Everything in this Beast System is Rigged
And this corrupt energy is blocking your goals - it's not God.
You may not have perceived this, but even Trump’s election was rigged! These RIGGED ELECTIONS in the U.S.A. came from the very same energy source as all of the religions and secret societies in the world.
I’ve spoken many times about the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines who became the Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy - [the present day Puppet Masters - and Donald J. Trump is merely a puppet on a string].
Why does that matter? Because the Black Nobility were, and still are the Lombard bankers who represent the oligarchic families ruling Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the C12th held the privileged trading rights (commerce monopolies) in the Holy Roman Empire. Now they control all the Central Banks of the world and after having RIGGED ALL the religions, they now RIG everything in our society for their own self-centered gain.
The religion I would like to focus on today is the most seductive, the most subtly deceptive in the world - because it is meant to represent those who trust in our Messiah - but instead, it is full of deceived ‘self-righteous’ vipers and serpents. Like the Jewish Pharisees of old who crucified their own Messiah, so too many carnal, lukewarm Laodicean Christian Pharisees are crucifying Yeshua over and over again.
Deception in Christianity is the most insidious form of religion because Christians are taught to think they cannot be deceived and they cannot be demon oppressed. Evidenced based observation proves this is totally incorrect. Instead, Christianity is designed to closely align itself with “Christ” consciousness and the teachings of Lucifer’s “the Christ” paradigm, who will soon be presented to the masses in a holographic form as “their messiah”. This will deceive almost everyone - including carnal, Laodicean Christians who have never driven out their own demons and experienced their Creator God firsthand.
That is why Yeshua says “I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other! So because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to vomit you out of My mouth!” “And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness = INIQUITY!”
I’m going to prove to you in these two following videos that this spiritual energy of iniquity goes way back in history, pre-Yeshua to the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines in BC 3-400 - pre the Jewish captivity in Babylon, pre Nimrod and the evil Queen Semiramis, pre Noah - all the way back to Cain and the fall of Eve in the Garden of Eden. Iniquity in fact is implanted in the seed of the fallen angel, Lucifer himself.
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O [a]Lucifer [Or shining one], son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!”
“You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until iniquity [unrighteousness or self-righteousness] was found in you.”
The character and essence of Lucifer is iniquitous. This alone is the root problem in humanity and the deceived belief systems of the collective is causing of our civilisation’s demise.
Now I have presented this video before - but I guarantee most did not take the time to watch it. If you desire to spend eternity with your Creator in freedom and peace - then an understanding of parts of this video are a necessary requirement to refine your spiritual understanding. It is THE BEST video I have ever witnessed on this Luciferian energy of iniquity. He teaches on the book of Daniel about the Greek leader Antiochus Epiphanes (BC 175-163) who came out of the Greek Selaueas Empire. The Seleucid Empire was a major center of Hellenistic culture. Prosperity and progress in the arts, literature, theatre, architecture, music, mathematics, philosophy, and science characterise this era.
Begin this video at the 1:00 mark to save time…..but the punchline in this video is at the 2:12 mark where Wally says “The mystery of iniquity is that Adam and Eve died to God’s Presence - they were excommunicated - and that changed their DNA”.
WOW - hold that thought and think about what the COVID-19 injections did to us - this video proves that this self-replicating, nanotechnology creating bioweapon injected into our veins starting early 2021 was definitely the Mark of the Beast.
The city of Antioch was named after the dynastic name ‘Antiochus’ which included the wicked leader Antiochus Epiphanes. Antioch was the capital of the Seleucid Empire from 240 BC until 63 BC. The city was also the main center of Hellenistic Judaism prior to this at the end of the Second Temple period. As one of the cities of the pentarchy, Antioch was called "the cradle of Christianity" as a result of its longevity and the pivotal role that it played in the emergence of the early Christian church.[5] Note that the Greeks and the Jews were pivotal in the diversion of power away from Yeshua’s powerful teaching of the “Way” and the formation of a diluted alternative, powerless religion.
The Christian New Testament asserts that the name "Christian" first emerged in Antioch. This is good reason to believe that Antioch, possessing the spiritual energy of Antiochus Epiphanes, became the origin of the Gnostic gospel or Hellenistic Christianity that is taught in American 501(c)(3) churches today. Hellenistic Judaism now has an associate belief system, Hellenistic Christianity.
Even the WEF is endeavouring to usher in the NWO which is based on the Hellenistic culture of the arts, literature, theatre, architecture, music, mathematics, philosophy, science, the rise of Global Corporatocracy and Plato’s fake concept of Atlantis’ “Great Awakening”.
Early Christianity engaged Hellenistic culture generally, and more specifically Greek philosophy, from AD 47 onwards when “The disciples [of the “Way”] were first called Christians at Antioch.” The newly named “Christians” were obviously not respectful toward the MOB’s ancestral pagan customs, and their preaching of a new King sounded like revolution to the masses. Thus an increasing number of church leaders were educated in Greek philosophy, with the dominant philosophical traditions of the Greco-Roman world then being Stoicism, Platonism and Epicureanism. This mixed religious cocktail took the early pure teachings of Yeshua off course and a twisted, bent, distorted and corrupted Gnostic gospel slowly took form in society.
This was consolidated in Alexandria, Egypt after the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and the self-righteous Kabbalah believing Jewish Pharisees began to plot the destruction of the original disciple’s trust in the resurrection power of Yeshua and the power of God’s Holy Spirit. In their self-righteous anger that their Temple had been destroyed, they plotted with the Roman Emperor Constantine to begin a State run, tax free Christian Church based on the Persian Mithra religion, that would eventually erase the power of Yeshua from everyone’s belief system. Thus the Roman Catholic Church was born in AD 312 - founded on the principles of a pagan, occult-based, sun worshipping, Persian secret society called the Cult of Mithra. Like the Roman pagan celebration Saturnalia, which celebrated the birth of Mithra, the god of the sun, on December 25th, the very day of the winter solstice.
And Santa Claus came to the West from the Nordic religions that worshipped the ancient Vril spirit. The same spirit of DEATH that drove Hitler and Fascist insanity.
The spiritual mafia MOB - who are driven by the same Vril spirit - despised the fact that the person who called Himself the divine Son of God, rose supernaturally three (3) days after they crucified Him, to personally overcome their spiritual energy of destruction and DEATH. Back then Yeshua’s disciples and other followers of the “Way” were tapping into this extraordinary power of LIFE to cast out demons, heal the sick and discover a new freedom that transformed their lives. Trust is this divine Being, who claimed He was the Son of God, reached fever pitch and spread widely across the known world.
This demonstration of divine power sent shivers up the Kundalini empowered spines of the Pharisees and Romans!
However, the MOB had a strategy called subtle deception and diversion with a strategy to rig a means of distracting the masses away from the power associated with this powerful Truth. In short it is called human deception, a change of perception or spiritual blindness towards God. These tactics were formulated immediately after Yeshua’s resurrection and consolidated in the trading city of Antioch, which is now in southern Turkey. Thus the deception of Antiochus Epiphanes’ antiChrist spirit took root amongst the Christians beliefs. This lukewarm, Laodicean spirit has now flowed down through the centuries into what we now know as a Jesuit controlled American ‘fast-food’ style, Government controlled 501(c)(3) Christianity which preaches false doctrines like “once saved, always saved” type Antiochus doctrines. They declare, “Just say a little prayer, pay your tithes, bless the Jews, support the fake 1948 Israel and love one another like “Jesus” did”. Amen!
But who is this Antiochus, Hellenistic derived “Jesus”?
The Jesus-its [Jesuits] engaged the Irish occultist John Nelson Darby who supposedly become a “once saved, always saved” type born-again Christian, becoming a highly regarded Anglo-Irish bible teacher in Dublin. He was one of the influential figures among the original Plymouth Brethren and the founder of the Exclusive Brethren church. However, he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing! The Darbys were an Anglo-Irish landowning family seated at Leap Castle, King's County, Ireland, (present-day County Offaly). His parents were well known occultists and his mother a Laodice witch. This Leap Castle is still known as being a witches coven in past centuries. In 1996, Leap Castle's history and hauntings were examined in Castle Ghosts of Ireland by Robert Hardy.[12]
Darby is considered to be the father of modern Christian dispensationalism, the pre-trib rapture theory and futurism. All of these toxic theories were written by the Jesuits some 200 years prior to John Nelson Darby even existed - and lay dormant waiting to be used.
John Nelson Darby was a Luciferian who taught the gospel in the spirit of Antiochus Epiphanes. Or the gospel of the whore of Mystery Babylon. Or the gospel of the Kenites who were the offspring of Cain, the son of Lucifer…. as we will see. All of these possess the seed of the same spirit of deception - “the angel of light”, Lucifer.
The Kenites are parasites - they literally manifest the spirits of DEATH. That is why unrighteous Cain killed his brother Abel who had been declared righteous before God.
Remember we said in Your Reality is an Illusion that this world’s matrix is based on our own ‘self-righteousness’? This is how this false religion became a global belief system - it appealed to our own unredeemed egos. The MOB targeted two countries to distribute Darby’s poison to the world. The first was Sir Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis [written AD 1626] discussed in detail in The FINAL SCENE Is Now Unfolding and The Coming Pharaonic Signs & Wonders. New Atlantis is the home of the ‘10 lost tribes of Israel’ - the United States of America. The second country was Switzerland - the Pharaonic land established by the Knight Templar. Yes, that neat, spotless, “pure” looking country that is the epicentre of the occult Kenites activity and NWO since 1648. I can confirm this firsthand - I have lived there and witnessed Exclusive Brethren all over the countryside of Switzerland. They somehow mix their religion with blatant occult celebrations like the opening ceremony of the Gotthard Tunnel in 2016. However there are many other annual occult celebrations engraved and imprinted [marked] into the Swiss culture.
If one thinks this is not blatant occultism organised by the unground sons of Cain of the world - including the spiritual mafia MOB in CERN - then one is spiritually blind and powerless.
The United States of America was given the task by the Jesuits to evangelise this corrupted gospel right throughout the world. John Nelson Darby did seven trips to America and summonsed a corporate businessman to write and distribute the Scofield Bible to gullible Christians. C. I. Scofield printed the Scofield Reference Bible, published in 1909 which become the bible of American evangelical Zionism and the foundation of liberal 501(c)(3) Christianity. It was the first reference bible that openly taught the Jesuit’s distorted prophecy and false eschatology. 33rd Degree Freemason, Billy Graham then helped distribute this fake gospel throughout the world - then the MOB followed up by a detailed missionary program encapsulating the entire globe.
Antiochus Epiphanes compelled everyone in Jerusalem to worship him as the paramount god—the Greek god Zeus—in human form. The ultimate breaking point came when Antiochus erected an altar to Zeus within the 2nd Jewish Temple and sacrificed a pig on the altar in the Holy of Holies, on December 16, 167 BC. This act is referred to in the Book of Daniel as the abomination of desolation. This particular period is remembered in a Jewish holy day known as Hanukah which is the next Feast to be celebrated at the end of the year.
Records show that Antiochus Epiphanes’ mother was Laodice 111, and his wife was his sister Laodice IV. It is no coincidence that when the Apostle John received Revelation about the iniquitous state of the endtime church, he specifically called it the harlot church of Laodicea. Laodicea was a rich ancient city in Asia Minor, now Turkey, on the river Lycus being a hub of banking, finance, manufacturing, law and medicine. Does this sound familiar? It should! This same evil spirit controls all facets of modern culture today including pharmaceutical sorcery [Greek ‘pharmacia’].
The city called Laodicea was named primarily in honor of King Antiochus II’s wife Laodice, and became a wealthy and influential city in the Roman period. The city of Laodicea is infamously known as the home of the apostate church that was heartily condemned by Yeshua Himself in Revelation 3:14–22.
The Laodiceans saw no need for a relationship with Yeshua haMashiach and therefore Yeshua charged them with spiritual bankruptcy, and for their spiritual blindness. Yeshua told them to buy from Him “salve to put on your eyes, so you can see”.
Spiritual blindness is one of the hallmarks of modern apostate Christians.
I cannot believe the numbers of Christians who are spiritually blind and cannot see their own depraved spirits of ‘self-righteousness’, or even read scripture accurately. For the few who do see clearly, He says “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”
The reason they are spiritually blind is simple - they are holding on to iniquity [corruption] in their own hearts which breeds demonic activity that is separating them from Yeshua haMashiach.
I’m going to quote this again to make it sink in! “And then I [Yeshua our Messiah] will declare to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you doers of iniquity [lawlessness or wickedness].”
Apostate Christians fear this verse more than any other - and generally we manifest what we fear!
Like Eve experienced in the Garden of Eden, the mystery of iniquity [it is a mystery because we are unconscious and unaware of our own ‘self-righteousness’] is that we are dead to YHWH’s Holy Spirit because our DNA has been changed - that is why we cannot see clearly spiritually. Our DNA records EVERYTHING we do.
That is why people who have been vaccinated possess a foggy mind and their thinking is completely confused. To be very honest with you - and I have personally proven this - these people have been injected with not only graphene oxide and traces of pig flesh, but with demonic entities that are now manifesting big time within their body. This goes for Christians and non-Christians alike - there is no difference.
If we make a wilful decision to mark our energy field with the Mark of the Beast - our DNA is permanently changed and death becomes our prominent source of energy because iniquity links us to Satan/Lucifer through quantum entanglement. It means our holy temple - our entire being - has been defiled with the energy of the Abomination that causes Desolation.
YHWH, Yeshua nor the Holy Spirit can reside in a heart with any trace of iniquity or death in it. It is impossible! Our forefathers, Adam and Eve died to YHWH and we remain dead spiritually until such time we repent of our iniquity and invite Yeshua to place His sacrificial blood over the doorposts of our heart.
It is that simple! But very few see the need - nearly 8.2 billion people are spiritually dead and believing Lucifer’s lie that they are ok - they are ‘right’ and spiritually aligned before their gods they believe in - and therefore are in no need to repent before their Creator, and heavenly spiritual Father.
Let’s be very, very clear about this - if you have been vaccinated with the MOB’s bioweapon, you are harbouring demonic entities in your mind, soul, heart and spirit. But here is the good news - REPENTANCE before our Creator God TRUMPS everything. That is how merciful YHWH is. I have personally witnessed a couple who partook of the Mark of the Beast with three jabs and who recognised their error, repented and drove out their demons - and the Presence of God is now all over them.
They then transformed from unconscious to totally God-conscious human beings.
However, if you have NOT been vaccinated - done let arrogant stupidity rule your heart because the chances are you too are harbouring demonic entities in your mind, soul, heart and your spirit. To be vaccinated is merely a physical manifestation of the iniquity in ones heart. However, if you are not experiencing the righteousness of God in your life, then you can be hands down sure that demonic entities are either possessing or oppressing your being. If you have iniquity or unrighteousness residing in your heart, you can be sure demonic entities reside in your energy chakras.
Mystery Babylon is a whore that has been deceived and therefore has prostituted itself with Lucifer. Eve was the original whore! This is the mystery revealed - if we defile our own spiritual Temple and soul with an injection or any other form of iniquity we become the spiritual and energetic bride of the Whore riding the Beast.
The modern, apostate church is lawless because they are a collective that believes in their own Hellenistic beliefs and therefore make up their own laws to suit their own self-centred desires. Because they are deceived, God’s laws are hidden from their ‘self-righteousness’ belief system [false beliefs that they are “right”].
Yeshua haMashiach is coming back for a pure Bride - and that does not include Christian believers who have any impurity of iniquity in their hearts.
The modern, apostate church fights sin and ignores the root cause of sin - the iniquity in their own hearts. That is why Laodicean Christians are spiritually lost and confused. Eve’s engagement with Lucifer spiritually, energetically and physically is what manifested the first human murderer. The seed of Lucifer somehow impregnated Cain with shame, fear, hatred, jealousy etc, etc, and he thus despised his righteous brother. These emotions were ingrained into Cain’s heart and his entire being. All because Lucifer changed Eve’s DNA and Lucifer’s seed brought forth DEATH upon humanity. Another word for DEATH and separation from YHWH and the Tree of Life is unrighteousness or ‘iniquity’ of heart.
Because of the Antiochus antiChrist spirit, the apostate Christian church fights sin merely with the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of “Good” and “Evil”’ - and fails to fight iniquity with the energy of YHWH’s Tree of Life. Have you noticed how many times Donald J Trump says “oh, the are ‘good’ people on my team”. That is because he is trying to fight ‘evil’ with his own ‘self-righteousness’, egotistical, narcissist ‘good’. That is like saying Lucifer will gain victory over the Deep State of Satan - when in Reality they are both from the same spiritual tree of (D)-EVIL and DEATH.
Can you see how deception operates yet?
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God?” 1 Corinthian 6:15-18 says 15”Do you not know that your bodies are members of the Messiah? Shall I then take the members of the Messiah and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16Or don’t you know that he who unites himself with a prostitute becomes physically one with her? For the Tanakh says, “The two will become one flesh.”17But he who unites himself with the Yeshua is one with Him in spirit….Therefore glorify God with your body.”
Folks, can you not see how grievous it is to our heavenly Father when we do anything to change our DNA - transferring the Godly Information in our DNA from YHWH’s Information to Lucifer’s Information and data? When we do this - we are literally selling our souls to Lucifer!
And any Christian church or pastor who does not see this and apply it by aggressively opposing any form of “vaccination” and call it for what it is - the Mark of the Beast - is a false teacher and false prophet and should be entirely avoided. It means they are, at the minimum, oppressed with demonic ‘self-righteousness’ entities themselves.
This video from Wally absolutely nails it because he is seeing the heart of God - who unconditionally loves those He made in His own image!
When people are under pressure, they will manifest the demonic spirits that are residing in the dark soil of their iniquitous hearts. This is occurring regularly now since the COVID-19 jabs - amongst both Christians and non-Christians - it makes no difference. It is easy to recognised because demonic spirits often manifest emotionally with an instantaneous, spontaneous, uncontrollable emotional outburst that has no sense, nor rhyme or reason to it. There is absolutely no common sense or logical reason to these spiritual parasites. That is because it is the demonic spirit manifesting - not the person themselves. Spiritual parasites override our minds and emotions first.
Here is just one recent example sent to me by a 60 year old alcoholic lady who has smoked and hated God since 13 years of age.
I sent her a text last week - “My car is broken down - so I may not be able to take you on Friday!”
I was contracted to her as her ‘carer’ for the Australian Government NDIS program.
Her immediate response was …..
“I knew it.
I absolutely don't believe u How unprofessional are u trying to be? Surely it's obvious that ur not suitable to be doing this job.
IV been relying on u since for over a week. That's a barstards act.
It's quite obvious why ur wife had enough.
All because I couldn’t take her to her desired destination on the day Madame wanted to go! It was seen as blocking her goals - which manifests as anger and hatred.
This is why humans hate God, btw. They come to believe that He is blocking their perceived egotistical goals, so they manifest anger and hatred towards their own loving Creator and Messiah.
The above is a clear cut manifestation of someone who is demon possessed. They are easy for us to discern. What is more difficult to discern are the religious, ‘self-righteousness’ demons manifesting within demon oppressed Christians. Note: there is a major difference. If someone is truly saved, their spirit cannot be possessed, but their heart, mind and soul can be oppressed by demonic entities.
So I say it again …. the only thing that can overcome the iniquity in our own hearts is God’s righteousness - our own righteousness is but filth in YHWH’s sight.
I have another video to share with you that absolutely proves that this Information is coming from YHWH’s Tree of Life, not Lucifer’s tree of “knowledge” and Satan’s tree of DEATH. I’m assuming by now, you are beginning to see that the modern Laodicean, apostate Christian church is not resonating with YHWH’s Tree of Life - in fact it is far from it!
The bottomline is - the Christian church has fallen into the same trap as the Jews did during their captivity in Babylon starting in about BC 598 - their continued rebellion against their God formed the Kabbalah mystic religion. Notice the Christian church hasn’t fought to return to the Truth shared by the “Way” and Yeshua’s disciples prior to AD 47, but entropy has caused it to be ‘bewitched’ by Lucifer and to fall away, returning to its own vomit of a weak Antiochus, Hellenistic derived gospel and false “Jesus” - with the Zionist Jews driving it towards extinction.
The video in the next Substack explains why very clearly!
This next video is the final piece in the puzzle of the mysterious riddle of God’s Kingdom and its coming to earth…. that is what Armageddon is all about!
Jerusalem and Mount Zion is now the epicentre of everything occurring in the near future.
It is now getting exciting….. all is being revealed…..
And my final chapter is neigh….. I have no need to explain more.
Oh, how do I know Trump’s election was rigged?
Once again, Greg Reece’s Reece Report shows how to see with eyes that are perceiving the Truth. He too is onto Israel’s dominant global power and their proposed extermination of the Gentiles.
As always Shalom….. may YHWH’s peace be with you! It implies wholeness, completeness, and well-being in all aspects of life. It is there for the asking!