So how do people entangle themselves with the duality of the Nordic Vril energy force and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system? Notice the symbolism in this depiction of Vril energy. At the top is a Nazi sign/Templar Cross, followed by the Black Sun emblem, then a woman dressed in scarlet on a white horse, signifying the great harlot who rules and reigns over the kings of the earth - until they destroy her. She is called Babylon the Great, mother of harlots!
Then we have the two women who supposedly channelled this energy and formed the Thule Society prior to Hitler’s 3rd Reich. Remember, the pioneers of the Vril Society were two women….. Maria Orsic and another medium who only went by the name of Sigrun.
Both women channelled a powerful goddess, Freyja who is beautiful, sensual, wears a feathered cloak, and practices seiðr. The practice of seiðr is believed to be a form of magic which is related to both the telling and the shaping of the future. These woman were sometimes described as a 'prophecy-woman' or 'magic-woman'.
The main theme in the Nordic Vril energy force is sexuality, fornication and illicit sex. This is one of the easiest ways to rapidly spread toxicity and spiritual parasites.
One of the common characteristics of a Vrilogist is, they are passionate about hating men and hating God. Men are toxic to them because of the abuse and trauma they have suffered through the dominant men in their lives in their early years, particularly before 5 years old. That is why woman often manifest spiritually in the presence of a man and abuse them both spiritually and energetically as a reflection of the abuse they have gone through. However, it is merely a reaction to the Vril energy that has driven men to abuse their children in the first place.
Vril energy divides humanity, and destroys our God consciousness, awareness and that leads to insanity.
Another word that summaries the Vril/Hermetic energy is perversion. Perversion is a form of human behaviour which deviates from what is considered to be moral or normal. Although the term perversion can refer to a variety of forms of deviation, it is most often used to describe sexual behaviours that are considered particularly abnormal, abnormal, deviant, repulsive, twisted, warped, degenerate or obsessive. All of these words describe corruption or iniquity in our heart.
Unconsciousness leads to degeneration of spirit, whilst God consciousness and God’s redemption leads to regeneration of spirit.
Here is another way to make our mind toxic with Nordic Vril energy in today’s modern confused society.
‘Cards Against Humanity’ is described as a party game for horrible people. Each round, one player asks a question from a black card, and everyone else answers with their funniest white card. This is designed for young people to entrap them in the Matrix simulacrum of confusion, doubt, indecision and fear.
It is a sure way to expand ones own self-centred ego and create a megalomania which is defined as “a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur”. The number of people suffering from this form of narcosis and narcissism is increasing exponentially. Remember that Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder characterised by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathise with others' feelings.
I personally know people who are so hooked on the Nordic Vril energy force and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system that they literally believe that they are gods in their own right! When in reality they are merely suffering from a delusional mental illness. They are delusional because they are infested with spiritual parasites and thus self sabotaging themselves, whilst manifesting fits of trauma based rage. Megalomania is an unnaturally strong desire for power and control, or the belief that you are very much more important and powerful than you really are.
It is all based on a mythological belief system. Take a look at how this list of mythological places is influencing modern day society! It is beyond a sane mind!
The most famous demagogue of modern history has been Adolf Hitler. A demagogue is a political leader who gains popularity by arousing the common people against elites, especially through oratory that whips up the passions of crowds, appealing to emotion by scapegoating out-groups, exaggerating dangers to stoke fears, lying for emotional effect, or other rhetoric that tends to drown out reasoned deliberation and encourage fanatical popularity. Demagogues overturn established norms of political conduct, or promise or threaten to do so.
Donald Trump is a demagogue or type of anti-Christ. The next demagogue could well be the anti-Christ himself. King Charles 111 could well take that title and be that Satan’s embodied demagogue. The next Hitler will come from the British Crown.
I’m embedding the link to the full movie, TRANCE MIND CONTROL AND HUMAN SLAVERY THE CATHY O' BRIEN STORY ( 2022) FULL DOCUMENTARY, just in case you missed the Official Trailer last Blog. This is one of the most important videos you will ever listen too, try to comprehend and understand. It will shock you with its truth. However, it could well account towards your own personal FREEdom from mind control……
Watch here….. or click on this image below…..
In March 1783, George Washington gave an address, "If the freedom of speech is taken away, then the dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." This video has been removed from just about every platform - that shows how important it is to our own personal freedom.
Here are some of the major points -
Mind control causes one to loose their ability to access free thought, and God conscious awareness.
Secret mind control programs began with the event of Project Paperclip in 1946, shortly after the official end of WW2 , in September 1945. Over 1,600 Nazi and SS war criminals including scientists and technicians were imported into the U.S. and other Commonwealth countries like Australia in which Operation Matchbox saw Britain transfer at least 127 Germans to subvert this country.
The energy and belief system transferred with these war criminals was the Nordic Vril energy upon which the Thule Society has established the entire Nazi movement. The Thule Society was dedicated to the rebirth of Aryan/Teutonic supremacy, the resurrection of Nordic mysticism, and the defeat of Christianity whilst the Thule Society prepared the path for the advent of the master race.
Passports and assistance was organised by the Vatican and the Swiss Red Cross.
Now, instead of being confined to Germany, Nazi/Vril occult Intelligence has become global. This was always the longterm plan of the Swiss spiritual mafia MOB.
The purpose of this clandestine operation was to infiltrate Western society, fortifying secret societies with the Nordic Vril energy and establish the ongoing agenda of the NWO.
The Swiss created a divergence in Washington DC. The Geneva headquarters of the East India Intelligence network had been organised by the Mallet Prevost family (Genevan Swiss Council of 200), whose descendants include Allen Dulles of the American CIA.
Information control is a form of mass mind control.
The National Security Act of 1947 enabled the CIA to hide behind a curtain hiding a unconscionable number of illegal Government activities, including secret mind control and weather control programs.
The MKUltra mind control program was established in 1953 with “Reasons of National Security” becoming foundational in the U.S. This was the beginning of the global NWO. Let me say that again - mind control is the backbone of the WEF’s NWO.
CIA Document, Project ARTICHOKE, MORI ID 144686, 1952 asked the question: “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation?
Conformed consent is withheld as many of the victims of this abuse are children under the age of 5 yrs old. “Project Monarch” [code word "Freedom Train”] was a mind control operation which recruited multi-generational incest-abused children with Multiple Personality Disorder. (MPD). Cathy was a prime candidate.
When a child’s brain is compartmentalised and shattered through trauma and systemic ritual abuse, it shatters the psyche and it becomes a compartment in which the handler’s secrets can be stored.
Witnessing ritual blood sacrifices of children which is referred to as “the right to remain silent” [think of The Silence of the Lambs or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest] is a part of the Neuro-linguistic programming ( NLP) used to change the way our brains function.
Hypnotic keys, codes and triggers, hand signals and phone tones are then used to open up and access that compartmentalised area of the brain for the benefit of that person’s handler, watcher or controller.
With no continuity of thought, there is no concept of time. This is very significant because God has given unredeemed, fallen man time so we have the ability to seek God’s redemption - this occurs when God’s Holy Spirit enters our timeline and restores our memory, conscious awareness and sense of time. This move of God is the anti-thesis of mind control and restores our sanity, providing our escape and salvation from it.
Compartmentalisation occurs in the subconscious mind - the subconscious mind has no ability to question, reason or comprehend on a conscious level. As more compartments are formed in the brain, the more conscious awareness is lost.
This is what the Jesuits specalise in - and have done for hundreds of years. It is called human trafficing!
In our Nordic Vril energy Beast-driven education system, children are not only taught what to think, but how to think. Therefore, the process of thinking critically has been eliminated.
Human trafficing is the funding mechanism of the NWO. The fake Khazarian mafia proselytised Jews had absolutely no genetic ties to the ancient Hebrews. The Khazars were irredeemably a very warlike and criminal tribe, wholly devoted to paganism, the Babylonian occult magick arts and worshippers of Baal, which is the Satanic deity mentioned often times in the Old Testament associated with cannibalism and bloodletting, the sacrificing of children and babies. Khazaria ruled an area south of Ukraine from AD 630 - AD1200. They were then dispersed by Russia and they moved to eastern Europe. The Rothschilds dynasty and Hitler are/were Khazarian Jews. These Khazarian Jews were/are evil, Kabbalah and Nordic Vril energy worshipping pagans.
The Khazarian/Jesuits have conditioned the masses using Neuro-linguistic programming, symbolism and harmonics. The harmonic frequencies create an Alternate reality in ones mind and then change the neuron pathways in the brain and the lyrics of songs to drive home a belief system that is so detrimental to our sanity.
Repeated trauma coerces the function of the amygdala and the hippocampus to repress associated memories. In order to continue functioning, the memory of any traumatic experience is sectioned off and encased by partitioning walls.
There is no place to run, and no place to hide when it comes to modern technology used for mind control.
If you think Cathy O’Brien is exaggerating about George W. Bush being an MK Ultra mind control victim, used and abused by his father and V-P Dick Cheney, just ask yourself why he was isolated from the scene in NY on September 11th, 2001 and sent to a school in Florida to read one of the most sinister occult books ‘My Pet Goat’ to schoolchildren - and he sat paralysed for 10 minutes even after the second plane hit one of the Twin Towers? Think about the occult symbolism surrounding 9-11 and why they would be reading this Nordic Vril energy literature to schoolchildren? Then ask yourself why George W. Bush’s MKUltra mind control handler - V-P Dick Cheney - would take charge of Operations, being situated conveniently in the Bunker within the White House, directing the whole 9/11 episode that would traumatise not only Americans, but the whole world. This was the official beginning of WW3 and the war against our minds.
The world is being run by pedophiles. That is how dark it is. Dark matter and spiritual parasites rule, just like the Khazarian Mafia did and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia still do. This is pure evil!
Our mind photographically records events surrounding trauma.
Blood ritual trauma, incest, sexually abusing and the raping of children, human trafficing, the harvesting of children’s organs, the use of EMF frequencies, human trafficing and the use of harmonics all heightens a child’s sexuality and suggestibility. These pedophiles feed off of watching extreme paralysing fear in terrified children and the harvesting of adrenochrome - their alexia of life.
A concept of time is directly related to our own conscious awareness.
Spiritual parasites and Nordic Vril energy feeds off of human fear.
Here is the Truth - if you have not been fully spiritually redeemed by the blood of Yeshua haMashiach and the quantum energy associated with His resurrected body, you are connected too, and spiritually entangled to Nordic Vril energy.
The Nazi based Nordic Vril energy NWO is rooted in the most horrible crimes against humanity.
My resolve is to not voice any conspiracy facts without a solution. I have experienced that resolve through trusting God unreservedly.
The time to heal is through spiritual redemption found through a quantum energetic entanglement to out Father God - He will bring justice and a true spiritual plumbline to any situation we have expereince in the past, present or in the future. What we need is to expereince His unconditional love. His resurrectional power is SO powerful. It is beyond comprehension…. and it works!