I’ve now written 7 Substacks on the topic of the ‘The April 8th Solar Eclipse. In this 8th Substack I’m going to summarise and draw together a conclusion as to what it all means to the 8.2 billion people on planet earth - right now. Yes, as you know, we are in serious trouble!
And Pfizer, and the rest of Big Pharma is in BIG TROUBLE. YHWH is furious about the human blood they have shed in a ritualistic way!
The number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true "born again" event when he is resurrected from the spirit of DEATH into eternal life. As Jason revealed to us in his video in the last Substack “the Aztec’s and the Mayan Codex describes how the “X” marked the end of a Chapter in history and the beginning of a new Chapter. Which is exactly what the book of Revelation claims.”
That is exactly where we are at! And time is running out, because God has now declared “It is finished! The Hebrew letter “TAV”, written right across the sky is God’s sign to all that “It is finished! Man’s propensity towards iniquity is finished! Man’s propensity to sin is finished! God has had enough.
The only other time Yeshua declared “It is finished! was as He took His last breath before He gave up His Spirit and descended into the inner earth. Yes, He experienced our unconsciousness and lack of awareness and replaced it with God-consciousness.
And the One seated on the throne [God in heaven] said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.” And He told me, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give freely from the spring of the water of life. The one who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son.”
And a mighty shout came from the throne in the Temple, saying, “It is finished! Then the thunder crashed and rolled, and lightning flashed. And a great earthquake struck—the worst since people were placed on the earth.
When Yeshua had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished.” And bowing His head, He yielded up His spirit.
The number 8 is also an integral part of Yeshua's blood sacrifice. The number 8 symbolizes circumcision of the heart for our iniquity through Yeshua's blood sacrifice and the receiving of the Holy Spirit. We must deal with the iniquity in our heart before we receive His H.S. After the 7 weeks of the spring harvest, the next day, the 50th day, is Pentecost. This is "day eight" of the seventh week. This 8 and 50 day combination pictures the first resurrection of the DEAD and the release of God’s energy of LIFE that alone erases iniquity of heart and the Vril + Hermetic energy of DEATH.
WOW! I didn’t plan this - this is revelation to me too! Let me explain this further - this is my 8th Substack on this topic. 8 is very significant in God’s economy - and the One who is coming soon is to begin a new Chapter for mankind. Yeshua will pave the “Way” for this new Chapter. He alone is our Saviour.
Here is the Truth. From Yeshua's blood sacrifice for all of our sins and iniquities, on a wooden “X”, to His resurrection and empty grave found by the Pharisees that had just murdered Him….. were exactly three days and three nights. “For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” This is exact - God is very precise in everything He does. That means Yeshua arose and left the grave on Saturday evening after sunset.
Then if you count 40 days hence from His resurrection, His Ascension to heaven occurred and 50 days hence from His resurrection [7 weeks +1] - exactly - we celebrate Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon mankind - God’s nectar of LIFE-giving energy. This is not a drink of destruction and DEATH as a sacrifice to the thousands of gods…. this is a quantum drink of water from the Creator God for our withering, dry Temple of the Holy Spirit - which is our entire being.
Why is this important? Great question! Because the Total Solar Eclipse is 9 days after the Resurrection of Yeshua, and 41 days later it is Pentecost, making a total of 50 days. So 41 days after the Total Solar Eclipse is Pentecost. What is important to us is -
The pagan celebration of Easter and the Mithra Easter bunny visiting us on a Sunday - the worship day of the Sun - does not fit the True model of the Author of Creative LIFE. Once again, only the Enoch Calendar bears the Truth. Easter acknowledges the goddess of Ishtar as a deity. Ishtar, was the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility. She is also associated with beauty, sex, divine law, and political power. Originally worshiped in Sumer, she was known by the Babylonians, and Assyrians as the goddess Ishtar.
This whole period in 2024 is all about 8.2 billion people having an opportunity to repent before their Creator God for the iniquity they hold in their hardened and corrupted hearts.
The empty tomb was, and still is, the BIGGEST MYSTERY in history. One the Zionist Jews have been trying to cover up ever since. It is merely quantum physics in action. Yeshua was and still is a Master of quantum physics because He created quantum mechanics in toto. It is His method of communicating with us -INSTANTLY! God is an INSTANT God because He lives outside of time.
Here is the bottom line - This may sound strange, but YHWH, the living God, drove a nail into Lucifer and Satan’s plan to destroy mankind, by suffering a blood sacrifice which in turn enabled us to overcame DEATH, by rising again after sunset following the Jewish Sabbath, on April 8th AD 30. On that date Lucifer was, and still is, a defeated foe. Lucifer and Satan will soon be totally destroyed, beginning with the signs of God’s judgement starting sometime during the period April 8th 2024 to May 19th 2024.
This maybe our last opportunity to repent wilfully before the Creator God - so DO NOT MISS THIS DIVINE OPPORTUNITY.
The Pfizer Headquarters lies right over “X marks the Spot” - therefore Pfizer is on notice to be destroyed by the King of Kings. Pfizer is one of the puppet companies that has helped design the ingredients for the Mark of the Beast - the Final Solution of DEATH. That is what the signs associated with the four (4) Solar Eclipses are all about. This is no coincidence. This is divine intervention. This is destroying the Conspirators.
The 40-day “Nineveh” window is wide open. However, that window of choice and free will is rapidly diminishing! Soon it will slam closed!
The numbers 30, 40, 50 and 70 are very important numbers to understand in relation to this 40-day “Nineveh” window.
The meaning of 30 comes, in part, from it symbolising dedication to a particular task or calling. Yeshua began his ministry at age 30. In the fall of 26 A.D., at the age of 30, Yeshua began to publicly show His divine powers. His ministry lasted for three and one-half years as He spiritually entangled Himself with His Father God. As a direct counterfeit, Scottish Freemasonry has 30 steps and then the secret is released during the last 3 years that the god they are spiritually entangling themselves with is in fact Lucifer. This number 30 can also represent the sacrificial blood of Yeshua, as He was betrayed by Judas for 30 silver coins. Yeshua ben Joseph, in 30 A.D., suffered and shed His precious blood as God's sacrificial Lamb for the world's unseen iniquity of heart and actions of sin.
The number 40 has great significance in the bible and is often associated with the time of testing, trials and judgment. Notice also that from AD30 [the possible resurrection date of Yeshua] to the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in AD70, was also 40 years - a time of testing for the Jews before impending judgement and the destruction of their precious Temple. Also, 1984 + 40 = 2024 Maybe this has been the Gentiles’ time of testing before impending judgement and the destruction of their own precious Temple - their own mind, heart, soul and spirit.
The number 50 derives its meaning from its relationship to the coming of God's Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The number 50 also symbolizes deliverance or freedom from a burden. God commanded ancient Israel that every 50th year [7x7=1], on the Day of Atonement, that a Jubilee was to be declared with the sound of a trumpet (Leviticus 25). During the Jubilee year, all debts were settled in favor of the debtor and inheritances were returned to their rightful owners.
This is what you need to seek -that all your debts would be settled in favor of the debtor [you] and inheritances returned to their rightful owners [you]. You are the True beneficiary in God’s Kingdom.
The most important dates are actually not Aug. 21st 2017, and now 7 years later, April 8th, 2024. The most important date in our short history occurred on the Day of Atonement, Sept. 22nd 2017 when Revelation 12:1-5 was undoubtedly fulfilled. I shared this in The April 8th Solar Eclipse Is Highly, Highly Significant that 9/11, 3 BC changed the course of history and divided it into BC and AD. September 22nd 2017 maybe just as significant in the history of mankind. Only time will tell!
This is a photo I personally took of this historical event in 2017 because I knew the significance of it - I just didn’t know how significant it now is…….
God wants to leave mankind with no excuse….. everything is openly declared to show God’s glory and His majesty. He demands that we embrace His pure quantum field via His Holy Spirit - this is the only route to pure God-consciousness.
Remember, God Himself has declared “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Yeshua is literally the Aleph and the Tav - Yeshua the Messiah testified that He is the Aleph and the Tav, the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the Ending: “I am the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” (Rev. 22:13). Greek thinkers may try to argue that Yeshua was present at Creation so he was the Aleph, and then at the end He will be the Tav. Well this is not correct. Yeshua was the Aleph and the Tav at Creation and eternally He is the One, the One Aleph and the Tav forever.
Well, add 7 years to Sept. 22nd 2017 and we arrive at The Feast of Trumpets, 9/11, 2024!
The MOB’s whole intent has been to keep us in the dark and uninformed. The zombie apocalypse is real! “What if the threat wasn’t COVID-19, but a gene-edited pathogen designed to turn us into zombies – ghost-like, agitated creatures with little awareness of our surroundings?”
Both of these significant signs from the Creator God - September 11th, 3 BC and again on September 22nd 2017 - fell on the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah [also known as the Feast of Trumpets], which falls on the Jewish New Year. Tishri 1, and is the first day of the first month of the Jewish year.”
Honestly - as Jason in the last Substack video has always said "You cannot make this stuff up".
I hope you can see by now that the masses have been fooled by the deception surrounding 9/11 2001, VP Cheney and the Deep States’ wicked activities that quantum imprinted fear and insecurity into the hearts of the entire world.
I had absolutely no intention to share this with you - I have been watching this scenario now since Sept. 22nd 2017. At the time I was a Captain of B777 and knowing the importance of this event, I took a dozen photos from inside the cockpit whilst in flight with an amazing App. Now it has become so profoundly obvious, I cannot help myself! God…. not me…. is saying “It is finished”….“Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me.”
I’ve held this Feast of Trumpets, 2024 (2017+7) scenario as a possibility for interpreting the book of Revelation since Sept. 22nd 2017. The fact that the SARS-CoV-2 began March 2020, 3 1/2 years after Sept. 22nd 2017 added weight to the argument. However, it wasn’t until the Enoch Calendar revealed to me that the Feast of Trumpets falls on September 11th in 2024, that the possibility, for me, turned into a high degree of probability.
Remember, the spiritual mafia MOB always counterfeits the Truth - and 9/11 is Yeshua’s true birthday. Now there are just too many coincidences for me to continue holding this scenario as a possibility. As Jason says, “There are far too many coincidences for there to be any coincidence at all”. We humans cannot possibility make all his stuff up that is outside of our realm of control and man-ipulation! That is totally impossible…..
America has been created and made to be the stage for the spiritual mafia MOB’s great play of wickedness and unrighteousness. America has become the modern day Nineveh. America has human blood on its hands and God hates that. The spirit of Cain’s murder of Abel and the fullness of iniquity is here. This is the time. Essentially we are out of time as we know it!
On May 5th BC 770, there was recorded a total solar eclipse over Nineveh, Assyria. Jonah had came to town and hence the leadership of the country and the people all repented before God - because they came to fear God with an ethical, healthy fear. Can you image the Bush, Clinton, Obama and Trump dynasties repenting before God in the next 6 months?
Maybe not - but you can! The ball is right in your court - and the MOB has given you nowhere to run. God has trapped you so that you become accountable for the corruption in your heart whilst living in a totally unaccountable world. This coming Total Solar Eclipse is the sign of Jonah! And that spiritual reality is manifesting itself by the Eclipse path entering America and passing right over Jonah, TX.
Seriously - "You cannot make this stuff up"!
Remember we said in that “This short period of time is a huge wake up call!
“Christian evangelicals have no opposition to the evil that is engulfing us, because they have been brainwashed that they will escape it by being wafted up to Heaven. The growth of evil is actually their escape from a sinful world into Heaven. The more evil, the sooner their escape.” This is written by an aware, conscious, non religious journalist, Paul Craig Roberts. The article is titled ‘2024 is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World’, Feb 23, 2024.
The Convenient, Corporate, Christian Church - I call them the C³- the modern apostate organisation that have followers that call themselves “Christians” and believe in a Gnostic gospel, have totally missed it. The Protestant church took the bait of the “Pre-Rapture” theory which originated with the Jesuit Society way back in the 16th-century mystically schemed up by a Jesuit, Francisco Ribera. John Nelson Darby (1800-1882), who was not only a occultist, but one of the founders of the Christian Brethren movement became the “father of modern Dispensationalism”. John Nelson Darby took this gospel message to America and Switzerland - and the rest is history. Therefore very few Christians are actually connected or spiritually entangled with God, therefore they have never really truly experience the Creator God, so they have no concept of what God is doing. Christians who have never eradicated iniquity from their own heart are too busy waiting for their own Convenient “Pre-Trib Rapture”, to be consciously aware that God’s judgement is here - and they may have missed the boat!
“And on that day,” declares the YHWH,
“I will make the sun go down at noon
and darken the earth in broad daylight.
I will turn your feasts into mourning
and all your songs into lamentation….”The BIG QUESTION is…. when is “And on that day”? After 40 years of studying this topic, I have now concluded that “that day” begins on ……[drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]…… the 8th April 2024. This coming Total Solar Eclipse is the sign of Jonah!
It is all mathematically correct and as Jason has said, a “perfect mathematical construct”. This Creator God that you need to embrace, connect with in the quantum field and entangle yourself too is the Intelligent designer God. He has created you in His image. So please STOP playing god and trying to create God in your image. That is what a corrupt, iniquitous heart always tries to do!
The stage is now set for the final scene in America - and the introduction of the MOB’s NWO - our OVERLORD’S Final Solution. The Final Solution is generally believed to be the Mark of the Beast. However, the reality is, we all have a spiritual mark on our forehead - it is a quantum impression - it is either a mark of iniquity, inequity, injustice, lawlessness and hatred - OR it is Yeshua’s mark of His righteousness unconditional love and justice. This mark is signified by either an “X” Marks the Spot [most know this as the number 666] or the Hebrew letter ת (Tav). Remember, the word TAV in Hebrew means 'impression' or 'mark'.
The spiritual mafia MOB know all this, that is why they are desperate to create a counterfeit scenario for the period April 8th 2024 to May 19th 2024. This will undoubtedly take on the form of the ancient Egyptians Pharaonic false signs and wonders. Remember, the Swiss Octagon that is running the show is essentially Pharaonic.
“The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.” 2 Thessalonians 2
There is SO much occult symbolism in the Pfizer photos display at the top of this Substack. One simple one is blue in the occult world signifies War - the war against mankind essentially. White signifies the Swiss NWO.
Pfizer has blood on their hands, that is why God will judge them severely. All pharmaceutical companies are occult based. They have sold their own souls and our souls as they work for Satan’s acknowledgement.
If I have your attention now and you haven’t been brainwashed enough to have lost all your awareness and God consciousness - do you know that dementia is the 2nd highest destructive cause of the COVID-19 injection - then please read this article on Pfizer. Go on - click on it - you can do it!
The Hollywood Grammys that openly celebrate their LORD, Satan is “sponsored by” [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]……”Pfizer”. Many know that Pfizer spelt backwards - ‘Rezifp’ is the Hebrew word meaning “the burner” or “the ravager”. Some say ‘Rezifp’ is “an ancient West Semitic god of the plague and of the underworld”…. “he is also a war god and was thus represented as a bearded man brandishing an axe….”
Do you think this demonic Norse, Vril energy, god of DEATH meets this description?
Satan and Lucifer are Pfizer’s god that they all worship directly or indirectly; consciously or unconsciously; it matters not. Most people in this Beast system worship Lucifer unconsciously - including most Christians. If you do not have the “TAV” mark of righteousness engraved on your forehead by Yeshua, then you are at the very least worshipping Lucifer….. and maybe if your beliefs are hard core, even Satan.
In summary - the whole NWO shenanigans is asking each individual some very pertinent questions. But is all boils down to - 1. Who are you? 2. Who Owns You? 3. What is Iniquity of Heart? 4. Who controls your spirit? Who do you bow down too and worship? 5. What is more important in your life, the ease of consumerism, convenience and the stroking of your ego through self-centredness, satisficing your materialist urge for power, money and sex ,whilst hating God …. or is righteousness, morality, uprightness, gratitude and loving God more important? 6. We are attacked through Lucifer’s unseen realm of “viruses” and the fear of death, however not many are seeking a resolve through God’s unseen realm and His Holy Spirit. 7. Everything the spiritual mafia MOB does is a counterfeit of God’s natural realm of Truth 8. The MOB inverts everything upside down and is always exactly 180°away from the truth. 9. We have all been deceived and lied too by our authorities and the ones we naturally tend to trust.
This is what is coming soon and the next 6 months will be like hell on earth as this plays out……
Don't shoot me I'm just the messenger….. and if you do, I know which spirit realm the attack is coming from! The spirit of fear!