"When you're taking flak you know you're over the target” - an old, WWII Army Air Force phrase.
One thing I’ve learnt in the last 40 years is when old distorted paradigms and twisted belief systems are challenged and pushback occurs, Truth is right over the target. I’m not getting much response from you thus far - so I will just keep speaking the Truth until something sinks in and your conscience moves you to respond! After all, the Truth always has victory over brainwashing, deception and lies.
Whilst the Coronation of King Charles III is still fresh in our minds, I would like to embellish more on the function of the British Monarchy in the global events which include the up coming NWO and Global Reset. King Charles is the Great Resetter.
The mysticism and even the hidden rituals that broke with the Monarchy’s tradition during this Coronation absolutely supports our pursuit of Truth. This is weird stuff - the hallmarks of insanity - coming from a weird King.
‘The Truth’ is totally aligned too, fully connected too, and energetically entangled with our creator God and everything that has been created naturally. When this spiritual phenomena shows up in our lives, instead of building our thought processes on worldly knowledge, we gain our wisdom and understanding from God’s realm of divine Intelligence.
The word ‘logic’ is an interesting word. It originates from one of two sources - both are unseen and spiritual in essence. We connect with either one of them because we have been created spiritual beings. We have no choice with that. The choice we do have is choosing which spiritual realm we will entertain and engage with. King Charles III makes it blatantly clear which spiritual realm he is connecting with - Baal is his god of renown and pre-eminence.
The first source referred to is from the spiritual tree of the “knowledge of good and evil” - this is a spiritual tree that engulfs the space around us in this world, also known as the “ether” or quantum field. The second source in the spiritual realm, is the spiritual "Tree of Life”. It flows through the unseen quantum field, as does God’s Holy Spirit, having the Intelligence required to sustain all life.
Notice however that the first tree of “knowledge” has two sides to the one coin - that means it is dualist in nature. This spiritual tree consists of Lucifer who appears “good”, thus tempting us whilst he presents as the “angel of light” [this is the ultimate deception because it appears “good” to us] and Satan who presents himself as an angel of darkness or evil.
If we flip the word ‘evil’ over and reverse the letters, we spell the word ‘live’. Spiritual life can only be found in the "Tree of Life” - all other options produces some degree of death. Evil is the nature of Satan or the d-evil [incidentally, the first Quantum Computer was designed and built by a company called D-Wave]. Satan, the author of evil is a spiritual entity that has demeaning character traits. He is a total counterfeit of our creator God, therefore everything he does is a copy of that which is natural, and is reversed exactly 180° away from the Truth [deception is always a mirror image of Truth].
Lucifer’s main character trait is deception or trickery. He is a charlatan. Deception is the act of misleading someone into believing something that isn't true. It is sleight of hand which makes any move seem invisible - however it is all an illusion.
So you may ask, how do you know when our logic is established in Godly understanding? One of the ways is to connect our spirit with God’s heavenly realm and experience His Presence firsthand. A second way is to reverse everything that the Puppet Masters claim they have discovered, or are successfully doing, and we will discover the Truth. Why? Because Lucifer nor Satan DO NOT have an ounce of creativity in their character, so all they can do counterfeit the Truth by connecting with and embracing a human’s creativity.
Therefore the combination of Lucifer and Satan needs humanities’ creativity and humans need Lucifer’s limited knowledge and perceived power.
Whereas we need no medium in order to connect with the creator God. It is instant - and it is free. The spiritual “Tree of Life” is the Truth - period. This can only be accessed through the spiritual portal that our creator God has sanctioned for us to enter through. That narrow doorway is called “The Way” - His Son. The only One who has proven to be Trustworthy, sinless and divine before His spiritual father - God.
Here is an example of how Satan spins the Truth to make his spiritual kingdom look impressive. At CERN in Geneva they discovered the science of quantum physics and later supported it with the Quantum Field Theory (QFT). Given what I have explained to you, if the MOB have proved quantum entanglement and QFT to be a reality - and they are - then they will use it against us to generate corruption, chaos and death. The way they use it will be an exact 180° deviation away from how God designed it to work. God designed quantum mechanics as a means for us to entangle ourselves to Him - Satan uses it to ensnare, trap and digitally imprison us by energetically entangling us to his energetic signature.
The one thing you must be aware of in all of this discussion regarding Truth is that Lucifer, Satan, their spiritual demonic entities and the spiritual mafia MOB all despise, abhor, have total contempt and distain towards the creator God, all of nature and all of humanity. Literally everything ordained by and created by God. That is why Eugenics, and the elimination of all “the useless eaters” is one of their highest priorities.
I trust you understand by now that that is you and me!
The bible calls this dark energetic signature ‘iniquity’ of heart. Iniquity impacts our heart and attaches invisible ‘strings’ to our heart that can be man-ipulated. Who is being exploited, handled, controlled, used, exploited, steered, orchestrated, engineered, corrupted and moulded into a shape like a piece of clay? Man is! Women too! In this case, we could create a new word called woman-ipulated or womanipulated!
Women tend to be just as susceptible to Lucifer’s subtle deception as men, but in different ways.
Iniquity is the effect caused by the energetic, quantum entanglement of Eve with Lucifer which automatically broke her relational, energetic, quantum entanglement to the Creator God. Iniquity is the cause. Sin is the affect. Notice that this dynamic is entirely relational. In this case, iniquity broke relations with her Creator. Relationship can only take affect if we are willing to experience either spiritual realm firsthand.
Iniquity, sin and the spiritual tree of the “knowledge of good and evil” demands our willing consent! I cannot emphasis this Truth enough.
You are not a helpless being, nor a hopeless being. If you knew how powerless Satan and Lucifer are, you wouldn’t waste your time going down that road [spiritual rabbit hole] at all. His “way” is a byway - it should be a “no way”! There is only “One Way”…..
Here is the punchline - Satan and Lucifer can only use and abuse the creative energy mankind has been blessed with. That is why he must deceive mankind into sharing in his deceptive plan of destruction. Beelzebub only uses and abuses mankind. His plan and spiritual coup d’état is to destroy mankind - he appeals to mankind’s ego and thus uses mankind’s own soul power called the ‘flesh’, greed and self-indulgence to trap mankind into participating and relating to his scheme of chaos and destruction.
What appeals to either man or woman is that the deceptive narrative is presented by Lucifer in such a way that it appears beneficial to them. It appears favourable, advantageous and good, thus we believe the lie.
Therefore, what the bible calls 'the flesh’ or man calls ‘the unconscious’ is any human action or achievement without feeling spiritually entangled to God, hearing His voice, or being dependent upon the Spirit of God - or without seeing, exalting in, trusting, treasuring or glorifying and valuing God’s Son, Yeshua haMashiach. It is something that opposes God’s Holy Spirit and instead seeks instant personal self-gratification and recognition [the ego]. Everything we do in 'the flesh’ is about restoring the image we lost when we became ungenerated spiritually. Ungenerated means not renewed in heart and mind or reborn in spirit; unrepentant. It means more than refusing to believe in the existence of God - it means not having experienced spiritual entanglement with God. It is not about what we believe in - it is about who we trust in relationally.
This is the operating system established at CERN, Switzerland. It is the epicentre of the mind control that the Puppet Masters subtly plant into our minds. The introductory video above is a highly simplified version of how MKUltra mind control works. This is the operating system that the spiritual mafia MOB adheres too. Unbeknown to you, these unseen strings have been implanted into your mind and heart- unless you have taken positive step to severe them, you too are enslaved to them without being consciously aware of it. This is the Truth whether you call yourself a Christian or not - that argument is not a consideration because the religion we call Christianity does not teach their adherents of “faith” how to cut those destructive chords.
But be sure to kind to each other - instead of judging one another, grant those who oppose you, and therefore God, with God’s grace. We don’t understand another persons’ background or story. We have all been brainwashed to varying degrees by this Beast system headquartered in Geneva……
Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or contract any of her plagues.”
That is the Truth!
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