Our choice is to continue trying to “patch up” our darkened hearts or seek the free gift of redemption to instantly restore our heart and make it pure? Which one would you naturally choose? Soon there will be no more choice.
Soon there will be no more needles! Needles have done their job imprinting fear into the masses. The Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch will be released when the next plandemic is announced. “Microneedle (MN)-based techniques are widely explored these years for biomedical applications due to their convenience, high efficiency, and excellent patient compliance”.
This picture above is an illustrative account of Lucifer’s energy which strives to overcome our dark shadow through penance, “good” works and the patching up of our shortcomings and failures. That is also essentially what Baal’s blood sacrifice is doing in an endeavour to gain greater occult power. Lucifer’s power endeavours to fix our brokenness, which Satan created in the first place. Lucifer’s Vril, Hermetic or Theosophic energy religions are all about the god within - saving ourselves and therefore gaining immortality through one’s own ego. It is all about mending, repairing and endeavouring to make whole again. Or restoring that which we have lost….
Our Creator God says that is impossible…..
Therefore, Yeshua was sacrificed by humanity’s collective sum of iniquity and corruption of heart, to provide for us a means of spiritual redemption and restored relationship with YHWH God. Yeshua bought us back from the grasp of Lucifer and Satan who claim us as their own. Yeshua became our ransom that we may no longer be a slave to iniquity, sin and death. We have been purchased at the highest price - the blood sacrifice of our Redeemer, and as a consequence our only hope. Below is a descriptive word presentation of the vast difference of a cheap “patch job” over our dark shadow verses an expensive gift given by the only divine Person who has the ability to redeem us totally, since He is the guardian of the Tree of Life.
“Patch up” verses Redemption - These definitions are from a 1933 dictionary that contains original, unhampered definitions - before the spiritual mafia MOBs’ media sources changed the meaning of our words. Btw, trying to fix sin is a typical “patch job” - it doesn’t work. That is why the Christian church is powerless.
I added the word “patent” because we have all been spiritually “patented” by our spiritual handlers and OVERLORDS so that we are totally connect too and indulgent on the Beast system. The COVID-19 “vaccination” was the initial seal of that which is patented and proves our ownership to Lucifer. Notice the definition, “An official certificate or licence, esp. a health certificate -1666”. That should tell us something about Big Pharma’s role! We have officially sold our souls to Lucifer, ‘pharmacia’ and Big Pharma’s sorcery.
Mankind’s technology and patents have nothing to do with the redemption of our souls. Mankind cannot redeem himself/herself. They never could, nor will they ever redeem himself/herself.
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Yeshua’s resurrection power eradicates fear, pride, anxiety, arrogance, hatred etc, etc. - only if we desire to accept the gift of redemption from our Creator and sustainer of Life, can we overcome and defeat the dark shadow that lingers in our hearts and souls.
The big takeaway from Dr. Armin Kirshnan’s Day 2 of Sarah Westall’s Mind Control & 5th Generation Warfare series is that we need to focus on our own personal well being because 5th Generation Warfare tactics have made us unconscious and unaware that we are actually at war. As I’ve said for a long time, the beginning of WW3 was 9/11/2001 and most still remain spiritually and energetically asleep - and that War is a war that directly targets our minds. It is an Information war. What determines our sanity is whether we trust Lucifer’s Information - or our Creator, Yeshua’s divine Information.
Anthony Patch is unquestionably a leading researcher on the hidden agenda behind the Large Hadron Collider at CERN which is the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider. With a name like Patch, he is also highly knowledgeable about the coming Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch.
The only area I do not agree with Anthony Patch, is his definition of the “Mark of the Beast” - his thinking is typical Western/Greek thinking on this matter - he makes the mistake of pinpointing the MOB as solely a physical mark - and that is what Christians tend to argue about infinitum. Whereas, I believe the MOB is an energetic/spiritual phenomena that we cannot see physically - however we can see that ramification of that heart attitude when we manifest that energy emotionally, or physically.
When we look at the Greek and Hebrew definition of the MOB, it is more about us entertaining the character of the Beast. It is always a heart issue. The Greek word ‘charagma’: means a stamp, impress. Usage: sculpture; engraving, a stamp, a sign. 5480 xáragma – properly, an engraving (etching); (figuratively) a mark providing undeniable identification, like a symbol giving irrefutable connection between parties. It also means ("brand-mark") and was originally any impress on a coin or a seal, used by an engraver on a die (stamp, branding iron). 5480 (xáragma) later became "the identification-marker" (like with an owner's unique "brand-mark"). The original Hebrew language refers to the MOB more as the sign of the animal [the Beast].
Remember, the Hebrew mindset focuses on function and purpose whilst the Greek mindset focuses on appearance, image and form. The Hebrew mindset emphasises community, spirituality, and a holistic understanding of the world, while the Greek mindset focuses on individualism, reason, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Regardless, both languages refer to the MOB as being a quantum impression and energetic identification marker that is a sign, or stamp, or brand-mark of the nature of the Beast. All of these equate to iniquity - iniquity, injustice or corruption of heart - everything that is an 180°inversion from the ethics and purity of our Creator.
In other words, God marks our foreheads [prefrontal cortex] with either the quantum impression of righteousness [777] OR the quantum mark of unrighteousness/ wickedness/lawlessness/iniquity [666]. All these markings or imprints are associated with an attitude of heart!
This was recorded back in 2017. The the official opening of the world's longest and deepest rail tunnel occured at the northern portal in Erstfeld, Switzerland on 1 June, 2016. The portal at CERN has since been opened to a flood of those demonic entities spoken of in this video. This occult paradigm shift has already occured….
The Patch’s will soon be starting a brand new channel on YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble, and Brighteon this week entitled, PULSE.
Part 1 of the Satanic New World Order opening ceremony at the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland.
Part 2 of the Satanic New World Order opening ceremony at the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland.
There is not much more to say….. these videos tell it all. The only options are to try “patch up” your life by resonating with Lucifer’s false promises in the occult realm OR quantum entangle yourself with Yeshua haMashiach and apply His free gift of redemption through His blood.
Either way there will be a blood sacrifice - one will destroy you, the other will set you free.