The True Origin of the Cross or the Letter “X”
Easter is a fake, religious ceremony that is a counterfeit of Truth
BOOM! I cannot believe this…… I’m gob-smacked! All is being revealed….
People resonating in an opposite, rebellious spirit would always resist my “conspiracy theories” by saying “So, who are “They”? Well now we know. It is no longer an accusation of “conspiracy theories” - but conspiracy fact. If this video below is not fake - which I suspect it is not - the original Orsini Dynasty, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are all the same bloodline. Notice the symbology in the Orsini coat of arms - occult “3” & “4”s - “3” red stripes, and “4” white stripes with “3” black bears, which is the symbol of Bern, Switzerland. Then we see within the crown [or Corona] the Rosicrucian red rose held up in victory - that signifies victory over the cross and the blood of Yeshua. How presumptuous, arrogant and premature!
Follow the bloodlines. “The House of Orsini, the House of Farnese and the House of Colonna are all members of the original 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines - founding members of the Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy -[the present day Puppet Masters]. The Black Nobility were/are the Lombard bankers who represent the oligarchic families ruling Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the C12th held the privileged trading rights (commerce monopolies) in the Holy Roman Empire.”
And they all have blood connections to Nimrod through the Persian or Pharaonic Egyptian bloodlines. This is stated categorically in my Amazon published eBook, Are you con-CERN-ed? We all should be aware enough and conscious enough to be con-CERN-ed enough to take the steps to eliminate all fear from our lives - that is possible. But not through the medium of an apostate Christian church. Christians have been '“conned” too!
“Four of the Papal Bloodlines came from Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers and nine were descendants of Persia, holding ancient Babylonian, Phoenician and Canaanite beliefs. Persia’s religion was rooted in Persian Zoroathrianism and Mithraism which is still protected and endorsed through modern Christianity which essentially follows many of the Mithra rituals, ceremonies, sacraments, worship and holidays, thus can be considered the apostate church because it is occult based. Catholicism is merely Mithraism imposed on [or married to] Christianity by Constantine to produce a religion that is ineffective and down right dangerous in leading people astray spiritually. The Black Pope serves as a military General protecting the Zoroathrianism and Mithraism mystery schools. The Jesuits were created by the Papal Bloodline Farnese family during the reign of Farnese Pope Paul III. Whilst the Borgia crime family created the Jesuits, Don Francis Borgia was the great-grandson of Pope Alexander VI, and co-founder of the Jesuits. It is worth reiterating that Mithraism worshipped the Sun, hence the origin of Sunday worship in Constantine’s Roman Catholic Church.”
The extent of this corrupt cult is beyond our imagination. Maybe you could become more conscious of its intrusion into the mind of the masses by reading about its insidious history here. And take in the following points -
Members of the Orsini bloodline includes three (3) Popes
Notice how the modern image of Jesus is based on Cesare Borgia the son of Pope Borgia
Pepe Orsini is of the Roman Maximus Clan. He is the Grey Pope and is the King of the Holy Roman Papal Bloodlines
The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist [Persian] shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order. The Borgia crime family created the Jesuits
A woman who rides that Beast, is the evil Queen Hephzibah (the matriarch who is said to be the reincarnation of Semaramis). You will never read any article about her, she is a Nephilim hybrid; a great granddaughter of Lucifer himself, and she is the Mother of the Anti-Christ, and the King and Queen, the Pindar, and others are all afraid of her
And this video below typifies the degenerate society “X” these pedophiles encourage and spread like their “viruses”
If this disgusts you - it should. However, be consciously aware that this is the corrupt, illusionary, mystical Beast society we live in. This disgusting iniquity defines “X Marks the Spot”. These depraved, perverted individuals and worshippers of the occult Enochian language have made the cross of Christ or the “X”, a Psycops. Remember, the occult or angelic language recorded in late 16th-century England in the journals of John Dee and Edward Kelley, who claimed that it was revealed by the Enochian angels?
This is the true origin of the cross or the letter “X”. It represents iniquity of heart, corruption, or mankind’s unconstrained propensity towards unrighteous beliefs and behaviour. The energy associated with the cross or the letter “X” is the Nordic Vril energy and the Hermetic, Pharaonic, Ogdoad, unconscious belief system.
It is a counterfeit of the Hebrew letter “TAV” - which means Yeshua is our righteousness. The energy associated with the “TAV” and Yeshua’s resurrectional LIFE is God’s Holy Spirit.
Mankind has experienced this type of degenerate society many times throughout history. In each case God Himself judged their iniquitous hearts and destroyed their civilisation. Remember the land the Israelites occupied before they rebelled against God, after Solomon completed the Temple in Jerusalem? Instead of the Israelites repenting, and worshipping God towards the Holy of Holies and facing towards the West, they turned exactly 180°away from the Truth, and worshipped the Sun towards the East. This became the occult model for all man-made religions. Even Wicked-pedia defines societal collapse throughout history, including the Khazars mafia MOB.
Can you imagine God being furious? Can you even imagine God being emotional? Well He is! Remember, we have been created in His image! Even though our iniquity tries to create Him in our own egotistical image. God has said many times: “And my anger will burn against them in that day… because they have provoked me to anger”.
If your sons and daughters rebelled against your own parental authority, then tuned on you, blaming you, resenting and hating you for bringing them into the world, how would you feel? Likewise, God became absolutely furious with the Israelites [those who were in His bloodline] and the iniquity they entertained in their own hearts.
As God’s heart burned with anger, He divided the most rebellious 10 tribes into the northern Kingdom of Israel with Samaria as their capital. Whilst the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin occupied the territory to the south called Judah, with Jerusalem as their spiritual capital. Both experienced times when they had God fearing Kings, but then evil Kings would rule and bring destruction and DEATH to their people.
God stepped in and the northern Kingdom of Israel in 740 BC was raped and pillaged by the Assyrians, with the Israelites being dispersed all over the globe. Many of them now live in the U.S.. Read the Sin of Manasseh and you will discover where the evil Queen Hephzibah originated from.
Then the Jews in Judah infuriated their Creator God and they were taken into captivity in Babylon in BC 605. This is the first time the people from the Kingdom of Judah became known as the Jews. These rebellious people failed to repent and instead accepted the ancient pagan beliefs of the Babylonians. How foolish can one be? This is where the Kabbalah belief system originated from, with the evolution of Lucifer’s fake, mystical ‘tree of life’, which in turn infiltrated every secret society in the world affiliated with Babylon, Persia and Egyptian mythology.
The Kabbalah belief system is based on the worship of Lucifer, and this infuriated God. Therefore, Israelites and the Jewish tribes have both been divorced from their Creator God ever since. However, like us, that can change if they repent of their wayward ways, and follow their Messiah who is the only “Way”.
The cross, or the letter “X” of iniquity, has ruled the hearts of both the Israelites and the Jews ever since. Depravity and perversion has ruled the hearts of both of these collective tribes. That is why the Pharisees crucified the author of LIFE on a cross, Yeshua ben Joseph. They also falsely believe Yeshua was defeated on that cross - thus feeding their mystical hatred of God. The cross was the Phoenician and Canaanites symbol of defeat that the wicked Kabbalah believing Jews had integrated into their society.
However, after three (3) full days and nights in the grave Yeshua turned what appeared to be a defeat into absolute VICTORY. In Reality, both Lucifer and Satan were defeated by God’s unconditional love of “TAV”, or God’s righteousness, whilst on the cross. Yeshua’s Resurrection is of paramount importance to victory in our own lives, as well as our own immortality.
And the spiritual mafia MOB have spent the last 1,994 years trying to cover up this LIFE changing event and diverting the collective’s attention away from the TRUTH - that is, the evidenced based fact that the Jew, Yeshua ben Joseph, is both our spiritual and physical Saviour. This Truth does matter to both you and me. And the spiritual mafia MOB have been trying to gain immortality by inventing their own technological devices, whilst preaching their own corrupt Alice in Wonderland theories ever since.
Then after AD 630 there entered a totally depraved society embracing the territory of the ancient Khazarian tribe which extended to include Ukraine to the west, Kazakhstan to the east, and Crimea and Georgia to the south. The Khazarians’ origin is believed to have been a hybridisation between Turks and Mongols, with absolutely no genetic ties to the ancient Hebrews. Note that at the same period of time the Khazaria Jews were forming, the Phoenicians, who hosted the Canaanite religion of Baal, were creating a base in Venice [AD 697] and establishing what would become known as the Venetian and European Black Nobilities. Both of these groups entertained a belief in Lucifer via the Nordic Vril energy and the Hermetic, Pharaonic, Ogdoad, unconscious belief systems. The same belief systems of the spiritual mafia MOB today.
The Khazarian Jews were a prototype of the wicked society we are witnessing today. In fact, our OVERLORDS are still the Khazarian Jews. We can be absolutely sure that both the Rothschild and Rockefeller bloodlines are from the Khazarian Jews.
It is important to know that the Khazarian Jews are not the original Jews, who are the bloodline of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is quite feasible that Adolf Hitler was also a Khazarian Jew. That is why the Khazarian Jews took pleasure in slaughtering the God fearing jews during the holocaust. A holocaust that lead to the formation of the Rothschild’s land of Israel in 1948.
What we are about to find out is - it is a really, really bad idea to hate God and oppose His spiritual rule. When He judges, He judges with a vengeance. Why? Because He despises the iniquity that we all entertain in our hearts.
The above videos demonstrate that our society has deteriorated to such an extent that “X Marks the Spot” is now inevitable for April the 8th, 2024. Now God is going to have His say. In the next Substack we are going to identify the wicked American corporation that has its manufacturing plant exactly on “X Marks the Spot”. It is a bull’s eye. Hint: this Corporation recently dished out US$13-14 million for a famous Super Bowl ad.
If this ad is not appealing to everyone’s corrupt, self gratifying, iniquity of heart - what is?
Now, this video is hot off the press in Queensland, Australia…. further evidence that Big Pharma is targeting our children…. now it is new born babies to get vaccinated…. just as the totally corrupt Khazarian society sacrificed their own children to Baal.
In this Substack I just wanted you to become consciously aware of who, and more importantly what, “X Marks the Spot” truly is! And it ALL comes from one spiritual source……..
Remember, that we are now celebrating the Feast of Unleavened Bread - it is unleavened because it has no yeast; the yeast represents iniquity in our hearts. We should celebrate Yeshua rolling the stone away that covered His tomb on Saturday evening, April 30th on the Gregorian Calendar, after sunset IST (Israel Standard Time). That is the correct time according to the Enoch Calendar. Now there is no more covering of the Truth.
This One unifying event, disclosed to us God’s plan for Salvation and His plan of redemption. It revealed to us God’s quantum field that He uses to communicate with the DNA in the cells of our body. It released the power of freedom, hope, healing and wellbeing. And ….. fourthly (4) …. it released immortality to any soul that so desires it - God’s “Way”.
In fact, everything the spiritual mafia MOB is trying so desperately to counterfeit, imitate and try to reproduce right now…..
This One event was enough to divide history into BC and AD. The spiritual mafia MOB could not deny that - all they could do is cover it up, twist and spin the narrative - and create a counterfeit program of deception…..
Since 2020 I have discovered the power and the knowledge of God gained by acknowledging His Feasts - that is why I am personally water fasting over these 3 days…. this is a great way to entangle ourselves with our Creator.