Thank you for reading and considering my Substacks - I have a tough assignment to help spiritually awaken almost 8.2 billion people - most of them made in the image of our Creator God. A small percentage of them are clones or hybrids - cloned to the image of Lucifer. For me, it is an impossible task - obviously!

Essentially no-one is listening - but that is about to change! Soon, everything I have been telling you will be evidence based when the spiritual manifests into the physical realm. That is about to happen. That will be Revelation - literally!!!
YHWH is tired of contending with mankind’s iniquitous desire to change their DNA’s operating system and be gods in their own right! Mankind’s iniquitous, fleshly, Godless theories of evolution and reincarnation are about to be exposed. They are both based on lies and deception.
These clones or hybrids have used these Godless theories, and as a consequence [or karma or sow and reaping], they are now running the entire world through some form of MK Ultra mind control. This is evident in Jason Christoff’s excellent article - Is The Entire Female Gender Slated for Removal? which enables us to realise just how sick and insane the world has become. These clones are soulless entities spiritually entangled to Lucifer: just like spiritual parasites are soulless entities that are demonic in characteristic. Here a clone is defined in scientific terms: A DNA sequence, such as a gene, that is transferred from one organism to another and replicated by genetic engineering techniques.
As Jason Christoff correctly says “One deity they honor is the Baphomet, which is a creature of both genders in one body. The Baphomet is associated with the honoring of Satanism (which is a belief system of inversion regarding God's natural order). The statue in Denmark is both genders in one body and is in fact a Baphomet, a creature having both a male penis and female breasts.”
I suggest reading Learning About A Corrupt Workforce and learn about the Hegelian Dialectic which is actually an old alchemy/occult motto Solve et Coagula.
Note the Serpent has Satan’s male penis and Lucifer’s female breasts. This is the two sides of the same coin being manifest right now. Some would say it is being revealed through the book of Revelation.
Their is a good chance, that you yourself are a victim of mind control… because of this global darkness and deception, we are now officially in the battle of Armageddon. Mystery Babylon, which includes Jerusalem/1948 Israel [“those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not”], America [the country that has harboured the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel] and Western, American Christianity [the designer religion to introduce the MOB’s fake “Christ”], are all about to be judged brutally by YHWH. Nuclear war is now just around the corner…. literally…. as mankind prepares to eradicate YHWH in the Valley of Mediggo in Israel - and YHWH comes to judge mankind’s motives.
YHWH always looks at and judges our energetic hearts.
Good luck with your wayward plan fellow human beings and clones…. the Presence of Yeshua’s coming and His breath alone will instantly eradicated all flesh that has not bowed in humility to humanity’s REAL Messiah - Yeshua haMashiach.
Repentance is THE KEY to YHWH’s spiritual kingdom.
I have published 3 eBooks on Amazon and written another 4 since March 2020 to warn people - Christians and non Christians - that the 2021 COVID-19 “vaccination” was in fact a biological weapon against humanity - and it was the dreaded, fear mongering ‘Mark of the Beast’. This has now been confirmed on so many fronts.
Very, very, very, very…. few have heeded my warning. Only a few who have purified their souls with the sacrificial blood of Yeshua haMashiach, having repented and purified their soul in time for the second return of the Messiah. This is YHWH’s remnant - His pure bride! Only YHWH’s righteousness is capable of doing this. Yeshua haMashiach is coming back for a pure spiritual bride - that includes those who have transformed their minds, hearts and souls into a pure, righteous state of being.
The majority of Western Christians have failed this test - thus far! The majority of Jews, including the Messianic and Zionist Jews have also failed this test given by YHWH Himself. Most have “fallen away” spiritually…. read 2 Thessalonians 2…. that Chapter alone - if read from YHWH’s perspective, tells it all. “For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that all those not having believed the truth but having delighted in unrighteousness should be judged.”
This is my 159th Substack - and one of my last. My warning to my fellow man is now complete. Like YHWH’s warnings, my warnings have mostly fallen on deaf ears. Most individuals falsely believe they are ‘right’ before God - but this deception is merely Lucifer’s false self-righteousness - not YHWH’s pure righteousness. For instance - most Christians falsely believe they cannot be deceived - and most Christians falsely believe they cannot be possessed by dark energy or demonic entities. This is the ultimate deception - that is because they do not understand that iniquity and unrighteousness in their hearts must be eradicated to experience YHWH’s full salvation.
This energy of iniquity is pervasive right throughout society right now as it reaches a climatic end. Consider re-reading Victory Over The Nordic Vril Energy again.
Lucifer has found a way to take spiritual legal ground on so many humans without them even knowing it. Why? Because the masses thought the world Stage is all about ‘entertainment’, self gratification and feeling “good” -
‘Enter-tainment’ means to enter a detainment of the mind for the purposes of personal gratification. It means to “hold together”, or “stick together” with self-gratification and an energy that strokes our own self-centered ego. “For all that is in the world—the lust and sensual craving of the flesh and the lust and longing of the eyes and the boastful pride of life [pretentious confidence in one’s resources or in the stability of earthly things]—these do not come from the Father, but are from the world.” The flesh is our defiled, unredeemed human nature or the mystery of iniquity which is an unconscious energy that has become dead to YHWH’s own Spirit, with our DNA having been changed by our refusal to quantum entangle ourselves to our Creator’s Holy Spirit.
All of this occurs within the operating system of our energetic heart and the Information contained within our DNA. “A tree is identified by its fruit.”
Review WHO Holds The Key To The Operating System [I’ve tried to show you how you can relight your mind, soul and spirit as a human being - now I’m done!] and Corruption: Follow The Bloodlines. Moderna’s chief medical officer Tal Zaks has openly stated that the mRNA COVID jab is “hacking the software of life”. He described the human genetic code as an operating system, and if they can change that operating system by changing or introducing a new line of code, they can change how the operating system functions. This is confirmed by the digital WEF false prophet Yuval Noah Harari who says “Once you can hack something, you can usually engineer it!” This is man’s desire to be gods in their own right, creating evolution by intelligent design. Harari goes on to state that humans are now hackable animals and THE CONCEPT OF FREE WILL IS OVER! Harari is the mouthpiece for the Genevan Council of 200 “Global Fascism” play directors based in the data and information centre of CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
The living cell is its power source as “the fake virus” takes over the operating system, the machinery of the cell to replicate and duplicate itself. Synthetic mRNA within the body is the operating system that will allow this technology to operate this sophisticated method of mind control. Once 5G activates the process, Quantum entanglement becomes the operating system to control each person.
Moderna’s mRNA platform. Moderna openly declared right through the plandemic [3 1/2 years] that their mRNA was the operating system for mankind. That has now been taken away!
Lucifer, Satan and their minions of demons are busy reprogramming mankind’s DNA through technology, entertainment and the various means of injecting poison into our veins - that changes the information in our DNA. They all end up in the death of our soul. Look how advertising and even colours affect our emotions unconsciously - look closely at Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions: Exploring the Emotion Wheel and determine a combination or duality of colours that impacts your subconscious mind-
For instance, do you think the colours of yellow and blue in the Ukraine flag is a coincidence? Creating ecstasy and grief. Ukraine’s President is an actor - an AshkeNAZI Jew inspired by the actor Lucifer.
Or red and white - red for rage and white for the NWO version of “purity” and “holeness”. The colours of the Pharaonic NWO.
Genome editing (also called gene editing) is a group of technologies that give scientists the ability to change an organism's DNA. These technologies allow genetic material to be added, removed, or altered at particular locations in the genome. Over the past decade, the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system has revolutionized genetic engineering, allowing scientists to make targeted changes to organisms’ DNA. While the system could potentially be useful in treating a variety of diseases, CRISPR-Cas9 editing involves cutting DNA strands, leading to permanent changes to the cell’s genetic material. This allows mankind to play God and to endeavour to make man in Lucifer’s image. Anyone who has willingly received the CONVID-19 “vaccine” has literally sold their soul to Satan’s fake spiritual kingdom of destruction and DEATH.
Now take a look at the colours used by The Simpsons, Matt Groening and the Fox Broadcasting Company’s take on 11/11 2024 created 7 years ago in Sept. 2017 [what a coincidence!]. The occult Corporations have known about the importance of Trump’s role in the NWO and the importance of the 2024 U.S. elections for years. The spiritual mafia MOB knew the battle of Armageddon would occur in Nov/Dec 2024 and the lights of the entire world would go out. Watch The Simpsons Warning about 'The Great Blackout" and Donald Trump’s “calm before the storm” prophetic acknowledgement, made exactly 2,600 days before 11/11/2024 on 5/10/2017. Do you really think, the Deep State, the Illuminati, the Zionist/Khazarian Jews, the British Monarchy and the epicentre at CERN, Switzerland are not all involved in planning this global coup d'état?
Make sure you read Everyone Who Received the Purported Vaccine is Now “Patented” and listen to Judge Anna Von Reitz from Alaska. She knows the legalities of this global coup d'état. Her title Commercial Mercenary Attack Against Humanity — International Notice to All International Courts is 100% correct. The Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties - and the Swiss Government are the epicenter of providing mercenaries to planned wars ever since AD 1648. Judge Anna Von Reitz declares -
Everyone who received the purported vaccine is now “patented” and owned as property by the Vermin.
Everyone who has been jabbed is considered “trans-human”.
Trans-humans are not considered natural, so have no Natural and Unalienable Rights.
Trans-humans are not considered humans, so they have no human rights.
Trans-humans can have no equal civil rights, because any standard of “equal” rights has been destroyed.
The good news is - this global coup d'état will be extremely intense - but short lived. “Many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am He,’ and will deceive many”[i.e.Donald Trump and Obama]. “For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again.” “If the Messiah had not cut short those days, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom He has chosen, He has cut them short.” YHWH will instantly eradicate everyone who has the mark of iniquity on his/her forehead and the global coup d'état will be over. Then Yeshua haMashiach Himself is coming to rule Zion from Jerusalem.
If we participate in God’s spiritual kingdom we return to functioning ‘as it ought to be’ - finding peace in God’s court of righteousness and rule of justice.
The whole Plandemic was/is based on a lie about ownership; who owns you?! The bottom line is this; if you have taken their poisonous “vaccine” which is in fact a bioweapon against you; then you are effectively signing the ownership of your body, soul and spirit to the Corporations signed up with the WEF to rule the world as a dictatorship [search their website for ‘all our partners’]. If so, you are now “patented” and owned as property. They not only own your soul, but they own your entire being. You are no longer a living entity but a cyborg with a digital passport ID. You are no longer a human being, but an entity, taking on the characteristics of Beelzebub. You are spiritually partnered with the Lucifer/Satan’s kingdom. Once the MOB have legal ownership of you, you become a souless entity, just like them. It is spiritual cloning. Re-read Corruption of the "Information Superhighway”.
This Zionist Jew/Jesuit coup d'état IS ALL ABOUT SPIRITUAL OWNERSHIP. Who do you belong to? The spiritual energy of eternal LIFE and permanent light - or eternal DEATH and permanent darkness. A cyborg made in the image of Baphomet or a pure eternal human being made in the image of our Creator God. That is our choice right now…. and the two ways/ [or "Way”] are about to part this Nov/Dec. 2024.
This is my final warning from me to you! In this Substack I have endeavoured to give you the bottomline - which is spiritual and thus physical ownership. In the next Substack I will show you how you can personally experience YHWH, parting you own Red Sea and escape out of this Pharaonic Octagon debauchery.
Then I am finished! I am tired of contending with humanity’s absolute stupidity. It is time to move on…. I’m preparing to go outer space and experience the ride of my life! That has eternal value…..
That ride is open to you too - if only…..