GREG REESE’s videos maybe worthwhile subscribing to given this introduction to Aliens on Earth : Part 1 where he says……
“The word “Alien” suggests a creature that is foreign to this Earth. But these so-called aliens can be found in our oldest recorded history. And history tells us that they have ruled over humanity as if we are some sort of livestock to them. The most common themes are that we are their slaves, and they enslave us by keeping us spiritually ignorant via psychological methods and genetic engineering.”
This official trailer is a very accurate assessment of how Satan’s watchers [fallen ones] operate….
The video below - Hollywood Satanism: The Sacrifice - came from Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Mel Gibson’s Telegram Channel. Why is that important? Because we need to consider why the MOB is using Julian Assange as a scapegoat to coverup the MOB’s Satanic activity…. because Hollywood, Washington DC and the Pentagon are all Swiss stages, playing out their Baal, Rhino, Beast like script.
However, what the MOB knows, but you don’t know is this - this Beast is DEAD and about to breathe its last breath……
The video says: “If you spend all your time chasing fame, fortune, money, power and position - you are going to come up against a brick wall of the Brotherhood - where you either join or you give up all your dreams of being rich and famous.” Lucifer’s main weapon is to seduce and lure his victims into Satan’s trap.
These female actresses and performers give up everything just for fame and fortune, yet become an abomination….…… and we think they are the elite! The more wealth they have, the more sacrifices they are required to do. However, there is always a cost to follow Satan….it all comes at a price…..
Yet Yeshua took that cost upon Himself - on our behalf…… as a consequence, one of God’s gifts to us is our health and our wellbeing.
Today we will be looking at just one famous singer - Céline Dion - and the cost for her is her health - the cost for all mind control victims is experiencing the energy of DEATH.
America has been made the epicentre of this stage play of evil…. that is why America is about to fall into Civil War and destroy itself….. like the fall of Rome, it is inevitable.
Notice that all these actors, actresses and politicians all FEAR DEATH. That is the common denominator. They also fear God’s judgement - that is why that absolutely hate God - with a vengeance!
Our choice is to live a life of increasing unrighteousness [iniquity of heart] or increasing righteousness [moral rightness, integrity, health and purity of heart]. Notice I didn’t mention “goodness” in this list! Why? Because trying to be “good” is often fraught with danger and self righteousness. The Tree of “Goodness” is Lucifer’s domain eagerly waiting to suck you into the trap of trying to earn your own salvation.
Listen to me - that is impossible! We cannot see the iniquity in our own heart - let alone erase it from our own lives. That is because we are spiritually blind - until we learn to see and perceive from God’s perspective.
Follow the career of just one solo artist - Céline Dion - Dion was discovered by her future manager [he was obviously one of her mind control agents, programmers and handlers] and husband René Angélil. She gained international recognition by winning the 1988 Eurovision Song Contest, where she represented Switzerland with "Ne partez pas sans moi". She was raised in a poor Roman Catholic family, the youngest of 14 children. Given ex Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau’s record, Céline Dion was more than likely sold into the MK Ultra Program as a young child. Pierre Trudeau was one of the main protagonists of the MK Ultra mind control Program in Canada. Now, no doubt, Céline Dion’s parents are very rich!
What a talent Céline Dion was - but do you think she was groomed by an outside influence much greater than her? Absolutely - she was/is a program. Programmed to sing and perform for the dirty old pedophiles in the MOB….. and make our OVERLORDS lots of money!
What on earth took her to Switzerland? It so happens that the French speaking part of Switzerland just happens to be where all the global “elite” - the OVERLORD’s - send their children to school for at least one year - to program them. I know because I have paraglided in that region and spoken to the locals. But why Switzerland? It is the same reason Vladimir Putin’s mistress Alina Kabaeva is allegedly hiding in Switzerland with their four young children. “Alina has two young boys and twin girls with Putin who were born in Switzerland. The kids all have Swiss passports, and I imagine she does also.”
But why Switzerland? The answer is for me to know…… and you to work out! I cannot tell you everything, otherwise you will get bored!
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This is an old video of Celine Dion in her younger days. I’m having trouble capturing the sound - but test your power of observation, When you watch this video you can notice that she's flashing the 666 sign twice just in case the handlers and agents didn't see it the first time.
You can also see that she is dressed as a man, so they were already implementing the idea of gender inversion back then. And last but not least for those with great observational powers, did you notice the subtle red pyramid decoration on the left as well?
This is Celine Dion’s history…..
Ah, ha …… this is how adrenochrome works ……. it is taken from terrified victims of young children who are being sacrificed at a witches ceremony.
Obviously, Dion has taken the Covid-19 vaccine. Celine Dion has since been diagnosed with incurable neurological disease.
This is the cost of Lucifer’s promise of money, fame and fortune - it is disease and death! Yet these popular artists are channelling “the universe” [Lucifer], cosmic powers, vampires and demons through their unconscious/subconscious mind - and then manifesting demons or parallel universes into this material world.
These artists have sold their soul to Lucifer, in return for “creative” words and music. Celine Dion surrendered her life to Lucifer for fame, power, sex and money. However she wouldn’t be consciously aware of most of it because she is essentially an unconscious program.
The dancing dood in the white in this performance represents Lucifer - and she surrenders to herself to him. The other dancers represent demonic entities. Listen closely to the lyrics. She sings: “# I’m in love with you # ‘Cause I surrender everything # To feel the chance to live again # I reach to you # I know you can feel it too # We’d make it through # A thousand dreams I still believe # I’d make you give them all to me # I’d hold you in my arms and never let you go # I surrender! Then we all applaud and think she is wonderful.
I know….. she sucked me in…… musically, Celine Dion used to be my favourite artist. Until I started to observe her dark side…… AND dark it is! Her God conscience has been seared so she would feel no remorse doing what she is doing - leading hundreds of millions astray.
This video below is obviously a promotional video for one of Celine Dion’s companies children’s clothing range - This is what the Deep State does - it runs these Children’s clothes shops and Children’s Foundations as a diversion in order to supply needy and unwanted children for their covens and the children that are sacrificed to Baal and Molech to produce adrenochrome for their ailing, aging bodies. Ask Hillary Clinton about these inhuman activities. She is a Queen Satanist. The global human parts and human organs trade is now bigger than the drug trade - and a lot of it is run through the Swiss based Red Cross as they have given themselves diplomatic immunity in order to travel around the world without restriction - bypassing all border and quarantine restrictions.
“The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) is perceived as the largest and most important ‘humanitarian’ organisation in Switzerland. On the contrary, since it was founded in 1866, the SRC has acted in the “Global Fascism” play as a vast Intelligence, spy operation, with the best of humanitarian covers. They have created an immense smuggling empire which works in smooth co-operation with the Intelligence services of all other nations. This allows their agents to move from country to country under the cover of diplomatic immunity, carrying top level security clearances that the average person doesn’t have access too. All to cover the illegal trade in so many different commodities.” A quote from……
Celine Dion has sold her soul to the spiritual mafia MOB, to her handlers and agents.
The global Intelligence community MOB also runs the abominable pornography trade, child sex trafficking trade, human parts trade, pedophile trade, youth elixir and child trafficking trade that provides victims for Satanic ritual abuse and mind control. Notice the subliminal symbology of the white cross in Celine Dion’s video above. The white cross represents the NWO. This is obviously a clear message from her handlers and agents in Switzerland - the ones who saw the potential in this MK Ultra mind control victim from near Montreal and gave her the stage to perform in the 1988 Eurovision Song Contest, where she represented Switzerland.
Her allegiance to her handlers and agents is therefore not based on admiration and respect - it is based on fear and the preservation of her life. She fears death, therefore Celine Dion is devoted to Lucifer and Satan.
Once again listen to the lyrics: I’m scared # I’m so afraid to show I care # Will he think me weak # If I tremble when I speak # You cannot let the chance, to love him pass you by # Tell him that sun and moon rise in his eyes # Reach to him # The truth will set you free # Hold him close to feel his heart beat ## You’ll have what is meant to be # Love him # Show him ## Love will be the gift you give yourself # Never let him go!
These words are all about what she gains from this spiritual entanglement with Lucifer. They are all about satisfying SELF and her own ego.
Who wrote these lyrics? Can you guess?
Megastar suffers career ending VAXX poison injection injury
Folks, these fine entertainers are not singing from a heart of unconditional love - they are singing to Lucifer - and their OVERLORDs. They are certainly not signing to God because we cannot love someone we are afraid of.
No, Celine Dion has been brainwashed into thinking she is a god and all of her riches and talent come from the gods - not the God of Creation. This culture is built on pride with each person’s ego believing they are godlike. One of the main weapons in the Beast arsenal is seduction - and these two woman have been seduced and have become major seduces of men and women through their music. Lucifer’s main weapon is to seduce and lure his victims into Satan’s trap.
What a waste of talent……
Switzerland is also the originator of Youth Elixir which many of the global elite use to keep themselves looking youthful and energetic. It is also an aphrodisiac. Clinique La Prairie which is situated on the banks of Lake Geneva is a aesthetics and longevity suite where they have been injecting adrenochrome into their veins since the 1930s. “Longevity is a journey that starts here” is their claim!
Celine Dion has no HOPE - she survives only on the energy of the false drug “hopium”! So what can we do to find HOPE?
Enter John Ramirez and his book Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemy. Here is a man who has experienced both spiritual kingdoms firsthand. He says: “Many people, even Christians, deny the devil’s power.” So does Celine Dion - she is unconscious of it.
I want to leave you with four (4) reasons an individual becomes a Target Individual for the MK Ultra program - or any other form of demonic activity…. all of these common denominators are mentioned in this video…..
We all long for a relationship with our father [and spiritual Father], but his father was abusive. So #1 is abuse, followed by the indoctrination of fairy tail “hopium”! Lucifer, ‘the angel of light’ generates the energetic drug “hopium”.
Therefore we learn to hate our fathers and we learn to hate God. So # 2 is hate and fear! Mainly the FEAR of DEATH. Satan generates fear.
Since we are spiritual beings we spiritually entangle ourselves to Lucifer - and place our hope and trust in him. So #3 brings separation and disentanglement from the real Tree of LIFE. This is the consequence.
Our own ego seduces us into seeking consciousness through our own unconscious, dark shadow. We then start believing we are gods in our right. So #4 is confusion and insanity of mind. This is the ultimate lie.
Bottomline - It doesn’t work! In fact, it is a disaster! It only produces destruction, ill health and the energy of DEATH and separation in our minds, souls and spirits.
Really good complete post on Satanic Hollywood; I grew up there so I remember it well in the 60's&70's
Lot's of kids I went to school with were child-stars, all their parents were bat-shit crazy
My mother absolutely hated them, and my grandma lived in the center of their homestead, betty davis, bob hope, all you could throw rocks and hit their homes; Granny used to tell me how when the filmed Wiz of OZ and brought in 500 midgets there were orgy's for a month that all got filmed, and that dozens of marriages came out of the dwarves & midgets 'hooking up' in those days they were kept out of site, so most had never seen another 'little person'
Since I'm recollecting another one I remember it was in the era of sgt-pepper, and the circuses and merry grounds, always the clowns were always pedophiles, I would work sometimes a kid help collect tickets, at all carny's there are always kids around who can make $5/day doing some work, at night they would party;
People would go to the carnivals later after work the partys were much later around post 10pm when everybody went home;
They had ice-cream trucks the clowns would drive around during the day, a couple times cruising the neighborhoods I would notice children running from the homes, when they heard the ice-cream truck on several occasions I saw kids turn over by opposing traffic running between cars; The clowns would turn off the music, and pull out the cameras and take photos of the mutilate twisted body's, in all cases covered in blood, dragged under a car always rips off the skin;
I was a wise little kid "I didn't see anything" they would drive on, around the next block back on comes the ice cream music; I was the kind of kid who never talked to anybody what I saw, I stay that way almost all my life; I saw early on that people who talked always died, at school if your were a narc, you always died, if you saw something you said nothing; Growing up I saw fights and kids shoving pencils in eyes almost daily, the gangs in the 1990's broke fingers and gang-signs were showing your twisted up hand, when I was a kid we broke femurs and forearms and carried pliers for pulling teeth; When kids died at school it was never reported in the news, later I found it interesting that it was big news for kids to kill each other at school, growing up for me that was a daily event; I think back that 1/2 my friends by 18 were dead that I had grown up with;
I always wondered about why they recorded later I learned about 'snuff films' and how highly coveted it was to record the children in between state of life & death naked and covered in blood;
As a child I saw so much death growing up in Watts LA and shootings, and just dead bodys in the skid-row parts of town in the alleys that I didn't stare or look just became desensitized, to death;