“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” - Dietrich Bonnhoeffer - an exceptional German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident who resisted Hitler’s Nazi regime. He was hanged on 9 April 1945 during the collapse of the Nazi regime.
This Substack is exploring the root cause of all of societies deep, dark existing problems that reflect the energy associated with the Nazi regime, and now Technocratic fascism.
This is a News reel produced in 1956…. 64 years prior to March 2020. How do you think they knew about the Corona virus back then? Magical insight maybe? Sleight of hand or an act of deception? Or is there something going on behind the scenes in the unseen realm that we are not consciously aware of? Is there a force of energy operating that enables the spiritual mafia MOB to foresee, foretell and predict the future?
Some, like William Stuart, believe the spiritual mafia MOB plans these cat-astrophes 120 years ahead of the actual physical manifestation [the digital root of 120 is 1+2+0 = 3] and 3 is a powerful number energetically. Vortex-based mathematics proves that. If this is true, the spiritual mafia MOB planned the Covid-19 outbreak in AD 1,899 [the digital root of 1899 is 9] - this is why the Simpsons can predict so many futuristic events in advance. Consider this quote: “The much larger point here is that this is how the whole game has been set up for at least the past 125 years by the Khazarian Cabal.”1
Does this sound weird - even mystical? It is! Welcome to the realm of Quantum Physics (QP or quantum mechanics QM).
This unseen realm is the very realm in which our Lord God communicates with us spiritually and energetically directly through our minds and our DNA. This unseen realm is also the very realm in which the spiritual counterfeit, Lord Lucifer communicates with us spiritually and energetically directly through our minds and DNA. The Lord God communicates through the medium of His Holy Spirit. Lord Lucifer communicates through the medium of what they call Vril energy. The Vril entities live underground - literally - that is their present domain but plan to come to the surface as aliens real soon. The MOB is going to use this as a major weapon against the unsuspecting masses to usher in their NWO and Global Reset which will include a Global ID.
This is where the topic of Quantum Physics (QP) needs to enter our reality and awareness…. the spiritual mafia MOB has quantum technology that is 50 years ahead of what the dumbed down masses know or think they know. The theory of quantum mechanics (QM) is one of those tools that they plan to use against us in the near future - and we are total unconscious to the reality of nanoparticles and the theory of how quantum particles behave - which is totally different to the theory of Newtonian physics. Eisenstein called it “spooky action at a distance” because even he couldn’t understand it logically. Quantum physics, let me warn you is not what we consider logical - in fact what occurs at the unseen, quantum realm can appear as an offence to our logical minds and rational thought.
Yet, now it is the most accepted form of science in history….. Why?
Because what God intended for our good and our benefit - QP is God’s method of communicating His Intelligence directly into the cells of our body and stores it in our DNA - whilst the spiritual mafia MOB is counterfeiting that divine purpose and using QP against us to bring destruction and death to our beings. This is especially true of quantum entanglement. Whereas quantum entanglement was designed by God to communicate and relationally entangle ourselves to our Creator [our mind to His Mind], unredeemed mankind is using quantum entanglement to relationally entangle ourselves to Lord Lucifer and the evil, dark, unconscious Vril spirit. Theoretically, quantum entanglement will ultimately aid the MOB in controlling every mind on the planet whilst our free will will be eliminated. That is their ultimate goal.
This describes the digital prison we are in….. and the digital door will soon be closing indefinitely……
Their hatred of the creator God is so great, their ultimate goal is to war against, and endeavour to destroy God and all of God’s creation.
As crazy as this sounds to a logical mind, that is their Alternate reality….. and they are convinced they have to accomplish this feat at the Battle of Armageddon in 2030. That is the MOB’s timing created from their own faulty logic, not God’s.
In the early 1900’s Aleister Crowley founded the satanic group called the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Crowley proclaimed “do as thou wilt” for the mind of every human being. That is what is being manifested now. Our freewill choice presently is, “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” or “do as thou wilt” according to our own self-centred, compromised, unconscious ego……..
Our only hope is in God’s intervention into each individual’s life. The key to quantum physics is to understand that we live in a participatory universe. When our intent becomes a need to participate with God’s Holy Spirit, we come to the understanding that God is in total control. When we understand the sovereignty of God, suddenly it becomes much easier not to panic when death and destruction surround us. And trust me, God is sovereign. God is above all of these evil doers, they will be eventually stopped. However, it will not be man stopping this evil, it will be God Himself. God is going to intervene in this insanity very soon. In the meantime, we must prepare ourselves to not be afraid. Our choice is to transform our perspective of God and participate with His unconditional love, or remain in the quagmire of Lord Lucifer’s fear, hatred and anxiety.
Dr. Douglas Hamp has a really wholesome perspective on the whole topic of “Quantum Possibilities: Has science discovered a link between matter and faith?”
Click on this link or on the picture below to listen to the whole video. The main two sections of the video are also enclosed below…..
The main topic I would like to highlight from Douglas Hamp’s teaching is John Wheeler’s Participatory Universe. Wheeler divided his own life into three parts. The first part he called “Everything is Particles.” The second part was “Everything is Fields.” And the third part, which Wheeler considered the bedrock of his physical theory, he called “Everything is Information.” The spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva obviously believe this too as they control all Information that derives from Lord Lucifer and they administer ALL of the different Intelligence Agencies worldwide - like the CIA.
In the final decades of his life, the question that intrigued Wheeler most was: “Are life and mind irrelevant to the structure of the universe, or are they central to it?” He suggested that the nature of reality was revealed by the bizarre laws of quantum mechanics. According to the quantum theory, before the observation is made, a subatomic particle exists in several states, called a superposition. Once the particle is observed, it instantaneously collapses into a single position.
Wheeler suggested that reality is created by observers and that: “no phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon.” He went further to suggest that “we are participants in bringing into being not only the near and here, but the far away and long ago.”
This claim was considered rather outlandish until his thought experiment, known as the “delayed-choice experiment,” was tested in a laboratory in 1984. This experiment was a variation on the famous “double-slit experiment” in which the dual nature of light was exposed (depending on how the experiment was measured and observed, the light behaved like a particle (a photon) or like a wave).
Unlike the original “double-slit experiment”, in Wheeler’s version, the method of detection was changed AFTER a photon had passed the double slit. The experiment showed that the path of the photon was not fixed until the physicists made their measurements with conscious observation. The results of this experiment, as well as another conducted in 2007, proved what Wheeler had always suspected – observers’ consciousness is required to bring the universe into existence. This means that a pre-life Earth would have existed in an undetermined state, and a pre-life universe could only exist retroactively.
Fred Hoyle, in his book Intelligent Universe, compares “the chance of obtaining even a single functioning protein by a chance combination of amino acids to a star system full of blind men solving Rubik’s Cube simultaneously.”
Physicist Andrei Linde of Stanford University adds: “The universe and the observer exist as a pair. I cannot imagine a consistent theory of the universe that ignores consciousness.” [Reference: "Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the Universe"]
Wheeler, always an optimist, believed that one day we would have a clear understanding of the origin of the universe. He had “a sense of faith that it can be done.” “Faith”, he wrote, “is the number one element. It isn’t something that spreads itself uniformly. Faith is concentrated in few people at particular times and places. If you can involve young people in an atmosphere of hope and faith, then I think they’ll figure out how to get the answer.”
Wheeler died of pneumonia on April 13, 2008, at age 96. His whole life he searched for answers to philosophical questions about the origin of matter, the nature of information and the universe. “We are no longer satisfied with insights into particles, or fields of force, or geometry, or even space and time,” he wrote in 1981, “Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself.” [Reference:"The Voice of Genius: Conversations with Nobel Scientists and Other Luminaries"]
“Let’s hope that young scientists will continue to be encouraged by these words and will push the boundaries of human imagination beyond its limits, and maybe even find the elusive final theory – a Theory of Everything.”
QM challenges our basic, classical paradigm of reality. As you listen to this video, try to come to terms with just how important the mind of the observer is - and then how important the connection of our mind to the Mind of God is! Scientists agree that for any “Big Bang” or Creation event to take place in the first place, there had to be an observer in order that it came into reality. Matter is a derivative of universal consciousness or the Spirit realm. The Observer creates reality as did God create the universe.
As observers, we have the ability to create in our own right - the more conscious we are, the more creative we are. This ability is removed from us when our minds become unconscious and left-brain only orientated.
This distortion comes from the energy of the Vril who have zero ability to create - that means nil creative ability. That is why they have to form a pact with unredeemed mankind to get anything created in order to reach their goal of intimidation.
This is an important fact to remember. God is sovereign, and we are too when we are connected to the divine, Yeshua haMashiach. When we are connected, the unconscious Vril energy cannot impact us.
God certainly has created a participatory universe in which we, those whom He created in His own image, are able to participate in a personal relationship with the Lord God Himself. Whenever we choose to participate in this spiritual activity, it dramatically changes the way we perceive the creator God. He changes in our eyes from an old man in the sky who administers laws with a big stick and abuses us so that we hate even thinking about Him, to a kind, unconditionally loving, administer of justice who is totally for us, not against us. When our right brain senses God’s acceptance and love for us, our brain automatically generates God consciousness, and we overcome our dominant unconscious left brain that prevents us from experiencing and participating in God’s Presence. Instead of connecting with God, we tend to hide from Him in shame and fear whilst blaming Him for all of our effectual problems that occur as a consequence of the real root cause, which is separation and isolation.
If we entertain the energy of Lord Lucifer, we behave exactly like Adam and Eve did after an iniquitous attitude of heart separated them from God’s Tree of Life. Our Jewish Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach changed all of that when He overcame the energy of death and destruction - the Vril spirit - when God resurrected Yeshua from death in AD30 after the Jewish Pharisees had crucified Him ….. that is 1,993 years ago. Yeshua overcame DEATH on our behalf. That is the best NEWS [or Information] in HIStory. That Information transforms our lives - forever. Once we tap into that transformational energy, that pure, uncorrupted Information is imprinted into our heart indefinitely - forever. This is a Quantum transaction that one cannot forget - ever. Experiencing or participating with God firsthand is a climax experience that is recorded in every part of our being - every cell is impacted.
Yeshua says that anything is possible for those who trust in His resurrectional power - but do we take these words seriously - or do we fall into doubt and unbelief?
John Wheeler asks the very pertinent question - Can the universe exist if there is no consciousness around to observe it? Like Dr. Douglas Hamp, I suggest that the answer to this question is a resounding NO! I also want to suggest that the observer at the time of Creation was the Word of God, Yeshua haMashiach, the 2nd member of the divine Trinity. He still sustains all matter in the universe and is the glue that holds every particle together… “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word” Hebrews 1:3. In fact, Yeshua’s resurrectional energy is what the scientists at CERN have been looking for, for years, and labelled it the Higgs Boson or “God Particle” in 2012. The Higgs boson is the fundamental force-carrying particle of the Higgs field, which is responsible for granting other particles their mass. The Higgs Boson is the only elementary particle with no spin - therefore it is not dualist in nature.
So we can conclude that the nature of reality is revealed by the bizarre laws of Quantum Mechanics. Before an observation is made by us human beings, a subatomic particle exits in several states, called superposition. Once the particle is observed consciously by us, it collapses into a single position that forms matter.
This is called Quantum Entanglement - probably the most important law of Quantum Mechanics - and the law the spiritual mafia MOB are planning to use to enslave every human being on the planet - if God allows them to go that far! It is the most significant counterfeit in HIS-story. This is the real reason they are making “vaccinations” compulsory with a digital ID and pumping copious amounts of graphene into our brains. These formed nano antennas have the ability to send and receive Information to/from an outside source. For proof of this technology, read this article from a “weapons research scientist” on the Military-grade Binary Weapon System that is now in place.
Graphene (G) is a single- or few-layered sheet of Sp 2-bonded carbon atoms tightly packed in a two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice, with a thickness of only 0.34 nm that can bind with neighbouring atoms. This makes graphene the thinnest compound ever known at one atom thick and the strongest compound discovered. Moreover, it is light, flexible and transparent and both electrically and thermally highly conductive, which opens the possibility of using it in a broad spectrum of applications, including super-capacitors - or other devious technology that will enable electrons in a Super Computer to communicate with the electrons particles implanted within our brains.
Brain washing will soon be taken over by direct mind control within a digital prison. This is the fate of the unconscious minded who resist God’s warning of impending captivity……..