Is Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin the most watched video of all-time?
Is Tucker Carlson Controlled Opposition (CO)
The “white hats” and the “black hats”! How does this manifest itself?
No matter our view of Tucker Carlson or Vladimir Putin, there are lessons to be learnt from this video - it is very revealing…….
Any interview that gets 10 million views per day on Carlson’s own Youtube channel alone is worth discussing…..
There are allegations that Tucker Carlson is Controlled Opposition (CO). CO is someone who has been comprised by the spiritual mafia MOB to such an extent they have been mind controlled from birth and often actually belong to the MOB’s bloodline. Because of this, they are actually walking, talking programs that have been given an assignment to confuse the masses by appearing to act as moral “white hats”. And there is many of them! Let’s examine that!
One thing that is very important to the spiritual mafia MOB [or OVERLORDS] is the absolute necessity to preserve their own Cain related bloodlines. Remember, Cain was the first human to manifest the poison of death injected into him energetically by the seed of the SERPENT - and that caused him to murder his own brother, Abel. Hear that: the maintenance and use of those within their own bloodlines is of utmost importance to them and their desire to rule the world. So let’s follow the bloodline of Tucker Carlson and observe the mirky past of the Lombard bloodline……
As we will learn….. Tucker Carlson’s mother was from the Lombard bloodline….. and as a consequence, he was born into great wealth and privilege. By his own admission, he has never had to work…. so what is he doing being a highly paid reporter?
The maintenance of their own bloodline of death is why blood rituals and the sacrifice of children are so important to our OVERLORDS’ warped belief system.
I want to set the foundation of this debate by quoting MIRI AF dated 11 FEB 2024…. this is an excellent article and deserves applause…..
“This interview has been publicised by every prominent mainstream news vehicle in the world. The BBC. The New York Times. The Guardian. All of them. And not just a brief paragraph in the back pages, but reams and reams of detailed headline coverage.
For those temped to object, "but they're not publicising it, they're being mean about it!" - please let us be very emphatically clear that 'being nice' about something is not the definition of 'publicising' it. The official dictionary definition of 'publicity' is: "notice or attention given to someone or something by the media."
There is nothing in that definition requiring the notice or attention to be good, hence the well-worn phrase, "there's no such thing as bad publicity".
There really isn't, and as such, if mainstream media journalists don't want you to know about something (or someone), then they simply ignore it. They don't write mean editorials about it, they don't forensically analyse and attack it, they don't accuse it of criminal activity...
They ignore it.
If, conversely, they draw attention to something (or someone) then - no matter how "mean" they purport to be - it's because they want you to know about it.
And there are never (ever) any exceptions to this rule.
Hence, since the performative drama of his being "fired from Fox News", Tucker Carlson's career has gone from strength to strength, because the mainstream media continues to give him such extensive publicity, and, in so doing, has conspired to make his Putin interviews one of the most viewed videos of all time.”
Putin’s history lesson of the entire region is essential to understand in order to understand both the NWO and the OWO. At the 23.40 min. mark Putin admits that the Soviet Union collapse in 1991 “was affectively initiated by the Russian leadership. I do not understand what was guiding the Russian leadership at the time….” The first statement is the truth, the second statement is a lie to coverup the truth. I do know the truth… I read it in a small article in a Dubai newspaper and never saw it again. When Communism “collapsed”, Mikhail Gorbachev, was then the leader of the Soviet Union. Since he was a member of the Communist Party and "had now joined the Party's super-elite", he had links to the Swiss Lombard “Pharaonic Octagon” in Geneva. Both Communism and Nazism originated from the minds of Geneva’s Council of 200’s most powerful families who had a history of the Lombards from Venice in Italy and the Kabbalah believing Jews from Khazaria.
Gorbachev and Reagan were brought together for a summit to discuss the Cold War, in Geneva, Switzerland, in November 1985 [what a surprise!]. Gorbachev subsequently took on his reform called perestroika - New Thinking for Our Country and the World. The Dubai newspaper article claimed Gorbachev was paid US$90 million to bring the Berlin wall down - this was a strategic move for the MOB as the Swiss from the Canton of Geneva had a vision greater than making just Russia Communist - or Germany Nazi - they wanted to take the whole world captive to a form of Fascism - with what is now known as Technocracy. This is a form of Fascism that uses AI and Transhumanism to bring about their goals to control the minds of the entire world.
In March 1992, Gorbachev launched the Gorbachev Foundation. To finance his foundation, Gorbachev began lecturing internationally, charging large fees to do so. His main topic was always the introduction of his mind control overseers’ - the “Pharaonic Octagon” NWO.
Before we judge Vladamir Putin, Russia and this interview, maybe we need to dig into the history of the interviewer, Tucker Carlson. Carlson is the first Western journalist to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin since his country's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. This article says “The Californian - son of an artist and a roving journalist -……….”, but fails to disclose that Tucker Carlson's mother, Lisa McNear Lombardi, was a free-spirited artist who came from a wealthy California family.
The Lombards were a barbaric Germanic tribe that originated in Scandinavia from a tribe known as the Winnili. Their migration is considered part of "The Great Migration" of the Nordic Vril energy force between AD 376-476, settling near the Elbe River in Northern Germany and the region of modern-day Hungary and Transylvania in Romania. The name “Lombard” is a derivation from two Proto-Germanic words: langaz (long) and bardaz (beard). It is reportedly a name that these men gave to themselves, which was “longbeards”. The women were also known to grow their hair full length.
"The Great Migration"period was a time when Europe saw the decline of the Western Roman Empire. Emperor Constantine helped spread a new corporate religion, Christianity, across the Roman Empire and he made the persecution of Christians illegal by signing the Edict of Milan in 313. In hindsight, one must ask if this was a politically motivated move - a psyops - a diversion - a military operation aimed at influencing the enemy's state of mind through noncombative means? Consequently, Constantine reestablished his Roman Government in Constantinople in AD 330. The fall of the Roman Empire subsequently began with the sacking of Rome in AD 410.
In the Migration Period that followed, the large influx of the Nordic “barbarian” tribes devastated Roman areas and moved across the borders of former Roman territories. These Nordic “barbarians” were a small tribe but that they had a great reputation for being fierce and warlike.
The barbaric Lombards fought their way across Europe before settling on the northern part of the Italian Peninsula, where they would establish a powerful kingdom that grew rapidly. In the process, the Lombards became a major thorn in the side of the Byzantine Empire and its capital Constantinople. In AD 568 the Lombards invaded Italy, after having been previously used as mercenaries to fight for the Byzantine Empire in the region of modern day Romania. Lombardy, with its capital Milan, is still a defined region in northern Italy today. Can you remember where the fear of the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” first took place days after Wuhan? Yes, the fire of fear in Europe was lite in Lombardy amongst a people they knew that could control.
Into the spiritual void created by the decimation of the followers of Yeshau’s “Way” in Rome, and the Lombard’s intent on war and conquering, flowed the Nordic Vril energy force revered by the Lombards. The Lombards perceived they were under the protection of the Nordic goddess of fertility (Freyja) and their successful warlike activities aligned with the worship of Odin, the warrior god of thunder.
Overtime, the Lombards became the Lombard bankers of Venice and Genoa. The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171 and became the Central Bankers of Europe. It is important to know that the Lombard bloodline, war, banking, usury, mind control and the control of the entire world, all go together.
To achieve this goal longterm, the Lombard bankers moved there operations to the secretly established Canton of Geneva. Many people know that three corporations, the City of London, District of Columbia and the Vatican are all independent, sovereign states, all engineering our lives under a global totalitarian rule. In around 1189, the City of London became an independent sovereign state, gaining the right to have its own Mayor - in conjunction with the Knight Templar.
Not many know, nor acknowledge, that the Canton of Geneva is also a sovereign state operating under their own set of laws, independent from Swiss rule or laws. That is why, the UN, the WHO, and corporations like Bill Gates’ GAVI all operate, outside of any law enforcement, within the Canton of Geneva. The Canton of Geneva is a law unto itself - just like all of their predecessors, the Lombards and Jews from Khazaria. That is why the spiritual mafia MOB [or OVERLORDS] reside in that jurisdiction.
Switzerland was founded in 1291 by the Knight Templar, just months after their final Crusade. By the end of 2022, there were a total of 13’635 Swiss foundations and the total foundation assets amount to around 100 billion Swiss francs. Most of the gold in the world passes through Switzerland. This is a business worth CHF70-90 billion depending on the year. Gold arrives in Switzerland unrefined form, and leaves the country in all its glittering purity. Most of it is refined in two Swiss Cantons that also have their own sovereign rule and are located - yes your right - on the Italian border adjacent to Lombardy! My question is - who became the Central Bankers of the world, given that the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) resides in Basel, Switzerland?
So how does this relate to Tucker Carlson? Check out Carlson’s CIA & Cabal Elite Ties. The Shocking Secret History of Tucker Carlson…..
Notice that Tucker was sent to school in Switzerland, as do many super elites. Mainstream media is totally controlled and one big incestuous pit of CIA operatives being improperly intimate and/or interconnected. The reason is, all of these bloodlines that make up the Deep State in the U.S. and their COs are all resonating with the same occult spiritual energy. The CIA has a very long and documented history of infiltrating and controlling the media. The CIA are masters of mind control - that is their modus operandi.
Tucker Carlson’s reaction to the statement that 9/11 was an inside job is a clear give away regarding his connections to the CIA. This muddy realm becomes much clearer when one realises that the American CIA is merely an mind control arm of the Central CIA based in Geneva, Switzerland. In fact the American CIA is a controlled arm of the Swiss Lombard “Pharaonic Octagon”. The Octagon is symbolic of the Military Wing of the Nazi Templars.
The epicentre of the spiritual portal through which fallen angels and the demonic flow into this physical realm is CERN, Switzerland. The chosen bloodlines through whom this activity flows is the spiritual mafia MOB - or the Swiss Octagon secret society. All technology and global Intelligence [demonic Intelligence] flows out of CERN, is then directed by the US Department of Defence (DoD) and consequently produced by the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) corporations as military weapons, before being marketed as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) against the public.
Remember that America was created by the Illuminati’s “Pharaonic Octagon” to be the stage of the global NWO play. It is acting as the fall guy which is “a scapegoat, a person who takes the blame for a crime, mistake or other error”. Essentially, the U.S. is a distraction to turn attention away from the mystics freely waving their magical wand in Geneva.
Come on ….. this is the oldest trick in the mystics’ book.
Now we can start to work out the meaning of the red band around Tucker Carlson’s left wrist. It represents the energy of the Nordic OWO brought to Europe by the Lombards. It is literally a symbol of the occult’s Nordic Vril energy force. The Knight Templar living within Switzerland were the experts in providing mercenaries for Kings to fight their wars. They provided the finances and mercenaries in the Thirty Year War 1618 -1648. Switzerland subsequently was made the epicentre of the Cabal’s NWO and has been neutral since 1648. Switzerland and the Rothschilds have financed both side of all the wars and provided the mercenaries to fight the wars ever since.
Where do you think the Wagner Group who is fighting the Ukraine War for the Russians come from? The Wagners are a Swiss German corporation of mercenaries who are fighting for the Russians whilst under the control of the Genevan Cabal of the Swiss Octagon, the Black Nobility, Black Aristocracy, or The 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines.
To learn more about the energy source that the CIA, the Deep State, the Swiss Octagon, Vladimir Putin and Tucker Carlson all follow and resonate with, read Victory Over The Nordic Vril Energy or Ghosts In The Machine.
One last thing - there is good reason why the U.S. Deep State hates Russia. It is an old wound that has never healed. During the same period that the Lombards were establishing themselves in Italy, the Khazarian tribe was infiltrating an area including Ukraine to the west, Kazakhstan to the east, and Crimea and Georgia to the south. They were proselytised to convert to Kabbala Judaism and over time became the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This country was a prototype of the NWO today. The Khazarians became known by those living in bordering countries to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, road warriors, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety. These disruptive practises included kidnapping of young children and infants for blood sacrifice ceremonies to Baal. Does this sound familar?
Russia and Persia (now Iran) had repeatedly instructed Khazarian leadership that Khazaria as a nation had to change from its evil, inhuman ways or suffer complete destruction. There was no rule of law in Khazaria, only the rule of manipulation, sociopathy, might, violence and evil. In about 1250 AD, the King of Khazaria and his court were warned by his spies of approaching Russian and Persian warriors and the top Khazarian nobility were able to flee with their great wealth of silver and gold before the invasion and destruction of Khazaria took place. It had been literally terrorising, robbing, murdering and parasitising neighbours and travellers for over 500 years. The Russian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn documented a fair amount of Khazarian history before he died in 2008.
The Khazarians dispersed to Europe, mainly Italy, Kiev, Poland, Germany and eventually to Russia. The Rothschilds are descendants of the Khazarian Jews. So are many of the pedophiles that run the world today - the Swiss Octagon. Why else would Yeshua say: “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” Rev 2:9?
Putin didn’t mention this in his history lesson! Now that would have been too close to the Swiss Octagon bone!