This could well be the most important Post you ever read……
GOD HATES ME - now we are even?
Question? Is this a True perception or a false perception? Does this perception come from your creator God or from the fake “angel of light”?
In the last Substack we discussed briefly the grotesque hatred of God that is resonating amongst the global collective. With the advent of the “New” World Order on our doorstep, this hatred of God has reached unprecedented pandemic levels. Could this plandemic be spread by unseen spiritual parasites? So we have to ask ourselves - Why? Why is this hatred of God so prevalent? And we also need to ask ourselves if the advent of the “New” World Order is at all related to, or affiliated to this hatred of God?
What do you think?
It is now official; More people believe in space aliens, UFOs and extraterrestrial life than they do in God. Research shows that paranormal beliefs about extraterrestrial intelligence are linked to the need to find meaning in life.
We have spoken at length about how the spiritual mafia MOB, or the OVERLORDS, invert everything in order to produce their own narrative. Lucifer is the Lord of Inversion, Confusion, Chaos Disruption and Distraction.
We can look at how the spiritual mafia MOB has used visual cues to confuse the masses through icon and picture manipulation.
Of course we all know the power of video and TV images…. we all know about these images of say 9/11 that were played over and over and over and over again…… until these images were imprinted into our minds. This is a quantum physics reality …… this visual repetition implanted FEAR into the hearts of mankind - and made us maluable. This was actually the beginning of WW3 for humanity as detailed by Dr. Naomi Wolf in her book, The End of America, which reveals the frequently repeated 10 steps taken by dictators to overthrow democracies and destroy people’s freedom and liberties.
This is actually a counterfeit, or Inversion, of how God implants, and quantum imprints, His Unconditional love into our minds and hearts.
However, today I want to focus on the power of words and names. Our names describe our character - the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves. This is why God changed people’s names in the bible. YHWH changed Abram's name to Abraham. Abram means ‘exalted father’ whilst Abraham means ‘father of a crowd or multitude’. Abraham set the example for us of his trust in God, that is why he is known as our spiritual father - of experiencing that trust in God. Abraham did not have the scientific knowledge then, but he demonstrated how we can quantum entangle ourselves to the Divine - thus God changed his name to reflect that Truth.
Our names have power. In the Blog Lust is the Real Pandemic, we have already discussed Bill Gates as being the Gates of Hell, Mark Pransnitz being one of the developers of the Mark of the Beast, Anthony Patch being the revealer of MicroArray Patch, and Anthony Fauci whose surname ‘Fauci’ is a Sicilian word for people who used “sickles”. All eugenists like Gates, Pransnitz and Fauci understand the power of the Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Technocratic hammer and the ‘sickle’. The hammer and the golden rays represent Lucifer, whilst the sickle represents deletion and eradication. We saw this manifest in the genocide within Rwanda in 1994 when the UN MOB incited false propaganda amongst the Hutus and a wave mass murder broke out in Rwanda. There the Hutus were brain washed into believing that the Tutsis were their enemy.
Paul Rusesabagina was the manager of the Hotel Mille Collines in which he personally hid and saved 1,268 people whilst nearly a million were butchered with machetes by their neighbours, friends and fellow countrymen. Paul states that “the tribal hatreds were merely a cheap way to motivate the citizen killers – not the root cause. Make no mistake: there was method to the madness. And it was all about power.”
Frequent, repeated propaganda broadcasts whipped up hatred against the “cockroaches” and unleashed a frenzie that turned neighbour against neighbour as the Hutus were repeatedly told to “Cut the tall trees. Clean the neighbourhood. Do your duty.”1 The Rwandan genocide was the quickest in recorded history: one hundred days of mayhem and mass slaughter. It is interesting to notice some of Paul’s comments as to what created this alternate reality in the minds of the citizens: “the message of hatred crept into our national consciousness very slowly”, and “a false view of history is a toxin in the bloodstream of society”.
When one group of people incorporate into their spiritual belief system that they are inherently superior to another group, it is inevitable that anarchy and genocide will follow shortly after.
Does this scenario sound familar?
Paul claims that what killed 800,000, but also saved 1,268 lives was the power of words. “Words are the most effective weapons of death in man’s arsenal. But they can also be powerful tools of life. They may be the only ones.2”
Maybe it is time to refresh your mind as to the power of visual occult symbols or here.
One thing we need to know about this mass slaughter in Rwanda is, the Hutus used machetes (sickles) to slash or mow down those they were programmed to hate, the Tutsis. The other thing is - this slaughter was sanctioned by the United Nations. At no stage did the UN intervene because they were using the Hutus as a training ground and Rwanda as a research centre for their introduction of the NWO.
We have already witnessed this programming and brainwashing process in real time during the last 4 years. This was a practise run - a simulation of what is planned to come. If you don’t believe me, watch the preprogramming movie “Leave the World Behind”. You will not have a choice soon - will you be a Hutus or Tutsis?
There is nothing surer - you will be one or the other - and there is nowhere to hide!
This movie depicts instability, fear and chaos. There is something you need to know about this movie. The deer are actually representing humanity; and the humans are representing animals. That is what the MOB’s programming has done to us - especially during the CV-19 plandemic - it is destroyed our God-consciousness and turned us into animals that have no idea how to fend for ourselves once electricity, the internet and our mod-cons have been taken away from us.
That is the plan that is set in concrete……..
This video below explores the possibility that a man named Trump whose home is Atlantic City, which is one of the gambling meccas of the world, bears the name of the most important card in a poker game - the Trump card. What are the chances that this man Trump is in the lime light when our Saviour is prophesied to return with the loud noise of Trumpets, during the time of the Jewish Feast of Trumpets, normally occurring in the Sept/Oct period.
What are the chances that so many Christians think this man Trump, who runs a gambling business, is their saviour - given that Yeshua drove out the money merchants from the Temple when He walked the earth. The usury of money is a cornerstone of the MOB’s NWO and the Christian church.
The pre-immigration spelling of Donald Trump's surname was Drumpf. The English translation of this German word is trump card; ironic given the man's heavy involvement with gambling enterprises. Donald Trump is the spiritual mafia MOB’s Trump Card……. make no mistake about that! Trump was ordained for his role right from the beginning! How else did the Simpson know about this 10 years prior to him becoming the President “White Hat” puppet?
Notice how this guy takes Scripture to backup his own narrative. So many people do that - but they do not know the Word of God as a Person. They only use selected portions of the written Word of God [which has been modified by the MOB] to add weight to their argument and their own narrative. This doesn’t work!
“The Word [Yeshua] became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” John 1:14 Because we are made in the image of God, our words also become flesh - that means the meaning of our words manifest into our reality. In other words, words have real power. That reality is what the MOB uses against us. Then the Woke, “Awaken” and New Ager’s claim they are “god’s” because their words also have real power.
Yeshua is the Word of God. That is the Truth. The Word of God was present at the Creation event as Yeshua who was the observer that enabled the physical reality to come into being. When we entangle ourselves with our Saviour, the Word of God manifests whatever we have focused in our own mind - as long as it is congruent with His will and is beneficial for us. To manifest His will, we must know His Mind. To do that we must use His correct name. The only name that describes God’s true character is YHWH - and the only name that describes His Son, is Yeshua ben Yosef, the Jewish Messiah who fulfilled over 300 oral and written prophesies in the Old Testament.
The name YHWH, consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, Heh, is known as the tetragrammaton. Now take good note of this shocking video and how we have been lied too by our OVERLORDS for 1,994 years ….
This Information in this video has huge… I mean HUGE implications. The moment the Jewish Pharisees found Yeshua’s grave empty and realised that He had overcome their energy of death through the power of His resurrection, and the impartation of the energy of LIFE, they instantly started to plan a counter attack to lead the masses astray - or off course.
Thus the formation of the gnostic gospels and an occult, gnostic Christian church …….. that they labeled the Roman Catholic Church in AD 312. Which is what launched society into the Dark Ages. Now we have the Deep State that is also pushing us towards a spiritual cliff……
What that means for us is, the original Genevan Bible and the English KJV were all engineered by the spiritual mafia MOB to reflect their Lord, Lucifer over 6,000 times instead of printing the True meaning of Word of God, YHWH. This constitutes YHWH’s warning to us in the Ten Commandments - “You do not bring the Name of יהוה your Elohim to naught, for יהוה does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.“ Shemoth (Exodus) 20:7 TS2009
The Scripture makes it clear that we are not to use YaHuWaH's Name in vain, but that is exactly what one does when we replace His Sacred Name with Adonai, which means Master, or the LORD, which means master - but is another name for Baal.
YHWH is THE NAME OF the CREATOR GOD. This is serious stuff. YHWH does not tolerate people who do not obey Him. He commands us not to bring His Name to naught, not to erase His name because to do so, is to erase Him personally. Yet this is exactly what the Jewish synagogue, the Christian Church and many in the Messianic movement have done. The exiled Jews manipulated their perspective of God to create the false Kabbalah belief system. Now the Christian Church has been set up to make the same ‘error’ of judgement.
YHWH is linked to how God described Himself to Moses in Exodus 3:14, "God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM’. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: "I AM has sent me to you."“ God's name is a reflection of His Being. It is highly likely that the Book of the Covenant, which Moses read aloud to the Israelites, contained YHWH too (Exodus 24:7).
I know this is a bombshell…… it will take a long time to digest because we are brainwashed to believe otherwise. Especially Christians! But ask yourself - What am I defending? Am I defending my Christian faith? Or am I defending God? Why am I so defensive when it comes to the Truth?
Then try experiencing the Word of God as a spiritual Person, firsthand - just like Abraham, Moses, David and Daniel did in the lions den….. just to name a few!
How do I know this teaching in this video is True? We are living in the time of Revelation. The Truth about the book of Revelation is being revealed. Who is the author of the book of Revelation? The Apostle John was the author, the one who loved the Messiah, Yeshua the most of all the disciples. Therefore, Yeshua revealed Himself to us through John. What or who is being revealed in the book of Revelation? The answer is - Our Saviour, Yeshua ben Yosef.
Very, very soon, the real Jews - not the fake Khazarian Jews - are going to realise through the Revelation of Yeshua, that they are presently on board with Lord Lucifer, the Lord of this Beast system. They will also become consciously aware that they crucified their own Messiah 1,994 years ago. This will lead to a mass conversion of Jews to their real Messiah before the final Curtain in the MOB’s Play is pulled closed.
Also, I know that this Information is from God because this can only be manifested through real insight and God inspired revelation. This is not coming from the Tree of Knowledge. This is coming from the Tree of Life. I know because God’s Holy Spirit showed me the same Godly knowledge about the Greek icon of Jesus Christ being a counterfeit of the true Messiah, Yeshua ben Yosef.
Finally - let’s follow the evidence for proof of what I’m saying! The two original bibles printed for the modern era were printed in Geneva in 1560 - 20 years AFTER the Jesuits were formed. Then the KJV was printed in England in 1611. The main editor of the King James version was an medieval Rosicrucian, Sir Francis Bacon, who was also the author of the book, ‘New Atalantic’ - the gateway to the New World - which as we know now became the nation of America.
The common denominator here for both the Swiss NWO and the English OWO are the remnants of the ruthless Knights Templar. Notice the inversion of red and white - and the upside down cross. This represents the merging of the two aristocratic factions, the Knight Templar Republican universal horizontal rule and the vertical Monarchist, Feudalist Royalist rule.
Notice the inversion of the colours red and white. Both of these dualistic factions work together to control the world - and this is the MOB’s Trump card……. BUT - it is a weak hand!
We have been dealt a weak hand - a hand that impossible to win! We have been Trumped before we even play our hand. I can see that - how about you?
But notice that the two countries that are foremost in ushering in what is known as the “anti-Christ”, are the same two countries that translated the first two bibles into English, and edited it so that it can be interpreted in some many ways to reflect the gospel and energy of Lucifer, not the gospel of Yeshua ben Yosef.
Both gospels require a sacrifice to be made…..Sacrifice is a legal requirement for the iniquity, or corruption, in our hearts. Lucifer’s gospel agreement requires the sacrifice of human blood to be made as a prerequisite for us to gain knowledge and power. Whereas, Yeshua foreknew this and offered Himself as our sacrifice 1,994 years ago, on our behalf. That is what unconditional love is prepared to do!
Why don’t you cash in on that deal - it is unbelievable - it is free - it gives us our spiritual and energetic freedom - it is meaningful and it is so much more powerful than Lucifer’s magician’s “deal of a lifetime”.
Remember, this is carefully designed so we will have nowhere to run - and you will not have a choice soon. Will you be a Hutus or a Tutsis? There is nothing surer - you will be one or the other - and there is absolutely nowhere to hide!
Let me say this one more time - there are no co-incidences in this world - every word - especially our name - has a powerful meaning - a meaning that either brings LIFE or DEATH to our being.
So prepare now before it is too late both spiritually and physically …….. that is a wise thing to do! Your own creator God will transform your perspective of Himself.
I am particularly interested in your comments…… herein lies the key to our eternal destiny and LIFE after death……..
In overcoming the fear of death, we overcome the fear of the MOB and their NWO threats.
Paul Rusesabagina, An Ordinary Man, Bloomsbury,2006, Introduction xvi, p.105
Paul Rusesabagina , An Ordinary Man, Bloomsbury, 2006, Introduction xvii
Good stuff brother. And knowledge of Yeshua YHWH shall increase. Praise God 🙂
Thanks for your input to the discussion Jim.