In the last Substack we observed the conflict and tension created between the Nordic Vril energy force and the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system, which is central to the coming global religion.
We need to understand the energy behind this mythical system before we can fight against it! The biggest question is - How do we fight against it?
Have you noticed that whatever we fight against in this unreedemed world, only makes it worse!?
The spiritual mafia MOB always uses two apparently divergent belief systems to create their Final Solution or Synthesis - which is the fusion of ideas to form a new system of belief. Remember, Hitler spoke from the energy source of “the force” - the Vril energy and declared it the FINAL SOLUTION…… a “unified pantheon”. That FINAL SOLUTION is no longer futuristic - it is now here.
Georg Hegel's dialectic (1770-1831) is the tool which manipulates each individual into a frenzied circular pattern of thought and action called mass mind control. It is an energetic whirlwind of confusion - instigated by trauma and physical and psychological abuse. So men abuse women - which triggers them to hate men, which opens them up to continual sexual abuse and the circular pattern of man-ipulation [women always run back too their handlers for perceived security and protection]. This spirit is what has fuelled the drug and sexual revolution pioneered by Aleister Crowley. This is how to divide males and females and thus destroy society!
Georg Hegel’s dialectic concept is one of the major weapons used against the masses in order to usher in the Novus Ordo Seclorum, (New World Order: NWO). It is a form of mass manipulation used for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution. The spiritual mafia MOB at CERN create a PROBLEM for the masses that generates great conflict in our minds, thus triggering an emotional REACTION, to such a degree that the public demands an immediate SOLUTION. This solution would have been totally unacceptable under normal circumstances, but fear drives the planned outcome. It is known that in times of perceived crisis people will yield up their sovereignty and freedoms, all in the name of perceived security.
A ‘dialectic’ is defined as:
The art or practice of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments.
The process especially associated with Hegel of arriving at the truth by stating a thesis, developing a contradictory antithesis, and combining and resolving them into a coherent synthesis.
The Marxian process of change through the conflict of opposing forces, whereby a given contradiction is characterised by a primary and a secondary aspect, the secondary succumbing to the primary, which is then transformed into an aspect of a new contradiction.
Georg Hegel's dialectic uses the tension and confusion harnessed by Nordic Vril energy force and the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system, to create a predetermined solution.
Hegel constructed his dialectic conceptual theories based on the belief that only two human figures exist: the master and the slave. This is the essence of fascism with the majority becoming serfs. Hegel himself called the Vril energy the “absolute spirit”. The unified pantheon consists of the concept of PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION. Dualism always consists of two sides, black and white, ying and yang, Satan and Lucifer. The theory is if those two opposing sides can be continually rubbed together and they therefore destroy each other, a SOLUTION or “unified pantheon”, or a Grand Awakening will rise “like a phoenix from the ashes”.
The reason the above “Alice in Wonderland” photo of a traumatised young girl is so accurate is because every form of energy flows like a vortex. God’s quantum field flows in a vortex in order to create matter. So does Lucifer’s distorted, twisted, deformed, contorted energy field that we continually experience in this world, even without conscious awareness. This Alternate reality twists God’s Reality and creates a false, mythical reality in our minds - this is the root cause of all confusion, uncertainty, complexity, mystification, entropy, disease and death.
The foundation stone of all mass mind control and the coming world religion is a matrix of confusion - that confusion begins in our spirits, is deciphered in our minds and becomes established in our hearts.
The word confusion means “an impaired orientation with respect to time, space, matter, place, or person; a disturbed mental state. A situation in which people do not understand what is happening, what they should do or who someone or something is. The state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something.”
The etymology of the word is: c. 1300, confusioun, "overthrow, ruin," from Old French confusion "disorder, confusion, shame" and directly from Latin confusionem "a mingling, mixing, blending; confusion, disorder," noun of action from past-participle stem of confundere "to pour together" [one definition of a ‘matrix’ is a mold in which ideas of the mind are poured together. Another definition of a matrix is a womb in which concepts are birthed].
Can you now see why God hates the mixing of or blending together, or mingling together of beliefs? Because he knows it creates a disturbed mental state and destroys our sanity of mind. This is what the Beast system has done. And this shattering of our psyche is all done through targeting our spirits and our minds with Vril energy.
If you dig deep, you will find that today’s corporate Christianity is totally baffling and confusing! Whereas, entangling ourselves with God’s Holy Spirit brings redemption to us and clarity of mind.
Confusion also means an "act of mingling together two or more things or notions properly separate". Sense of "a putting to shame, perturbation [mental uneasiness] of the mind" (a sort of mental "overthrow") "mental perplexity, state of having indistinct ideas". Meaning "state of being mixed together", literally or figuratively, "a disorderly mingling".
The spiritual medium that creates this tangled web of personal narcissism is Vril spiritual parasites. Vrilogists call this escape to an Alternate reality “a path across the Rainbow Bridge for the gods to ride down and influence events here in our minds”. Once again, this is not conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact! This weird concept of fantasy is what is now labelled a new matrix of belief or what is called a Simulacrum. The word Simulacrum amply describes what is happening to mankind.
A simulacrum from Latin simulacrum, means ‘likeness, semblance’ and ‘is a representation or imitation of a person or thing. An image or representation. An unreal or vague semblance. That which is formed in the likeness of any object; an image.’ The word was first recorded in the English language in the late 16th century, used to describe a representation, such as a statue or a painting, “but especially of the gods”. It something that looks like or represents something else; a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness or semblance.
This simulacrum is raping us of the image of God, our Creator, and forming within our being an image of Lucifer or Satan. This is done through the medium of spiritual parasites that are infused into our spirits and then impact our minds and our energetic hearts.
Always remember that a simulacrum is a simulation of the Real thing. It is not real…. it is fake. More succinctly, it is a counterfeit of the Real thing.
A simulacrum is being created whenever we chose consciously, or we move unconsciously into a ‘Alternate Reality’, ‘Augmented Reality’ or any other form of ‘Virtual Reality’. Remember, a VR is a short-term experience one has as a result of taking LSD, psychedelic drugs like Ayahuasca, alcoholic spirits or some other mind-bending substance. However, in today’s Beast system, nearly everything is designed to appeal to our ego or unconscious mind and take us automatically into this spirit and soul abusing energy - that includes everything associated with computers, the internet and the metaverse.
The metaverse is described as the inevitable evolution of the internet. All of this technology was designed in CERN, Switzerland, then prepared for marketing to the public through Washington DC, the Pentagon and the Military-Industrial Complex in the U.S. Some technology has now been prepared to use against us, the masses.
There are two separate and totally independent matrices that can be formed in our mind [one naturally, the other synthetically by creating a metaverse or simulacrum]. That is why our brain and our mind have become the battlefield of the future. If you want evidence of this statement take the time to view some of Dr. James Giordano videos where he speaks to United States Military Academy cadets and faculty about the human brain and the future of warfare. Giordano is Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and Scholar-in-Residence in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University [Bill Clinton attended the Jesuit, Georgetown University].
Georgetown University is a Jesuit University - [Donald Trump attended Fordham University which is also a Jesuit university] - the Jesuits have been the experts in mind control right down through recent history - since the Cannanites and sea-faring Phoenicians. Mind control is the essence of the matrix of thought that we are all conditioned to believe in. In this video at the :35 minute mark, Giordano states they are using military medicine to ‘Affect the Brain - to Mold/Mould the Mind’. BINGO! Remember that a matrix of belief is ‘a mould’ or ‘dye’ or ‘master plan’ from which everything is cast or shaped?
The ‘mould’, ‘cast’ or ‘dye’ is our mind in which Nordic Vril energy force and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system is cast. It is the matrix of belief of the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva, CERN, Switzerland. The MOB is endeavouring to mould us into the pattern, the template or prototype of Lucifer/Satan.
Giordano defines the mind “as the source of how we perceive, how we orientate, how we decide and how we act” [observations, orientations, decisions and actions]. The goal is to optimise a human being to such a state that they can themselves be a biological weapon or a weaponised individual that is linked to a variety of different computational weapon systems. The bottom line is - all military personal are themselves becoming weapons of mass destruction [so are you!]. They can also use neuroscience to run military Intelligence.
It is a difficult concept to grasp that we are the targets of mind control, when we have a love affair with the thought that our Governments are working together for our “good”. This is the great deception - for essentially “good” holds no redemption, therefore no eternal Life, no justice and no sense of righteousness!
The metaverse is defined as a digital extension of daily life, rather than an escape from it. The metaverse is where your physical persona and your digital persona become a unified reality [dualism]. The metaverse generally refers to the concept of a highly immersive virtual world where people gather to socialise, play, and work.
‘Meta’ is a word which, like so many other things, we have the ancient Greeks to thank for. When the Greeks used it, meta meant "beyond", "after", or "behind". The "beyond" sense of meta still lingers in words like metaphysics - or beyond" physics i.e the supernatural or unseen realm .
In today’s world, ‘meta’ is a totally abstract concept that creates in our minds a reality that is "beyond" common sense, and "beyond" logic, in which mankind is chasing an "after" life by endeavouring to become immortal whilst he/she hide "behind" a spiritual curtain, or veil that does not trust God. The whole scenario is created by continual trauma, that uses and abuses, or offends our minds. War, loss and deprivation are the three greatest weapons against our minds. This creates fear, cowardice and the willingness to compromise our God-given image and trust in humanity.
All of this is designed to destroy our spiritual and energetic connection with our creator God and hand over our private keys to Lucifer and Satan. This all leads to a freeway where time is our enemy and entropy [material decay] exists - therefore our allegiance to spiritual parasites incites decay, viruses, dis-ease and death. This Vril/Hermetic spiritual quagmire makes a perfect bed of morass soil for bacteria, yeast, fungus and mould [mold] in our bodies that leads to dis-ease.
God knew this, and has provided His own key to the doorway of Life. Our Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach, provided the only way out of mind control and the presence of spiritual parasites within the Beast system. This “Way” is called spiritual redemption. It is SO profound! Our choice to entangle ourselves spiritually and energetically to the divine Being, Yeshua, is our only hope of experiencing redemption. We have all unconsciously slipped into spiritual ‘error’ and judged God guilty of not being there for us.
But He is - His greatest desire is to save us from this hellhole of fear, anxiety, separation, darkness, anti-matter, trauma, stress, misery, heartache, which comes from continual use and abuse.
He does that by redeeming that which corruption and iniquity in our own heart has destroyed.
There is only two roads we can travel on in this life - one is the unredeemed, spiritually unregenerate road that creates anti-matter [darkness]. This is what Freud called the unconscious mind. The bible calls it iniquity of heart. The second “Way” or road is actually a spiritual person - a Real person - One who generates sanity of mind and His quantum field creates Life - resurrected Life that has no taint of death, disease, injustice, tyranny, corruption, totalitarianism or suppression in it. This narrow road is free of spiritual parasites, because they cannot stand in the Presence of a holy God. Spiritual parasites reside in anti-matter - and scientist know that matter and anti-matter cannot exist together.
We cannot get our head around the fact that spiritual parasites are such weak and feeble, impotent and weak entities - but because they breed in their billions in the quantum field, they make us believe they are powerful. But they are not - they are only powerful if we humans give them any credence and make an oath of allegiance to them.
However, we can only choose one road - which road are you choosing to travel on? This is no doubt the most important question you will have to answer during this short stay on planet earth.
Make that decision whilst you still have a will to freely choose to do so. It is the only “Way” to maintain your SANITY!
Meanwhile, the Beast system is on the verge of total collapse and our Saviour will return to save those who are spiritually and energetically entangled to His Holy Spirit. All others will destroy themselves - that is the nature of entropy and death!
We are not a false simulacrum or simulation of the Real God - we were naturally created by, and are a true image of our Creator. That is the Truth! Confusion, along with spiritual and physical abuse will abound if you continue in an unredeemed state of mind, independent of God, and you continually move into a metaverse frame of mind which takes you into an Alteration, changing you into the image of the Beast.