We finished off the last Post talking about George Orwell's famous ‘1984’ Newspeak or New-speak. His real name was Eric Arthur Blair. Blair was a Fabian Socialist and his mind controller was Aldous Huxley. Both men had direct links to the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations - the epicentre of individual and global mass mind control. Aldous Huxley was a writer and philosopher. His brother Julian Huxley was a biologists. Both were the grandsons of Thomas Henry Huxley who was often referred to as "Darwin's Bulldog". Aldous Huxley is the spiritual father of psychedelic mind control and the trafficing of drugs. Julian Huxley is the spiritual father of the biological weapons that are now being pumped into individual’s bodies to bring them into the NWO of ultimate mind control, and the MOB’s FINAL solution for mankind.
I know and understand what this technology is, and to a limited degree, how it works. I am an investigative journalist who has experienced and understands both sides of the spiritual divide that we humans find ourselves in. Make no mistake about it - we are in a spiritual war and we are also the pawns in the game. All my thinking and writing is predicated on the Truth that we were/are created spiritual beings - period. The spirit we identify with and the energy we entangle ourselves with during this short stay on planet earth will determine our spiritual destiny - forever. Whichever spirit we place our trust in, and feel comfortable energetically entangled with, manifests physically in our lives.
One of the two spirit realms [our creator God’s own Spirit] we can choose to tangle with brings Intelligent life to our DNA, health to our bodies, ease to our soul, clarity of mind and eyes that can discern the Truth. The other counterfeit spirit brings artificial intelligence to our DNA, spiritual entities [parasites] to our body, disease to our soul, confusion to our mind and eyes that have a veneer of deception covering them. In this case, the Truth is hidden from us.
Therefore, if your heart is not 100% at peace with God and life, maybe you need to change “the gods” you are worshipping and the spirit you are manifesting. Those who profess to be Christians who have never experienced God’s redemption also need to listen up.
My desire is to reveal to you the hidden Malthusian plan to destroy a large percentage of the world’s 8 billion population. We are all in the firing line of the spiritual mafia MOB whose epicentre is CERN, Switzerland.
You my friend are a Targeted Individual (TI) - unless you are shielded with God’s Spirit of redemption. The MOB demands your consent and they demand your spirit, mind, heart and soul all comply to their demands to totally control your entire being. I emphasise “the mind”, because our mind and energetic heart are the pivotal elements guiding and directing our entire being. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 BSB I personally realised the importance of our mind years ago, that is why I studied the MKUltra mind control program to gain wisdom and understanding as to how we are being manipulated in this Beast system.
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” ― C. S. Lewis
This quote reminds me of the movie “Midnight Express” which depicts the true story of Billy Hayes who spent a total of five years incarcerated in a Turkish prison before fleeing to Greece at the end of 1975. The thing that prevented him from going insane, like the rest of the prisoners, was a reality check when he saw his girlfriend again and that inspired him to walk against the clockwise flow of insanity. He was told - “There will be trouble if you walk this way” [I was told that 40 years ago!]. He was labelled a “bad machine”, but in reality, his actions lead to sanity of mind and actions that steered him to his ultimate escape. Freedom comes when we walk in opposition to the unredeemed crowd.
The point is - if you are walking clockwise in time according to the factory rules, you are to some degree unredeemed, mind controlled and insanity rules your mind.
"Follow the money "is the old catchphrase - now it needs to be “Follow the money [usury] and mind controllers” [essentially they are one and the same]. If you do that you will find all the pedophile philanthropists doing “public good”, whilst hiding behind an unseen, energetic curtain of iniquitous intent.
To the MOB, mass mind control is non negotiable. This form of engineered Nazism is now artificially empowered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is called the Evil Twins of Transhumanism and Technocracy.
The world is now in a state of hopelessness and despair. Even the unredeemed “experts” have no solution. They believe mankind will overcome, win this war and usher in the “Great Awakening”. I want to show you, that this will never happen. God will not allow mankind to redeem himself. We cannot possibly solve this grand delusion using material, physical tactics and mankind’s weapons of war - a spiritual war must be fought spiritually. There is no other way!
I want to show you that there is hope in this sea of distress and desperation. However, our hope must not be in this totally corrupt world system - it must be found personally in a higher spirit realm - a realm that most individuals are too afraid to explore. Shame and fear are two of the greatest weapons the MOB have in their artillery. The MOB’s global narrative has targeted our minds for thousands of years to make God and His Matrix something to be afraid of - therefore we do not desire to meet with and connect with our own Creator.
Here is the bottomline - the chances are, you have been conned into believing the Beast’s narrative all your life - and you are not even consciously aware of it! We are experiencing the biggest coverup in human history. Personally, I believe experiencing spiritual connection through energetic, quantum entanglement is the only way to experience God’s holy Presence. We cannot merely read about it in the bible, think about it, try to have faith in it or pretend we are experiencing God’s holy Presence. That will never work - we must personally experience that spiritual connection and learn to trust God’s Word.
Herein lies the root problem if we do not pursuit God - we unknowingly give the spiritual mafia MOB the authority to control us by us personally experiencing a spiritual connection with Lucifer and Satan through same medium of energetic quantum entanglement. When we experience that quantum entanglement through our own ego, we automatically give Satan the authority to rule that spiritual jurisdiction in our lives. And sure enough - energetic ‘quantum entanglement’ is what they are planning to use to control every single human being on this planet. That engineered science and technology is already in place to do just that.
Just briefly - the microtubules in our brain are indeed a highly complex Quantum Computer. Electrons within the microtubules in the brain process data in “1”s and “0”s. Our mind is not a physical component - it is energetical. So is our energetic “heart”. If one can control the electrons in our brain, they can control our mind and our thoughts - therefore our actions. This is why they are pumping Graphene oxide (GO) - which is a unique material that can be viewed as a single monomolecular layer of graphite that is 100 times stronger than steel - into our bodies and beyond the blood-brain barrier.
These single walled carbon nanotubes are a counterfeit of the natural C60 fullerenes that constitute the microtubules in the brain. The MOB is injecting a computerised operating system into out bodies so they can connect with it through their own highly powered Quantum Computers. Do you think this is fiction? You shouldn’t because China is already using a D-Wave’s Quantum Computer for surveillance of their population right now - and its coming our way real soon.
Americans are brainwashed into believing Russia is their enemy. Australians are brainwashed into believing that any neighbour who is not a Fascist is their enemy. We are always taught to blame someone or something else outside of our own ego dominated belief system. Listen, Russia nor Putin, nor China, nor the CCP is your main enemy. Russia, China, America, the UN, the WHO and NATO - are all part of the same unilateral Beast system.
The reality is - the greatest enemy to you is you - and your belief system! It has more than likely been corrupted and brainwashed by the spiritual mafia MOB to not trust your creator God.
The main spokesman for the spiritual mafia MOB is a tiny, weasel looking, bisexual Israeli Professor of history - Yuval Noah Harari. One of the main characteristics of a type of anti-Christ spirit like Harari is that he not only hates his own creator God - he detests God. And he detests our only spiritual Messiah - Yeshua haMashiach so much, he is prepared to crucify Him over, and over, and over again. Well, the Jews did crucify their own physical Messiah 1,993 years ago - did they not? Now they are trying to manufacture and engineer their own messiah. Good luck with that Mr Harari!
Yuval Noah Harari actually hates the God who not only created him, but also sustains his heart beat and bodily functions. Is that insanity or what?
At this stage of our discussion, I want to emphasis a major point that is quite obvious to see - if you are prepared to open your heart and mind to see it. Everything God provides for us is natural. Everything man has strived to create is artificial, engineered and processed - even his own salvation. Man wants everything God provides for free, but in a way that is not energetic quantum entangled to God. Why? Because they all have a distorted, warped, twisted perspective of their Creator.
Harari will often use the words like synthetic, artificial, ENGINEERED, hacked into, manufactured etc, etc. However, he doesn’t add all the other words that define their fraudulent activities, like phony, fraudulent, manmade, counterfeit, substitute etc.
Whereas, look at all the words that define that which is not synthetic and artificial.
Everything that is synthetic and artificial is built on silicon by the way. Silicon is merely sand. Computer chips, even the quantum bits, or "qubits” within a Quantum Computers operate within the framework of silicon.
Everything man does outside of a relationship with his creator God is engineered. It is the manifestation of man’s attempt to strive and labour to overcome the shame and fear that he has hidden in his own heart. Man’s attempt to counterfeit God’s creation is like a merry-go-round, going round and round - and going no where. All it does is keep us confined within this realm of time. Mankind is trapped in the realm of time and therefore tries to control it. Think about where longitude (0°), Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) passes through - it is one of the two main epicentres of global dominance.
Whereas God, the Messiah Yeshua and God’s Holy Spirit operate outside of time. God created time and is not subject to it or shacked by it in any way. God created time so that we may experience His process of redemption. You are a valuable, worthy child of God. Redemption is a natural, genuine, real process that brings purity of spirit, mind, heart and soul - all through connecting spiritually with your Creator.
Yes, time is a gift from God that enables us to be redeemed within our own timeline, past, present and future. This is the good news. Yeshua, our Saviour is a time traveller.
Listen to what our only spiritual Messiah had to say when He walked the earth in the flesh…. this is more relevant today than ever!
Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to Me and hears My words and acts on them: He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid his foundation on the rock. When the flood came, the torrent crashed against that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears My words and does not act on them is like a man who built his house on ground [sand] without a foundation. The torrent crashed against that house, and immediately it fell—and great was its destruction!” Luke 6:46-49 BSB
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness! [iniquity or corruption of heart]’ Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them [experiences them] is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because its foundation was on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its collapse!” Matthew 7:22-27 BSB
Yeshua haMashiach is our rock!
I highlighted My words because the Jewish and Gentile Messiah, Yeshua, is the Word of God. Whatever He speaks happens in a natural, creative way. Why? Because He is the “Way”.
“Today, modern science describes space-time as a “mathematical model that joins space and time into a single idea called a continuum. When something is in a continuum it means if the one exits, then the other exists. Or if you get rid of the one thing, you have to get rid of the other. That’s how it is with time and space, or you could also say time and distance.
Also is continuum with space and time, is matter. This simply means time, space and matter are connected in a a way that makes them inseparable, and that is what Genesis 1:1 says! In the beginning [time] God created the heavens [space] and the earth [matter].”1
I call this earthly physical realm the 1st heaven - the realm of matter. Artificial satellites orbit at varying distances from the Earth depending on their function. Most satellites occupy regions of the atmosphere known as the thermosphere and exosphere. Satan’s dominion which is under the earth and also above up into the thermosphere and exosphere is what I call the 2nd heaven. However the 3rd heaven is where God and King Yeshua reside. God’s Kingdom is far removed from this realm of Beastly influence and cannot mix with it because God’s Kingdom is holy, untainted - and natural. This is where our spirits should naturally reside, but we are conned into believing otherwise. That is Lucifer’s great deception!
New-speak is an adulteration of, or a counterfeit of God’s Word which has the power to create. New-speak is designed to corrupt, suppress, subdue and destroy our creative powers.
Until next time…. try to grasp this Truth. Spiritual and physical redemption in Yeshua is your safe place. It is the only hope left!
‘Redeeming Your Timeline’ Troy A Brewer
Amen brother... 🙏