How susceptible are you to the world of mythology?
What if I told you the narrative that is foundational to the Christian religion is part truth and part a mythological myth? What reaction would that conjure up? Does that thought create an offence, or violation in your heart?
And yet this is what Yeshua says about the current believers “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realising that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.” Revelation 15-17 I trust that becomes revelation! God hates a mixture of beliefs.
Our mixed beliefs creates a fence between us and our creator God!
In the last Blog we mentioned that Nazism was formed from an ancient occult belief system of the Aryan race and their use of Norse mythology.
The mythology of Santa Claus and his helping elfs originates from this Norse mythology. It is a subtle and sinister energy that has permeated this Beast system we place so much trust in.
We also said that it is the very same energy behind the coming NWO, Global Reset, 4th Industrial Revolution and our AI digital prison. The Knight Templar brought the Hermetic religion to Switzerland from Egypt in the South and crossbreed it with the Nordic Vril energy force from the Nordic North to create not only an independent, neutral State, but also a global religion that defines both the NWO and Switzerland.
We could say it is a “Genetically Modified” (GM) religion for Genetically Modified people. It is a mixture of religious belief that satisfies the “sins of our flesh” and our iniquitous hearts.
Everything the global elite does involves dualism. Dualism is the division of something conceptually in two supreme opposed powers or gods, or sets of divine or demonic beings. Satan and Lucifer are foundational to the one spiritual tree of the knowledge of good [Lucifer] and evil [Satan].
In this case they use the occult belief system from Egypt in the South and integrate it with the energetic belief system of the mystical Nordic North and boom, we have everyone worshipping and agreeing on a one world religious system worshipping the Lords of Saturn - Satan.
If one was to scribe a circle from Bern, the capital of Switzerland, one would see that that to the distance to the top of Norway, to Luxor in Egypt are equidistant. The OWO (red) and the NWO (white) have an epicentre in Geneva, Switzerland. This is not co-incidental - or conspiracy theory- this is WELL planned conspiracy fact! This was officially formulated on 24 October 1648, with the Treaty of Westphalia…… exactly 375 years ago.
In Egyptian mythology there was an implicit dualism in the contrast between the god Seth and the god Osiris. Seth, a violent, aggressive, “foreign” sterile god, connected with disorder, the desert, and loneliness, was opposed to Osiris, the god of fertility and life, active in the waters of the Nile.
The conflict and tension created between the Nordic Vril energy force and the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system is central to the coming global religion. Hermetism is a philosophical and religious system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (a Hellenistic conflation [merging/mixing] of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth). Notice the dualism once again that involves mixing of ideas. However, both energies come from one source - the spiritual ‘tree of knowledge of good & evil’.
It is man’s attempt to overcome the corruption and energetic distortion in his/her own heart through self effort, labour and the implementation of ones own ego in an attempt to overcome.
In order to harness and expereince this Nordic Vril energy force and the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic energy, ones mind must enter the convoluted tangled web [remember, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" Sir Walter Scott] of some form of vague, mystical, psychic, supernatural, metaphysical, cryptic, mythological, false reality. The main point is, this alternative matrix or parallel universe is not real - in fact it is a complete ludicrous farce.
Vrilogists call this escape to an Alternate reality “a path across the Rainbow Bridge for the gods to ride down and influence events here in our minds”. This realm is called “the metaverse which is a set of digital spaces to socialise, learn, play and more. It's the next evolution in social connection, like the internet but more immersive.” It is also labelled the Matrix in their own narrative of false speculation.
Entering this Alternate digital reality is how a clone or Avatar is formed - or a digital twin! If you enter into it, you become a mind controlled robot with the X factor and will ultimately be X-Terminated. The future of humanity is literally at stack with these acts of witchcraft, divination, pattern recognition, combinatorial optimisation and random number generation which all involve geomancy divination. Divination is the foundation of Quantum Computers. The materialist items that are about to control every facet of our lives.
Expanding the the Rainbow Bridge is our future the vrilogists say - the New World Order (NWO) where our minds are totally controlled by a handler or watcher. The handler or watcher will be Quantum Computerised digital AI. In science fiction, the metaverse is a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal, and immersive virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). It is a “highly immersive virtual world where people gather to socialise, play, and work”.
I wonder if the word “virology” used in modern medicine, and “has contributed to innovations in health care from developing vaccines for multiple diseases to sequencing DNA” comes directly from the word Vrilogists? It is more than plausible. The whole of the medical system that is controlled by Big Pharma is saturated in the occult and the belief in Vril energy.
What makes it even more interesting is the fact that the minority of honest Doctors now claim that there is no such thing as a virus and this narrative is all a myth. The only things bringing dis-ease to our bodies is “the Rainbow Bridge for the gods to ride down and influence" our being” - our minds, our spirits, our hearts our souls and finally our physical bodies.
The unseen realm always impacts the physical realm - this is 101 quantum physics.
The gods coming down to impact our Rainbow Bridge - our minds - are what I call spiritual parasites or demons or fallen angels or evil spirits. Other words that describe these spiritual entities include devils, imps, ghosts, vampires, spirits, nightmares, ghouls, fairies, fiend, malignant spirit, monster, vampire, villain, and beast, fiend, goblin, ghoul, malignant spirit, wizard, master, ace, addict, fanatic, fiend, monster, beast, villain, rogue. Their sole purpose is to occupy our humanity as hosts, then suck the life out of us.
Bifröst is the mythological rainbow bridge that connects the world of men on Earth (Midgard) with the realm of the Aesir Nordic gods that live in Asgard (the realm of the gods).
The bottom line is this - the spiritual mafia MOB has controlled the whole education system over hundreds of years to implement this fake, distorted belief system, thus fragmenting the minds of the masses - with the ultimate desire to control everyone through the evil twins Technocratic Nazism and Transhumanism - this is duality again!
It was the manifestation of this dark energy of spiritual parasites in the iniquitous hearts of the mystical, Kabbalah believing Jews that crucified their own spiritual Saviour Yeshua haMashiach in AD30.
They sacrificed His blood, and that one event changed the course of history because Yeshua haMashiach overcame death and dis-ease on our behalf and introduced spiritual redemption that eliminates these spiritual ‘Rainbow Bridge’ parasites from our being and purifies our hearts. This is exactly how to become a FREE human being. God employs His righteousness to make our hearts righteous and just.
Demons nor any other mythical ‘Rainbow Bridge’ entity can stand in the presence of the One pure God. It is impossible!
Therefore justice and fairness prevails in our hearts, instead of the injustice, tyranny and offence associated with this Beast system. Instead of use and abuse, we experience God’s provision of care, guidance, support, provision and protection - all through His Holy Spirit.
In 2021 God challenged me to write about a topic I knew nothing about. That topic is now the centre of the bullseye when it comes to understanding what is transpiring in the world today. René Descartes, like many others in that era, was engrossed in Nordic Vril energy.
This eBook ‘Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons’ is foundational to understanding the energy that is driving the Beast system and the Big Pharma push to destroy life.
This is now a must read if you are going to survive and have God’s protection through this next 7 years - as we approach 2030.
Here is an extract from that eBook…..
“Some believe that the French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, René Descartes was the father of the ‘Alternate Reality’ or ‘Augmented Reality’ concept that is becoming so entrenched in society right now. Today were are moving into that artificial dimension foreseen by Descartes. Many believe there is a unseen, demonic Intelligence behind it. What do you think? When people take psychedelic drugs they can already see the ‘Virtual Reality’. They have been doing it for years.
However, we need to be upfront regarding the differences between the true Reality of nature, ‘Alternate Reality’ and ‘Augmented Reality’. As mentioned, a ‘Virtual Reality’ is a short-term experience one has as a result of taking LSD, psychedelic drugs like Ayahuasca, alcoholic spirits or some other mind-bending substance. Whereas ‘Augmented Reality’ occurs when someone is operating in the real world, but they are being augmented [or superimposed] by being influenced by others’ thoughts, perceptions and abilities on top of the real world - it can be a place where individuals connect with a digital universe, using avatars. A form of ‘Augmented Reality’ can be as benign as a religion like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Scientology, or the Baháʼí faith - or it can be as subtle as the Kabbalah and Christ Consciousness movements. Or it can be imposed on oneself by believing oneself is a self-seeking ‘god' within through one’s own ego. They are all created religions designed to augment the reality in which we live. They are all mythical, fabricated imagery involving the unseen realm of energy and spirit that propagates the spirit of fear. What is being referred to here are spiritual entities called demons. What they call a “glitch in the matrix” is merely the manifestation of demonic spirits - what is often referred too as a “hallucination” or a fragmented mind. It is often depicted in the movies as a black cat.”
The Lombards [who conquered most of the Italian Peninsula between AD568 and 774] - the godfathers of the Nordic Vril energy in Italy, moved base to the Canton of Geneva in about the 1300’s. Their one aim was to rule the world. This spiritual mafia MOB, which initially formed as the Council of the 200, in Geneva hundreds of years ago, eventually became known as the Illuminati's Committee of 300 .
The Club of Rome, the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Royal Institute for International Affairs (R.I.I.A.), the Bilderbergers, the Round Table, Chatham House, the Tavistock Institute, the Trilateral Commission, Freemasonry, the Swiss CIA, Reuters Media… all originate from the Illuminati's Committee of 300 and therefore from the European Black Nobility families called the Lombards - or the implementers of the spiritual portal of the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ parasites .
One of the simplest ways to impose an ‘Alternate Reality’ in someone’s mind is through hallucinogenic drugs or psychedelics. The Lombard Bankers from Geneva have been impregnating individuals with drugs to create these ‘Alternate Realities’ for hundreds and hundreds of years. In fact the The Lombards financed the British East Indies Company and the Dutch East Indies Company that managed the global opium and slave trades. They even went to war against China in an attempt to impregnate the Chinese with opium. They succeeded as they normally do! The Opium War was fought between 1839 to 1842 as the British Empire invaded China and created an ‘Alternate Reality’ within the minds of the Chinese. Hong Kong was established as a colony of the British Empire after the Qing Empire ceded Hong Kong Island in 1841–1842.
The rest is history as China now prepared to take over the entire world through the use of the first Quantum Computers ever designed by D-Wave Systems. They all incite and influence a flood of ‘Alternate Realities’, a spiritual portal of the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ parasites, mythological rainbow bridge, a virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), or combinatorial optimisation and random number generation which all involve geomancy divination.
Why? Because they are all inciting the same Nordic Vril energy force and the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic energy combination.
Let’s be honest with ourselves - you more than likely do too! We are so entangled to the spiritual energy hidden behind this Beast system, we are not even consciously aware of our own weaknesses and the web we weave ourselves.
It has all been propagated, cultivated and generated through propaganda…..
For many years now the Bush dynasty have acted as the opium cartel in the U.S.A., whilst the Clintons [both] have acted as the heroine cartel pushing drugs from South and Central American countries into the U.S.A.. The psychedelic drug, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), was first synthesised on November 16, 1938, by the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in the Sandoz laboratories in Basel, Switzerland.
No surprises there! Now we have the event of hard core synthetic drugs like Crystal meth (also known as ice) which is a powerful form of methamphetamine (meth). Of course smoking nicotine and cannabis, pot or marijuana leaf is another common way to enter the fictional realm of mythical places.
There are many more subtle forms of creating an Alternate Reality or fragmentation within ones mind. Hollywood movies, TV, pornography, smoking, alcohol, the addiction to social media and Smart phones are all ways to create an Alternate Reality. Any addiction does the same thing and makes one’s mind open to spiritual parasites and the Rainbow Bridge for the gods to ride down and influence our spirits, our minds, our hearts, our souls and our physical bodies.
The bottomline is, when one entertains an Alternate Reality in any form, they are quantum entangling themselves with either Lucifer or Satan’s Rainbow Bridge’ of parasites.
The most common way to get infested with spiritual parasites and therefore physical parasites is through illicit sexual activity.
Oh…. maybe that last comment hit home!