The Great Deception & Spiritual RESET (Part 1)
And how Dualism is destroying our God-given image
Lucifer’s NWO is all about destroying and confusing our personal identity: it has made people begin to focus more on the image of themselves as seen with their own eyes—in the mirror, in photos, or on Instagram - and they are therefore not able to see YHWH’s image in themselves.
The Creator God is not a god of confusion [Babylon], but of calm and inner peace.
It matters not who becomes the 47th President of the United States of America…. the great stage play Sir Francis Bacon called New Atlantis in AD 1626 will just continue on unabated.
This Substack is about what transpires behind the scenes with the energy of the Kenites, the offspring of Cain, controlling the outcome.
Following is an eBook I wrote in 2020 when Trumpet was the President introducing “Operation Warpspeed” and the bioweapon that killed millions. What a joke to think he has Messiah qualities. It was an eBook I never published. It included my own research into Nikola Tesla’s scalar energy or longitudinal waves, his proposed free energy and how the MOB used Tesla’s technology to create Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) prior to 9/11, 2001. One must understand the past to understand the present and the future….
***** Note: Both paths are an illusion of choice because ultimately they ARE ONE AND THE SAME PATH = the ultimate deception and confusion. It doesn’t matter if it is the right path or the left path because they both serve the same master, THE DRAGON, the Devil, or Satan and Lucifer combined and their fallen angels.
The 2012 movie, ‘I Pet Goat 2’ depicts BOTH the lefthand and righthand paths; each path originating with GADREEL. However each path has had its own distinct purpose to fulfil with different ways to achieving its goals. It is like a chess game. In this game of duality, both the black and white pieces (why do you think Madonna often performs on a black and white checked stage, or most of the flooring in Christian Cathedrals over the centuries are black and white checkerboard designs?) on the chess board believe their team will prevail and win. Most people are like pawns bidding the will of the spiritual mafia MOB who are the only ones who know which side will win. Those at the highest level (those with esoteric knowledge (‘gnosis’)) understand the entire game, thus they are many moves ahead of everyone else. The elite, whose bloodlines maintain the hidden secrets, know GADREEL’s plan; not just the plan of the 'dark' side OR the 'light' side, but the INTEGRATION of BOTH sides (this is about to happen on a global scale). Gnosis means; 1. esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation 2. mystical knowledge.
THE DUALIST FORCE: Janus, the two-faced god, the god of Aquarius: represents the doorway to ‘heaven’: a PORTAL or gateway. The doorway to the GREAT SPIRITUAL AWAKENING
If both sides of a war knew that the outcome was predetermined, the soldiers wouldn’t fight, but since those left on an exoteric basis don’t know, the pawns on both sides of the chessboard truely believe that their team will win. This insights competition. The spiritual mafia MOB realises that the world needs to be steered through on both sides in order to achieve their ultimate goal of human subversion. It is a game of Hegelian Dialectic and physiological magic. What one side sees as good, the other sees as bad, and visa vera. Both sides can weave through aspects of light & dark but follow the basis of whichever side their philosophy falls into. Hegel states: “The historical dialectic is the process by which the progressive process takes place, culminating in a particular goal”. The dialectic process has the goal of freedom, however Hegel’s concept of Absolute spirit is The Dragon, the Mastermind of the multiple gods, not the One Creator God.
The Hegelian Dialectic that is used to control populations promotes both sides of a controversy or created problem (e.g. the NWO, global warming, COVID19): the ‘Thesis’ and ‘Antithesis.’ Confusion ensues. People tire of the confusion, then capitulate due to frustration. This causes submission of the population to whatever agenda is being advanced as the ‘Synthesis’: the final solution. Hegel believed that the contradictions used to create each Problem, Reaction, Solution dynamic are the engine of history and our perception of freedom is the operating system, the fuel that drives the engine. I believe that the contradictions applied in the powerful Hegelian Dialectic philosophy causes an energetic disruption to society and its goal is totally malevolent, REGARDLESS OF HOW GOOD IT MAY APPEAR.
The reason why they need the two dualistic sides to operate as a collective, like a chess game, is this; GADREEL [or the DEVIL, the author of DEATH and an inversion of LIVED] has no/zero creative powers. Therefore neither Satan nor Lucifer have any ability to create something new. Yes, he has knowledge of how God’s creation operates, however he cannot create it himself. Human’s, being designed and created in the image of God, do have creative powers. That is why GADREEL [or Beelzebub or Baal-zebub which is another name for Satan] needs humans to create on his behalf, in return for important occult information. And humans love to compete in this dualist system - it represents their inherited flesh or iniquitous nature. Once his system is fully in place through the integration of AI and Quantum Computers, GADREEL will no doubt turn on humanity. The reason being, he hates God and his creation. Mankind’s attempt to become like gods through technology & science in the form of Transhumanism1 will undoubted destroy mankind as we know it!
Let’s pull all this together now! The event called 9/11 changed the world permanently. Albert Pike received a vision in 1871 that prophesied there would be three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about their fascist ‘New World Order’. Two world wars have eventuated and one is supposedly to come in 2024. According to Pike it will occur by “taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' (agency) of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.” 9/11 was a Zionist/Jesuit planned agenda, blamed on Islam. The number one agenda of the Illuminati’s 9/11 was to begin a “War on Terror”, sign off on the Patriot Act and the implementation of global mass MIND CONTROL. In time we will see a physical WW3! However, the silent technological WW3 may have began on 9/11 2001, with the spiritual mafia MOB targeting the control of our minds through bioengineering. With the final solution changing our DNA through a ‘Great GMO Reset’ (Genetic Engineering) that will usher in ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’, the New World Order (NWO), without a shot being fired. This has all been made possible through genome editing (CRISPA technology) and the advancement in biological warfare through what is now known as Operation COVID19.
The number one method of communication between GADREEL and mankind, and between members of both the 'dark' and 'light' side, is symbology.
The events on 9/11 2001 were full of symbology. e.g. President Bush reading the famous children story, “The Pet Goat” whilst the World Trade Centre destruction occurred. Bush was noted reading the book upside down shortly before he was advised. This symbolism of “inversion” was a clear message of Satanic ritual, as Satan inverts everything God has created, since that is one of his character traits.
Eleven years (also symbolic) later, in 2012, ’I, Pet Goat II’ was written, directed, produced and edited by Louis Lefebvre.
Notice some of the relevant symbolism during this movie….
the mark of the beast barcode on the goats forehead
the goat is imprisoned, trapped and mindlessly not knowing how to escape
notice the puppet master is GADREEL, the MASTERMIND, ARCHITECT & BUILDER of the MATRIX. It is dualistic in nature, thus playing one side and/or the other.
the Masonic, dualistic black & white floor
the puppet representing humanity; the puppeteer representing the UBER-elite
notice the similarities to CERN’s SYMMETRY, the dance of the cosmos
the blond girl in the white dress is symbolic of a sacrifice (this is a requirement for increased GADREEL power to be released by the FORCE) In the occult, a sacrifice is required to establish “new life”
notice the division of the apple into two halves (duality). From the seeds two stems grow, which come together to sprout a lotus flower; the sign of a new beginning. The lotus flower is a symbol of enlightenment and purity……..
This is the point in history when God ordains that the two separate entities of GADREEL, Satan the adversary and Lucifer, ‘the light bearer” should become one….. and the Dragon or the Serpent’s true nature be revealed to mankind.
There is now irrefutable evidence that the Twin Towers were intentionally demolished by a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW). Anthony Patch, an absolute genius on how modern technology impacts our lives, believes the source of the DEW was a ring based Synchrotron Particle Accelerator, located nearby at the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island NY, a distance of just 66 miles from Manhattan. The DEW uses a magnetic gate to release accelerated particles into straight, directed beamlines. Affectively, the trajectory of accelerated particles are a source of disrupted 'light' or high ‘Luminosity’. At the end of the beam line, the gate is opened and the particles and the energy combined are released. When particles are accelerated, their mass is also increased, thus gaining energy which gives it a component of Kinetic energy. The result is destruction! Engineers who analysed the rubble, found nanothermite particles had been mixed into the original concrete during the construction of the Towers which began back in 1968, 33 years before the event. (Selah) This nanothermite was triggered by the DEW beams on 9/11 2001. This maybe viewed as conjecture however knowing how the the elite operate and their long term planning, this is truely a possibility.
However, the following information is not conjecture! Dr Judy Wood is a Forensic Engineering Scientist, a structural engineer with degrees in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics with 35 years of experience in this specialised field of forensic investigation. She spent 10 years investigating and compiling forensic evidence pertaining to the destruction of the seven buildings in Manhattan, that included the 1,368 feet (417 m) Twin Towers. Her book “Where Did the Towers Go” provides the only scientific investigation into the events of 9/11 in the public domain. Every other investigation and public inquiry has been a coverup of the sacrificial ceremony and the obvious crime against humanity. None of the evidence published in her book has been, or can be refuted. Such evidence cannot be refuted, it can only be covered up by those who own the media so an unexpecting public is blinded to the truth.
The best way to energetically describe 9/11 is a disruption that set the foundation for more chaos and anarchy in the world. The ‘fight against terrorism’ was a complete false flag. Meanwhile, Dr Wood’s investigation is the antithesis of the word disruptive; it is the work of a peaceful moderator. She is a person of moral integrity. That is why I trust her work. Yet, the spiritual mafia MOB continually use the Hegelian Dialectic to create these disruptions.
Dr Wood calls the events behind 9/11 the “Dawn of a New Age”, given that technology can now make physical matter just evaporate, disappear and turn into dust in midair. Evidence dictates that man now has in his hands, the technology to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter. This adds credence to Albert Pike’s prophecy that the dawn of the NWO would begin with an act of aggression against mankind. Evidence shows that the Towers did not burn up or slam to the ground, but turned into dust in midair.
In solving any given problem, Dr Wood says we need to collect data to determine what actually happened, before we determine how it happened. Neither conjecture nor theories are scientific investigation having the supporting evidence that would be admissible in court. In our own investigation here in this thesis regarding the spiritual significance of the Twin Towers, we also need solid evidence to identify what crimes are being committed against humanity, how is it being committed, and by whom. What we are trying to ascertain is why the occult leaders of this world have committed this desperate act of aggression, and who the Spider is that is weaving this global web of deception.
The evidence, when lined up against Scripture, and what the Word of God foretells, contains irrefutable evidence that 9/11, the coming Economic Reset and the COVID19 vaccine, which will make humans GMO guinea pigs, are all crimes against humanity using the same technology, only more advanced over time. The vaccine, also being a weapon against humanity, utilises a missile designed in minute, subatomic particle form.
We have compiled scientific evidence from White Papers and Medical Peer Review Papers to gain enough substantiating evidence that proves what is about to happen, is not an illusion, but indeed a reality. This Plandemic, the coming global financial collapse, the Resets, Bill Gates’ Foundation ID2020, and vaccines are no doubt, the biggest crime against humanity, in the history of the world.
Take time to research this investigation of the 9/11 “Dustification” because it has huge significance to our future as free and independent human beings. The reality is, 9/11 began the collapse of democracy, as we know it, and the slow introduction of a fascism system where the majority will be marginalised and treated like serfs. We will soon discover how all of this is interconnected to a Masterplan initiated by THE FORCE.
“Dustification” is described by Dr Judy Wood as “the process of turning a solid structure into powder or dust”. This process is an alchemist’s delight! Dr Wood claims that the Twin Towers did not collapse under their own weight, since the resultant 1.25 million tons of debris was literally pulverised into dust, in midair, before sinking vertically to the ground. Fifteen minutes after the “Dustification” event, there were clear blue skies and literally very little rubble to be found. Her study of the irrefutable evidence lead her to conclude that the seven Towers in Manhattan on 9/11, 2001 disintegrated due to a well planned, and orchestrated demolition, with the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs).
The DEVIL - or Satan and Lucifer combined are the sole authors of confusion.
Why is the Kenite energy of Cain behind 9/11 important to understand? Because what is about to transpire will make 9/11 appear like merely a practise run for the main event!
……. to be continued if any interest shown in the origin of DEWs
Oxford Dictionary: “The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.” It will result in, the loss of sovereignty, autonomy, liberties, rights, sentient abilities, self awareness, consciousness, self determination, privacy, security and free will.