Did that sink in American citizens? In the last Substack we articulated how Fascism, Nazism, Jesuit CIA mind control and even Technocracy had began to infiltrate the U.S.A. as far back as 1933 at Columbia University in the City of NY.
This picture depicts the ‘Whore of Babylon’ who was prophesied in the book of Revelation to raise her indulgent appearance and dark heart during these end times. Her role is to seduce humanity through “SS” as in SuiSSe [French for Swiss] deception - in line with the symbolism expressed clearly in this picture, which contains Pharaonic symbolism for Sexuality and the Snake oil of subtle mind control. Both of these human weaknesses are at the forefront of the distribution of demonic entities, or spiritual parasites. That is what manifests in the material realm when we give our spiritual/energetic allegiance to Lucifer.
This tattoo [in fact any tattoo imprinted on our bodies] is like the quantum impression, etching, mark or imprint of iniquity [666]. It is a physical manifestation of a spiritual/energetic allegiance.
I want to propose to you that this ‘Mystery Babylon’ is anyone who falls under her [Lucifer’s] spell of iniquity through mind control and illicit sex as depicted in this picture. This “SS” tattooed on the woman’s body represents those who have been unfaithful to their Creator God, symbolising the Serpent[snake] who empowers the Beast - in this case, the Beast mentioned in Revelation 17, is a 10 nation confederacy that could be labelled as BRICS - who will soon rise up to war against the Beast of Revelation 13 which can now be identified as the Beast from the sea - London and her army, NATO. The Whore of Babylon empowers both Beasts [the impersonation of Satan].
In Mind Fog - Are You Confused?, we discussed how the Whore of Babylon took over the minds of Americans through Washington DC. We said, “But certainly Allen Dulles’ family bloodline was from the Mallet-Prevost family in Geneva, Switzerland which established the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) September 18, 1947 by implementation of the National Security Act of 1947 which gave the CIA and FBI a cover behind which to hide their covert operations of mind control. “Dulles was a cousin of one of Geneva’s Council of 200’s most powerful families, the Mallets. “The Geneva headquarters of the CIA and OSS was run by the Mallet-Prevost family whose descendants include Allen Dulles of the CIA.”
Let us reiterate that all of the spiritual mafia MOB’s ‘Whore of Babylon’ mind control operations are extremely secret, covert, subtle, behind-the-scenes, concealed, hidden, clandestine and sneaky. Now all of this activity is coming out in the open as it is revealed. This ‘Whore of Babylon’ has all the characteristics of a corrupted, unredeemed woman who has embodied Eve’s darkside and iniquity of heart.
When it comes to global mind control, surely one has to expect the epicentre to be located in Geneva, Switzerland and in London. And so it is - the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is located just outside the confines of the City of London in 63 Gee Street, London. Even the number and name of the street more than likely holds great significance inside the realms of Freemasonry [i.e. 9 & G]. “In 1941 a group of psychiatrists at the Tavistock Clinic saw that the right questions were asked in Parliament in order to secure the means to try new measures. As a result they were asked to join the Directorate of Army Psychiatry, and did so as a group.” – thus forming the Tavistock Institute.
A Rockefeller grant gave birth to the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London in 1947. Tavistock mind control doctrine now permeates global life. Their social engineers are a Who’s Who: Freud, Jung, Adler, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Edward Bernays, Eric Trist, A.K. Rice, Eric Miller, Aldous Huxley, R.D. Laing, and more. It is an influential intelligence organization tied to MI6, CIA, Project Paperclip German scientists, The Rockefeller Foundation, and cryptocracy.
Former MI6 Intelligence officer, John Coleman, first exposed their covert activities with his insider knowledge back in the ‘90s in ‘The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America’: “The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300, the Club of Rome, NATO, the Black Nobility, CFR and all of its affiliate organizations, the think tanks, and research institutes controlled by Stanford and … last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.” Coleman includes the Eastern Liberal Establishment “Aristocracy”, its banks, insurance companies, giant corporations, petroleum cartels, foundations, communications networks, publishing houses, radio and television networks and the movie industry.
Take note of the high position of Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum who has been the Crown Prince of Dubai since 2008. Remember, the hidden secrets are held by certain powerful bloodlines, the esoteric, whilst the exoteric are kept in the dark. Outwardly, as far as the exoteric UAE Muslims are concerned, the Sheikh is a good “God” fearing Muslim. Behind the scenes he is a 33 degree Freemason working solely for the spiritual mafia MOB based in Geneva and the City of London. I’ve lived and worked in Dubai for 13 years - I know!
“Tavistock’s agenda is used to create and topple governments. Entire populations are controlled through drugs and sophisticated psychological techniques, including group dynamics. Disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology. They are selling collective ego death with apocalyptic visions. Any technique which breaks down the family unit, and inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by Tavistock scientists as a weapon of control. The esoteric know that altered states of consciousness, or inter-dimensional locations are reached through a combination of sensory deprivation, hypnosis, LSD, and electrocution. This is the cornerstone of MK-Ultra and all forms of mind control.”1
The man who has developed into the absolute expert in the formation of both Technocracy and Transhumanism since its inception in the U.S. in 1933, is the editor of TechnocracyNews.com, Patrick Wood.
All of these esoteric Aryan religions are the source of mind control - they all have a common root which is the counterfeit of God’s divine narrative of freedom of mind! That’s right, if we seek to enter God’s Tree of Life, and gain the free gift of redemption purchased by His divine Son, then we will have freedom of mind.
Now I would like to drill down and examine how the MOB actually performs mind control. To do that we have to understand how the mind operates. This can be done by re-reading Quantum Consciousness which contains this diagram -
Our brain is the most powerful quantum computer in the world - it is designed to decipher data and Information coming to us from God’s pure source in the Quantum Field. However, the MOB and Lucifer have twisted and distorted that data and Information and hence our minds have become confused and thus susceptible to processing all of their warped, contorted, bent and erroneous forms of data and Information which is the essence of all mind control. This distorted data and Information is what our media has full control of….
Mind control techniques involve the dark secrets of brainwashing, hypnosis, manipulation, persuasion, deception and human psychology. All forms of mind control begin with confusion and then isolation is induced through tactics that include alienation, darkness, chronic pain abuse, extreme fear or even horror, fatigue and sleep deprivation, criticism, peer pressure…. then an exact 180°emotional reversal of acceptance, Alice in Wonderland “love” and then the whole cycle of confusion is repeated….. over and over until the mind forms new compartments in which to escape the memory of intense pain. These compartments are called Alters - or Alternate personalities.
Ones mind then becomes fragmented and subsequently forms a new identity or Alternate Reality. This “new Reality” then becomes the dark fertile soil in which spiritual parasites reside that always suck our life energy out of us. Our mind subsequently becomes isolated from, and quantum disentangled from, the One who created us in His image.
This is the MOB’s main gaol, because they hate [or rather despise] the Creator God.
In hindsight, you may recognise some the tactics used during the COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates, between 2020-mid 2023 (3 1/2 years), as being covert mind control tactics. Isolation, peer pressure, alien-ation [the use of masks that made one identify with and feel like being an alien] and the psychological abuse of cancel culture.
All of these tactics are basic mind control tactics that have been used against the masses for thousands of years. A classic example of mind control was used on my Aunty Flo who had a broken relationship when she was a tender 21 years old. The authorities chose her to use as a “guinea pig” to learn more affective ways to mind control the masses. She was locked away in a Mental Home in Ararat, Victoria, Australia way back in the 1940s and spent her whole life subject to varying mind control tactics, when in reality, there was nothing to diagnose her with other than a broken heart. She and her family unconsciously consented to this depraved experimental psychosis that destroyed her soul. What a waste of a life.
Now the spiritual mafia MOB have chosen you and me to be their experimental “guinea pigs” - if we consent! They too want our soul!
So we have discussed the basics of mind control - now they have greater technically advanced methods that you may want to understand - because this Technocracy and Transhumanism is coming our way like the power of a Tsunami. Like the birds of the air, we have to be conscious it is coming if we are to survive.
First we have to get acquainted with how our own minds functions, and how the quantum world operates, because the realm of nanoparticles is what makes up the Tsunami - and if you don’t know what the Tsunami looks like, how can you fight it?
There is only one way to fight against the ‘Greatest Whore in History’ - and that is through God-consciousness and His provision of righteousness - which He paid the perfect sacrifice for.
How can I be so confidence that this is True? Because this provision of LIFE is exactly what the spiritual mafia MOB - or those who believe in the esoteric Aryan religions that are the source of all mind control - are endeavouring so desperately to counterfeit. We humans and demonic entities can only counterfeit and simulate what is naturally wholesome and what is genuine and True.
This Information below on how our mind operates can be found in my three (3) eBooks at Amazon Kindle. When we become aware of how intricate, complex and complicated the brain and mind are, we can gain just a glimpse of how incredible the Mind our Creator actually is. No form of evolutionary process could design such an amazingly entangled, quantum system.
Prognostic Simulation is a major key to the esoteric’s control of the masses.
The “second you”, they are referring too is an avatar, or digital twin of yourself. The natural you, will soon give way to a hybrid you! The Sentient World System (SWS) is effectively a digital clone of the world and everyone in it. This entails detailed algorithms, profiling and predicting their individual patterns of behaviour. This technology is all about predicting the future and controlling the future. For the planet, that will include total control of the weather, energy and CO2 gas emissions, however it will also include the total control and surveillance of you and men through mind control.
This culmination in technology represents essentially everything our creator God foretold and warned mankind not to do. Like any father, this warning is for our own benefit, not our detriment. However, just like a small child is warned not to cross a busy street unless supervised, to ignore that warning could be catastrophic. In ignoring God’s warning, mankind is creating what is called a ‘hive mind’, or collective unconsciousness. EM is their terminology for targeting individuals with mind control where the target’s soul and spirit is brought into subjection to those spiritual entities Geordie Rose refers to as parallel realities. The consequences will no doubt be catastrophic!
The extension of the global Sentient World System (SWS) is the Digital Twin Earth. “Digital Twin Earth will help visualise, monitor, and forecast natural and human activity on the planet. The model will be able to monitor the health of the planet, perform simulations of Earth’s interconnected system with human behaviour (AI), and support the field of sustainable development (UN2030), therefore, reinforcing Europe’s efforts for a better environment in order to respond to the urgent challenges and targets addressed by the Green Deal.” The digital twin is a digital replica of our planet, mirroring AI’s interpretation of Earth's behaviour.
In this article called Digital Twin Earth, they openly declare that this is a disruptive technology that plans for the future chaotic changes of our world…..building on their experience in big data, data mining and pattern recognition. The digital twin is the collective ‘hive mind’: a virtual digital, binary, techno-pagan environment that humans will be immersed in, with their minds entangled to centralised Quantum Computers. This is driven by artificial intelligence. AI systems learnt by observing, then mathematically emulate human behaviour. Humans will be plugged into a virtual reality environment, a matrix of the mind; void of freewill.
Where does the MOB get such a weird name as Digital Twin Earth? Stephanie Moran’s book, “The Binary [Techno]Pagan and Vodun Ontologies of Cyberspace” gives us the answer, saying: “This paper will be tracing the Damballah double snake of virtual reality [or the double snake “SS” tattooed on the Greatest Whore in History’s body]. Its twin ancestry in Paganism and Vodun, through its coding and its rituals. This doubling is inherent to cyberspace’s binary DNA.”
The holy grail of this technology is DNA resonant electromagnetic frequency. It taps right into the DNA and it does so remotely by resonating exactly at the resonate frequency that our personal DNA and our mind are resonating at. This resonate frequency is unique to each individual, just like our fingerprint is unique. Once they have our DNA and its unique electromagnetic resonant frequency, the proteins in the axons of the brains’ microtubules can be targeted and that person’s’ mind controlled.
Our human brain contains 65,536 of these Tubulin Dimers in a single, 40-micron microtubule of a human neuron. Each dimer is a binary pair consisting of a ‘0’ & a ‘1’. In other words, our brains are also digital in design. This number is very significant in creation and quantum physics.
The number 65,536 also represents the total number of possible combinations of the 16 primary figures [16 basic geometric configurations, 16 basic dots/combinations in the sand] of geomancy, that are interpreted by a diviner/Sharman/witch/occultist. Pattern recognition, or combinatorial optimisation, is random number generation involving geomancy divination. Under the subtitle Geomancy and Mathematics Wikipedia used to say - it is so important, this has been deleted: “The four binary elements of each figure allow for 16 different combinations, each called a tableau. As each chart is generated from the four Mothers, there are a total number of 164, or 65,536, possible charts.”
This may appear insignificant, however this is not coincidence. The fact is, this number is highly significant in understanding that all modern technology is rooted in the occult application of geomancy and practises of divination, from the internet up.
Now let’s look at how this number 65,536 relates to computers. Quantum Computers do not use binary, but calculate Information using qubits. Unlike classical bits which are binary (which means they are either 0 or 1), qubits are not binary because they can be ‘0’, ‘1’ or any combination in between. A qubit is a unit of quantum information existing in a state of ‘superposition’. The quantum state of superposition is normally engineered from neutrons, electrons, or photons. Quantum coherence is essential for a qubit to be in a superposition state. Like quantum physics, Quantum Computers are probabilistic rather than deterministic.
The processing power of Quantum Computers (QCs) is represented by a simple mathematical equation 2n where n = the number of qubits. The resultant number equates the number of computations a QC can process in one physical step.
This is a great article on how QC exponential growth works. “It’s like that old fable about an ancient Indian, called Sessa, who invented the game of chess. The king was delighted with the game and asked Sessa to name his reward. Sessa humbly requested a single chessboard with one grain of wheat on the first square, two on the second, four on the third and so on. The king agreed at once, not realising he’d promised away more wheat than existed on Earth. That’s the power of exponential growth.
Just like each square doubled Sessa’s wheat, each additional qubit doubles the processing power. Three qubits gives you 23, which is eight states at the same time; four qubits give you 24, which is 16. And 64 qubits? They give you 264, which is 18,446,744,073,709,600,000 possibilities! That’s about one million terabytes worth. While 64 regular bits can also represent this huge number (264) of states, it can only represent one at a time. To cycle through all these combinations, at two billion per second (which is a typical speed for a modern PC), would take about 400 years.”
The time period of 400 years for a classic computer to cycle through all these combinations is reduced to a matter of minutes with the use of a series of Quantum Computers! A classical computer based on bits could never process that amount of information, which is why quantum computing represents a true “quantum leap” in terms of capability.
For instance, back in 2015 the processing power of D-Wave Quantum Computers was advertised to be 512 qubits or 2512 possible combinations involved for each calculation. To give you an idea of how powerful these computers are these days, a mere system of 300 qubits can reflect more states than there are atoms in the observable universe. 512 qubits correlates to the equivalent of 7 billion human brains. It also correlates to the 6 Generation (6G) of WiFi systems. And…. if Jordie Rose’s definition is correct, it equates to 2512 of “these little guys” [spiritual parasites] residing in each qubit of the Quantum Computer chipset.
Listen closely to Jodie Rose’s occult “spirit speak” to grasp what he is saying in these videos. He is essentially saying that the “nexus” is the “binding together” or “connection point” of man and demonic entities summonsed from parallel realities in this abstract space.
“So, if you have the opportunity to stand next to one of these machines, it is an awe-inspiring thing. At least for me. It feels like an altar to an alien god.”
“In a Quantum Computer, that device can be in a strange situation where these two parallel universes have a nexus. A point in space where they overlap. And, when you increase the number of these devices, everytime you add one of these qubits, you double the number of these parallel universes that you have access to. Until such time when you get to a chip like this, which is about 500 of these bits. You have something like, 2 to the 500th power of these guys, living in that chip. So, the way I think about it is, that the shadows of these parallel worlds, overlap with ours. And, if we’re smart enough, we can dive into them, and grab their resources, and pull them back into ours to make an effect in our world.”
D-Wave designs the most powerful Quantum Computers in the world. As of Sept 2020, the advertised power output of D-Wave’s Advantage was 5000+ qubit . That was the advertised power output. In fact, if Jordie Rose is correct and the processing power has doubled each year since 2015, then the maths would tell us that in 2021 it is nearing the figure of human consciousness at 216 = 65,536 qubits. That correlates to the equivalent of 896 billion human brains! Now that is some output. That is some BEAST!
So why is this number 65,536 so important? Let’s reconsider this statement again; “Once they have our DNA and its unique electromagnetic resonant frequency, the proteins in the axons of the brains’ microtubules can be targeted and that person’s’ mind controlled". As this video says: “The DNA in the nucleus is electromagnetically connected to the proteins in the axons of the brains’ microtubules. This complex electromagnetic relationship between your proteins and your unique DNA enables a Quantum Computer to resonate at such a frequency that it will only bio resonate with your own personal brains’ microtubules.” The resonant frequency will be established by quantum entanglement between artificial atoms embedded in nano diamonds implanted in our body and the Sentient World System (SWS).
The number 65,536 is important because it is a common denominator in quantum mechanics and the divinatory practices of geomancy. Our brains also operate naturally at 216 = 65,536 qubits which provides nature’s’ blueprint for Quantum Computers. Now that the D-Wave Quantum Computers are operating at levels greater than that of human consciousness, at 216 = 65,536 qubits, it demonstrates beyond doubt that they are in fact using Geomancy and mathematics as its operating system.
In essence, the number 65,536 is at the epicentre of all quantum computing, AI, the SWS and all sponsored science and research that is ultimately concerned in creating the foremost method of mass mind control through surveillance.
DARPA, understanding the quantum mechanics learnt at CERN, initially created mind control technology to track the minds of targeted individuals (TIs), all in the name of National Security. Now those Targeted Individuals are becoming you and me!
DARPA contracted D-Wave to design the ultimate problem solver. Problem solving is what Quantum Computers are designed to do. Efficiently sequencing and then manipulating our DNA was one such problem that needed to be resolved by the esoteric dictatorship. Our DNA is unique, that is why mining our DNA is like mining gold. There is no doubt the OVERLORDS were mining our DNA and using the PCR tests for harvesting biometric data during the lockdowns. This biometric data is what they are weaponising in order to completely control and manipulate us.
All of this technology in Quantum Computing is based on pattern recognition and random number generation, using prognostication to divine the future. Since our brain is a natural Quantum Computer, it also produces patterns. Let’s discuss what this video is referring to at the 15:40 mark when it says “in these electrical patterns we saw for the first time, ghostly like structures, electrical objects appearing within the neurological column. It is these electrical objects that are holding all the information about what stimulated it. And when we zoomed into this, it is like a veritable universe….” What they are describing here is an energy signature that creates a pattern which is dependant on our spiritual belief system, thoughts and perspective within the physical brain. At the quantum level, particles that form matter cannot be observed directly, only their energy signature. This is the case whether someone is observing the Higgs Boson at CERN, detecting patterns within Quantum Computers, or detecting ghostly like structures [electrical objects] within the brain.
The best way to describe an energy signature is an impression we have imprinted on our mind… like the memories you have imprinted on your mind regarding 9/11 2001. Or the assassination of JFK in 1963!
The brain imprints these electromagnetic impressions into our minds! It becomes like a permanent etching. Energy imprints, marks or signatures are also how the spiritual realm works. A genuine relational experience with the creator God through the Holy Spirit, or with Lucifer’s demonic entities can also etch unforgettable visual impressions into our mind. These imprints then form a representation of our spiritual world view. Our mind is the unseen energy representing the brain’s electromagnetic activity. Hold that thought in mind!
If you find this information too technical, then maybe you would prefer to get the big picture by reading all three (3) eBooks at Amazon Kindle. This information could well place you on a journey to expereince the salvation of your soul. Not by me - but by your spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach, the divine Son of God…..
In the next Substack we will research how modern technology, AI and the MOB’s understanding of how the brain processes information is all used to ensnare our minds and create the MOB’s digital prison inside our brain.
You might think this unimportant - but trust me - the MOB is ready to release this 5/6G technology upon mankind and all that we have discussed in my Sustacks and the three (3) eBooks above is about to become predominant in your reality. The graphene oxide and aluminium that the MOB have already pumped into our brains is about to excite electrons in our brains to quantum entangle, through superposition and quantum coherence, with the electrons in their Quantum Computers - and then our freedom as sovereign human beings will be completely gone.
Thanks you for reading and trying to understand this complex topic….. I know it is not easy. It has taken me 70 years to work all of this out - and I come from a simple peasant background, being just an ordinary commoner.
Trust me, the Aristocratic pedophile “elite” will soon come tumbling down…. not because of anything I say or do, but because God’s Holy Spirit says they will! It has been prophesied that the whole Pride movement in our hearts is about to collapse. And we don’t have to point the finger at the LGBTQ movement for this - we need to point the finger 180° and observe the Pride and iniquity in our own hearts - because that self-righteousness is how we personally entertain the ‘Whore of Babylon’ without even being consciously aware of it.