Have you noticed how heavy the energy feels over this season of celebration and revelry? It is like the insanity of the collective has gone to a whole new level. It is as if Christmas is more about high levels of consumerism and self gratification than it is about celebrating the birth of a Divine entity.
This is a “light hearted” Christmas message from Klaus “You’ll own nothing and be happy” Schwab of the World Economic Forum. CLICK HERE to view (4 min).
We ended the last Substack by declaring that we are all unconscious to some degree. The spiritual mafia MOB is a death cult - and everything they do is a hoax that leads their slaves towards becoming more unconsciousness - and hating God simultaneously. Saying Merry Saturnalia is the same as saying Merry Christmas, because in reality, they are one and the same thing.
Ancient Rome celebrated Saturnalia, from December 17 until 27, to honour the father of the gods Saturn. The mythical Santa, so the legend tells, is from the Nordic northern area of Scandinavia, the same region where the mythical origins of Vrilogy reportedly originated from. Could there be a connection here? This energy is what drives the death cult and generates great destruction and confusion of mind amongst the masses.
The insanity meter is presently off the scale!
One of the MOB’s greatest treasures in the development of the hoax’s that create public conformity is a pagan festive season we call “Christmas”. One of the major weapons the spiritual mafia MOB uses to generate fear and unconsciousness amongst the masses is confusion. That confusion is focused on our minds. Their belief system declares that if they can keep the majority confused by continually diverting their attention away from the Truth, then the masses will be malleable, pliable, mouldable and easy to control.
Regardless of whether or not David Icke’s views fit into your belief system, try to set aside your biases and consider doing what he suggests to do at the end of this embedded video. If your desire is to become more God-conscious, take a black sheet of paper and go back and look at the history of your personal beliefs and deeply consider the Truth as it relates to your own intuition, your own mind, your own spirit and your own soul - and stop merely believing traditional beliefs, bending to peer pressure and doing something ritualistic, over and over again, in an unconscious state of being.
In other words, this is a time for revelation - a time to wake up spiritually as to what is really going on……. and maybe stop being a pawn in the spiritual mafia MOB’s game of chess. Maybe it is time to stop accepting what we are told without question…….
This maybe a belief buster for many. Most of our beliefs are merely myths that have been created by the spiritual mafia MOB as cover narratives designed to protect the existence of their death cult narrative and the Vril energy they serve. The beliefs we we hold in our heart are determined by in whom we place our trust spiritually. We only trust in whom we are participating with spiritually. Those beliefs then become imprinted into our soul.
The whole subject of the sun worshipping Mithra pagan religion being incorporated into the Catholic Church in AD 312 is absolutely true. It was not until the 4th century after the Messiah’s birth that December 25th began to be celebrated as the day of Christ’s birth. The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great had a mystical conversion to Christianity in 312 CE - upon this fake spiritual experience he established the Roman Catholic Church. Constantine was a practising Mithra believer, an occult religion/secret society which was established in Persia and had its roots in Babylon. The Roman Catholic Church was built upon an ancient pagan Temple site which hosted temples dedicated to various Roman gods and may have been the original site for many pagan religious rituals and festivals.
This is reminiscent of CERN, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) built on an ancient Roman Temple site that the Romans believed was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. Located on the French/Swiss border, in the suburbs of Geneva, Switzerland, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon.
One of the most notable features of the Vatican during the Roman period was the Circus of Nero. This was a large chariot racing stadium and entertainment venue. It was one of several circuses in Rome and was used for a variety of public spectacles, including chariot races, animal hunts, and gladiatorial contests. The Circus of Nero holds a particularly grim significance in Christian history. It is traditionally believed to be the site where St. Peter was crucified upside down. Constantine legalised this pagan form of Gnostic Christianity and initiated the construction of St. Peter's Basilica atop the site believed to be St. Peter's tomb.
The whole Roman Catholic Church is a hoax built upon a false foundation that twisted the Scriptures referencing a dialogue between Yeshua and His disciples, namely Peter. Yeshua said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Mashiach, the Son of the living God.” And Yeshua answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven…….”
This is a great example of an unredeemed, unconscious interpretation of what our Saviour Yeshua was actually communicating. He was saying, the only way Peter could have known this fact is because he was connected with, and spiritually entangled with the living God. He knew this because he was communicating directly with God. This is also the key to our belief system. This divine Information could not have come from mankind’s twisted knowledge base. This spiritual imprinting directly from God is how His church should operate within each individual as we participate energetically with Him - “For God is one; and there is but one Mediator between God and humanity, Yeshua the Messiah.” Instead of following this clear instruction, the Roman Catholic Church made themselves the mediator between God and mankind thus seizing what they interpreted to be the keys of the kingdom of heaven for their own self-centred purposes of controlling the masses - and the rest is history!
There is no need of any manmade dignitary to act as a Priest, Minister or mediator between us and God. Quantum physics gives us a direct link up, with instant direct Information communication between both parties - those on earth and those in heaven.
There is absolutely no doubt that the Roman Catholic Church took on the mystical, occult, Sun-worshipping beliefs of the ancient Mithra secret society religion. Therefore Christians are just as susceptible to psychological manipulation as the rest of the public.
I have explained in detail in the eBook Are you con-CERN-ed? how the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines run the Vatican. All of these bloodlines were established in BC 300-400 during the rule of the Greek Empire. Four of the Papal Bloodlines came from Egyptian Ptolemaic, Pharaonic Dynasty Bloodlines and nine were descendants of Persia, holding ancient Babylonian, Phoenician and Canaanite beliefs. Persia’s religion was rooted in Persian Zoroathrianism and Mithraism which is still protected and endorsed through modern Christianity, following many of the Mithra rituals, ceremonies, sacraments, worship and holidays, thus it can be considered the apostate church because it is occult based. Catholicism is merely Mithraism imprinted on [or married to] Christianity by Constantine to produce a religion that is ineffective and down right dangerous in leading people astray spiritually. The Black Pope still serves as a military General protecting the Zoroathrianism and Mithraism mystery schools.
The House of Pallavicini: Palla = Allah (comes from Apollo) Vicini = close to or vicinity. The House of Pallavicini functions as a bridge between the West and the Middle-East. The House of Pallavicini has major control over Islam. In fact, this is the family bloodline that created Islam. The Imams of Islam are all Persian descent.
Note that the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines are the ones who financed the Knight Templar and eventually became the spiritual mafia MOB that now control the whole world from Geneva and the City of London. This is the death cult we refer too. They exercised the spirit of DEATH whilst crucifying Yeshua, the Apostle Peter, and now they want to crucify you and me too.
The Islamic religion was created to rise up against political Zionism in Israel in this WW3 scenario as foretold by Freemason, Albert Pike. Notice that all opposition coming from the MOB is focused on Israel > Jerusalem > the coming spiritual Zion - the New Jerusalem > which will host the rule of our Messiah, Yeshua. Thus the war in Gaza right now…..
Now, it is no coincidence that Mithra, god of the sun, was reportedly born on December 25, just days after the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The old Julian calendar – used from around 46 BCE – used to celebrate the winter solstice on December 25. Solstice comes from the Latin word “solstitium”, meaning ‘Sun stands still’. Therefore it is thought that the apparent movement of the Sun’s path south stops between the 21st-25th December before changing direction - thus bringing new light and life to creation after the dark winter months.
A good summary of the sun god Mithra, can be found here….
In this article note the word syncretism which is the phenomenon of mixing, assimilation, fusion of diverse elements into one. This amalgamation of all the religions into one is what the spiritual mafia MOB is endeavouring to do, where all the religions worship the one sun god Mithra. The living God hates this unrighteous, unconscious worship of Lucifer because He knows that this energy only leads to destruction and DEATH. Mithra is perceived to be the intermediary between heaven and hell, between the realms of good and evil. Mithra is the "light of the world", which equates to Lucifer. Notice that to become perfect like Mithra, one must keep the secret oaths made in a cave and the “slaughtering of bulls” is to be made as a sacrifice to the sun god Mithra.
This great feast of the birth of Mithra is celebrated, of course, the day of the winter solstice, December 25. “What is shown is the sacrifice of the bull as the beginning of the blessed life promised to initiates and of virtue that is in the sacred banquet for obtaining that immortality."
The death of the bull is a symbol of the New Year and salvation in the hereafter. So in the excavations in the Mithraeum of Aventine in Rome we read about Mithra, “You saved men by the shedding of eternal blood." The shedding of blood and the need to make a sacrifice to the gods is a part of the oath mankind has sealed with Lucifer as a requirement to tap into the hidden powers associated with the Vril spirit.
In the occult religions there is always blood to be sacrificed in order for Satan to be appeased and power given to those who do the sacrifice. The sacrifice of blood is a spiritual law. All occult worship to Baal is a complete counterfeit of the blood Yeshua sacrificed upon the cross 1,993 years ago. However….. it is not the death of Yeshua that is important to celebrate - it is His quantum resurrection act that overcame DEATH and separation from God that is important for us. When LIFE overcame DEATH spiritually, God’s supreme quantum physics became available to us mere mortals - and His immortality became accessible to us as our own Reality.
Is immortality something you desire? Then do not follow Mithra or any manmade religion! Go straight to the Source! Selah… think about it!
So the question remains: When was Jesus Christ actually born? Well to be perfectly honest our Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach who was of Hebraic origin in the bloodline of King David, was the One born of a virgin in Bethlehem. Although we do not know who actually coined the term Christian for those who followed “The Way”, it is quite possible that it was coined by the pagans of Antioch of Syria in AD 44. The early Church never called themselves Christians. Therefore, for the first 14 years, the followers of “The Way” had no concept of who Jesus Christ was. Jesus Christ eventually became a Greek icon that was initially a derogatory and belittling term that eventually gained popularity.
The Church in Antioch may have been officially 'founded' in AD 35 consisting of Jews who had believed the Gospel. Then around AD 42 non-Jewish believers began to be accepted. This is where division first began. Yeshua never came to found a new church. He made it clear that salvation from DEATH, brought about by His resurrection power, was for both the Jews and the Gentiles. However the Gentiles were to be grafted in to those Jews who trusted in Yeshua’s “Way” of living in a New World Order…... It was never intended that Gentiles should break away and form their own Church called Christianity.
Gentile Christians chose to become masters of their own destiny instead of listening to the God of Heaven’s desire that His church should be One - both Jew first, then Gentiles being the ones who are grafted into the root. Why would that be? Because God knew that the Hebraic language is structured around pictures that insight the use of our right brain and therefore can gain God-consciousness. Whereas Greek thought is structured around rational thought which keeps them trapped in left brain thinking and thus unconscious thought.
As an unconscious entity, the Christian church therefore fights sin and ignores the root issue which is iniquity or corruption of heart. Like the pharmaceutical industry and their puppet medical doctors, who treat the symptoms of disease and not the root cause, so too Christianity endeavours to treat the symptoms like sin, disease, insanity and confusion, whilst ignoring the root cause of all of these symptoms which is the infestation of spiritual parasites in our souls.
Yeshua, when He walked the earth, had full command and authority over every demon, disease, insanity and confusion of mind. Whereas the modern commercialised, Americanised Christian church has no authority over iniquity and demons what-so-ever.
Notice that adherers to the sun god Mithra and the followers of a religion that worships on a SUN-day are both endeavouring to earn their salvation through what they do and what they sacrifice to appease their shame - instead of accepting God’s perfect sacrifice and moving into God’s quantum field of total acceptance and unconditional love.
The command to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” is the only way to open up the right side of the brain and develope God-consciousness and awareness to any great degree.
However, look what I discovered whilst researching this topic…. one way to determine Truth is to realise that the spiritual mafia MOB will always counterfeit that which is True and then twist it 180°. So it is easy to reverse “engineer” their foolish tactics when we know how too!
I like the way Dr. Michael S. Heise expresses his beliefs. He is embarking here on what is called Hebraic Astral Prophecy… “The only way to really understand a person’s communication, especially when all we have is writing, is to be inside their head [God’s or the Hebrew head], to know how they think and process life in their world. How can you possibly understand what someone has written if you don’t look at the world the way they do, and know what it is they believe and why?” Heise is advocating participating with God in His participatory universe. This is so, so important…… it is called knowing the Mind of God. I like his coherent, reasoned, logical thought…. He is talking to the modern Christian church when he says: “We have lost this context as modern readers.” Dr. Heise’s reasoning is proof that December 25th is an artificial date, just like Transhumanism is all about AI and artificial, unconscious beings that are no longer human…..
The conjunction and alignment of these stars, the Sun and the Moon is a synchronicity no one can deny because the Hebrews have known for thousands of years the significance of this star alignment was that of a Royal birth of a Divine King from within the Tribe of Judah. This 90 minute window of alignment has occurred only twice in recent history - once on September 11th, 3 BC and again on September 22nd 2017, as the Apostle John precisely described in Revelation 12. We can be sure of the accuracy of these events because this is a sign directly from the Creator God that is impossible for man and Lucifer to twist, distort or manipulate. “The heavens proclaim His righteousness; all the peoples see His glory.” Psalm 97:6 This evidence cannot be denied!
9/11, 3 BC changed the course of history and divided it into BC and AD. September 22nd 2017 maybe just as significant in the history of mankind. Only time will tell!
This is a photo I personally took of this historical event in 2017 because I knew the significance of it - I just didn’t know how significant it now is…….
God wants to leave mankind with no excuse….. everything is openly declared to show God’s glory and His majesty. He demands that we embrace His pure quantum field via His Holy Spirit - this is the only route to pure God-consciousness.
Both of these significant signs from the Creator God fell on the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah [also known as the Feast of Trumpets], which falls on the Jewish New Year. Tishri 1, is the first day of the first month of the Jewish year. For those who want to dig deeper on this topic, I recommend this podcast…..
Transforming the Royal birth of a Divine King who was born into the Hebraic bloodline, into a Greek icon called Jesus Christ is, I am sure, heresy and apostasy from God’s perspective. That maybe why the Christian church has no spiritual authority and is essentially irrelevant in this spiritual battle we see ourselves in…..
Rosh HaShanah is also the Day of Judgment. In 2024, Rosh Hashanah starts at sunset on Wednesday, October 2, and will run through nightfall on Friday, October 4. What we have to determine is to what degree is the significance of September 22nd 2017 as it will play out, given 2017+7 = 2024…… and 1984 + 40 years = 2024.
What we can be sure of is this…. the spiritual mafia MOB have some knowledge of God’s timing through Lucifer’s limited matrix of Information, and mankind is preparing to for war with mankind desperately trying to take God and Yeshua out during the battle of Armageddon…. so 2024 could well be an interesting year to observe and indeed survive.
What we can learn from this discourse is the fact that Yeshua was born on September 11th, 3 BC. 9/11 or 911….. get it? The spiritual mafia MOB obviously knew this years prior to the 9/11 attacks. Everything they do is a mockery of and counterfeit to Yeshua’s birth, life, death and resurrection. Every religion they have devised is a distraction away from the Truth that the Divine King, the Son of God, overcame the spirit of DEATH with the power of His resurrection life - that also enables us to reconnect with His divine Matrix of unconditional love, so that we can experience and participate with it, if we so desire. Entering into God’s pure quantum field is His gateway to an immortal life.
My personal belief is that WW3 began on 9/11 2001, when a Direct Energy Weapons were used to destroy five buildings by “dustifying” them. It was a spiritual mafia MOB attack on humanity. Just like Adam and Eve were created from dust, so too these Towers were returned to dust as an act of rebellious intent.
Claus Schwab sat in NY city eating breakfast as he witnessed and applauded the Twin Towers collapsing. He knew the plans; he knew what was coming! The global fear that was generated enabled the spiritual mafia MOB to begin their final assault on the minds of the public worldwide. The NWO, the Global Reset and the Global ID will be their great FINAL SOLUTION, and a nail in the coffin for our God-given freedoms and liberty. Eugenics, destruction and DEATH is all these Devil worshipping pricks think about! Remember, evil is the antithesis of live.
If you want to live, wake up and become more God-conscious!
So revel on amongst the Unconscious Christmas Revelry…. or wake up quickly, are our only choices now ….. if you don’t awaken, “You’ll own nothing and you won’t be happy” is the life sentence according to the Technocrat, Klaus, Santa Claus, Schwab. Remember, always take what these clowns say and reverse it 180°- that is how Lucifer’s deception always operates.
Both Lucifer and Satan are actually Checkmate in God’s spiritual Kingdom ….. the only human beings who do not know this are the unconscious minds that are not aware of what is really going on…….