In the last Substack I Googled the video ‘The Invisible College: 9.11 to Armageddon’ by Englishman, William Stuart. I eventually found it on Newtube. However Youtube has banned his version of the truth…. and even Bitchute displays this…
In his book ‘The Invisible College: 9.11 to Armageddon’ William Stuart states, “Seven wars were all created in the same way using Templar lodges. They are the USA War of Independence, French Revolution, American Civil War, Russian Revolution, WW1 and WW2. This book is about attempts to create WW3 or, if matched to the seals, Armageddon.”
The Templar lodges are essentially the Swiss Octagon that I showed you in the last Substack.
This included the Vril Society that our OVERLORDS used to mind control Hitler from birth, training him as an occult-Nazi, even long before the event of WW2. Yes, Hitler was programmed, just like the majority of the Woke society are now mind controlled AI programs. The Thule Society in London which today is the epicenter of global mind control actually recruited Adolf Hitler.
Not surprisingly, the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and the American Civil War were both aligned with Solar Eclipses. The American Civil War which began April 12, 1861 witnessed a Total Solar Eclipse on Dec. 31st 1861.
My point is, the spiritual mafia MOB who have planned ALL wars since the Peace of Westphalia treaty was signed in 1648, have obviously used the fear and terror associated with Solar Eclipses in order to successfully plan their wars. The April 8th , 2024 Solar Eclipse will prove to be no exception.
The other point I want to make regarding the MOB blocking William Stuart’s material is this - I really don’t think I will be free to continue these Substacks after Pentecost on May 19th, 2024. After - or during - the 40-Day “Nineveh” Window of repentance window there maybe a massive cyber attack - who knows. The Australian Senate has already passed a National Digital ID in readiness for Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General’s global accord that will take full global control when the assembly convenes in Geneva May, 2024. This accord will Trump all authority of the Governments worldwide.
Is this another coincidence? Or does the spiritual mafia MOB, our OVERLORDS, know more than most Christians regarding the timing of the 2nd coming of Yeshua? Are we really heading headlong towards the pointy end of business where everything is converging into a fulcrum point of confluence, all at the same time?
It is really only a matter of time before I am silenced. Only then will you know for sure what I have been sharing is the Truth! However, do not fear for me, the spiritual mafia MOB cannot touch me because I have the seal of Yeshua’s righteousness imprinted upon my forehead - the Hebrew letter “TAV” or the Gentiles number 777. Like Daniel in the lion’s den, or in the fiery furnace, I am protected by God’s Holy Spirit!
How do I know that? Because I know the Mind of God - I have personally experienced God’s Presence like Moses did. I constantly walk in the Garden with God and talk to Him. He shares His heart with me and I with Him. I am spiritually and energetically quantum entangled so that I know His thoughts and I know His sense of righteousness and justice. In my natural, fallen state, I am just like you, a broken vessel - everyone is - however I have learnt over the years that God’s purity cannot mix with our darkened hearts - our dark shadow. Even scientists admit that dark energy/dark matter, and light energy/light matter do not mix. Period! It is a fact! "Dark energy doesn't absorb or emit light".
Iniquity or the dark corruption in our hearts is what prevents God from entangling Himself to us. That is why we need to keep short accounts when it comes to iniquity and our deep shadow traits. It is all about repentance before our Creator God and the acceptance of Yeshua’s free gift of unconditional love.
This indeed is a miracle - that God would care so much for His creation - those He made in His image - that He would be prepared to sacrifice His Son for me and for you! Consider this important question -
The Truth is - the thief trusted that Yeshua was who He said He was. That’s it! He trusted that Yeshua ben Joseph from Nazareth was the divine Son of God who came into this corrupted Beast system, specifically to save that thief - that is what he personally came to believe. It is really that simple.
The Greek image of the Christian “Jesus Christ” was never historically on the cross - period! That narrative and image was created by the Jewish faction who crucified their own Saviour. That is what shame and guilt does to one’s mind - it incites unconscious hatred of the Truth.
Yeshua never desired that we go through a medium like a Priest or Pastor [or in fact anyone else] in order to quantum entangle ourselves with Him! We can go direct to heaven, just like this criminal did. I like this sentence in the quote above - “No spin from brilliant theologians.” The word “spin” comes from the definition of quantum spin, and if you research the definition of the word “iniquity” - that is exactly what it means; to distort, twist, pervert, Alter, place spin on or man-ipulate. That is exactly what they have done at CERN for the last 70 years. The spiritual mafia MOB puts spin on everything - that is why our minds are deceived. That is why the whole world is rushing headlong towards the Niagra Falls of confusion and insanity. That is what we hypnotise ourselves with when we watch the TV news, radio and movies - the “spin” creates confusion and the formation of an Alternate Reality in our minds!
We need to become aware and conscious of our nakedness before God - because that is how He sees us anyhow. He sees right through our own pretentious ego and our hubris. God is only observing the attitude of our heart. It all about how we perceive the continuous lies, or the Truth, which is always exactly 180°removed from the deceptive lies.
Edward Bernays was one of the most influential occultists to have ever lived. Bernays could be said to be someone who understood iniquity and used the expansion of iniquity to enslave the masses. He stated, “We are governed, our minds are moulded [a matrix is moulded in our minds], our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” Bernays’ Century of ‘Self’ has moulded the American masses as well as American Christianity - thus the whole world. Therefore, Bernays is the father of self-gratification, one’s absorption with pleasure, entertainment, and the rise of the cancel culture.
This is where ‘Hopium’ was formed and where our hope of gaining greater consciousness outside of God comes from. Christ Consciousness is one of those belief systems where “Our Destiny Is Self-Realization” ….. the building up of our own ego and ‘Self’ to be the self-actuating god within.
The Christian church does not teach about dealing with iniquity of heart or releasing people from all of their spiritual parasites - demonic entities. The dark soil of iniquity of heart is what Lucifer uses to tempt us and deceive us. The Christian church generally teaches that sin and iniquity are one and the same thing. They say there is no difference between the root and the fruit. In Reality, iniquity is the unseen root of all of our problems and sin is merely the physical fruit - or that which is manifested into matter. So the Christian church foolishly fights the cause of our physical problems when sin manifests itself, not the root of the problem which is the state and attitude of the unseen energy driving our hearts.
Therein lies the greatest deception we all suffer from. Pride, self-gratification and unconsciousness. We are all unconscious of the state of our own unseen, iniquitous heart. We all think we are OK or even perfect - but we can clearly see the sin manifested in our neighbour, in our partner or everyone else that we come into contact with. But no, we are blind to our own weaknesses, our own darkside and the thousands of spiritual parasites that have taken up residence on our own being. Self-righteous Christians are particularly guilt of this. Instead of turning the other cheek, we judge others from the perspective of our own darkened heart!
Whereas God always looks at the attitude of our hearts and tries to get us to look at life from His perspective!
If you arch up emotionally with what I’m saying, you are merely manifesting a spiritual parasite. This is so common in those who unconsciously hate their Creator God. Hatred of one’s own natural father and our spiritual Father in heaven defines the W-OK-e experience. When we are pressured and bound by fear, our spiritual parasites always manifest physically as a matter of course that which we secretly and unconsciously hide in our hearts, souls and spirits.
So if you think you are OK and you haven’t been mind controlled or brainwashed by our OVERLORDS and are not a part of the global Beast system, then do yourself a favour - pull out any one of your bank cards, or any card that shows your identity like a Drivers Licence. Note your name - if your name is written in CAPITALS, like the name JOHN DEE - then you are not only a member of the global Beast system, but you are a registered Corporation of the State - from birth! And you are more than likely not even aware of it. You have been brainwashed to believe the OVERLORD’s narrative since birth. And - the chances are you worship Lucifer either consciously or unconsciously.
That is merely how the MOB have set up the Beast system to operate - Satan’s system of iniquity is an operating system. It is not your fault that the MOB’s OS is installed into your being - that is what you have been born into!
However, you can change that by experiencing our spiritual Saviour firsthand - your Creator has the infinite ability to step into time and regenerate your OS and make it right, straight and true!
The whole global Beast system is a consequence of the dark iniquity in each of our hearts - that is the Truth! And that is why each of us needs to repent before the Holy God in heaven. The true God cannot be found within us, like all the other gods we are taught to trust. Our Creator God can only be found in heaven, outside of this dark, iniquitous realm of deception. That is why Yeshua taught us to pray - “Our Father in heaven, help us to honor your name.” Only then will He transform our spirit to match His.
We cannot afford to believe our own ego’s belief system of self-gratification that makes the erroneous assumption that we are OK - and it’s just everyone else who has a problem! That is a clear example of how the Tree of Self-Judgement works. This is THE ultimate deception. This belief system will take us on the slippery slope to hell and eternal separation from God. This is spiritual short sightedness, or spiritual myopia, that is caused by spiritual unconsciousness and a lack of God consciousness.
Everything in the occult is a counterfeit of God’s reality & TRUTH. We know this for sure! So let’s talk briefly about the pagan belief system of Christ consciousness. The MOB believes that raised personal consciousness and immortality is going to rid the world of evil, and that we humans are the saviours of our own beings. Then it is not the righteousness of Yeshua, the Word of God, that saves us, but it is some form of our own experienced Christ-consciousness.
Whenever you read the words or even experience “Our Destiny Is Self-Realization” - you can be sure that you are in error. Yeshua, your spiritual Saviour came to enable us to “Die to Self” - to die to our own unregnerated ego - not to support it and try to make it grow. Self-Realization is Lucifer’s main message of deception to a fallen world. It is a complete lie and will only lead to us moving in the Vril spirit of DEATH and ultimately to the implementation of the Final Solution - Eugenicists - which is the global NWO belief that they could perfect human beings and eliminate unconsciousness and so-called social ills through genetics and heredity man-ipulation of the evolution process - they now call it Evolution by Design.
I need to embrace this important topic further in another Substack - at this stage I merely want to set a foundation for this inspiring and important Tucker Carlson interview with Dr. Michael Nehls. It is so important it has now been removed from YouTube within three (3) days of release! Now that is significant. Click on the photo below to watch it on Rumble….
Dr. Michael Nehls explains how the MOB, our OVERLORDs, have brainwashed the masses to make them actually desire EVIL and DEATH. So much so, that the mind controlled masses are programmed to actually run towards their own destruction! How insane is that?
What you will come to understand is - the demonic spiritual parasites that are living off of our human heart energy are the authors of insanity. Our brains and therefore our minds are their main target.
This infestation of spiritual parasites is now happening, right before our eyes! These nano-sized spiritual entities enable the greatest conspiracy of all time. These are Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) tactics used against your mind, because you, my friend, are the enemy! Lucifer and Satan actually hates you and desires to destroy you asap. The days of convincing people are over - the MOB doesn’t have too anymore. They just program people’s minds to want and desire their own destruction because it is packaged as “Our Destiny Is Self-Realization”! All the MOB has to do to make the sheep run towards their digital cage, is to change their brain to an Alternate program within their operating system, whilst developing an AI hybrid Human 2.0. Here is the Truth - you are a part of this program whether you like it or not and whether you are consciously aware of it or not!
The only option we have is to move right off the MOB’s spiritual chessboard - otherwise, they have us trapped!
Tucker Carlson raises the most important question one can think of at this stage -How do you protect the Sovereignty of your own mind! WOW! If you can answer that accurately with God-consciousness awareness, you will embrace eternal LIFE, not eternal EVIL.
Dr. Michael Nehls also answers my question written back in 2021 - “Does SARS-CoV-2, the virus (and its mutations), alter our DNA? Do the vaccines for Covid-19, the disease, permanently alter our DNA? And “If the vaccine does alter our DNA, what are the potential long-term health impacts?” Dr. Nehls looks at the very real possibility that the COVD-19 injection totally changed the way people think.
Dr. Nehls claims that the Spike Proteins injected into the masses during COVID is a bioweapon that not only targets the brain, but is capable of changing the brain and the way we think, by producing neuroinflammation which plays a major role in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer, Parkinson and dementia. Spike Proteins attack the mental immune system within the hippocampus and affect people psychologically. The hippocampus is a brain structure embedded deep in the temporal lobe of each cerebral cortex. It is an important part of the limbic system, a cortical region that regulates curiosity, motivation, emotion, learning, memory and the autonomic nervous system.
Dr. Nehls claims that the mRNA lipid nanoparticles are inflammatory and were specifically designed to move beyond the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain’s neurons. Dr. Nehls talks about the importance of autobiographical memory. During autobiographical memory retrieval, the hippocampus associates and integrates information from larger processing systems to access memory details to form a coherent mental representation. The autobiographical memory system records only that which is imprinted into our brains emotionally. This is important to understand. It is what we experience emotionally that is critical to understand. Happy, clappy Christianity uses this methodology to help Christians experience their own sense of self-gratification.
When we experience a MOB driven crises that is new to us everyday, that event is imprinted into our brain. This is a quantum reality - this is how a quantum field of energy operates - in the case of the MOB, the quantum field is distorted and made erroneous at CERN, which is a major source of corrupted energy - that is their mission to create continuous scenarios that confuse and disrupt our thinking and help the masses remember and embed fear-related, fear-mongering scenarios in our mind.
This is how the MOB incites the demonic spiritual parasites that are living off of our dark human heart energy. We are the spiritual hosts of these EVIL parasites that are sucking the very LIFE out of us. They live in our being dormant, until such time a narrative of terror comes across our energetic and spiritual radar - then they manifest either emotionally or physically.
Every disruptive and confusing move made by the MOB was, and still is, all well planned and executed. As Dr. Nehls says, his research proves that it is all EVIL intent designed to corrupt, disrupt and destroy. These are also all the characteristics of the goddess Shiva, the deity spiritually overseeing CERN.
Individuality and creativity are being destroyed permanently by AI. What Dr. Nehls is describing is mass Alzheimer or mass dementia. He claims the ingredients in the COVID shots can enter the blood-brain barrier and when in the brain, it can wipe the brain clean of all past memories. This certainly appears to be true for many.
Which is interesting because the 2nd largest “Long Covid” [which in itself is an oxymoron statement of deception] symptom reported since the COVID injections is - wait for it [drum roll……….] [suspense] [tension music]……inflammation of the brain which produces brain fog and dementia. Myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle is 1st, and inflammation in the reproductive organs comes in at #3.
This means society is now stuck in Zombie mode - this is a state of unconsciousness, created initially by iniquity or corruption of heart. Only God-consciousness can remedy this problem on a one-on-one individual basis. As Dr. Nehls says, alzheimers was NOT a disease 100 hundred years ago. This is a man-made, Pharmaceutical designed disease coming out of CERN and Big Pharma in Basel, Switzerland. Which tells me, it is demonic in nature. Alzheimer and dementia are caused by vast numbers of spiritual parasites infecting the brain - that is why it is reversible. Get rid of the spiritual parasites, get rid of Alzheimer and dementia and their corresponding symptoms.
It is the same principle as a computer program - rubbish in, rubbish out! Just like a computer program, we need to get rid of the ‘viruses’ from our being. Bill Gates knows this process well - he has made $$billions out of man-made ‘viruses’ in his computers at our expense.
In fact, I contend that the majority of mankind’s diseases are caused by spiritual parasites. Cause and affect. Spiritual parasites are the cause, and disease is the affect. Just like iniquity or corruption of heart is the cause, whereas sin is the affect. Likewise, deceptive Lucifer is the cause and possession of Satanic hatred is the affect.
Spiritual parasites live in the dark accesses of our energetic heart, but can be easily evicted with open exposure to God’s Truth and Light.
Therefore, the hope is, spiritual parasites can be eliminated easily and dementia is reversible. According to Dr. Nehls, the hippocampus has the ability to replace the nerve cells every day and night. And the reproduction rate does not diminish with age. This is what Dr. Nehls’ scientific paper is all about - “Unified theory of Alzheimer’s disease” (UTAD): implications for prevention and curative therapy - published by the National Library of Medicine on Jul 15, 2016.
In this scientific paper Dr. Nehls says “Sleep deprivation harms hippocampal learning and memory.” This makes absolute sense since one of the basic ingredients for control of a human mind is sleep deprivation. Also daily intake of low amounts of lithium is an important preventive measure for maintaining brain health.
This is one form of Lithium still available in Australia. I have a brother and one brother-in-law who suffer from the symptoms of Parkinson’s. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone - however the spiritual mafia MOB and Big Pharma do wish it on them! That is how they make a good return on their investment! They create it by releasing an infinite number of spiritual parasites into this distorted quantum field, and allowing the darkness in our own hearts to receive them.
Then it is game over! Dementia is a telling manifestation - the only problem is - because the spiritual parasites make our minds unconscious - we are not actually God-conscious enough to know we are suffering from it! So we keep running merrily towards our own destruction.
Now that is insanity in action!
I trust you are becoming more aware that everything is spiritual - we have been created in the image of God who is in essence spiritual purity, being 100% righteous and just. We always manifest into matter what is in our energetic heart. This is our reality. All we have the power to do is - stop trying to make God in our own image and then re-entangle our spirits with His Holy Spirit. These are all quantum principles because God created the universe that “Way”.
Lucifer, Satan and their team of spiritual parasites are endeavouring to deconstruct God’s creation - in a legal partnership with the man-ipulating energy of mankind’s EVIL hearts!
Btw - I found some of William Stuart’s videos, along with ‘9.11 to Armageddon’. This author is not insane - he knows too much to ever get Alzheimer, Parkinson, dementia or be a Woke Zombie. However, you will not find him recognised on Wicked-pedia…..
This is a well written ABOUT THE AUTHOR summary - and how he discovered the history of the Knights Templar and Swiss Octagon whilst crossing the remote Pontic Alps in Turkey on horseback. This is an amazing story of how God can reveal His Truth, to anyone, anywhere, even in the most remote areas of the world. God does that by using an energetic impression and spiritual entanglement when we open our hearts to the Truth.
William Stuart unveils the Great European Secret, the true story of the history of the banking system of Europe and their perverted hidden secret societies that are ruling the world right now with their EVIL agenda - this is what I labelled the “spiritual mafia MOB”.
I strongly suggest you get proactive and download William Stuart’s books asap before the MOB eliminates this history altogether….
Likewise my eBooks -
This book was not written in the wilderness of Turkey, like William Stuart’s experience - instead it was written out of my experience in a spiritual wilderness - and my personal reconciliation and spiritual entanglement with our Creator God. That experience took my to live in Switzerland and over many years learning about quantum physics and the mystery associated with CERN. I owe my Knight Templar history to Sean Hross who like me, married a Swiss woman. He stumbled into a Pharaonic Octagon secret society meeting in Switzerland, and then paid the price with months of life threatening persecution at the hands of the Swiss Police. Sean Hross gave me all the physical evidence I needed to know - then I added the spiritual evidence and what God has shown me personally.
Possibly my greatest achievement because it was written mainly on spiritual intuition. I was completely in the wilderness on this topic - I had no personal experience with drugs or other mind Altering mechanisms. All I had was the knowledge that the MOB financed the British East Indies Company to rape the minds of the Chinese population with the Opium Wars, and that in turn created an ‘Alternate’, or Augmented Reality in the minds of the Chinese. Now the Chinese are preparing to reverse that attack and take the whole world with the same evil energy. A multitude of people are seeking the Metaverse with new ‘out of body’ experiences that propels their mind into an ‘Alternate’, or Augmented Realities.
This book follows the history of the dark shadow of unconscious thought that pervades our minds. There is a thread of history involving well renowned biologists who through technology and the hacking of our biology, with genetic modification, have created the theory of Evolution by Design. The Thirteenth Satanic Bloodline known as the Merovingian bloodline ensnared the brightest young minds to be trained as biologist right across Europe. The rest is history that you need to be aware of…..