are no longer human…..
The conjunction and alignment of these stars, the Sun and the Moon is a synchronicity no one can deny because the Hebrews have known for thousands of years the significance of this star alignment was that of a Royal birth of a Divine King from within the Tribe of Judah. This 90 minute window of alignment has occurred only twice in recent history - once on September 11th, 3 BC and again on September 22nd 2017, as the Apostle John precisely described in Revelation 12. We can be sure of the accuracy of these events because this is a sign directly from the Creator God that is impossible for man and Lucifer to twist, distort or manipulate. “The heavens proclaim His righteousness; all the peoples see His glory.” Psalm 97:6 This evidence cannot be denied!
9/11, 3 BC changed the course of history and divided it into BC and AD. September 22nd 2017 maybe just as significant in the history of mankind. Only time will tell!
This is a photo I personally took of this historical event in 2017 because I knew the significance of it - I just didn’t know how significant it now is…….
God wants to leave mankind with no excuse….. everything is openly declared to show God’s glory and His majesty. He demands that we embrace His pure quantum field via His Holy Spirit - this is the only route to pure God-consciousness.
Both of these significant signs from the Creator God fell on the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah [also known as the Feast of Trumpets], which falls on the Jewish New Year. Tishri 1, is the first day of the first month of the Jewish year.”
This topic is SO important, I’m giving you permission to Message me directly if you so desire. Like G-D, I encourage a participatory universe where we can communicate with one another. I want to repeat this statement - 9/11, 3 BC changed the course of history and divided it into BC and AD. September 22nd 2017 maybe just as significant in the history of mankind. Only time will tell!
Guess what - I have just noticed that on the Enoch Calendar, the Jewish Feast of the Feast of Trumpets falls on the Jewish New Year, Tishri 1 - in 2024 this date just happens to be - wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… 9/11, 2024.
What? You must be joking!
NO, this is not coincidence! God says He knows the end from the beginning. Our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach was born 9/11, 3 BC, the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11 2001, which brought those two mighty towers crumbling down, occurred a few days after Rosh Hashanah that year. However, the alignment of the stars on September 22nd 2017 occured right on the day of Atonement that year, according to the Enoch Calendar - exactly as prophesied in Revelation 12.
Take in this video Warning! April Eclipse Signals Trouble Ahead. There is a lot to digest! We have now laid a foundation for further discussion on the significance of the April 8th, 2024 solar eclipse.
I just want to clarify this by saying that there were TWO celestial events in the heavens in 2017 that are Highly, Highly Significant to the coming total solar eclipse on April 8th 2024. They were a total solar eclipse on Aug. 21st in 2017, and probably even more important, an extremely rare and complex astronomical alignment which many believe matches the Biblical prophecy found in Revelation 12:1-6, on Sep. 22nd 2017.
This is what the The Catholic Astronomer had to say about it at the time. Google this event and consider this deeply because you will never find the significance of the total solar eclipse on April 8th 2024 from your studies at a Beast controlled Western University, Christian ‘Semen-ary’, Islamic University or Jewish Mosque. This wisdom can only be found by resonating with the Creator G-D Himself.
We will continue the discussion in the next Substack…..Maybe Psalm 19:1 was right all along - “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”