Herein lies some of the script of the NWO play….. it is all coming to light and being exposed. How dark it is…….
The Hebrew letter “TAV”, written right across the sky is God’s sign to all that “It is finished! Man’s propensity towards iniquity is finished! Man’s propensity to sin is finished!
There is now nowhere to run…. this is our only HOPE: “To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of Life.”
Remember, I felt God say to me to do 4 (four) Substacks and He would reveal the keys to the true meaning of both the “X” associated with the fallen angel’s Enochian language and the “TAV” sign associated with God’s spiritual kingdom - and He would bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts.
Then we looked briefly at the 40-day “Nineveh” window between the solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024 the beginning of Pentecost on May 18th, 2024.
BOOM! Now I understand. I have known about the Swiss Octagon and how this global Master Secret Society control the human mind, body and spirit for about 4 (four) years. It’s Ogdoad belief system is also the epicentre of NWO religion and its eugenics program. I was living in Switzerland at that time and began to question the Knights Templar symbols in Spiez Castle on Lake Thun.
I personally know Sean Hross who does the video below called The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil. He is a South African who married a Swiss lady. The same as me. As he mentions in the video below, that he ventured into the sanctum of a Swiss Octagon meeting many years ago. He was incensed and infuriated with what he heard. You should be too! He started to reveal the Octagon’s plans for world domination and the eugenics program and therefore ran foul of the Swiss Police who brutally tortured him for months to the point of death. I’ve watch at least 100 of Sean Hross’s videos, and I can honestly say, he is one of the gurus of the pursuit of freedom and revealing the truth. He is homeless, and moves around France filming the history of the Knights Templars’ Castles. Did you know that there was no castles in Europe prior to the Crusades when the Knights Templars pillaged and raped the ancient treasures of Jerusalem and Luxor, Egypt?
Hross’ claims that the Knights Templars of Octagon founded what is perceived as "clean" Switzerland in 1291. The unconscious Swiss are certainly not taught that, however I have determined that this is absolutely true. The Knights Templars, the Pharaonic Octagon or the spiritual mafia MOB run the world - and have done so since the Greek Empire instilled their Greek gods.
I highly recommend Sean Hross’s 13 Part series called The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil. It is no coincidence that there are also 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines. That is my own determination - however, we have never conspired or even talked about this fact.
Once again, the MOB’s use of the number 13 is not coincidence.
Look at the “X” marked or imprinted on the forehead of this statue. We said in the last Substack that “X” signifies iniquity in the heart of mankind. Therefore the next Plandemic X, as the WEF calls it, is directed at the mind, heart and souls of mankind.
Once again I quote from my published eBook on Amazon….. Are you con-CERN-ed?
“The ancient site of the Vatican was originally a Necropolis, that is, a cemetery. They named it after the goddess Vatika, who was also associated with the underworld. Constantine, the first Catholic emperor, had a temple built on this hill, known as the Vatican Hill. A few centuries later, the Papal palace was built. The “Vatican” name originates from Vatika, the pagan goddess of Etruscan. The statue of the Etruscan goddess of the underworld, Vatika, guards the city of the dead, where the Vatican stands today. The symbol in the middle of her forehead is the Vagina, which is also the symbol of her own name, and represents fertility.”
Sad to say, but the MOB’s view of the Vagina is merely an implement to man-ipulate, control and ultimately bring death, which is not as our Creator intended it, so as to generate pleasure and life. The MOB desecrates the Vagina and makes the temple, or matrix, of a woman an abomination. That is why liberal sex, child sex and pediphilia are a major pasttime for these degenerate beings. Therefore we can assume, that for the MOB, the Vagina is debased to mean a X Marks the Spot, imprinted on the forehead.
Does that incense and infuriate you? Well it should! But we need to look the enemy in the eye, as this is the core of the MOB and their Beast system. This is the only way to defeat the enemy in our own lives as well. Let’s call our uncontrollable, unconscious emotional attacks, what they are - spiritual parasites that are feeding off of our soulish energy.
The Name Means Everything
“So what is in a name? The name of Switzerland — officially the Latin name is Confoederatio Helvetica (CH), the Swiss Confederation. Helvetia is the female national personification of Switzerland. The name Helvetia is actually Pharaonic. Hel [as in Hel-Vitika] is a mythological female being in Norse mythology who is said to preside over an underworld realm of hell, where she receives a portion of the dead. Vatika or Vaticanus is the Etruscan name of the goddess associated with birth and the underworld. This name, also called Vaticanus or Vaginatus, later came to mean the Latin, Vagina, that is, the female reproductive organ. The Vatican, takes its name from this goddess.”
Can you see it yet? There is a definite intimate connection between the Vatican and Switzerland. That is why the Vatican uses Swiss guards. Some even believe the Holy See is the Canton of Geneva!
“If one was to scribe a circle from Bern, the capital of Switzerland, one would see that the distance to the top of Norway, to Luxor in Egypt is equidistant. The OWO (red) and the NWO (white) have an epicentre in Geneva, Switzerland. This is not co-incidental - or conspiracy theory - this is WELL planned conspiracy fact! This was officially formulated on 24 October 1648, with the Treaty of Westphalia…… exactly 376 years ago. Therefore, the conflict and tension created between the Nordic Vril energy force and the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system is central to the coming global religion.”
Everything the global elite does involves dualism. Dualism is the division of something conceptually in two supreme opposed powers or gods, or two sets of divine or demonic beings. Satan and Lucifer are foundational to the one spiritual tree of the knowledge of good [Lucifer] and evil [Satan].
In the case of the location of Switzerland, they use the occult belief system from Egypt in the South and integrate it with the energetic belief system of the mystical Nordic North and BOOM, we have everyone worshipping and agreeing on a one world religious system worshipping the Lords of Saturn - Satan.
“Many now believe that CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research), located in Geneva, Switzerland is the modern-day Tower of Babel. Therefore, could CERN be the epicentre of the MOB’s activities worldwide? This book is written in an attempt to lay down evidence to determine if this is in fact true. The nuclear research facility known as CERN built the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the French/Swiss border, in the suburbs of Geneva, Switzerland. In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB. At CERN is erected a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity lord Shiva. It defines the MOB and CERN’s beliefs.”
You really need to click on this photo and discover what has been happening in CERN for the last 70 years. I want you to focus on the first few words in this video - “Quark Gluon Plasma is bad for physics” - these particles are otherwise known as Quark Gluon Condensate or Strangelets. Then this video diverts our attention away to other issues relating to CERN. This is interesting when you know that scientists don’t like to talk about Strangelets because they admit they are as scary as hell - literally. As this article says: “This “strange matter” as it would come to be called would quickly convert all normal matter on Earth to strange matter like itself in mere moments, a kind of particle zombie apocalypse powered by exponential growth that would leave the Earth and all life on it reduced to a relatively tiny ball of quarks about 100 meters across…. To understand strange matter, you need to know about quarks.”
Whilst watching these videos remember God Word says: “But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by His word, being reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”
Fire? God’s Word already tells us clearly that mankind will destroy themselves with fire - we have witnessed this recently in Maui and the majority of bushfires globally that have been started with Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs). The critical thing for us to understand is the MOB have been creating Strangelets for years. We know that Strangelets are THE MOST POWERFUL EXPLOSIVES in the known universe. One mistake and the activation of Strangelets will make global category 8.0 earthquakes look insignificant - like child’s play.
We have determined that the day of judgment begins in earnest between April the 8th, 2024 and May 9th, 2024, which is being labelled the 40-Day “Nineveh” Window. Be warned though - nothing may happen on April the 8th itself. However, it is a sign that God’s judgement is coming!
The main video I suggest you watch is this one by Anthony Patch….. he is an expert on the coming “Patch” that will be used by the MOB with the designed intention to dispel the masses fears when Plandemic “X’ is finally released. A. Patch is also an expert on the topic of CERN and their creation of “Quark Gluon Condensates” or “Strangelets” "for nefarious purposes. CERN is the global epicentre of iniquity and the “X”.
As Anthony Patch states, “Dark matter is one of the universe’s great mysteries - making up 85% of the universe’s mass. It doesn’t emit, absorb, or reflect light - making it completely invisible.”
Points of interest from this video are -
according to the present gurus there are four (4) forces that govern everything that happens in the universe. Gravity, the weak force, electromagnetism, and the strong force.
scientists admit that dark energy/dark matter, and light energy/light matter do not mix. Period! It is a fact! "Dark energy doesn't absorb or emit light".
since everything is made in the image of God, likewise our iniquity, unrighteousness, self-righteousness and dark attitude of heart does not absorb or emit God’s light, justice or divine righteousness!
“In short, dark matter slows down the expansion of the universe, while dark energy speeds it up.” In the 1930s, Swiss-born astronomer Fritz Zwicky speculated that “dark matter” existed. Swiss!? Now, isn’t that a surprise!
particle accelerators like CERN are used to explore extra parallel spiritual dimensions including dark matter and dark energy
CERN’s focussed attention is on that which is “dark”
these Alternate realities are entered into via gateways or spiritual portals
CERN has been creating Strangelets or “Quark Gluon Condensates” and they are so dense they cannot be contained
they naturally fall from the point of mankind’s creation at CERN to the core of the earth
they then begin to attract all other unstable matter towards themselves because they are inherently stable
“Strangelets” was what Stephen Hawking was warning us about with his expressed dangers associated with CERN - the unconscious comedian in this video just thought they were referring to the “God Particle” supposedly discovered in 2012. CERN cannot even prove the existence of the “God Particle”, as the only photographic evidence they have is merely a photo of an impression it made - which is exactly how the quantum realm operates. Ask God, He will answer you instantly with divine quantum Information - and impress it upon your mind, spirit and soul
quantum mechanics is God’s method of communicating instantly with His creation
quantum tunnelling is moving a Information signal from one dimension into another - moving from one quantum state through an energy barrier to another quantum state. This is what quantum computers do!
this is what mankind is messing with - the MOB’s intention is to use Strangelets - THE MOST POWERFUL EXPLOSIVE in the known universe - to defeat God Himself. That is their evil intent - good luck is paramount!
the MOB are risking your security and the future of mankind to do this….
the critical thing for us to understand is that mankind maybe self fulfilling God’s prophecy that fire will be used in the day of judgment to destroy those who hate God
My conclusion is our modern day alchemists know nothing about how the universe operates, including their theories on evolution, gravity, dark energy or light energy.
If anything, Satan and Lucifer represent dark energy and light energy…. and the MOB are totally unconscious of this fact.
The reason I’m making you aware of this is because the history of the “X” shows that it originated with the Phoenicians and Canaanites - those of Cain’s bloodline who worshipped Baal and hated God.
The Phoenicians were the first seafaring people to settle the island of Venice, Italy. They were later joined by the Lombards who together [duality] eventually became the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva - the global bankers. They even financed the Crusades that established the Knight Templar in Switzerland.
Remember, “In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer””.
The spiritual mafia MOB secured the old Roman Temple just outside of Canton Geneva and built the modern day Babel on top of it, in order to open up spiritual portals between earth and Saturn so as to download demons, fallen angels and Satan himself into the physical realm of planet earth.
Satan will soon totally possess a human being whom the MOB will declare to be the masses’ long awaited messiah, the false saviour of the world. Chances are, the scene of the play is being prepared right now within the sanctum of the British Crown.
As we have said - the “X” signifies the iniquity or corruption in mankind’s hearts. This collective dark energy is running the world today. The spiritual mafia MOB, the WEF, the UN and the WHO are merely spokespersons for Lucifer and Satan.
This dark energy and matter is what God is coming to judge with a pure Mind and righteous Heart….. Yeshua, not Lucifer, is the Light of the world!
The bottom line is - God, our Creator, will not tolerate our rebellious, unruly hearts and our lawless, subversive behaviour any longer. Yes, “It is finished”!
This is the not so secret message, told in advance……
So don’t try to tell your spiritual Father, you were not warned!