This photo maybe your impression, or image of God. There are a multitude of experiences in life that imprint our perspective of God onto our energetic heart. Those painful experiences often draw emotions and feelings of hatred.
But I can assure you - if your imprinted impressions came from this world’s Beast system of self-gratification - as they do - they will be inaccurate, twisted, warped, distorted, bent out of shape and even a complete lie. They could well have even become a completed inversion!
Think about it - the One who created you in His image, you are now trying to make subject to your image of Him - and that could well be an inverted image. That is all a part of Lucifer’s play script for humanity. And our identity, self-image, self-worth and self-centred ego delights in the slender possibility that this could be true.
Now we are beginning to define what the founder of human psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud called it, who officially labeled this human weakness or iniquity of heart - ‘the unconscious mind’.
Be consciously aware that Sigmund Freud correctly identified this human weakness, but could never find a cure for it. So they placed the likes of the unfortunate people he counselled in mental asylums and used them as guinea pigs to work out how the mind works. Thus the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was born in London in 1947 and MKUltra was born in the U.S. in 1953.
What the MOB’s occult controlled media press don’t tell the masses is….
The final years of Sigmund Freud's life were a time of painful illness, upheaval, chaos and confusion. Sigmund Freud eventually took his own life dying of a lethal dose of morphine administered at his request by his friend and physician Max Schur. Freud had been suffering agonizing pain caused by an inoperable cancerous tumour in his eye socket and cheek.
“There is none so blind as he who will not see”.
What we need to learn from this is - the ramifications of Eve’s initial spiritual entanglement with Lucifer always leads to human weakness, iniquity of heart, an unconscious mind and DEATH. This is how the bloodline of Cain was conceived.
And what that means for us is - our perception of God matters. In other words, we physically manifest our distorted quantum perspective of God - always - period!
That is why our hatred of YHWH is fatal and terminating. That is what we are now witnessing for the entire collective of humanity - except for a minority who are YHWH’s remnant and who are quantum entangled to His resurrectional power of right-standing or righteousness. It is His righteousness, sealed with blood that sets us free - not our own bloodless righteousness that we hold onto in our own dark, unconscious mind.
Where Did God Come From?
This is a fair question given that we have been brainwashed and herded into calling our Creator by the anonymous name of “God”, instead of His true name which is full of significance - YHWH - ‘I AM WHO I AM’. Given that Lucifer is globally called a ‘god’, “God”, the ‘light-bearer, and our LORD - there is no wonder people are confused - and Christians are some of the most confused people I have ever met. The main reason is, the majority have never truly experienced the quantum imprint of YHWH’s Presence in their own hearts. Therefore, instead of trusting our Creator, they merely believe in a mind constructed concept of “a God” that is not really Real to them. In modern day terms, their “God” and “Jesus Christ” maybe merely seen as a clone or avatar of the Real Thing.
As Kent Hovind says in this video, the question “Where did God come from?” is the wrong question…. find out for yourself why! In doing so, hear this important point Kent makes - it is SO critical to your understanding as how the two spirit realms operate. YHWH resides outside of our space, time and matter environment. That is a given! That is why Yeshua taught us to pray outside of this false matrix which is the dominion of Satan. We are instructed to pray …..”Our Father which art in heaven…..” Where? If we are to find answers and quantum entangle ourselves with YHWH relationally, the object of our prayers must be directed towards heaven - and processed in a much higher dimension than that which we live.
Yet we are encouraged to do exactly 180°opposite. Like the Buddhists - who go within and seek solitude. The Christian church tells us to do the same. We are encouraged to go inside our own corrupted mind, heart and self-consumed ego to meditate, seek change and self-gratification. The reason is, this is where we connect with Lucifer, the false ‘light-bearer’ - and all these religions were created by “good” seeking Luciferians. Lucifer works through our own ego and whispers to us ideas and concepts that we can be “gods in our own right”, independent of that conceptually “angry old man in the sky, wielding a big stick so he can control our lives”.
The saddest part of this deceptive understanding of YHWH is that the MOB’s narrative has turned everything 180°upside down. We therefore live in an inversion - an inverted matrix of belief where everything they are telling us is reversed to the Truth. The highly occult Disneyland uses this subliminal trickery all the time. And the movie ‘The Matrix’ pre-programmed us to willingly accept this inversion.
Therefore, it is Lucifer and Satan that lay down unjust laws and wield the big stick. In everything the MOB accuses YHWH of being - they are actually describing Lucifer. That is the great deception that Eve listened too - and we suffer from in this weakness of heart because that darkside lies within our DNA and is passed from generation to generation.
I say it again; Sigmund Freud - a atheist Jew - and his nephew Edward Bernays - a atheist Jew - both labeled this weakness, or iniquity of heart - the unconscious mind. That is the term we know our own shadow by - but it originated with Eve - and it desperately needs eradicating form our own energetic heart.
And it can be!
Both Sigmund Freud and Edward Bernays were highly involved in the establishment of Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and the mass mind control we are witnessing today.
We don’t actually connect with YHWH inside of ourselves - within our own corrupted egos or unconscious mind. Instead, we spiritually entangle ourselves with YHWH outside of this corrupted spiritual realm and in His own domain that is total free of iniquity, injustice and corruption. Of course, we can invite YHWH’s Holy Spirit into our mind, heart, soul, spirit and body, however this pure energy is coming from outside of this space, time and matter dimension.
This is really important to understand because so many people pray to “God”, going within their own being - and Lucifer answers - then they blame YHWH for not answering the way they expected a good “God” to answer. My “Godly”, God seeking mother died of cancer, sadly a bitter and angry woman, because of this misunderstanding.
The problem is, no one has taught us because all of humanities’ religions have been hijacked with lies, secrecy and a narrative that provides self-gratification that temporarily meets our needs, but long-term increases the void within. Self-gratification and Alternate realities are like bandaids or Patches applied to cover-up our corrupted and deprived hearts.
It is one thing to “believe” in a limited god - and it is an entirely different thing to place our trust in a totally unlimited God. YHWH, our Creator, lives outside of this space, time and matter dimension therefore He is worthy of our trust.
Lucifer is worthy to be believed in because he is a reality within this space, time and matter dimension - HOWEVER, he cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form - would you place your trust in a liar, thief and totally destructive coward?
The question “Where did God come from?” assumes people are worshipping a limited god - and that is the main problem. This limited god is Lucifer who has taken up residence inside our heart and soulish ego.
This is what happens when we sell our soul to this liar and deceiver. It means we have been spiritually and energetically ensnared by a spirit that only leads to destruction and death - because that is its nature. Lucifer demands a sacrifice - and for us to increase our power, it has to be a blood sacrifice.
Yet, YHWH - out of His unconditional love for us - gave us His blood sacrifice as a free gift. No striving or working for our salvation here!
The best example of this is we have all be in relationships where our partner looked so romantic, tempting and “good” on the outside, thus it stirred up our lustful hormones. When in fact they were portraying a “good” image that was not congruent with the condition of their heart. How often has that got us into trouble? Then when we move in and live with them, we suddenly realise the truth - when they let their guard down, they have what I call a “mudguard” personality - shiny on top and full of Sh*t underneath. That is because our true character is not defined by our appearance, but by our heart energy and our thoughts. These two things always manifest unconsciously and even without our awareness.
That is why people joke and say: “The devil made me do it!” The truth is, their demons did make them do it - and these spiritual parasites are active within our heart!
Lucifer is a mystic who is a fake imitation, or clone of YHWH. He is limited to bringing confusion and destruction to humanity through magic perceptions that appear to be “good”. He is a chameleon who may look “good” as he appeals to our own self-centred, self-gratifying, selfish desires, however his heart is full of hatred. He is merely using YHWH’s creation as a stage to perform his wizardry on unsuspecting humans. It is all a con! That is what is manifesting right now because so many of the collective have been brainwashed into selling their soul to this con merchant.
Affectively, we have all joined a suicide global cult without being consciously aware of it.
The NAME we ascribe to our Creator is highy important. God’s name defines His character.
Nine Implications of the Divine Name YHWH
People Who Know YHWH’s Name Trust in Him. “And those who know Your Name trust in You, For You have not forsaken those who seek You, O יהוה.”Psalms 9:10 TS2009
'I AM’ = YHWH Exists
No Reality Exists Behind or Beyond YHWH
YHWH Does Not Change; YHWH foresees all circumstances and has no weaknesses - and therefore never changes
YHWH Is an Inexhaustible Source of Energy; He is an inexhaustible reservoir of power and quantum energy. He “Is” all transmitted Information that generates Life.
Objectivity Is Crucial; “What I mean is that it is very important that we believe in objective truth that is more than our own subjective feelings or desires.” Lucifer plays with our emotions, feelings and desires whereas YHWH’s Truth is objective and operates independently of our own “fleshly”, egocentric, subjective feelings or desires.
We Must Conform to YHWH, Not He to Us; YHWH said “I will make man in my image” and “man spends all his time trying to mould God into his image.”
YHWH Has Drawn Near to Us in His Son, Yeshua haMashiach. The One divine man, Yeshua ben Joseph, born of a Jewish woman after immaculate conception is the only Saviour of humanity.
There is not an ounce of confusion in YHWH’s name. The word ‘confusion’ has its roots in Babel, the ancient capital of Babylon (in Assyrian written Bab-ilu, ‘gate of god’).
The Hebraic word, ‘Bavel’ is translated into English, ‘Babel’. This is the origin of ‘Mystery Babylon’, the essence of Lucifer that is again controlling the world today. Christians and Jews are some of the most confused people groups on earth because they have changed the name of YHWH to LORD and God; and the name of Yeshua to the Greek icon Jesus Christ.
‘Mystery Babylon’ remember are all those who have left their first love, Yeshua and become spiritual whores, embracing a spiritual, energetic and for some woman, a physical, sexual relationship with Lucifer and his fallen angels. Self-gratification is the essence of ‘Mystery Babylon’.
Take a long hard look at ‘Mystery Babylon’ - because soon it will be destroyed by the designer and Master of the Universe for its unfaithfulness. ‘Mystery Babylon’ began with the rebellious Jews in Babylon and will finish with the rebellious Jews in Jerusalem and modern day Israel.
Here is the thing - the spiritual mafia MOB that is full of unredeemed Jews think they are creating their fake, artificial messiah, rebuilding their Temple in Jerusalem, reinstituting the sacrifice of red heifers, and instigating a global reset to introduce their New World Order. In reality, it will be a New World Dis-Order. However, they are really struggling to introduce their corrupt dictatorship of iniquitous rule because YHWH has His own plans to eradicate all perpetrators of iniquity and introduce His own New World Order which will be a rule of His righteousness and His justice.
So people say to me - How do we connect with YHWH? And how do we know He is hearing us? My answer to the first question is simple. We are spiritual beings, therefore we have all become experts at connecting with Lucifer, resonating at his frequency and quantum entangling ourselves with his demands. So why should it be any different in connecting with an alternative source of spiritual energy?
Both spiritual realms are found naturally by us because we were designed to be spiritual beings created in the image of YHWH. Therefore it should be even more natural to resonate at the same frequency as our Creator YHWH. It is simply a matter of which spiritual entities we sell our souls too. As I have said many times - it is all about ownership. Which spiritual realm owns us? We are slaves to either the spirit of LIFE or the spirit of DEATH. So the question remains - Which do you choose?
Prior to 2010, the masses refused to believe that a spiritual realm even existed. Now they are all over evil duo, understanding Satanism and Lucifer being a reality. However, in doing so they have failed to repent for their unconscious engagement and have turned their back even further on YHWH. This is the same mistake the Jews made when in captivity in Babylon - from that point in time the Jews gave their hearts to worshiping Lucifer and thus the Jewish Kabbalah was established. It is the very same evil spirits causing this insanity amongst the masses today.
And how do we know He is hearing us? The answer to this question is also simple - we instantly stop striving whilst peace and sanity rules our heart, instead of confusion. We then learn to trust this unlimited God - YWHW. Every religion the spiritual mafia MOB has created is a different form of striving towards utopia - and/or re establishing “paradise” in our own hearts. Christians unsuccessfully strive to live a moral life, Buddhists strive to engage with Lucifer’s Kundali, Muslims strive to live “good” lives that will enable them to enter their version of “paradise”, and Jews strive to usher in their false Messiah.
Manmade wars are all about the greed of Lucifer’s chosen ones - their final goal is all about having the power of technology to turn on, and destroy YHWH and His divine Son when He returns to earth. This final showdown has been planned for hundreds of years. According to the prophetic book of Revelation, such foolishness will take place at Armageddon, just north of Jerusalem.
Can you believe the hubris, arrogance and self-conceit of these physcopaths? They think they can eradicate the One who continually sustains LIFE for them and controls their heartbeat, monitors their oxygen flow and pumps blood around in their veins.
WW3 began on 9/11, 2001 when 5 buildings were destroyed by the Deep State which includes globalist Zionist Jews and Jesuits - and the psychopaths who did fall these towers with Direct Energy Weapons, subsequently blamed the Muslims. This set the stage for the final showdown when Muslims, Christians and the Jews will destroy each other in Israel.
This was planned by the Illuminati prior to 1776. Remember, the Octagon Knight Templar went underground when Switzerland became neutral in 1648 and one of the main instigators of the NWO, Sir Francis Bacon, the author of ‘New Atlantis’ gateway to a New World (America), was also threading the Rosicrucian, secret society web in the U.K. in 1561-1626.
As usual, Greg Reece video reporting is exceptional. This is his latest video on the Ukraine War. The reason NATO and the West is pushing for WW3 is because both sides of all wars are controlled by the modern day Babel in CERN, Switzerland. These psychopaths are so possessed with the spirit of Lucifer’s fallen angels, iniquity of heart and 666, that they are self-fulfilling the prophecy laid down in the book of Revelation. The spiritual mafia MOB is all consumed with the number 666. However, they have no conscious awareness of what it actually means.
How many books in the bible? 66 - and why? Because the spiritual mafia bloodlines are obsessed with this number that represents iniquity. Our OVERLORDS printed the Geneva Bible in Geneva - and the KJV in London after they themselves [the Rosicrucians and Freemasons] had the original Greek Texts modified to fit their own occult Luciferian belief system. This was the beginning of the manifestation of their self-fulfilling prophecy - it is of the “flesh” [or soulish] because it is mankind striving to make the Apocalypse happen within the timeframe they have. The Jesuits and the Jews choose not to trust the living Messiah’s Word, but believe they themselves can create their own “paradise” and “Great Awakening” through their own ego and effort.
Effectively the spiritual mafia MOB has done everything to rape YHWH of His identity, and thus His unique resurrectional power.
However, the bottom line is - Yeshua Is the Divine Truth, YHWH wins whilst Lucifer and Satan, and his iniquitous poison of lies and deception, are all destroyed. YHWH hates iniquity because He knows what it does to us and all of His creation. Iniquity and mankind’s rebellion against YHWH is poison to our minds, hearts, souls and spirits. YHWH also hates iniquity because it ultimately changes our identity. Like we have changed YHWH’s identity by changing His name to “God”, so too the MOB is changing our YHWH-given human identity by changing our genetics and DNA to create hybrids.
We all now know that nanobots are now found in the blood of even the unvaxxed. If we want to route all poison out of our system, we must go beyond even nano sized particles and eradicate the distorted quantum energy waves and nanoparticles from our hearts.
Only Yeshua’s righteous blood can legally do that according to YHWH’s law !
This perversion - and the LGBTQIA+ Pride perversion - are an abomination to YHWH….. look up the meaning of this word to try to grasp just how serious this is….. It is this dark shadow within mankind that all child gender confusion hails from.
We, as a collective, are forcing YHWH’s right hand to intervene in His-story of humanity as we see the elimination of ‘human beings’ by ‘human doings’ in partnership with alien entities.
This is why YHWH hated Cain by the way…. because Eve entertained Lucifer’s seed…. and started the bloodline of the spiritual mafia MOB which is RH negative or RH-ve.
Drinking the blood of traumatised victims hijacks our LIFE force and acts as an antenna for demonic entities. Blood trauma causes our YHWH-conscious mind to take flight and the unconscious mind within our subconscious is then easily lead and manipulated. This is how Altars or Alternate realities are partitioned within our mind and formed structurally within our brain.
This entire War against humanity is about blood and bloodlines - and it is our own mind, heart and soul that is at stake.
Wow, Graeme, this is mind-boggling stuff. Give me time to digest this before you post another one!!
Ok, as you wish Richard Leslie Bunting. Let me know when you are ready to digest the next unveiling! I'm presently writing an article on the topic "Have you been Trumped?" Since you are one of the few who add Comments to this Substack, I assume you already know the answer to this question!