“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked man rules, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 America has been ruled by wicked men since, and before, 9/11, 2001.
Can you even imagine a global event that dwarf’s the 9/11 mass deception? This event below was also a Psyops - or a planned event that created a false Augmented reality in the minds of the masses. Psyops are military operations usually aimed at influencing the enemy's state of mind through non-combative means - hint - the MOB is targeting your mind - you are the enemy!
Do you know what was burning here with this fire? Your freedom and your freewill - the ability to choose will soon be gone according to the Deep State and the MOB who planned 9/11. It was a planned Psyops to man-ipulate and control your mind!
Enclosed is my final conclusion on the Total Solar Eclipse. Just like the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, the Swiss Octagon is planning the greatest Signs & Wonders mass deception in the history of mankind, as a diversion and inversion of God’s brilliant natural sign on April 8th, 2024.
It will be balantant magic, sorcery and witchcraft used to cast a spell on the entire world in an attempt to usher in their New Age, New Atlantis, the New Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Enlightenment and the infamous “Great Awakening”!
Remember we said in The April 8th Solar Eclipse Is Highly, Highly, Highly, Highly Significant - PART 4 “Today, Hermeticism provides the main belief system for the Alternate mind drug called “Hopium”. One day soon, the whole world will realise that it has been deceived and realise there will be no “Great Awakening” as the Ogdoad promises.”
This is the 9th Substack in which we have been discussing the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th. Number nine is a symbol of completeness of God, and finality. It means that God completed His creation and all His promises. According to the bible, number 9 is also perceived as a symbol of patience and harmony as well as development. On the 11th of September, 2024 we will see the completeness of God, and finality when God declares “It is finished”!
Oh, the Queen of Heaven and the boys at CERN will not like that! April 8th - 11th Sept. will usher in the WW3 battle of Armageddon as the MOB prepares to do battle with God Himself.
Greg Reeses video from Moscow discusses the Masonic rituals planned worldwide to usher in their New World Order, the counterfeit of God’s coming New World Order - which will be Order, not Disorder or total Chaos.
Don’t blink or you will miss this diagram of the Swiss Octagon in the video…. this picture is the most critical image in Reese’s accurate and meaningful video. It takes a trained, aware and God conscious eye to even pick up on this - I just happen to understand their mission, their sinister intent and their evil bloodlines -
I cannot embed this video for you, but do not miss it….. click here or on the photo -
One of the world’s most wicked rulers and Deep State puppets, sleepy Joe Biden proved on Easter Sunday, beyond a shadow of doubt, what I am saying in my Substacks about the Swiss Octagon rule is true. The state of iniquity, wickedness, unrighteousness or lawlessness has past its state of ripeness and is due to be picked - or pulverised - by God’s judgement. Society is now in a more deviant, twisted, distorted, perverse, divergent, warped and rogue state than in the days of Noah.
Instead of celebrating the resurrection of Yeshua on Easter Sunday, Biden declared Resurrection Day to be “Transgender Day of Visibility” day as a direct counterfeit and 180° divergence from the Truth, whilst acknowledging the goddess Ishtar as a deity.
The problem is, the MOB has deceived Christians into worshipping the Sun on Easter Sun-day for years. The word Easter originates from the ancient Sumer goddess Ishtar who was known as the “Queen of Heaven”, or is known as “Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots” in Revelation 17. She is the Seductress of all human beings, both male and female. Her seduction rules over all of the entities behind the spiritual mafia MOB. They all bow to this Supreme witch.
She is the goddess of sexuality, war and destruction. She is fiery, impetuous, impulsive, greedy, emotional, demanding, stormy, fierce, carnal, romantic, vindictive, full of insatiable sexual desire and full of pride. She is the goddess of prostitution. She is a seducer and a temptress. Her symbols are the moon, the sun, the planet Venus, and a lion. Ishtar re-emerged in the West in the 1960s when Western nations turned away from God and biblical standards, especially those surrounding sexuality and marriage – English occultist Aleister Crowley, in the early 1900s, introduced the “Sexual Revolution” through the medium of drugs, music, sex and rock-n-roll. Thus began the corruption of Western civilization – and Ishtar seduced the West back to her old immorality. Sex became an end in itself, and thus promiscuity and pornography became common, undermining marriage and leading to an epidemic of broken homes and damaged children. Self-gratification became the norm with many couples choosing cohabitation without commitment. Sex became a commodity to be used to sell all manner of things.
Ishtar’s evil tactics involves altering people’s affections and bringing division. Part of her nature is duality – to be at times feminine and other times masculine. In the modern world she has succeeded in altering the definition of male and female, so males are becoming more feminine and females more masculine. It started on the fringes of society but gradually it has become more mainstream. She is behind the rage and hatred against men [based on their unconscious hatred of their fathers which was often physically and emotionally provoked] and God their spiritual Father [based on their unconscious hatred of their fathers which was spiritually provoked], which has became the hallmark of feminism. All feminists are angry and hold hatred in their heart [often for good reason and from some form of abuse as a child by their fathers]. Patriarchy is therefore seen as evil and that it must be eliminated.
Because of their own personal abuse as a child, people are divorcing themselves from reality in droves. The sad thing is, their mind controllers have brainwashed them to blame their own Creator God, not the real abuser of their minds, the “Queen of Heaven” or the seducer, the goddess Ishtar.
Now it is becoming more acceptable for people to turn away from the biological reality of their birth and choose a different gender identity. This may involve surgical removal of male or female characteristics. It is believed that priests of the ancient Ishtar cult were castrated so they identified less with the gender of their birth. These days surgically Altering young people’s bodies has become big business, as has the production of hormonal drugs used in the gender altering “therapies”.
Read about ‘out of body’ experiences that propels people’s minds into an ‘Alternate’, or ‘Augmented’ Reality here Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons - Why? Because if the MOB counterfeits God’s natural signs to us on April 8th, we may see microwave waves from the 5/6G towers create false signs and wonders in the form of levitation. I discussed this in detail in 5/6G, Digital Twin & Levitating.
Today’s Pride Parades replicate in many ways the goddess Ishtar’s parades in ancient Sumer in which cross-dressing was a big part and the use of bright coloured fabrics common. One of Ishtar’s characteristics is the flaunting of her rebellion against convention with pride. Rebellion against God is all a part of societies’ “Great Awakening”! Can you believe it?
It is no coincidence that the rainbow features strongly in the new Ishtar cult : in ancient mythology Ishtar was associated with the rainbow, it was regarded as a symbol of the fierce domination of her enemies. Once again, it is a counterfeit of God’s natural rainbow that has 7 colours, not 6 which represents our flesh [our iniquitous or corrupt heart].
It’s symptomatic that when the definition of marriage was changed in the US in 2015 and later in other nations, many public buildings were lit up in the colours of the Pride rainbow flag.
This new Rainbow ideology is becoming more and more entrenched in Government, corporate business, sport, and the Church. With the influence of Ishtar, demonic entities from ancient times are pervading every aspect of modern life and anyone who dares to speak out against it had better expect to incur the wrath of those who have been indoctrinated by her LGBT pride spirit.
This summary is written by one of our Subscribers who gives credit to Jonathan Cahn and his excellent and detailed exposition of this phenomenon in his book “The Return of the Gods” published by Frontline.
This is very encouraging when our Subscribers get involved because it means that at least a small percentage of our Subscribers are getting it, resonating with, and quantum entangling themselves the Truth.
I have no greater expectation than that!
Why is this important in relation to April 8th? Because this rebellious spirit of the goddess Ishtar defines the state of the nation of America. In fact, this is the state of the global world. Our present society is far more corrupt, degenerate, unrighteous and morally insane than Sodom and Gomorrah ever was - and God Himself judged that nation and eliminated them.
This rebellious spirit of the goddess Ishtar is essentially the same Nordic Vril spirit that controlled the minds of Hitler and Nazi Germany. Who can see the Nazi sign in the bottom two symbols? That is the Vril energy the dementia ridden Joe Biden represents. All the Deep State members are Nazi at their core, just like those Nazis who went to America after WW2 under ‘Operation PaperClip’ and the Swiss bloodline connected CIA Director, Allen Dulles.
From Mt. Sinai to the Promised Land was an eleven day journey for the Israelites who had just escaped Egypt, but due to Israel’s rebellion against God, they were in the wilderness for a total forty years - and not one member of that rebellious generation entered the Promised Land. We are no different - for the last 40 years - since 1984, we too have been wandering around in circles in the spiritual wilderness getting no closer to our Promised Land - the eternal Tree of Life which we can quantum entangle with in heaven.
Our Creator God is a miracle working God. Just study nature and the integrated functions of your own body. It is absolutely mind blowing to even imaging how Yeshua created the universe, and now sustains every cell and the function of every organ in your body. Every detail is a mathematical miracle.
I want you to notice the value of “TAV” - Yeshua is our righteousness - it is 400. So is this a coincidence? Consider: the Earth's Moon has a diameter that is 400 times less than the Sun and the Sun is 400 times further away making the Sun and the Moon the same size in the sky—a coincidence not shared by any other planet–moon combination in the solar system, allowing for uniquely photogenic total solar eclipses.
Hebrew is the only language in the world that is both pictographic and “alefbetic.”. In the Hebrew language there are no vowels. God often communicates to us through the Hebrew language. That is why it is important to go back to the original texts to decipher the bible and again an uncorrupted version of what God is trying to express to us.
In my last Substack, Goodbye Pfizer - "It is finished"! ,we raised this question: “Can you image the Bush, Clinton, Obama and Trump dynasties repenting before God in the next 6 months?” Well, here is the answer to that question in Revelation - “Furthermore, they did not repent of their murder, sorcery, sexual immorality, and theft.” This was prophesied by the Apostle John approximately 1,934 years ago because he could see into eternity in heaven, and time was not a factor.
We have not even included the possible New Madrid Fault Line, MO earthquakes….. or the fact that the total solar eclipse in BC 763 passed right over Nineveh - and that whole area today is mainly Islamic territories. We have not discussed the possible spark of WW3 when Iran [Persia] attacks Israel - very soon - which will ignite all out War between the Christians, Muslims and Jews. BRICS alliance now has 10 member states that includes Iran and Egypt. This should ring loud bells to the ears of those who understand the book of Revelation. The stage is being set for Armageddon - the final battle when mankind tries to take out God - such is the global hatred towards our Creator.
Why is Iran [Persia] and Egypt involved in the final war? Because remember the original spiritual mafia MOB, the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines were/are 30% Pharaonic bloodlines and 70% Persian bloodlines. Overtime, they created ALL the religions involved - mainly Islam and Christianity - to war against Israel with the main object being Jerusalem - the city from which Yeshua will rule from for the next 1,000 years.
This plan is not new. This was all pre-planned by the Freemasons at least 153 years ago. Albert Pike received information from the MOB in 1871, and he then prophesied there would be three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about their fascist ‘New World Order’. Neither have we discussed the Zionist Jews and the Zionist Christians who believe the sacrifice of a red calf on Wednesday April 10th may set the scene for the introduction of the Satanic possessed Jewish Messiah.
All of this is going to unfold quickly because the spiritual mafia MOB know they are out of time! 2024 may also include a massive cyber-attack! Whitney Webb certainly thinks so!
These are all topics if great interest that makes me believe that God Himself is saying - “It is finished.”
Take time to watch these two short videos from Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel…. I respect this man. He was the only Pastor, Priest or Bishop I know of in Australia who had the internal fortitude to declare the COVID-19 bioweapon was indeed the Mark of the Beast. He has proven to be right, the COVID-19 bioweapon being the Trojan Horse that got inside of the wall of our God created Temples, and the coming Patch being Satan's Final Solution for humanity.
And finally….. the video below is a very good overview of everything I have covered over the last 9 Substacks. When I wrote Are you con-CERN-ed?, I thought I had finished, then I discovered three 3 books by William Stuart whose intense 3 years of research totally back up my thesis.
This video does the same thing…..
You know, this could be “one BIG nothing burger” - but it don’t think so! I honest think I was born to bring this message of repentance, just like Jonah did. No, I’m not a prophet - however my father always called me ‘Joseph’. I certainly was placed in a spiritual pit and sold to Egypt by my brothers - maybe my father was a prophet. That would truly piss my self-righteous, pious brothers off!!!