You know, if it wasn’t for the greed of a totally unconscious global elite, we wouldn’t have wars. Planned wars are just a money-making machine for what I call “the spiritual mafia MOB”. Yes all wars are planned, controlled and both sides financed with artillery by the very same people. I first observed this when I went to Ethiopia as a “do gooder” in 1984/5 acting as a pilot for the NGOs operating there. What I witnessed in Ethiopia began my career as an investigative journalist. As I flew dignitaries and celebrities around the country, like Bono from U2, I became aware of the fact that it was not a famine we were fighting as it appeared on the surface, the famine was merely an affect of a deeper cause - and that war between Ethiopia and Eritrea was financed by two sides of the same coin. As, it turned out, even Bono who is programmed to be an activist for social justice causes, is merely a “good” Catholic Irish boy who is no less than a puppet for “the spiritual mafia MOB”.
Boy, oh boy did this naive, unlearned, gullible, worldly 31 year old learn a thing or two that year. Instead of coming home enthused, I came home dejected and totally confused at the state of the world - even back then. However, 1984 kick started my goal to become more God-conscious and aware of what is going on in the world. I do not believe in coincidences. I do not think it was a coincidence that I went to Ethiopia in 1984 - exactly 40 years ago. I was forced to read George Orwell’s book 1984 in my last year of school in 1971, just 13 years prior, as a part of “the spiritual mafia MOB’s” Orwellian psychological preconditioning of society. The number 40 generally symbolises a period of testing, trial or probation. That is what this 40 years has been for me.
Forcing young minds to read these books was apart of the Australian Government’s PYSWAR or phycological warfare against the masses - all driven by Geneva, even back then in 1971. The Australian Government’s involvement in Operation Matchbox in 1949 was another Nazi and Fascist lead PSYOPS movement against its citizens, also coming directly from the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. PSYOPS are designed to win ‘hearts and minds’……all without shooting anyone! That is what WW3 is all about!
A very real part of what is happening is a calculated attack on God, traditions and institutions through psychological warfare, which is a subset of “game theory warfare”, itself a subset of “chaos theory”. It all merely creates confusion in our minds. Dr. James Giordano is quite open about our Military’s role. Giordano stipulates that the battleground of the future is the thoughts, emotions and behaviour of each individual on the planet. The epicentre of that battleground is the mind and the structure of the brain. Giordano even calls those they are using neurological weapons on, ‘Targeted Individuals’ ~ just like those who are targeted in the likes of MKUltra and Monarch-type trauma-based mind control programs.
The MOB’s goal is to program the masses to run towards an unconscious state of mind in order to feel safe - believe me, it is a trap [a digital prison] one does not want to get caught in!
Since the Battle of Waterloo which ended on June 22, 1815, every war has been staged and financed by the very same evil bloodlines. The now famous Rothschild occult dynasty financed both sides of the Battle of Waterloo [they successfully took over control of the Bank of England] - and nothing has changed since. They still control the City of London along with the Knights Templar. The Rothschilds made all their money providing mercenaries to arm both sides of the wars with dumbed down, mind controlled humans willing to fight for an artificial “cause”.
Switzerland became neutral in 1648 as they had also become the nerve centre of the Rothschilds operations providing mercenaries to fight in the major wars. That is why all the NGO’s are now based in Geneva.
Many years later I learnt, to my horror and disgust, that the nerve centre of all Luciferian intelligence and the programming of all wars happens underground, with a cover being the technical advancement for the “good” of mankind, which they labelled CERN. The cover, or diversion for humanity is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator.
This is difficult to digest - but all technology is used as a diversion away from God’s Truth! Many individuals do not know they are surrendering their souls to an evil force.
The Hadron Collider at Brookhaven, NY, located just 66nm from Manhattan could have also be used to propel a laser beam having the capability to take out two Twin Towers and 3 other buildings. Regardless, there is no coincidence that this mind changing event took place on a very specific date - 9/11, 2001. This one event sent the unconscious masses spiralling into fear and anxiety. Thus adding to their unconscious state of mind. Trauma and fear encapsulates the first stage of global mass mind control and human unconsciousness. This was a planned quantum event that imprinted fear into the hearts of everyone.
Stage 1 of “the spiritual mafia MOB’s” final scene of their play was accomplished on 9/11 2001 - global fear ensued and left brain, unconscious irrational thinking then began to permeate society. Stage 1 of global mass mind control was accomplished by the Neocons within the U.S.A itself - but all directed by the Jesuits and Zionists from Geneva. Follow the energy of the master manipulators behind the scenes, not the puppets who are the physical public spokespersons - like Claus Schwab.
The explorer Christopher Columbus, financed by the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502, of course their ships were the bearers of the Knights Templar flag.
This play of world domination was dreamt about by Rosicrucians and Freemasons like Sir Francis Beacon way back before America, the New Atlantis, and gateway [spiritual portal] to the New World, had even been “founded” in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence.
Americans have been setup - Americans have been lied to. America has since been used as the global stage for the greatest occult play in history. However, the co-Directors of the play [along with Lucifer] reside in Geneva. Why does everyone turn a blind eye to this fact? Maybe, because they too are unconscious?
America was used to spread a Gnostic gospel called Christianity, that then circulated globally a narrative that literally raped Yeshau of His resurrectional power and tried to taint and distort God’s promised Word which contains His salvation for mankind. Christianity refuses to address iniquity in the hearts of mankind, which is the dark side of humanity and the core and root cause of all of our attempts to overcome our indiscretions against God. This is what Freud labelled our “unconscious mind” and scientists label it “dark energy”. It is our common spiritual flaw that keeps us disentangled from our creator God - and our ability to enter into spiritual immortality via God’s free ticket into His Tree of Life that He created for us to reside in.
Instead we humans choose to struggle, survive and endeavour to earn our salvation according to Lucifer’s Tree of Destruction and Death, independent of God’s divine power.
Now let’s follow the money….. in my eBook Are you con-CERN-ed?, I state “The other important link here is the fact that Geneva is an epicentre of the Lombard private banks that originated in Venice in AD 697, at a time when the Lombard tribe from southern Scandinavia invaded and settled in Italy from AD568-774. The Lombards are described as a Germanic people which is important when considering the weird beliefs that infiltrated Nazi Germany. The connection here is, the Lombard central bank devised a seven-war plan in 1781 to wrestle control of the entire globe by empowering 200 Red Masonry groups to bring in their East India Company system of controlling influence. The plan used the last book of the bible, Revelation as their guide. As we continue to unwrap this mystery, we will see that the Lombard bankers in Geneva planned and financed the Nazi war machine in WW1 and WW2, that being two of the planned seven-wars.”1
Notice that the spiritual mafia MOB that includes the mind control masters and heads of the Jesuits, the Christian Zionists and the Jewish Zionists, are all infatuated, bewitched and spiritually obsessed with the 666 symbolism of Revelation 13:18, the destruction of the Dome of the Rock [the real reason for the Gaza War], the rebuilding of the New Jewish Temple and the prophesied final battle of Armageddon. That is because the Jews do not believe that Yeshua was their chosen divine Messiah. So having crucified their Messiah, who came to us through their own Jewish bloodline, they are now seeking to instate their long sought after Messiah - who will turn out to be nothing more than an artificial hoax and deception for them. Yes, the Jews have been lied to too.
We could well see all of this unfold in 2024. The main point is: even the true Jews of David descent have been lied to by the unconscious AshkeNazi, Zionist Jews.
If you want to know what the spiritual mafia MOB has in store for us in 2024, research the immoral society of the Khazarian Jews from the country of Khazaria online. Or read Chapter 7: The Zionist: Khazarian Jews in my eBook, Are you con-CERN-ed? The symptoms of total unconsciousness have all happened before - the direct worship of Baphomet or Baal, pedophilia, human trafficking, gross sexuality behaviour, child blood sacrifice, body parts trade, global drug trade, etc, etc, but now they have the technology to make this debauchery their false, Alternate reality. The World System is now run by psychopaths!
The only problem is - they are demanding that you and I engage in this debauched Luciferian lifestyle. So is the story line of George Orwell’s book, 1984.
Mankind is busy trying to fulfil God’s prophesy and “do” God’s work on His behalf - outside of God’s timing! That is what 2024 is all about! This is a good description of all manmade religion that is void of a personal love relationship with our Creator. We were created to be “human beings”, being fully engaged and quantum entangled with God. However, whilst entangled to Lucifer we have become a collective of “human doings”. That is what all “do gooders” and “white hats” are - “human doings”. They are essentially the other side of the one coin to the Neocons or operators of black magic. Just remember, both sides of this one coin are both in opposition to our Creator God.
Little do the majority of Jews understand that God had His final say in AD 70 when He destroyed their Temple and declared that we individuals are now the Temple of God’s Holy Spirit. The spiritual mafia MOB understand this, that is why they are desperately trying to defile or destroy our bodies which God has declared are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which can contain His Presence if we so desire. That is why our DNA and our blood are the focus of the spiritual mafia MOB’s campaign of war against mankind.
The only way to maintain our sanity is to step off the spiritual mafia MOB’s chess board and fully engage our mind, heart and spirit with God’s quantum field of unconditional love. This is the True “Yellow Brick Road” …. everything else is a copy, an artificial counterfeit of the TRUTH and God’s Intelligence that controls our DNA.
There is one common denominator with all these people - they ALL hate their own creator, God…… and the creator of nature…. and the Source of all consciousness. They are happy to worship God’s creation, but not God Himself, the master Mind of all creation. Yes, even the spiritual mafia MOB have been lied to too.
How crazy is that? They want to destroy God and His creation and yet endeavour to become more conscious and even immortal? I think you can now begin to see how insane this narrative is!
To consider the history of the MOB we must first look at the history of the Knights Templar. This article is a reasonable overview. The importance of the paragraph from my eBook Are you con-CERN-ed?, above is at least two fold. It not only highlights the flow of money, but it also highlights the flow of Lucifer’s Vril energy that became prevalent, not only in Babylon, Persia and amongst Egyptian, Pharaonic, Hermetic belief, but also in the Nordic regions of Scandinavia and northern Germany. If you care to look at a map, you will notice that Switzerland lies almost exactly midway between the Nile Delta in Egypt in the south and Scandinavia in the north.
This is not coincidence! Vrilology was the core belief of Nazi Germany, as it is today being established in every facet of our modern society. Even down to the subtle celebration of Christmas with Santa Claus and the Gnomes from Scandinavia and the concept that we can be ‘gods’ in our right coming from the Hermetic philosophical and religious belief system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus from Egypt.
The Knights Templar established the Octagon in Switzerland, which is the most Secret Society [SS] in the world. The Octagon group is the core of the spiritual mafia MOB. If you review David Webb’s documentary The Great Taking spoken of in 2024 - Time To Erase Unconsciousness & Fear From Our Hearts, you will notice this picture of an Octagon at the 42:31 mark. This is the signature mark of Switzerland’s Knight Templar heritage. Does any know where this scene is taken?
Remember, everything the Octagon plans is a construct that is artificial - it is not real. It is always a conceptual from another parallel spiritual dimension that appeals to our five senses so it looks “good”, sounds “good”, smells “good”, tastes “good”, feels “good” - but is fake. It always appeals to our need for instant self gratification and the stroking of our own ego - the bible calls this unconscious desire the “sins of the flesh” or the “temptations of the world”. Lucifer knows our weaknesses better than we do!
The Canton of Geneva is a sovereign entity having a jurisdiction which is a Republic independent from the Confederacy of Switzerland, therefore the Canton of Geneva has legal immunity even from the Laws of Switzerland. The Republic of Geneva has existed since 30 November 1541 and was given a constitution (Édits civils) in 1543. That is why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can place NGO’s like GAVI in Geneva and be totally immune from legal investigation. This makes Geneva an easy city to do business in amongst the criminal Aristocrats - because they have Diplomatic Immunity there.
We are all pawns playing the game within their play. The play is to form artificial Intelligence and create an artificial mind inside our brain. This is enroute to forming us into Artificial Intelligence entities. The Reality is, there is a parallel universe that we can tap into, and we have a spiritual Director of the play - his name is Lucifer - an angel who fell from God’s provision of grace before we were created in God’s image.
That is why the play narrative has our collective belief system trapped in an unconscious image with our own unconscious ego being void of God-consciousness.
They are spiritual entities vying for your mind, heart, body, soul, ego and spirit. AND ALL THE WORLD PARTICIPATES IN THIS GAME, WITH THE MAIN STAGE SET IN AMERICA! People will never realise they are Targeted until it is too late! The interpretation of the play is whether or not the spiritual mafia MOB [or Lucifer] will own you! This is the manifestation of Hitler’s FINAL SOLUTION! Do you consent?
Consider stopping right now and trying to engage your conscious right brain. This recruiting video for the US army summaries the game at play. Listen and watch it intently. This movie literally gives their game away! It is called Ghosts in the Machine. Who is pulling the strings in this PSYWAR against our minds? Read the script in the video - “HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHO IS PULLING THE STRINGS?” “Wolves hiding nearby, whispering do or die…. around me.” WHO….BORN FROM THE ASHES ….OF A WORLD AT WAR. YOU’LL FIND US IN THE SHADOWS, at the tip of the spear. “You say your last goodnight, while I begin my …….(fire?)” WARFARE IS EVOLVING AND ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE! “There is another very important phase of warfare. It has as its target, not the body, but the mind of the enemy.” “The target of psychological warfare is against the enemies mind. It is words and ideas…… ammunition used by PSYWAR”. “Its mission is to influence the thoughts of the enemy soldiers to deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire”…. “Gripping at my skin, the walls of night close in, around me….” WE COME IN MANY FORMS…. “but the use of this force as an integral part of combat has now taken on new form”… WE ARE EVERYWHERE…. A FEELING IN THE DARK…. A MESSAGE IN THE STARS…. GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE…. WHAT, WHAT ARE WE?
According to Lucifer, WE ARE THE PYSWAR SOLDIERS FIGHTING HIS WAR AGAINST GOD. That is the contract Lucifer and Satan have made with mankind - a trade so that mankind could gain technical Information and demonic Intelligence. The two main spiritual components associated with CERN.
This is a classical psychological warfare video, full of subliminal messaging. What you are probably not aware of is the fact that the real enemy is you! Yes, to those who have zero God conscience, we are perceived as ants to be trodden on, or at best, cattle to be culled. As well, we are the planned Targeted Individuals (TI) [a victim of human experiments, tracked and stalked and harassed by either a human programmer or remote electronic weapons]. Did you catch the actions of the digital gamer/controller/ programmer/handler at his console, whispering “everything we touch is a weapon”? The ‘Ghosts’ “gripping at my skin, the walls of night close in and coming in many forms” are demonic entities [illustrated as a ghost] subtly controlling your mind, heart, body, soul, ego and spirit and you are not even conscious of it. This is the war we are in that Sun Tzu was referring too. The Department Of Defence (DOD) in the U.S. is being very open about the game at play right now. Their goal is to strip us of our God-given dignity, worth, magnificence, personal righteousness and sense of justice.
Chapter 3: The History of Pharaonic Switzerland in my eBook Are you con-CERN-ed? highlights the role of the Central Intelligence Agency C.I.A. in Switzerland, Switzerland’s Fascination with Baphomet the Goat, the establishment of the global Eugenics movement and The War Against Our Minds. This is why the continuation of the East India Company’s global opium drug trade was called the Cocaine Import Agency (CIA).
By AD 1464 Geneva was classified a city and held the special attention of the “Lombard bankers”, the North Italian bankers from Venice and Genoa [the Black Nobility] because of the city-state usury laws. The financiers of Genoa therefore made it a major station in their international network, which already dominated the world finance. The theatrical stage was now set! The play called “Global Fascism”, “Global Nazism”, “The Beast System”, “The Pharaonic Octagon” or “Mystery Babylon” was about to begin! Therefore, Geneva has now clearly become the capital of globalisation and the centre of global governance.
The Council of 200, the patrician [members of the hereditary Aristocracy] families of Geneva had become the co-Directors of the play. The co-Directors of the play became the MOB and the stage finally moved to CERN. It doesn’t matter what we call the play, as we will discover, this esoteric mafia has a foundation of Pharaonic belief resonating spiritually from Egyptian roots.
The objective is total destruction so they can “build back better” and secure immortality in their Utopia or their version of a “Great Awakening” through A.I., totally independent of the Creator God.
I’ve gone to a lot of trouble to lay the foundation for this video of Dr Kary Mullis, the winner of a Nobel Prize & the inventor of the PCR test before the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, and its U.S. subsidiary Genentech, mass produced the first commercially developed PCR test for SARS Covid-19, miraculously ready to be distributed in March 2020. Not surprisingly the wealthiest dynasty in Switzerland, the Oeri-Hoffmann family witnessed record profits since the inception of COVID-19 adding 24% to their company’s net worth in 2020 alone.
Dr Kary Mullis was a creative. He mysteriously died right before the Covid-19 scamdemic began in 2019. Now isn’t that a pattern we see over and over again? The MOB rapes creative individuals of their ideas, then disposes of them silently. Mullis asks the question: “What is it about humanity…?” Well we know the answer - it is unconsciousness, or a lack of God-consciousness, or iniquity of heart, or corruption of heart, or the dark side that prevents us from seeing or understanding with clarity.
Here is my conclusion - Lucifer, Satan and their human cohorts, “the spiritual mafia MOB”, have an agenda. Like Dr Kary Mullis states: we have been lied to about Covid-19, we have been lied to about the PCR test - that was mainly instigated by China to gain a data base of our DNA signature. We have been lied to about our spiritual state and our need for redemption. We have been lied to about our spiritual destiny which is to be reconnected to God’s unconditional love so we can function as quantum “beings” in His quantum field, just like our Saviour Yeshua haMashiach did. His resurrection power overcame Lucifer’s energy force of death and enables us to live in His resurrectional power too.
This is the only true route to God-consciousness!
Then our heart will be established in God’s righteousness so we can function “as it ought be”! That is what it means to be a human being! God designed us that way to be connected to, or as quantum physicist would say ,“quantum entangled” to His unconditional love. Then our brain would function as it is designed to function with Information flowing freely back and forth, originating from the RHS and using both sides of the brain to gain God-consciousness.
Dr Kary Mullis wasn’t an unconscious, rational thinker like Anthony Fauci, he was a surfie type, a lover of nature, a natural creative and critical thinker. Lucifer and his collective of “human doings” have no creativity whatsoever - all they can do is steal creative ideas from others - and then lie to us! Deception is what Lucifer is noted for - because that is his main character trait. If he has succeeded in making you think you are a ‘god’ in your own right - then he has succeeded! And all that waits is eternal separation from your creator God. This is not how “it ought be” - this is the definition of unrighteousness.
There is nothing surer - in some way - you have been lied to too! That is because we are all unconscious to some degree in this Beast system.
The only “Way” out of this dilemma is to move ourselves off the chess board….. to STOP playing the game on the terms of the spiritual mafia MOB. How do we do that? Let’s leave that for another day……Hint - it requires a 180° about turn in order to find the Truth. Only then will our depleted egos be transformed into God’s Mind so we can partake of God’s divine ultra Ego. The ultra ego is a term coined by Sigmund Freud to describe what he called the "moral compass" or "conscience" of the psyche. It is something Sigmund Freud knew little about….. but you can!
The Invisible College Demons of the Third Reich William Stuart p.472