Quantum Possibilities
The Father of Quantum Physics Questions which Matrix/matrix we are Participating in?
We, the collective, have been brainwashed without even knowing it!
According to the German mathematician Georg Cantor (1845–1918), there are three levels of existence: the physical universe, the human mind, and the Mind of God. That statement is so true! The human mind is the central target in the spiritual mafia MOB’s attack against the physical universe and everything God created, before they eventually try to eliminate the Mind of God.
Of course this unconscious thinking is complete insanity because God alone is the creator and sustainer of all of mankind’s consciousness.
God created His co-creators to live life in a participatory universe and embody this gift of God-consciousness. That means that we will experience and manifest either the real spiritual Matrix, OR the fake, counterfeit, imitative, fanciful, Alternative, manmade matrix. We have the free will to choose which one we desire to participate in. One leads to God-consciousness, the other to unconsciousness and the manmade proliferation of dark matter.
Let’s be clear here - Sigmund Freud labelled what he believed to be the weakness in mankind, or their shadow, or their dark side as the ‘unconscious mind’. Freud’s own ‘unconscious mind’ drove him to a death that may have been physician-assisted suicide. Freud had inoperable mouth cancer which was a manifestation of his years of chain smoking - one of the habits that created his Alternate realities in his unconscious mind. His nephew, Edward Bernays became a mastermind in occult manipulation appealing to the masses ego, self satisfaction, self indulgence, greed, pleasure and our desire to feel good with the promise of instant gratification and expedient convenience. This was all done through subliminal messages in advertising that are designed to engage people subconsciously.
Edward Bernays was an expert at using propaganda and the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed "engineering of consent”. Bernays was the father of advertising and public relations because he understood the ‘shadow side’ of humanity and how to manipulate their collective weaknesses. Bernays correctly viewed the masses as prone to their all-consuming ‘Self’ [ego]. Bernays used this human weakness to lure individuals into self indulgence and consumerism to satisfy their own “selfish needs”. Therefore, Edward Bernays was one of the most influential occultists to have ever lived.
The bible calls this Upside Down world, our shadow, the ‘unconscious mind’ by one word - iniquity. Iniquity describes a heart that is corrupted and has an inbuilt ‘error’ that we are in fact unaware of. It can always be attributed to our spiritual separation or quantum disentanglement from God, our Creator and the provider of LIFE. Our own ‘ego’ or ‘unconscious mind’ ALWAYS leads us towards experiencing and participating in the spirit and energy of destruction and DEATH.
Iniquity is not sin. Think of iniquity as the root of all of our problems and sin as the fruit. There is no sense trying to eliminate the fruit is the whole root system is evil and apposed to life [evil is a reflection of live]. If God’s redemption can eliminate iniquity in our corrupted hearts, we will not sin. Then we can claim to be truly FREE!
And remember - we always manifest that which we resonate with energetically and spiritually. That is a God-given law of quantum physics. An ‘unconscious mind’ is the manifestation of us placing our trust in the counterfeit energy of lord Lucifer - as opposed to our Lord God’s Holy Spirit.
Beneath every "fact" lies a series of assumptions that cannot be proven. Like it or not, even science requires a leap of faith [trust]. Is science really faith free? Max Planck, Nobel laureate in physics and pioneer of quantum theory, thinks not. As Planck explains, "Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Ye must have faith.' It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with."1 For Planck, faith [trust] is the axis upon which the wheel of science turns. If one does not have faith, then one may not have science.
Dr. Joshua M. Moritz in his article ‘Faith: the Axis Upon Which the Wheel of Science Turns’ confirms that we live in a participatory universe. “In the early 2000s, scientists increasingly witnessed phenomena that broke the biological law. They discovered that DNA can be edited as a result of life experience and that the way DNA is read depends on the surrounding environment. In other words, "the body keeps the score."2 With the discovery of what is today known as epigenetics, it became clear that information can be "transferred from a protein sequence back to the genome." Consequently, explains molecular biologist Eugene Koonin, "the Central Dogma of molecular biology is invalid as an 'absolute' principle: transfer of information from proteins to the genome does exist."3”
Joshua M. Moritz, PhD, is a Lecturer of Philosophical Theology and the Natural Sciences. He is an great example of a university lecturer who has maintained his sanity in this world of insanity and has a reasonable level of God-consciousness. In his article How James Clerk Maxwell’s Belief in God Inspired a Revolution in Science Moritz reveals how the great scientist Maxwell revealed the interconnectedness of the laws of nature.
“The world as we experience it today owes its existence to the scientific insights and vision of the 19th-century Scottish scientist and polymath James Clerk Maxwell. His pioneering work in electromagnetism is the foundation of essentially all of the advanced technology that we enjoy and depend upon every moment—from cell phones and wireless internet to radios, x-ray scanners, satellite communications, microwave ovens, television, magnets in speakers and credit cards, and even the charge in our batteries.
Maxwell was the great unifier of physics, and it was his discoveries that made Einstein and Max Planck's work possible. While Maxwell described physical reality according to mathematical laws in a way that made him appear like a time traveler from the future (since it took decades for scientists to grasp the significance of Maxwell's work), the inspiration for Maxwell's aspiration to unify physics came from a deeper source. For Maxwell, his physics was ultimately an expression of his faith in the One Creator God, who governs the totality of reality through a unified order and law.”
“In 1861, Maxwell published his paper 'On Physical Lines of Force', which described the mathematical physics of electromagnetism. Maxwell showed that all the diverse phenomena in electricity and magnetism that scientists had been studying could be succinctly described through a set of just a few equations (which we now call "Maxwell's equations"). Maxwell's four interconnected equations united all the prior findings of Ampere, Henry, Volta, Oersted, Coulomb, Faraday, and others and shed a brilliant light on an area of science that had been shrouded in darkness for centuries.
Realizing that electricity and magnetism weren't two separate, distinct forces but simply two expressions of the same, unified electromagnetic force, Maxwell predicted that electromagnetic fields—in the form of moving waves—travel through space at the speed of light. Having introduced the concept of the field to the analysis of electricity and magnetism and reflecting upon his newly discovered equations that govern electromagnetism, Maxwell immediately realized that the physics of electromagnetism could also be unified with the physics of light. In physics, Maxwell's equations would become known as the second great unification in physics.
As Maxwell's work became better understood, it soon became clear that "he had achieved greatness unequaled" and that his "theory must be numbered among the greatest of all intellectual achievements," as the founder of quantum physics Max Planck remarked.”
The Enlightening Spirit of God
Dr. Joshua M. Moritz continues - “Maxwell firmly believed that "The God who had revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was the same as the God of nature." According to Maxwell, the act of God's creation is the presupposition of all science, even though this act of creation itself is not open to scientific explanation. For Maxwell, the divine creation of the universe and of natural law is "clearly evidenced in seemingly inexplicable features of the cosmos such as the identical properties of molecules in all parts of the universe, near and far."
He believed that the divine image in humanity enabled humans to comprehend that unity and lawful nature of the world.
Uniformity in the natural world and the unity of natural law are simply reflections of the unified will of the one God who brought them into being and who "hast arranged all things by measure and number and weight." Maxwell affirmed that cosmic "uniformity is intended and accomplished by the same Wisdom and Power of which uniformity, accuracy, symmetry, consistency, and continuity of plan are important attributes," and he believed that the divine image in humanity enabled humans to comprehend that unity and lawful nature of the world.
Seeing "every atom of creation as unfathomable in its perfection," Maxwell held that the "ordered uniformity of nature" is a sign of the Creator. For Maxwell, physics revealed a world "in which Wisdom and Truth are supreme, and Power is their minister." The interconnectedness of the laws of nature is a way that God communicates His existence, and it is the unity of laws that reveal this divine communication. Consequently, says Maxwell, anyone who investigates physical laws "will see as he advances that the laws of nature are not mere arbitrary and unconnected decisions of Supreme Power, but that they form essential parts of one universal system, in which infinite Power serves only to reveal unsearchable Wisdom and Eternal Truth."
Why is this all so important to understand? Because the spiritual mafia MOB have corrupted our schools and universities in order to create left-brain only thinkers who are not only unconscious, and not only hate God and His creation, but they have come to totally despise God. The spiritual mafia MOB did this by changing James Clerk Maxwell’s completed equation and therefore distorting and twisting the Holy Spirit’s pure revelation to mankind, so that a meter could be assigned to electricity to make it a commercially viable concept. When Nicola Tesla came along advertising his desire to give humanity free energy, he was shut down and his technology confiscated.
That Nicola Tesla technology makes up the foundation of all of the technology founded and introduced at CERN, Switzerland. The spiritual mafia MOB took the knowledge of all the conscious scientists throughout history and used it to create unconscious, dark energy that could be used to digitally imprison the masses.
Don’t believe the MOB’s lies when scientists say that dark energy is a complete mystery, an unknown form of energy and they do not fully understand dark matter, the use of clones or gravity. They have been using all four since WW2 against the masses. Anti-gravity vehicles have been used underground for the duration of my life - and dark energy, which they say cannot mix with live energy and makes up roughly 68% of the universe - has been with us for 6 thousand years.
An unconscious mind is a mind that is not reflecting the Mind of God, but the dark energy of Satan and his minions of fallen angels.
Having said that, James Clerk Maxwell and Max Planck are the true fathers of Quantum Physics (QP). A basic understanding of QP is essential because the medium of nanoparticles and Quantum Mechanics (QM) is how the creator God communicates with us directly and instantaneously from the spiritual domain of heaven. Our desires need to be quantum entangled with the God who had revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is now our God and is the same as the God of nature.
This video maybe a good starting point in understanding this weird, but proven science….. To understand it, we need to move beyond logical thought and actually experience God’s subtle voice in and amongst this participatory realm.
Stretch your mind to resonate with God’s Mind in order to really understand the physical universe….."Max Planck and Quantum Physics, Biography of the 1918 Nobel Physics Prize Winner."
We know that everything in this world functions according to quantum physics. It may not appear logical the way the world behaves at the quantum level, compared to the way it behaves at the physical, Newtonian level - but it is how the Mind of God designed it. Logic is based on a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion. As long as the major and minor premise are true, we will arrive at a logical conclusion. However, if the major premise is faulty, we will arrive at a illogical conclusion. The majority of scientific research starts with a faulty major premise - that is why their conclusions are often 180°from the God-inspired truth.
So we need to ask the question: Has quantum physics discovered a link between matter and our trust in the Mind of God?
Let’s view this whole realm of quantum possibilities from God’s perspective. Adonai said [at the Tower of Babel], “Look, the people are united, they all have a single language, and see what they’re starting to do! At this rate, nothing they set out to accomplish will be impossible for them!” Genesis 11:6 CJB
The question is no longer whether quantum theory is correct, but what it means.
Max Planck (1858-1947) was a Nobel Prize-winning German physicist and the father of quantum theory. He stated: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness.”
…..and again
“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
Excerpts from Gregg Braden’s ‘The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits’ (2009), 334-35, in regards to Max Planck’s Lecture, ‘Das Wesen der Materie’ [The Essence/Nature/Character of Matter], Florence, Italy (1944). Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Abt. Va, Rep. 11 Planck, Nr. 1797 Braden says…
“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force that brings the parts of the atom in vibration, and keeps the smallest solar system of the universe together. We assume behind this force the existence of a conscious intelligent spirit. This spirit is the basis of all matter. The visible but impermanent matter is not the reality and truth - because without spirit, matter wouldn’t exist at all - but the invisible, immortal spirit is the truth. Because every spirit belongs to a being, we are forced to assume it to be a spiritual being. Because spiritual beings do not come about by themselves, but must be created, I will not hesitate in fact, to call this secretive creator, like people of all cultures through millennia has done, God. Thereby moves the physicist who dealt with matter, from the realm of stuff to the realm of the spirit.”
Max Planck’s trust in God has always been covered up and his quotes sabotaged to make it appear he was an atheist and even a hater of God, just like all the members of the MOB are.
Consciousness interfaces with the brain and interacts with matter and energy. Consciousness is a fundamental law of nature and life, or reality. Consciousness has been defined as a high-speed sequential process that leads to awareness. According to QM, the world exists only as a cloud of simultaneous, overlapping possibilities—technically called a “superposition”—until an observation brings one of these possibilities into focus in the form of definite objects and events. This transition is technically called a “measurement.” One of the keys to our argument for a Mind filled world is the contention that only conscious observers can perform measurements.
So we have come to see that quantum experiments indicate that the matter we perceive does not exist until observed by a conscious being. The Mind that underlies the world is a divine, personal and interactive Mind that enables us to participate in His higher realm of pure justice and unconditional love.
Take a moment to consider just how much value God assigns to us as co-creators, that he would bless each human being with the ability to engage in the pure Quantum field and experience and participate in His infinite realm of goodness, peace, fearless confidence, enjoyment, hope, clarity of mind and abundance. Remember, God said thousands of years ago “At this rate, nothing they set out to accomplish will be impossible for them!” Nothing has changed - all we have to determine is whether the quantum field we are engaging in is pure and true, OR it has been distorted, corrupted, defiled, erroneous and “just not right or true”. This distorted quantum field [or matrix] is what man has devised whilst participating with an illicit energy source, originating with Lucifer’s deceptive ability to turn the world upside down.
This is what we are witnessing being manifested in the material world right now!
This Substack is bringing a spiritual solution to a global spiritual problem …… Selah
Max Planck, Where Is Science Going?, trans. James Vincent Murphy (New York: W. W. Norton, 1932)
Nathan P. Kellermann, “Epigenetic transmission of Holocaust trauma: can nightmares be inherited?” Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 50:1 (2013)
Eugene Koonin, “Does the Central Dogma Still Stand?” Biology Direct 7, no. 27 (2012)