Now we have a foundation upon which to understand mankind’s pursuit of gaining consciousness - particularly “Christ Consciousness”.
Today’s Substack is based on this article Quantum Consciousness written by Kingsley L. Dennis. The following is excerpted from The Struggle for Your Mind: Conscious Evolution and the Battle to Control How We Think, available from Inner Traditions. Click on the picture above….
Mankind thinks he/she are really SMART since they discovered God’s quantum field 120 years ago. Niels Bohr has been acclaimed as the father of quantum physics. CERN which is an acronym for “the 'European Council for Nuclear Research', which was a provisional council for building the laboratory, established by 12 European governments in 1952. During these early years, the council worked at the University of Copenhagen under the direction of Niels Bohr before moving to its present site near Geneva.”
Take notice of the map of the member States with full CERN membership. Israel is the ONLY member State outside of Europe. That should tell us something very significant! Even from that we can tell who is running the world! It all goes back to the Jews captivity in Babylon and their rebellion against God, forming their Luciferian Kabbalah belief system and their own fake, artificial, synthetic Tree of Life. That is the cornerstone of the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon secret society. Now notice that Switzerland is smack bang centre of the Nordic Vril spirit originating in Scandinavia in the North and the more subtle Hermetic, Pharaonic energy that originated in Egypt.
The quantum energy generated at CERN is a distorted, warped, disfigured form of God’s quantum energy. Lucifer and the spiritual mafia MOB can only succeed in counterfeiting that which is natural, Real and that which manifests God’s creative Mind, Intelligence and Truth. Therefore CERN acts as a spiritual portal for the infestation of mankind - and therefore all of God’s creation - with infinite numbers of Lucifer’s spiritual parasites - or demonic entities entering this domain through that spiritual gateway. It is this Luciferian “enlightenment” that our OVERLORDS believe will increase our consciousness and enable us to become immortal.
In Reality, all it is doing is fragmenting our minds and DNA and destroying God-consciousness and thus making us more unconscious. Remember, Shiva is the god of destruction. Shiva is a Luciferian god of destruction - a false 'Light Bearer’.
Mankind believes they now have the technology to eradicate God and become more consciousness and live forever as biological modified immortal beings.
This belief is so insane - Why? Because God IS Consciousness. It is like saying if we took O2 away we could live forever. Or if we took CO2 and photosynthesis away our plants could survive forever. We are only conscious because we are created in the image of God. If we were to take that connection away we would be totally unconscious - in fact we would be DEAD. Unconscious is merely a dead state of mind - which is an energetic state btw.
I want to highlight this Kingston Report
“It is all about being able to read, write, and edit the code of life. One of the most important recognitions of the past century in science, at least, is that life is written in code. Biology is essentially programmable. The code of life isn't written in bits or in ones and zeros. It's written in nucleic acids that are sequenced in code. And because of our capacity to sequence DNA, which we began to do in the 1970s and they're getting better and better at, we have gotten pretty good at reading the code of life.”
Essentially, the MOB’s OVERLORDS and their alchemist scientists are now playing God - and the Real God is not going to tolerate that for too much longer.
In order to understand the MOB’s dualistic Hegelian Dialectic model, particularly in relation to “Christ Consciousness”, one must understand the process. Creating an artificial, Greek generated iconic “Christ” in about AD 60, instantly instigated a Problem > Reaction > Solution OR Thesis > Antithesis > Synthesis scenario. Another way of looking at it is: Thesis = action, action provokes reaction, which leads to the predetermined solution. The predetermined solution in this case is the global religion that embraces a form of “Christ Consciousness”. Christianity if one form of “Christ Consciousness”, the New Age movement has their version, the Kabbalah believing Jews have their version and Islam has their own narrative.
All of these religions have many things in common - 1. they were ALL created by the The 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines. 2. they were ALL created for the one common cause - to hate, fight and eliminate the Creator God. 3. they were ALL created to deceive mankind and cover up God’s redemptive process, delivered through God’s divine Son who overcame DEATH on our behalf, so that we can enjoy eternal LIFE. 4. they were ALL created from the one same evil, distorted death inducing energy that I have detailed as the Nordic Scandinavian mythology Vril energy force or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system.
“Christ Consciousness” is the predetermined solution in the MOB’s Hegelian Dialectic! Enter the likes of Barbara Hubbard. You need to read these two amazing articles from Whitney Webb’s Unlimited Hangout. These guys are amongst the very best investigative journalist in the world. They are total non biased spiritually.
They introduce the likes of Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality by JOHN KLYCZE MAY 19, 2022, where he claims - “The late Barbara Hubbard, a Rockefeller-funded New Age guru, was critical to the development of the ideas, beliefs and technology necessary to market transhumanism as spiritual enlightenment.”
“The inner impulse of evolution” that Barbara Marx Hubbard is listening too is an inner feeling, attributed to what I [and the MOB!] call Lucifer’s Nordic Scandinavian mythology Vril energy force or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic energy. Lucifer also has a spiritual voice in our “deeper mind”/intuition that we listen too - even unconsciously. This is the guidance of deeper Self! Do you remember what we have discussed about Self-gratification, our own ego, and Edward Bernays’ Century of ‘Self’ in the likes of Understanding Unseen Weapons?
That deeper Self, or Barbara Marx Hubbard’s own Self-centred ego, is her ‘god’ within. That deceptive energy emanating from the “angel of light” will destroy us. Why? Because Lucifer/Satan actually hates anything designed by, and Created by God. His goal is to kill us whilst he can - that period of time is running out btw.
Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality BY JOHN KLYCZEK MAY 19, 2022
“Even prior to 2008, for decades, Hubbard foretold the coming of a new transhumanist age in which humankind will merge with technology through “conscious evolution.” As a crusader for the Human Potential Movement, Hubbard networked with psychologists at the Esalen Institute and corporatists at Singularity University to pave the way for human consciousness to collectively co-evolve with the “noetic” consciousness of the cosmos through transhumanist technologies [6]. Bankrolled by Rockefeller philanthropy [3], Hubbard established the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, which has been pushing the “synergistic” advancement of biotech, nanotech, and supercomputing artificial intelligence (AI) that can be globally converged through the “internet-of-things” (IoT) and the “internet-of-bodies” (IoB) in order to engineer a new transhuman species. To help build the collective cybernetic nervous system of an evolving transhuman superorganism, Hubbard promoted the HeartMath Institute’s Global Coherence Network of wearable neurofeedback technologies that interlink human biorhythms through smartphones across the planet [1].”
I don’t have to say anymore about this loser - Barbara Marx Hubbard - her belief system is the foundation of Luciferianism. What we do have to acknowledge is - the Woke Christian church who claims to represent the Creator God, is also a part of this “Christ Consciousness” movement. In general, Christians have been deceived even more than the pagan world because they think they have the key to the salvation of their souls - but that key is not the key to God’s heavenly Kingdom. Like the Jews in captivity in Babylon, the Christian church is so far off the mark of God’s provision of righteousness and redemption, it is actually engaging in what the bible calls “the flesh” or unconsciously worshipping the artificial “angel of light”. I have proven over the years that Christians have never dealt with “the dark side” in their own heart, that is why they are so self-righteous - just like the Pharisees who crucified their own Saviour, Yeshua ben Joseph.
Therefore, I contend that this religion labeled “Christianity” is nothing more than another manmade, Hegelian Dialectic Operative, used to create just another confusing Alternate Reality in the minds of the masses. Therefore, many Christians are also riddled with spiritual parasites just like anyone else in this Beast system - and the sad thing is, they are not even consciously aware of it. They think they are OK medically and spiritually and sailing along in life without cause for concern.
That is the highest level of subtle deception! As I said in The Gaining of Consciousness and Immortality Part 1…..
“The BIG question came down too - are Christians really trusting the God of Creation? And if so, why doesn’t their faith work for them in power and authority - as they claim?
It took me years to unravel the answer to this question, because as we know the Christian faith is like a Behemoth or a Leviathan monster of chaos, and no one can supposedly touch or doubt its validity. It is almost untouchable and too big to fail - or so it is thought. However, if one is to discover God’s Truth, all man-made structures and religious belief systems need to topple in our personal lives. The Christian faith in no acceptation. It is a holy grail of deception that was created by the spiritual mafia MOB to bring division, confusion and chaos to one’s mind.”
What we are dealing with here is the global spiritual Goliath …. and we who do trust the Creator God are the “Davids” of this world who have the means to pick up 5 smooth stones to tackle the Leviathan and/or the Behemoth. The number 5 represents God’s grace…. however it only takes one stone to kill this spiritual Goliath. That One stone must come from the One God though….. our Messiah, Yeshua.
Listen to what Wicked-pedia says about Leviathan. “The Leviathan is a sea serpent noted in theology and mythology. Later Jewish sources describe Leviathan as a dragon [London and the UK Monarchy red OWO] who lives over the sources of the Deep and who, along with the male land-monster Behemoth [the Swiss Pharaonic white NWO], will be served up to the righteous at the end of time.”
Like one of our Subscribers says "You cannot make this stuff up"!
I want you to consider this Tim Cohen interview below regarding the Beast [or Leviathan] being revealed by King Charles III, formerly known as The Prince of Wales, who organised and opened the Commonwealth Games on July 12th 2022.
Notice in the video that all matter is floating with anti gravitational effects - just like we suggested may have happened on April 8th, 2024 - we will no doubt see these Luciferian signs and wonders in the near future. Observe also that Stella is the one who has the unseen power to tame the Bull - she appeases the Beast with her right hand whilst carrying the New Age Luciferian crystal in her left hand. The Bull is positioned facing the Tower of Babel. All of this is important symbolism! Stella then get on top of the Beast and rides it like “Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots”. Now listen carefully to what Tim Cohen says “The woman riding the Beast - Stella - represents the harlot church under the influence of the antiChrist …..” WOW! If Tim Cohen is correct, the repercussions for members of the so called “Christian church” are huge.
As He says in the book of Revelation, God Himself, our Messiah calls the apostate “Christian church” a harlot - a collective group of individuals who have left their first love and sold their heart and soul to another [Lucifer].
It is so interesting - “The words antichrist and antichrists appear four (4) times in the First and Second Epistle of John. 1 John chapter 2 refers to many antichrists present at that time while warning of one Antichrist that is coming. The "many antichrists" belong to the same spirit as that of the one Antichrist.” Do you remember the significance of the number four (4) in the spiritual realm?
Honestly, like one of our Subscribers says "You cannot make this stuff up"!
The English translation of antichristos or antichrist comes from the Original Greek Word: ἀντίχριστος, ου, ὁ. However, being Greek and dualistic in nature, the Original Greek Word actually has two (2) meanings. So whilst the English definition is often interpreted as: ‘antichrist’, (one who opposes Christ), the Usage indicates that: ‘antichrist’, is either ‘one who puts himself in the place of’, OR ‘the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah’.
In the modern translations, the antichristos can be interpreted to mean ‘one who puts himself in the place of’ Christ - that could well be the ones who deceives us with “Christ Consciousness” spirit. “Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. 1 John 2: 22
Can you see how confusing this is? The only way to remedy this confusion and bring clarity in the context of the Scripture is to use the original text which uses the word anti-Messiah which then obviously means ‘the enemy (opponent) of the Messiah’. Yeshua, not Lucifer, is the Messiah! Lucifer is merely an artificial counterfeit of the Real Messiah. Full stop!
So that same verse in 1 John 2: 22-23 should read; “Who is a liar at all, if not the person who denies that Yeshua is the Messiah? Such a person is an anti-Messiah — he is denying the Father and the Son. Everyone who denies the Son is also without the Father, but the person who acknowledges the Son has the Father as well.”
The bottomline is this - “the gaining of consciousness” that everyone talks about is merely the knowledge of Lucifer’s limited power. It will include the false signs and wonders produced by mankind’s technology that will excite the unconscious and unredeemed minds.
“The gaining of consciousness” or any form of “Christ Consciousness” is NOT the gaining of God-consciousness. It actually manifests confusion and unconsciousness to our minds.
Remember, the word “unconsciousness” was defined in What is Iniquity of Heart? We said, “What we have determined thus far is there is a weakness in the energetic heart of mankind that nobody has any answers for. In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory to modern cognitive psychology, he classified this weakness as the unconsciousness mind. However, Freud never found any way to eliminate it - it just became like a cancerous growth in our mind that everyone knows about, but cannot resolve.
Edward Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud [an Austrian Ashkenazi Jew who was the founder of psychoanalysis, a movement that popularised the theory that unconscious motives control much behaviour]. Bernays was a Tavistock Institute [the epicentre of global mind control in London] coach who believed people were so irrational and he believed so strongly in crowd psychology, that he could convince masses of people to do almost anything - without them being consciously aware of it.
Edward Bernay’s could see that this weakness in mankind was incurable and he decided to leverage that weakness and began using hypnotic, subliminal messaging within advertisements on TV and in movies. Bernays commercialised the manipulation of American minds. He was a master salesman and the manipulator of billions through modern day advertising. He is often referred to as “the father” of public relations (PR). He was for sure, the father of persuasion technology.
Edward Bernays was one of the most influential occultists to have ever lived. He was an expert in knowing the weaknesses in both men and women [think about the occult art of compromising an individual’s moral standards through subtle unethical persuasion, whilst fully knowing their weaknesses]. Therefore everyone became Bernays’ target market.
The MOB’s goal is to create a world of Selfish individualism where one’s ego is supreme - that becomes fertile soil for unconsciousness to germinate. What we are witnessing today is the pinnacle of that goal. According to Freud (1915), the unconscious mind is the primary source of human behaviour.”
In The Role of the Quantum Computer I stated, “Notice Jordie Rose states that they have already opened the floodgates (portals) of these ‘Great Old Ones’, or parallel universes, and are exploiting these in unimaginable ways ….
Mankind is tapping into, and experiencing these unseen resources in order to overcome his/her problems. The main problem they have is overcoming their hidden weaknesses, corruption of heart, iniquity or - all the problems associated with our separation from the only God, YHWH.
The bottom line is - mankind is playing God through the medium of multiple gods.”
The offer given to our Original ancestors, Adam and Eve by Lucifer was - “if you divorce your Creator God and energetically quantum entangle yourselves with me - I can make you “a God” in your own right. I will empower you and make you wise in your own eyes. You can find power within. Instead of being the created, you can become the creator. Instead of God creating you in His image, you can create God in your image! You can “be God”.”
Hmmmm….. nothing has changed in 6,000 years. The deceitful temptation is still there. 666, or mankind’s unrighteousness represents this Luciferian offer. 666 is iniquity or the corruption of mankind’s heart. 666 is the number associated with mankind’s rebellion and the quantum disentanglement from God’s quantum field that radiates from His Presence. 666 and Lucifer’s spiritual kingdom are headed for destruction because that is its essence. God will soon destroy this artificial fantasy with one sweep of His hand.
That is how powerful God is!
Everything mankind is endeavour to do is a striving to restore all that was lost in the Garden of Eden. That is what the Tree of Life is! All religions are designed to aid and abet this striving in our own depleted energy. This is always involves some form of self-flagellation or penance as an attempt to pay for our shame. However, God has covered that shame with His blood and provided a means by which we can receive His redemption as a gift - it is a free gift - all we have to do is receive it.
Most are too proud to receive it though!
The Kingsley Dennis article is typical of many which ignore creation by an intelligent God and try to explain evolution as a product of quantum consciousness. How does he think organisms happen to have these quantum properties? As you say, Graeme, it's all part of Luciferian deception - keep at seer.
"How does he think organisms happen to have these quantum properties?" Great question
Richard Leslie Bunting. I'm trying to address that in the next Substack. The whole theory of evolution is a Luciferian deception and a complete lie. I cover the history of biology in relation to Transhumanism and Technocracy in an eBook on Amazon Beelzebub- Darwin’s Demons