In my previous substack I raised the question: “Why would some TV media stations in Australia allow content that admits that the mRNA vaccines were full of toxins and contaminants, thus having caused irreparable damage to society with excess deaths due to the likes of turbo cancer?”
Well, the answer to these questions is always found in the country the spiritual mafia MOB is using as the global Stage for the introduction of their NWO - the U.S.A. The focus of global attention is on Washington DC. This report is once again evidence based proof that supports my thesis that Washington DC is the epicentre of global mind control….
I’ve been trying to explain for years how the CIA run MK Ultra mind control programs operate. Confusing the minds of the Targeted Individuals (TI) is the name of the game. Confusion and the receiving of conflicting messages is what creates alternate identities in the minds of individuals. It is a natural, God-provided form of escape in order to seek and regain some form of sanity. Here we identify how the U.S. Government is blatantly using these tactics to form Alters or Alternate Identities (AI) or ‘Alternate Realities’ in our minds right now.
What are Alters? is a rather detailed article on this topic. Other terms for an ‘alter’ include: alternate identity, dissociative identity, distinct personality state, distinct identity, personality state, personality, dissociated part, self-state, part, part of the mind, part of the self, dissociative part of the personality. Confused, lonely and scared are the most common feelings among people coming to terms with confusion of mind which is labelled Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
In The Great Deception & Spiritual RESET (Part 1) I clearly outlined the dualistic system in place in Washington DC with the Democrats lead by the Deep State Bush, Clinton and Obama dynasties representing the Satanic false “Christs”, whilst the Republicans are lead by the Luciferian false prophets Donald J. Trump and his mind controlled puppets, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. This is how Satanic/Luciferian dualism operates. It generates confusion in the minds of the masses and makes their minds dissociate - which is a major step towards the formation of Alters in our minds.
As humans, this is the embodiment of evil. When our minds dissociate, demonic entities - or what I call spiritual parasites - have a portal, or gateway, through which to set up residency in our minds. Evil is the physical manifestation of the Devil’s distorted spiritual energy. I have quite an acute discerning spirit and I have personally witnessed an exponential increase in people manifesting spiritual parasites - particularly amongst the vaccinated since 2021. Fear of death is a major stronghold in our minds.
The formation of an Alter, or alternate identity, is a natural process that has been hijacked and counterfeited by the spiritual mafia MOB to manipulate and control a person’s mind. The CIA run MK Ultra mind control program essentially abuses and traumatises a defenceless young (prenatal- 7 years old) boy/female, normally through trauma and forced sex, then switches to an ‘Alice in Wonderland’, fairy floss “I care for you mode” within the program. This brings confusion of mind as to whether the T.I. is hated or loved and triggers the formation of separate identities within their mind. Alters take over control of the person's body and behavior when triggered to do so by their programmers. Each alter can function independently of each other. Each alter becomes the place where the T.I. feels safe to escape to.
Remember ‘Probably Alexandra’s statement; “Satanism and Luciferianism are not two entirely different things independent of each other, but are on a spectrum from dark to light. And that light represents ‘enlightenment.’”
Satanism and Luciferianism are two sides of the same coin!
Also understand that the need to be loved is a natural, God-given spiritual and physical need for any human being. God’s essence is unconditional love and since we are no longer quantum entangled ot that Source of love, we all crave it at the core of our being and desperately strive for it like fish out of water.
Now we have had 4 years of Biden acting as Satan’s demonic ‘Stick’, the stage is now setting up for the last scene of the Play as Lucifer’s ‘Carrot’ ushers in the global ‘enlightenment’ of Lucifer himself. Remember, the “angel of light” - the “good” side of duality is the most deceptive of all. Donald J. Trump and his puppets are preparing to introduce Elon (El Elyon) Musk’s Neuralink and the global Sentient World System (SWS) or the Digital Twin Earth that will control everyone through quantum entanglement.
So what is the state of play in this Washington DC global Play right now? As the world waits expectantly for their messiah type Donald J. Trump to take over at the U.S. Capital Building in Washington D.C. on Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, the mind control switch now comes into play. The ‘Alice in Wonderland’, “I care for you mode” is now in vogue and Lucifer’s mind Altering drug "HOPIUM" also comes into play. Hopium is the reactionary cry of the masses for “Hope and Change”. This is the stage the “Great Awakening”, the Kabbalah Jewish driven “Christ Consciousness” movement, the pro Zionist Christians and Q proponents re-enter the deception.
Maybe those following Q should consider the name Qabala. “The Most Noble Order of the Garter is an order of chivalry founded by Edward III of England in 1348”. Do you see the Q in this symbol? This is absolute proof that Q & QAnon are a narrative originating with an ancient British Royalist group that is still functioning today!
Operation Warp Speed is alive and well and Trump is subject to, and a puppet of the British Monarchy and the Order of the Garter - this is where the antiChrist will come from - the one possessed by Satan himself. The scene is now set for WW3 to turn into Armageddon and for King Charles 111 to reveal his true antiChrist nature.
Consider the Stage Play being presented in Washington DC with the release of this report below -
then consider Greg Reece’s fine, conscious journalism - Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices and
Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle
and finally, consider Karen Kingston’s article Critical Government H5N1 Flu Updates
Yes, Trump has blown the Zionist warning horn and Operation Warp Speed is definitely alive and well. This is the next planned plandemic of fear…..
A report just released from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (SSCP) exposes a disturbing pattern of government overreach, scientific manipulation, and public deception during the COVID-19 crisis.
Here we have the Final scene of the Washington D.C. Play unfolding….
Robin Westenra, of Seemorerocks Substack provides a different and valuable perspective from outside the U.S.
The US House of Representatives "COVID Committee" has released its Final Report (527 Pages) and it's now official: The "Conspiracy Theorists" were all right and everyone else was wrong.
Notice that the do gooders are categorising everyone into those who are “right” and those who are “wrong”. This is how Satanic/Luciferian dualism operates. It is mankind judging what is “right” and what is “wrong” from the Tree of the Knowledge of “Good” and “Evil”.
It is pretty simple and basic really!
Key highlights from the SSCP report include:
- Operation Warp Speed sacrificed proper safety protocols in the rush to develop COVID-19 vaccines.
- The FDA lowered its standards for vaccine efficacy, potentially compromising public health.
- Long-term safety data was lacking, yet vaccines were pushed onto the public, including children and pregnant women.
- The CDC manipulated data to support pre-determined policy outcomes, rather than following the science.
- Federal health agencies actively suppressed information about natural immunity and alternative treatments.
- Social media companies colluded with government officials to censor dissenting views, violating First Amendment rights.
- Lockdowns were implemented without sufficient evidence of their effectiveness, causing severe economic damage.
- Small businesses were disproportionately affected, while large corporations thrived.
- The long-term mental health and educational impacts of lockdowns were largely ignored.
- Pharmaceutical companies exerted undue influence over public health policy decisions.
- Many government officials had financial ties to vaccine manufacturers, creating potential conflicts of interest.
- There was a lack of transparency in decision-making processes at federal health agencies.
- Attempts to investigate the origins of COVID-19 were initially obstructed.
- Whistleblowers within government agencies were silenced or retaliated against.
- The report reveals a concerted effort to downplay and discredit potential early treatment options like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
- Federal agencies actively discouraged doctors from prescribing these medications, despite some promising early studies.
- Funding for research into repurposed drugs was minimal compared to vaccine development efforts.
- The effectiveness of widespread mask-wearing was overstated, with conflicting data ignored.
- Initial flip-flopping on mask recommendations created public confusion and eroded trust.
- The psychological and developmental impacts of prolonged mask-wearing, especially on children, were not adequately considered.
- Early CDC-developed COVID tests were faulty, delaying crucial early detection efforts.
- The FDA initially blocked private labs from developing their own tests, creating a bottleneck.
- Testing policies often lacked scientific basis, such as arbitrary quarantine periods.
- Several states, including New York, implemented policies that forced nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients, leading to unnecessary deaths.
- Federal guidance on protecting vulnerable populations in long-term care facilities was inadequate and delayed.
- The decision to close schools was made despite early data showing low transmission rates among children.
- Teachers' unions exerted undue influence over CDC guidelines for school reopenings.
- The long-term educational and social impacts of prolonged school closures were severely underestimated.
- Billions in COVID relief funds were misallocated or lost to fraud.
- Small businesses struggled to access relief while large corporations received preferential treatment.
- The massive increase in government spending has contributed to current inflationary pressures.
- Early warnings from other countries about the virus's severity were ignored or downplayed.
- There was a lack of transparency and cooperation with international health organizations.
- Geopolitical tensions, particularly with China, hampered a coordinated global response.
- Messaging was often contradictory and confusing, eroding public trust.
- Officials frequently made definitive statements on evolving situations, leading to backtracking and credibility loss.
- The nuances of scientific uncertainty were poorly communicated, leading to public frustration and skepticism.
The SSCP report further underscores the multifaceted failures in the government's COVID-19 response. However, to frame these as “failures” does not get to the heart of the matter. This was all by design. Let’s never forget this!
Whereas the HalTurnerRadioShow summarised the document as -
The Official Government Report finds:
COVID-19 Origins: The COVID-19 pandemic likely originated from a laboratory or research-related incident.
Misinformation: Public health officials and the Biden administration engaged in misinformation and disinformation campaigns to suppress the lab-leak theory and promote specific narratives.
Government Overreach: The Biden administration's mask mandates and other restrictive measures exceeded its authority and were often not supported by scientific evidence.
School Closures: The decision to close schools during the pandemic was not supported by science and had severe adverse impacts on students' academic performance, mental health, and physical health.
Vaccine Mandates: The government imposed vaccine mandates that were not supported by science, ignored natural immunity, and caused significant collateral damage.
Erosion of Public Trust: Actions by public health officials and the government led to a decline in public trust in institutions and a rise in misinformation and anti-science rhetoric.
Financial Mismanagement: The government's pandemic relief programs were vulnerable to significant fraud, waste, and abuse due to insufficient oversight and outdated financial management systems.
WHO's Failure: The World Health Organization (WHO) failed to uphold its mission, caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, and did not hold China accountable for violating international health regulations.
Economic Impacts: The pandemic and the government's response had severe economic impacts on individuals, communities, and businesses, including job losses, business closures, and supply chain disruptions.
Unintended Consequences: The government's pandemic policies, including lockdowns and vaccine mandates, had severe unintended consequences that will likely have lasting effects on society.
Here is a direct link to the full 527 page report from the Government website: CLICK HERE
I think you get the point!
This article on the integration of dissociated alter identities is worth reading. Whilst this statement is true…. “Attempts to banish demon and demonic alters using religious techniques such as "deliverance" or exorcism do not work permanently, can be harmful and may prolong any internal war between alters and preventing healing….” most Alters are locked in place by spiritual parasites that can be eradicated when we seek God’s spiritual redemption directly from the 3rd heaven. God’s redemptive Mind is the only “Way” in which we can possess single mindedness and purpose. God’s perspective is seen in Matthew 12:15 which says… Knowing the Pharisees thoughts [on Him healing a demon-possessed man], Yeshua said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”
“Divided we fall” - that is Washington DC and the spiritual mafia MOB’s main battle cry. If our minds are divided, we will lose the war.
Do not trust a church, a synagogue or any Beast system religion that uses a medium or pastor to try to connect with the only True God or their gods - go directly to Him yourself. He awaits with open arms!
Yes, there is a spiritual answer to ‘Alter’ fragmentation or having a "dissociated personality" as is diagnosed as Dissociative Identity Disorder. Yeshua haMashiach is the only One who can reconcile, connect and unify our minds and make them whole.
Going directly to the “Word of God” in heaven is our only hope, certainty, assurance and conviction. There is no confusion in our Creator’s Kingdom - only peace of heart!
Squeeze, release, squeeze, release... serpent strategy. Great analogy - thank you for sharing!
Ooof, heavy truth! I wondered about it too- how come there is so much of the COVID scam allowed to be exposed now, after so much censorship prior. Makes perfect sense to me. Squeeze, release, squeeze, release... serpent strategy.
Our only hope and salvation - Jesus.