Dr. Armin Kirshnan is a Military, Security and Intelligence expert on 5th Generation warfare. He lectures on future war strategies, Military technology and the Intelligence services. This interview below describes exactly the military tactics used to digitally control our minds.
Dr. Armin Kirshnan discusses who is behind the chaos and technocratic war we are now living through. He discusses the end goals and how the Deep State and the Shadow Government plays a part in the plan. He discusses how serious this situation is for all people on the planet and how God-conscious awareness is key to solving the problem. The more people who are aware, the more people there will be working on the solution. God-conscious awareness is the key - not the MOB’s version of consciousness - which is really making us unconscious.
I’m listing Dr. Armin Kirshnan’s Biography below because he lectures on such relevant topics that all of us need to be consciously aware of -
“Armin Krishnan is an Associate Professor and Director of Security Studies at East Carolina University, where he teaches foreign policy, international security, and intelligence studies. He has received his MA in Political Science, Sociology, and Philosophy at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich in 2001, his MA in Intelligence and International Relations at the University of Salford, UK, in 2003, and his PhD in Security Studies at the University of Salford, UK, in 2006. He has worked as a Research Associate at the University of Southampton, UK, before joining the University of Texas at El Paso in 2009 to teach in the Intelligence and National Security Studies program as a Visiting Assistant Professor. In 2013 he joined the Department of Political Science of East Carolina University as a tenure-track faculty. He is the author of many journal articles and six books on different aspects of contemporary warfare, such as military service contracting, autonomous weapons systems, targeted killings, neurowarfare, paramilitary operations, and fifth generation warfare. His current research interests include the political and military implications of blockchain technology, the Havana Syndrome, and hyperwar.”
Kudos to Sarah Westall for conducting one of the best interviews I have ever heard…. it succinctly describes the mind control tactics the spiritual mafia MOB are using against us - directed by every nation’s Military who are subject to the leadership of the occult Swiss Pharaonic Octagon secret society. The same Military, corporate organisations that dispersed 5G towers right across the globe during the lockdowns of 2020-2023.
Click here or on the photo below to see the interview…..
Armin Krishnan is an expert in Fifth-generation warfare. Therefore we have to define Fifth-generation warfare (5GW): According to the Zionist run information controlled website Wicked-pedia, it is “warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of "information and perception””.
Hold that thought right there: a war of "information and perception”. That there defines all forms of mind control. That there defines the activities of the occult Swiss Pharaonic Octagon secret society. That there defines the CIA and FBI. The whole NWO and global reset involves a transformation of your "information and perception” to align it with the Luciferian and Satanic technology, intelligence, knowledge and information coming out of CERN, Geneva, Switzerland - the epicentre of the spiritual mafia MOB.
A war of "information and perception” creates mass psychosis.
In 2021, an Al Jazeera article made this observation:"The basic idea behind this term [fifth-generation warfare] is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the minds of common citizens." A ‘fifth-generation war’? “Perceptions, information, propaganda, and “fake news” are all tools in this ostensibly modern form of warfare.” 1
Hmmm…. there appears to be a common thread in the definitions of 5th Generation warfare. I wonder how this term ‘5th Generation’ is related to 5G? This is another U.S. Military and Military Industrial Complex project with the common goal to destroy humanity. The Military Industrial Complex is a network of individuals and institutions involved in the production of weapons and military technologies. Huge Defence companies like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Electric, RTX Corp (formerly Raytheon Technologies) and Booz Allen Hamilton. Here is a full list.
There are two important things to note about this 5th Generation warfare definition. The first is that fifth-generation warfare is not waged against either standing armies of nation-states, or guerrilla insurgents but against everyday citizens. The second is that this war is not being fought in a battlefield offshore somewhere, but in your mind.
I trust that you are beginning to see that the common goal of all fifth-generation warfare is to propagate the spirit of DEATH - the spirit of both Lucifer [symbolic of the colour white because he is counterfeiting Yeshua’s purity] and Satan [symbolic of the colour red because he is counterfeiting Yeshua’s blood that has the power to redeem us and give us LIFE].
The bottom line is; the spiritual and energetic information that enters the cells of your body determines your perception of life, how you perceive your partner, others, your environment, your belief system and your perception of our Creator God.
That is what is under attack by 5th Generation warfare!
Honestly, this guy Armin Krishnan is so knowledgeable about the activities of the spiritual mafia MOB, even though he claims to merely be “an academic trying to make sense of the world”, given he is German, it is difficult for me to believe he is not an insider. What he is teaching is information and intelligence directly from the heart of the Beast, the occult Swiss Pharaonic Octagon in Switzerland. One part of me wants to believe he is merely “an academic” endeavouring to tell us the truth - another part of me remains suspicious.
I will be contacting Armin Krishnan to allow him to justify his actions.
I noticed Dr. Armin Krishnan does not have a distinct American accent, so I asked ChatGPT - What nationality is Dr. Armin Krishnan? Answer: “Dr. Armin Krishnan is German. His background and academic affiliations, such as his previous association with the University of Salford in the UK and other institutions, align with his German nationality.” Who is Dr. Armin Krishnan? Answer: “Dr. Armin Krishnan is an academic and author specializing in security studies, defense policy, and military technology. He is known for his research and publications on topics such as military robotics, artificial intelligence in warfare, and defense strategy. Dr. Krishnan is often involved in examining the ethical and strategic implications of emerging military technologies. He has held academic positions and contributed to various scholarly articles and books in his field. His work provides insights into how technological advancements are transforming modern warfare and the associated policy challenges.”
Regardless of Krishnan ethical stance, through videos like this, the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon is now clearly telling the masses exactly what they are doing and how they are doing it. Dr. Armin Krishnan wouldn’t be given the green light to do these interviews online or write his books if this wasn’t so. The MOB does this because they believe if the masses know, then we have been openly told and if we still consent, it is our fault, not theirs. This is the same principle as Lucifer revealing himself to Eve, openly stating his deceptive plan before she chose to sin.
This has to do with their false belief system of Hindu/Buddhist karma. But really this is God revealing to us the truth so no one can claim they didn’t know that His spiritual/energetic judgement is coming real soon. Our Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach is coming in the clouds [not the man-made, counterfeit computer “cloud”] to judge everyone’s heart. Before that happens, the counterfeit messiah, “Jesus, the Christ”, their LORD will appear as a hologram representing a fake rapture that will be portrayed to the whole world. That is the plan at least!
Right from the gecko, Krishnan defines the Deep State as being portions of the National Security State that has acquired some level of autonomy. The Shadow Government being a group outside of the Government that can reach deep into any national Government. Therefore, they have infiltrated the Governments and can influence the Governments at all levels. The National Security State - think 9/11 - and the Shadow Government in every nation on planet earth, including Russia and China, are puppet strings of the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon secret society in Geneva, Switzerland.
Organised crime is what these oligarchs do best. I just want to reiterate that the foundational belief system of every secret society in the world is the Jewish Kabbalah tree of life - and their god is Lucifer, who is worshipped through Baal or Baphomet. Baphomet is a deity which the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping that subsequently became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions. The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in AD 1307. The Knights Templar fled to Scotland and Switzerland. All the treasures from Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem and the tombs in Lower Egypt have been hidden in the mountains of Switzerland for the last 717 years. This is what has enabled the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon to be the merchant bankers who have ruled the world ever since.
Did you know that there were no castles in Europe until the Knights Templar built them after returning from their 1st Crusade AD 1096-1099?
Notice that Krishnan actually teaches Military Academy students and Intelligence personal [CIA & FBI etc] on how to implement 5th Generation warfare. Do you think he knows the game, the actors and the players? Absolutely he does! This guy knows what he is talking about - for sure!
5th Generation warfare is a new paradigm of war. It is based on physiological manipulation, deception, and cognitive warfare which involves manipulation of the brain and manipulation of culture. Therefore, 5th Generation warfare is fought in the human domain - this is not a physical or corporeal domain, but a domain of social relationships, of narratives and culture [what he means here, is it is not a corporeal domain, but a spiritual domain]. Therefore it has the potential to subtly change the whole composition of a society’s values by stealth. It is a clandestine approach to warfare by controlling the minds of the collective. The mind is were the hostilities take place!
In order to understand this, I suggest rereading Quantum Consciousness my eBook Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons to understand how our brain creates Data & Information in our energetic minds. The bottomline is, our brain is the most sophisticated quantum computer that generates our mind’s thoughts that are energetic, not material. This is why many of our hidden beliefs are not fully apparent to our conscious mind.
This is very important - 5th Generation warfare is not apparent to the collective that it is actually happening. What have I been trying to tell you? 5th Generation warfare attacks the darkside or the shadow of humanity, and it is so subtle the masses remain unconscious of the fact that they are under attack. That is what a hypnotic state does. The conscious mind is bypassed and the unconscious mind automatically takes over the subconscious mind involuntarily. This manifestation of our spirit often comes in the form of the release of negative emotions - involuntarily without conscious control.
Therefore, because the collective doesn’t know there is a war going on inside their own mind, they are unaware that they themselves are under attack. They don’t know where the attack is coming from - and who is responsible for it - or what the ultimate goal of it is!? This is where energetic disruption, confusion and insanity of mind take hold and it is then game over. We become checkmate without even knowing we are playing a game of chess and a ‘Game of Thrones’. We have unconsciously sold our soul to Lucifer as a poor substitute of our Creator. We have effectively crucified Yeshua haMashiach and His LIFE in our own minds and installed Lucifer’s spiritual parasites that bring both physical and eternal DEATH.
All this occurs through our own free will and consent. Our consent is a legal agreement in the spiritual/energetic realm.
5th Generation warfare therefore slowly and subtly changes societal order in a massive way [creating disorder and mass unconsciousness]. It is therefore about the destruction of the State and the formation of a new social order. This is a spiritual mafia MOB CIA operative 101. This is Knights Templar, Swiss Pharaonic Octagon, Masonry, secret society, mind control operative 101. This will introduce Technocracy and scientific dictatorship [or a Luciferian encoded digital prison] without the masses even being aware of the transformation.
It is about the destruction of the State and the formation of a totally new social order [or disorder] - all under the guise of Lucifer and Aleister Crowley’s ”Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. Aleister Crowley’s law is a 180°reversal, or mirror image of our Creator God’s ethical Laws. This is a form of neo-feudalism where the techno-lords [the Technocrates] OVERLORD the peasants through Artificial Intelligence [Lucifer’s Intelligence, not God’s] and Transhumanism. Note: our minds will be GMO, artificial, unconscious and totally distorted entities - controlled by Lucifer’s spiritual parasites.
How it works is, the MOB know that the corrupt dark shadow in the heart of all men and women can be used to compromise them. This is easily done in an unredeemed heart because the MOB’s offer instantly appeals to one’s ego and carnal, self-centred ‘flesh’. It is often done through fear, hatred of God and the lustful temptation of the flesh through of illicit sex. Their video recordings of these compromising acts are then used against them as leverage to cooperate. This is how individuals and organisations get co-opted. ‘Co-opt’ means to persuade someone to help or support the NWO, Technocratic cause of self, corporate and collective destruction. They co-opt individuals through financial incentives, ideology [belief system i.e. Islam or American Zionist backed Christianity] and appealing to a person’s identity to achieve a level of cooperation.
All of these individuals become what the MOB classifies as “useful idiots” because they have been used and abused without any understanding of what, why, how or who is controlling their minds. That’s right - it is Self Sabotaging and Self Destructive without us even being aware of it.
Once the new regime is brought in, those compromised “useful idiots” who have been used by the MOB to support their cause, will more than likely be eliminated once they no longer have any use. This is the mindset of these psychopathic pedophiles. This is what Big Pharma scientists, doctors, nurses, CEO’s and crypto traders who helped build the MOB’s blockchain do not understand. Once the eugenic program has reached a tipping point, they will be of no use, and will be exterminated themselves - because they no longer serve a purpose in Lucifer’s NWO. And because of karma - or cause and effect - the iniquity in their heart will manifest physically in disease and/or death.
Dr. Armin Krishnan suggests that we need to take control of the narrative - and use wholesome Information to overcome and fight against false perceptions and desired unethical behaviours. The MOB uses behavioural sciences to study how the collective responds to certain stimuli, then they use that stimuli to move society in a certain direction - kicking the can down the road. They have a very good understanding of the human psyche and human behaviour - particularly its weaknesses - namely iniquity of heart. They use divide and conquer to destroy our sovereign identity. There is a data Information file on everyone of us located at CERN, Switzerland - the headquarters of technology advancement, Intel and the global CIA - or Luciferian Information gained from the spiritual portal.
The spiritual mafia MOB know everything about unconsciousness or iniquity - however they understand nothing about its only antidote - Yeshua’s righteousness. Let me say that another “Way” - Yeshua’s righteousness is the only spiritual portal that can eradicate iniquity or our corruption of heart.
The Deep State was previously known as the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex. Krishnan claims that the Deep State once had wholesome intentions in providing National Security for Americans but has now been infiltrated by outside interests. Interests that have no concern in protecting National Security and is more interested in the destruction of society. He claims there has been a recent infiltration and subversion. This is simply not correct.
Patrick Wood, Editor-in-Chief, Technocracy.news, breaks down the dangers of the global push of Technocracy and Transhumanism, and how the mRNA vaccines and the WHO are part of this agenda. Patrick Wood has been following Technocracy since its origins back in the 1930s. Then the Trilateral Commission was formed by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1973. The first Targeted country they got involved in Technocracy was the Chinese CCP. This Society has been engineered to higher and higher degrees ever since then by the Deep State. Wood correctly states that the genius or crystallising of the Deep State activities occurred at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, also known as the Rio Conference or the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992. This was when they formulated Agenda 21 and the Biological Diversity Treaty, a non-binding action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development that was initially actioned. This was the origin of the “lawful” genetic engineering of all forms of life.
Man has been playing God ever since. With the help of their own mystical gods, the spiritual mafia MOB believe they can develope immortality. Transhumanist believe they have the technology to transcend our unconscious human condition. Their whole goal is to be a god in their own right and become immortal. This will be proven to be impossible!
Those who have consented to having the military grade bioweapon injected into their bodies have sold their souls to a corporation that now legally owns them according to a legally binding patent.
So here we have an academic, Dr. Armin Krishnan, who has such a good grasp of what is going on and actually lectures Military Academy and Intelligence students on Technocracy, the Deep State and how the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon secret society operates, yet he doesn’t supposedly understand why Washington DC is not doing something to resist this Zionist run attempt to destroy the Government from within? Come on! Really? It means Krishnan does not see the big picture, nor does he fully understand the MOB’s tactics and full range of arsenal against us.
Krishnan claims that international oligarchs are coming into the U.S. and corrupting the Government. That is true, but many years ago. Allen Dulles was the first civilian and longest-serving Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). He served in Switzerland during WW1 and WW2. The content Krishnan is teaching absolutely proves how accurate my eBook Are You Con-CERN-ed is…..
This is an abstract from it - “Dulles was a cousin of one of Geneva’s Council of 200’s most powerful families, the Mallets. “The Geneva headquarters of the CIA and OSS was run by the Mallet-Prevost family whose descendants include Allen Dulles of the CIA.” This Geneva patrician family even helped support Lenin’s Bolshevik Revolution and the German Nazis. Allen Dulles was the first Secretary of the American Embassy in Berlin. In April 1933, Dulles met with Hitler in Berlin. Dulles was also a director of the Schroder Bank, that handled Hitler’s personal funds. Dulles was Swiss Director of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) which was the intelligence agency of the United States during World War II. He was also ordained as a Knight of Malta and was the 15th cousin, one time removed to John D. Rockefeller (founder of the Standard Oil Company) in the U.S. There is no doubt that all this added to Dulles’ Intelligence community apprenticeship with the global Intelligence community based in Switzerland: the CIA Swiss Firm.
Therefore Dulles and the Swiss CIA were in bed with the Nazis which means essentially the Nazis and the Templars are, one and the same entities. After WW2 ended on May 8, 1945 Dulles returned to the United States to eventually become the Director of the CIA 1953–1961. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was formed in the United States on September 18, 1947 by implementation of the National Security Act of 1947. The National Security Act has provided a veil of secrecy, behind which the activities of the global Intelligence community has hidden their occult Synarchy beliefs and activities since 1947. The National Security Act is indeed a form of compartmentalisation enacted by the Jesuits and the Swiss CIA.
Essentially, the United States CIA, which was formed and directed by the Corporation of Washington DC [formed in 1871], became the diversion the global CIA based in Switzerland needed, to deflect attention away from themselves and the Jesuits in the Vatican. They needed a distraction. The United States CIA provided that distraction. All eyes have been on the U.S. for the last 75 years allowing the Genevan Council of 200 to proceed playing “Global Fascism” unhindered.
During his time as head of the CIA, Dulles oversaw the 1953 Iranian coup d'état and the Project MKUltra mind control program which he learnt from the Council of 200 and Jesuits whilst based in Switzerland. LSD, a classic CIA mind control tool, was first synthesised by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in 1938 from lysergic acid in Basel/Baal, Switzerland.
Dulles was also instrumental in the creation of Operation Paperclip in the United States coordinating with his family contacts in Geneva, Switzerland. Whilst the global Intelligence community sent Nazi German scientists to many other Commonwealth countries like Operation Matchbox in Australia. Operation Paperclip was a secret United States Intelligence program in which more than 1,600 Nazi German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II, between 1945 and 1959. Likewise, at least 127 German scientists and engineers were sent to Australia between 1946 and 1951. All nations have since been indoctrinated with “Global Fascism” and Nazism, starting with the education of young children, all the way up through “Global Fascism” styled universities. Nazism is a political ideology perceiving themselves to be a race superior to others.
Today that “Global Fascism” training has developed from the Rhodes Scholarship to the WEF Young Global Leaders, started in 1992 by Klaus Schwab, who are all trained to infiltrate their local Governments and penetrate the countries’ Cabinet ministers with the Genevan Council of 200 poisonous indoctrination. Here is a list of YGLs worldwide.”
The conclusion is - members of the Shadow Government, the Deep State and the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex are all Nazis. The truth is, Technocrates are merely fascists who now have the convenience of having designed technology at CERN that will enslave all of mankind, not just the Germans. Like German Nazism and Italian Fascism, the U.S. [and now the rest of the world] have been controlled by the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon secret society since the 17th century [since the Peace of Westphalia treaty was signed in 1648 actually]. All of the national Governments are merely there for the theatre - they no longer have any say. The outside interests Dr. Armin Krishnan refers to making Government decisions is the Shadow Government that is controlled by the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon - who are predominantly extreme Zionist Jews and Catholic Jesuits.
This is a mystery! Given Krishnan is German and teaching these topics to Military Academy students and Intelligence personal on how to implement 5th Generation warfare, how could he possibly not know that the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is located in Basel [BAH-zəl in German, Bâle in French - which is where the French, German, and Swiss borders meet] - not Geneva. Come on Professor - you are German! This is definitely brain fog!
Brain and mind confusion, chaos and psychological warfare are all a major part of 5th Generation warfare - it is all about controlling our scrambled minds.
The NWO, global Beast system will collapse, because it is based on a gigantic Ponzi scheme with a foundation of fraud and usury - once the cards start falling it will totally collapse. However, this may not occur until Yeshua haMashiach intervenes as prophesied in the book of Revelation.
Transhumanism comes with the idea that with transgender one can change their body to be something better than human which is tied to the theory of ‘evolution by design’ that appeals to one’s ego and sense of self gratification - but in the end it is a means by which to control the “useless eaters” minds. Everything being thrown at us is coordinated from one centralised point and the epicentre of media and medical control - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Kudos to Sarah Westall whose three (3) adds are at least meaningful and helpful to mankind. 1. C60 or Carbon 60 is a molecule shaped like a hollow soccer ball. The whole natural universe is shaped in this God-given design. I cover this in my eBook Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons and how this factual counterfeit is related to ‘Alternate Realities’. It has live footage of how Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin jokes about this in Helsinki July 15, 2018. 2. How gold and silver are insurance - a hedge against inflation. 3. There are materials that absorb EMF frequencies as opposed to the metals aluminium and graphene oxide that amplify EMF signals and microwave frequencies in our brains.
Finally! I want to remind you of George H.W. Bush’s speech before a joint session of Congress on Sept. 11, 1990, when he first announced the coming NWO. Note the date; Sept. 11, 1990 exactly [to the day] 11 years prior to 9/11, 2001. Do you really think both 9/11 and the NWO were not pre planned by the Deep State and the Technocrates? Also, engineers who analysed the rubble at ground zero, found nanothermite particles had been mixed into the original concrete during the construction of the Twin Towers which began back in 1968, 33 years before the event. (Selah) This nanothermite was triggered by the DEW beams on 9/11 2001 - with technology designed at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Thanks for reading this Substack…. Are you wiser today than you were yesterday? Wisdom and understanding are both Godly assets….. whereas “worldly knowledge” is often futile.