Your Reality is an Illusion
Read 1984 - The MOB has guaranteed this as evidence based fact in 2024
Please read the eBook 1984. This is manifesting in toto, 40 years after George Orwell’s prediction date. YHWH destroyed the 2nd Jewish Temple 40 years after His crucifixion and resurrection - 40 years to the day in fact! 40 years is a common theme when it comes to His just judgement upon mankind.
The spiritual mafia MOB who operate the global nerve operations centre from the abyss at CERN, Switzerland are creating your false reality through their control of media and digital Information. And they also know YHWH is coming after them real soon….. therefore they are in fact SHITTING themselves as their planned physical NWO and spiritual “Great Awakening” is about to collapse in toto. That is just around the corner!
1And the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star having fallen out of heaven to the earth, and the key of the pit of the abyss was given to it. 2And he opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit.
3And out of the smoke, locusts came forth unto the earth, and power was given to them, like the scorpions of the earth have power. 4And it was said to them that they shall not harm the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men not having the seal of God on the foreheads. 5And it was granted to them that they should not kill them, but that they shall torment them five months. And their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it might strike a man. 6And in those days, men will seek death, and will not find it; and they will long to die, and death shall flee from them.
7And the appearance of the locusts [demonic entities] was like horses having been prepared for battle, and upon their heads were something like crowns [Corona bioweapon], like gold; and their faces like the faces of men. 8And they had hair like hair of women, and their teeth were like those of lions. 9And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of many chariots of horses rushing into battle. 10And they have tails and stingers like scorpions [forced vaccines] , and their power to injure men for five months is in their tails. 11They have a king over them, the angel of the abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, a and in the Greek, he has the name Apollyon.b
12The first woe has passed. Behold, two woes still are coming after these things.
BE WARNED - Lucifer’s witchcraft uses manipulation, intimidation and domination to seal us with the spiritual mafia MOB’s 666 mark of willful allegiance, an energetically imprinted logo or Satanic tattoo on our foreheads and right hand. All tattoos are a physical manifestation of Satanic, Nordic or Hermetic, energy encapsulating one’s heart. I even personally know one self-righteous Swiss [this is quite significant] Christian chef/pastor who built up a global ministry doing “good” works feeding the poor, who proudly displays his own art work, tattooed onto his RIGHT arm. This pastor manifests his demons through the expression of his own art and his tattoos…. therefore we know for sure the “God” he serves is none other than Lucifer. Most other Christians are also oppressed by demons - not demon possessed - however the manifestation of those demons is way more subtle, hidden and secretly disclosed as a demonic spirit of ‘light’ and ‘self-righteousness’. This was the key to the Persian Mithra religion that the Roman Emperor Constantine formulated in AD 321 whilst laying the foundation for the occult-based Roman Catholic Church.
And let me remind you that it is Persia - Iran - that is right now bringing YHWH’s judgement upon the Rothschild, occult 1948 Israel.
This Swiss international pastor has built quite a commercial enterprise for himself and his family. He had gone from a struggling, broke Christian 30 years ago raising 6 children, to having so much financial support from tithing that he is now retired and paying about CHF4,000 per month for two apartments, situated right on Lake Lucerne in central Switzerland. Go work that out! And they call me a conspiracy theorist!
The reason I’m bring this up is - humans in general do not understand the unseen, energy spiritual realm. The MOB’s 666 mark of beast is not even necessarily a physical mark. The MOB’s 666 mark of beast is energetic - just like our hearts are energetic. The MOB’s 666 mark of beast is the hallmark of iniquity in our hearts that is displayed on our foreheads whenever we have iniquity in our energetic hearts. It may …. or may not …. manifest as a physical mark - however, you can be assured demonic entities will manifest in our lives. These ugly little spiritual parasites cannot help themselves from sitting in our chakras and quietly destroying our identity.
Now we all need the seal of YHWH on our foreheads to erase that evil seal of Mystery Babylon! What is that seal? It is the seal of His righteousness - not your own stinking, filthy Babylonian, egotistical centred righteousness which is the root of all narcissism. It is our Creators’ energetic stamp of approval - a quantum imprint, if you will, that makes you a sheep, not a goat when spiritual drafting time becomes a Reality. “Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And He will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” [the counterfeit mark of the beast is also on the right hand - get it?]
On the 17th of Cheshvan, 5785 = Mon,
18 November 2024we will witness 1. the celebration date of the original fall of mankind into sin. Adam and Eve had taken the poisonous vaccine into their iniquitous hearts from Lucifer and finally manifested sin against their Creator on this date exactly 6,000 year ago. This corrupted Information has been lying in humanities DNA ever since.YHWH’s judgement against a wicked generation, who calling themselves ancient ‘Atlantis’ had perfected the changing of their DNA to include hybrid demonic entities. Noah’s flood - YHWH’s judgement of that particular wicked generation - also began on the 17th of Cheshvan of the year 1656 from creation,
18 November 2105BCE.Can you believe or even try to comprehend this???
Therefore - on the 17th of Cheshvan, 5785 = Mon, 18 November 2024 - mankind finds himself/herself in exactly the same predicament - using AI and CRISPR-Cas9 to create clones by transforming our DNA to include hybrid demonic entities. Read Creating the Clone here. YHWH despises this controlling, manipulative, intimidating and dominating behaviour - and YHWH’s judgement is ready to fall on humanity like a sledgehammer.
If you are reading this and go - oh ho, hum ‘Santa Claus’ - so be it - however if you live near Satan’s abyss located in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland - you maybe in grave danger, prior too, during and after these dates. CERN, Switzerland, the epicentre of the MOB’s attack on humanity could quite possibly explode or suffer a nuclear attack.
If so - this will merely be the first of three (3) Woes to be completed by a warring YHWH by the end of 2024. A pure God cannot standby and hold time at bay any longer for us to repent. From Halloween, 31st October 2024, we have 18 days left for all Christians, Jews and/or pagans to repent. There is a common denominator amongst carnal, self-righteous, immature, bottle feed Christians - and that is they do not see the need to repent of their own dark, iniquitous hearts because their tradition claims they are ‘right’ before God and totally saved by grace alone! The self-righteous Jewish Pharisees crucified Yeshua - now the self-righteous Jewish Pharisees and the self-righteous Christians are crucifying Yeshua over and over again energetically through their own Lawlessness.
The technology mankind has developed to weaponise their attack against YHWH’s divine Son, our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach was created in covenant with Satan, Lucifer, alien beings and fallen angels - in the Antarctic, right on the South Pole. Take note you Christian false flat earth teachers of the flesh, who follow and are teaching deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons.
Eric J Hecker worked in Antarctica for one year continuously. During his time there, he discovered a secret energy weapon [Direct Energy Weapon DEW] which can cause earthquakes, climate change, tsunamis, ignite fires and more.
Eric Hecker is not a conspiracy theorist - he provides actual, evidence based scientific Intelligence. He states there is a spiritual mafia MOB monopolising DEWs with three (3) different forms of technology - one of them being this Ice Cube Neutrino Detector which can generate earthquakes instantly. It is a phased array transmitter that has pinpoint accuracy all over the world from the South Pole.
This is what the MOB are telling the masses about the IceCube Neutrino Detector - or DEW device system - click here.
and this is what is actually happening behind the scenes….
Eric Hecker claims that the MOB are a rogue faction [of manily KazaNAZI Jews and Jesuits] from the hell hole at CERN, who manopolise these DEW technologies to bring about humanity’s demise. What Eric doesn’t mention is this rogue faction coming from the abyss, Apollyon at CERN, who are also manopolising these DEW technologies to try to bring about Yeshua’s demise. That is what the coming battle of Armageddon is all about.
Advanced Aliens Could Communicate Across the Universe Using “Neutrino Beams”
Eric Hecker claims the Ice Cube Neutrino Detector is the largest phased array transmitter in the world.
Check out the National Science Foundation founded in 1950. Now that makes perfect sense for a stamp of approval from the Swiss director of Intelligence and the use of Nazis scientist in Operation Paperclip.
Look at some of the juicy topics -
High-performance visible-light lasers that fit on a fingertip
Physicists' laser experiment excites atom's nucleus, may enable new ...
Nonequilibrium Thermal Processing of Nanoparticles via Laser ...
Hologram experts can now create real-life images that move in the air -
Physicists' laser experiment excites atom's nucleus, may enable new ...
Researchers track plasma creation using novel ultra-fast laser method ...
The main issue/topic I want to focus on here though are Eric Hecker’s claims re the destructive ability of the Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs). I first studied DEWs back in 2010, even before Dr Judy Wood claimed after 10 years of forensic research that all the buildings that collapsed during the 9/11 attacks in 2001 were returned to dust by DEWs. I arrived at this conclusion by studying the technology given to Nikola Tesla by divine intervention - albeit more than likely delivered by Lucifer to mankind through Tesla. Without Nikola Tesla’s mind we would not have all the technology and mod-cons, like electricity that we so take for granted today.
The MOB raped Nikola Tesla of all of his invention patents and technological designs and out of that Information from the abyss, created Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs).
Look here, this was published by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) established in 1947 [hallo, does that ring any bells? Operation Paperclip? Allen Welsh Dulles? CIA? Allen Dulles helping create MKUltra in the U.S using his Nazi SS theories…. from the home of “Global Fascism” - the Canon of Geneva …. Dulles was a cousin of one of Geneva’s Council of 200’s most powerful families, the Mallet] Hello - wake up America! You gys are being used and abused - bigtime!
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) was the first Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to be built in the U.S. and more than likely the source of the DEWs used on 9/11, 2001 with BNL being situated 66.6 nm from the Twin Towers on Long Island, NY. And you think this wasn’t planned many years ago?
That is exactly why ‘Your Reality is an Illusion’ - you are living inside a matrix of belief that is a counterfeit of the Truth - driven by Lucifer, “the angel of light”!
Lucifer’s gospel is exactly 180° inverted from the Truth of YHWH’s righteousness - this world’s matrix is based on your own ‘self-righteousness’. It is a false, counterfeit faith given to us by deception and trickery. Modern day Western/American, Jesuit styled Christianity - no I'll rephrase that thought - all faith based on Constantine’s Roman, Mithria Christianity is a false religion. It refutes YHWH’s demand to eradicate the corrupt energy of the world’s matrix from our energetic hearts.
There is a Real Matrix in which we trust in YHWH’s holy righteousness - where we are taught to eradicate all unrighteousness from our energetic hearts - not through man’s ‘self-righteous’ religious faith in a false perception of God - but trust in the divine, heavenly YHWH Himself.
Here is a common denominator is all religion based faith - it is merely your faith - the participants in the energy of Mystery Babylon are all Christian Pharisees - they DO NOT listen to the YHWH’s voice in heaven, therefore the Real Word of God - and they do not perceive they need to repent before YWHW for their iniquity and condition of heart because they believe they are “right” - YHWH calls that ‘self-righteousness’, ‘the teachings of demons’ and ‘manmade tradition’ - and He hates it!
Yeshua haMashiach called them hypocrites and vipers. “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” “So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God.” “You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.”
Eric Hecker states that DEWs operate at an energy which is faster than the speed of light, using quantum entanglement. This is 100% correct. All the technology discovered at CERN uses a counterfeit, twisted version of quantum entanglement, whilst using YHWH’s Quantum Field - or His own method of communicating with His creation from the 3rd heaven.
YHWH’s Quantum Field is the Matrix of heaven by which we can listen to His righteous voice and live in freedom. It is the Matrix of scalar and longitudinal waves that Eric Hecker discusses at the 1:17 mark in this video. The Luciferian, Elon Musk’s X factor and the renaming of Twitter to X is symbolic of Eric Hecker’s description of the power created by crossing two streams of scalar energy. Scalar energy was discovered by Nikola Tesla. His heart was to give this free energy to the world - this didn’t fit the MOB’s plans to place a meter on this energy and make squillions of $$ from it - thus the spiritual mafia MOB raped society of free energy.
Everything originating in YHWH’s Kingdom is free because He loves his constituents!
Nikola Tesla’s plan to give society free energy didn’t resonate with the spiritual mafia MOB’s wicked plan to use quantum entanglement and scalar energy to control the minds of the masses. MK Ultra uses scalar energy because scalar energy penetrates everything solid [even the earth - it goes straight through it], therefore a MK Ultra mind controller can target an individual in San Francisco and the target may flee to China to get way from that abuse in their mind - only to find the controller in San Francisco can still access their mind in China. That is all due to scalar energy and its properties.
So take note of Eric Hecker - he is speaking the Truth!
The important thing to become aware of in mind control or brainwashing is that it changes one’s belief system so that the target truly believes their beliefs are ‘right’ = ‘self righteousness’. They therefore truly believe their belief system is correct and they are right with God. This is true whether they call themselves Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist or pagan - it matters not! Now, with the formation of General William Donovan’s OSS, the “father of American intelligence” in 1941 and Allen Dulle’s CIA and the National Security Act of 1947, we have 8.2 billion people globally who sincerely believe they are ‘right’ because they have the right Intelligence - RIGHT?
WRONG! 8.2 billion people are confused and down right angry at YHWH because their belief system believes He created their own personal problems.
That is why Christians are probably the most deceived people on the face of this earth - and they refuse to repent for their own self-righteousness! If we could only see how dark and corrupt our self-centred hearts are - we would repent - trust me! However, our God-given conscience has been seared so we cannot see.
In this video Eric Hecker states that the crossing of two streams of scalar energy is what generates huge amounts of power that can be used to generate earthquakes, control weather patterns, generate tsunamis, start bushfires and destroy whole communities like the Maui devastation. Climate change is all about the MOB’s manipulation of natures’ weather patterns in order to bring about their NWO of mass mind control.
I wrote an eBook about how Tesla technology was used by the MOB to create DEW’s back when Donald Trump was the main front man in America - the main MOB puppeteer - Americans call it the President of the Great United States. I wrote this back in 2020 declaring that the CONVID-19 jab was used to place weapons of mass destruction with our bodies - YHWH’s Temple of the Holy Spirit. I prophesied that these weapons of mass destruction within our bodies would be miniature - so small they are quantum sized protons, neutrons and electrons that can self-assemble in the body and move like DEWs inside of us. Using the same technology Eric Hecker is talking about.
The MOB is targeting our hearts, reproductive organs and our brains. That is why my brother now has turbo-cancer in his brain after being forced to get “vaccinated’ in 2022.
I can share some of that eBook with you if you are interested. I didn’t publish this eBook because I felt the timing wasn’t right and it was like casting pearls of Truth before swine/unrighteous, self-righteous pigs.
“Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.” And attack me they do!! Especially self-righteous, Pharmaceutical Christians!!! “Let the unrighteous continue to be unrighteous, and the vile continue to be vile; let the righteous continue to practice righteousness, and the holy continue to be holy.” “Watch out for those dogs, those workers of evil, those mutilators of the flesh! For it is we who are the [Truly] Circumcised, we who worship by the Spirit of God and make our boast in the Messiah Yeshua! We do not put confidence in human qualifications [the flesh], though I myself [and Paul] could have such confidence.”
Folks, like Paul, I declare myself to be a sinner and I do place confidence in my own flesh. Only YHWH’s grace and the covering of His righteous blood helps me erase that natural tendency to give credence and faith to the insidiousness of my own iniquity each day.
Taking about unrighteous swine and self-righteous pigs… I’m going to leave you with this video on iniquity/unrighteousness.
If you fail to watch this video right though - instead of wasting your time watching an unrighteous, iniquitous movie produced by Hollywood/Bollywood - then you, my friend have been programmed to become more of a twisted, dumbed down, insane fool than you ever thought! You have become a protege of Lucifer.
Take full grasp of this topic of the Abomination of Iniquity - or be damned by YHWH - judgement/Desolation is coming real soon!
Your reality - your perception of life - is an Illusion - and an Abomination to your Creator God.
You can transform your mind, heart soul and spirit to the Matrix Reality instantly and without effort! All it takes is heartfelt repentance before your spiritual Father in heaven.