It appears like the brainwashed masses have become too lazy to read these days, so I’m presenting 4 videos that give you a visual picture of what is really going on in the world - behind the scenes. All 4 videos came from Edward Snowden’s Telegram link this morning.
Just listen to this! It's from 1995.
New World Order weather control to starve the world into submission for their New World Order - Agenda 2030. This has been in the works for a long time. We are watching it play out now on the live screen of our minds. The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP Program) began in 1990 - work on the HAARP facility began in 1993. It is still operational - and the MOB has many of these facilities scattered all around the world now to control the weather. Unfortunately, we will never know the truth about HAARP from the media and these links like Wicked-pedia, because the Khazarian Jews in Israel run Wikipedia and thus control its information content. These Khazarian Jews never speak the Truth because they embody the Nordic Vril energy force and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system of the gods. The common denominator associated with this energy is their hatred of God and their hatred of mankind - where men are raised to use and abuse women and woman are raised to hate men.
Everything associated with this energy has to do with trauma induced mind control. The main exponents of mass mind control are the Khazarian Jews and the Jesuits. Today were are focusing on the Khazarian Jews.
Both groups were instrumental in the destruction on 9/11, 2001. How many Jews were in the towers at 0900 that fateful morning?
HAARP technology and Direct Energy Weapons (DEW’s) are used to start bushfires, create destructive weather patterns both locally and globally and helps the MOB to generate their Climate Change Phenomena which is all mythical bull-dah-SH*T. But essentially HAARP is designed by needy humans to transform the ionosphere which is the outermost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is all a part of their false narrative to usher in their NWO authoritarian dictatorship - 1984 in 2024!
Here is an example of a young mind controlled victim manifesting right before our eyes.
This Bohemian Club, aka The Bohemian Grove in California, report is from a ABC broadcast in 1982. There is one common denominator between The Bohemian Grove, US Politicians in Washington DC, the perpetrator of 9/11, the assassins of JFK, the Jesuits, Khazarian Jews and those who are planning to destroy America, Babylon the Great - that is they all worship Baal and do child ritual blood sacrifice activities that empowers them by glorifying their gods, Satan and Lucifer.
How do you think this image differs from this statue that stands proud today in the streets of the capital of Switzerland, Bern? This statue depicts the character of their Knights Templar heritage and their worship of Baal.
This statue in Bern, in the Capital of Switzerland actually describes the whole story of the Genevan Cabal of the Swiss Octagon…. if this statue had no meaning to you previously, it should now. If not, read about witchcraft and how it has penetrated into all facets of society. Read about Pizzagate which is the Swiss CIA American franchise, or the global child trafficking operation known as Pedogate. In this article it says: “The C.I.A. has always been notorious for being deeply involved in the top 3 illicit revenue-producing operations of the world. Drug trafficking and arms trafficking are both quite HUGE; however, it is child trafficking that really keeps them in business…..”
It is all Pharaonic! This is what the pedophile Pharaonic Freemasons do in every level of society [including those government bodies you want to trust].
Now, this is the big one….. this is the root cause of all pedophilia, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, child trafficking and human parts trafficing…. at its foundation can always be found Khazarian Jews.
This is a long video, however the history of the House of Rothschild may help you understand the present war in Ukraine and more importantly, the war in Gaza.
The Khazarian Jewish bloodline and the label Ashkenazi Jews are one and the same thing. All 4 sitting Presidents of the U.S. were assassinated because they openly opposed the Ashkenazi Jews banking system. The Titanic was sunk for the same reason.
Let this sink in - at least 80% of those who claim they are Jews in the world today are actually Khazarian Jews, originating not from the land of Palestine, but from the land of Khazaria. Khazaria is an ancient land stretching from Georgia to Kiev. It should be no surprise to know that the Ukraine is one the most corrupt countries in the world right now and the epicentre of the global human body parts trade. Every Prime Minister [a British Parliamentary name] in modern day Israel has been a Khazarian Jew. The bloodline who created the State of Israel was/is a Khazarian Jewish bloodline - the Rothschilds.
Revelation 9:2 says “I know your tribulation and poverty--but you are rich--and the blasphemy of those claiming themselves to be Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Yeshua said this about the Khazarian Jewish bloodline. Yeshua’s statements in Rev. 2:9; 2:11; 2:13; 2:24; 3:9; 12:9 and 20:2 makes it clear that Yeshua Himself equated the nature, characteristics and dark iniquity of heart of the Khazarian Jewish bloodline to Satan himself.
Understanding the country Khazaria is important because it was known for its rape of women and families passing through, also for pedophilia, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, child trafficking, cannibalism and human parts trafficing. Interestingly, Russia and Iran were the two countries involved in having the Khazarians dispersed to Europe, where the House of Rothschild formed in Frankfurt. The rest is history. We now have a global Khazarian Jewish bloodline controlling the world from Geneva, Switzerland.
For instance the war in Ukraine has been planned and executed by the Swiss CIA in CERN from the beginning. That is why the Swiss CIA’s Ukrainian puppet, the Khazarian Jew Volodymyr Zelensky, a Nazi Templar, was chosen to be President because of his Hollywood acting abilities and he is pitted against the Russian President Vladimir Putin who is also a neo-Nazi subservient to the Swiss CIA. Putin is affiliated with the Teutonic Knights Templar which are also based in Switzerland.
However, it is important to make it known that not all Ashkenazi Jews are in any way connected to the spiritual mafia MOB. However, Ashkenazi Jews are not Israelites with a history of the race that was chosen by God to carry His blood lineage through to our Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach, the Lord of all the universe. In fact during WW2, the Ashkenazi Jews were slaughtering the real Jews. The reason is the Ashkenazi Jews hate the creator God and choose to destroy anyone connected with, or spiritually entangled with their creator God.
Karl Marx was an Ashkenazi Jew who published the Communist Manifesto. At the same period of time arose Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher who lived mainly in Basel, Switzerland and who declared his "God is dead” philosophy to reflect an increasing unbelief and hatred towards God. Nietzschism allegedly began the emphasise on the power the self will and one’s own ego as the chief motivating force of both the individual and society.
What became known as Nietzschism began the task of destroying morality in society, and after his death he became elevated to being the father of Fascism and even Nazism. He opposed historical Christianity and was associated with the likes of the German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The psychologists Alfred Adler and Carl Jung were deeply influenced, as was Sigmund Freud, who said of Nietzsche that he had a more-penetrating understanding of himself than any man who ever lived or was ever likely to live. The ambivalent friendship with Nazi musician Richard Wagner, who held anti-Semitism beliefs, became strained and eventually Nietzsche collapsed in the streets of Turin, Italy, in January 1889, having lost control of his mental faculties completely.
Richard Wagner, having already studied the Siegfried legend and the Norse Vril myths as a possible basis for an opera, wrote an operatic “poem,” Siegfrieds Tod (Siegfried’s Death), in which he conceived of Siegfried as the new type of man who would emerge after the successful revolution Hitler would later introduce. The association of Nietzsche’s name with Adolf Hitler and Fascism owes much to the use made of his works by his sister, Elisabeth who became his guardian and literary executor. Elizabeth was a Nordic Vril energy black-witch totally entangled to Satan. It was their pursuit of the Nordic Vril energy force that eventually developed into Adolf Hitler’s Nazism.
In this Hindu depiction of their god Lord Shiva or Lord Baal, the Lord of destruction and DEATH, we see 10 arms and 7 heads….. Could this represent the 7 heads and 10 global leaders that will arise very soon to lead the Beast of the NWO, as mentioned in Revelations? As a Semitic common noun Baal (Hebrew baʿal) means "Owner" or "Lord". Satan desires to be the Lord of your life as you are imprisoned in your own digital prison.
The only comment I want to make here for this video is that the company making this fake alternative meat is from Tel Aviv, Israel - the home of the Rothschilds’ Khazarian Jews. If these cannibals have their way, our human flesh will be included in this mix.