It is difficult to get our head around just how sinister our OVERLORDS really are…. and how subtle they are in setting technological traps that cause us to fall into them unconsciously and without any conscious awareness. The reason is, to our unredeemed eyes, their toys look so attractive….but are in fact very destructive….
That is why our mind is the main target - and specifically the mind of children.
If your not Australian, you probably have never heard of the live TV comedians Graham Kennedy, Bert Newton and the American-born Don Lane. They did a “hell of lot of mentoring of children” in the 1970s-1990s …. and these sick pedophiles openly laughed and bragged about their exploits that are in fact criminal, and yet the audience just laughs about it. These men were involved in using MK Ultra mind control on many young pop stars including the famous Aussie witch Nicole Kidman.
The main point I want to make is - we have all been used, abused and lied to. Television is just one of the MOB’s mediums of distributing destructive Information.
Yeshua haMashiach told the Pharisees of their day…. “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.”
I add this in order to say…. there are only two (2) spiritual seeds that can be planted and watered in our lives…. that seed which comes from Satan, the father of lies and DEATH, the other spiritual seed from Yeshua haMashiach, the father of Truth and the administerer of our only hope, the heavenly Tree of Life.
This video from Charles Swindoll gives an interesting perspective on the darkside of the Khazarian Mafia and the evil spirits associated with Baal. Swindoll blames the Khazarian Mafia for using ‘Hegelian Dialectic’. This is one of the main webs the MOB’s Spider network continually weaves.
The statement “resulting in a unified pantheon” is the Vril energy behind the German philosopher Georg Hegel's theory of the dialectic concept which has become one of the major weapons used against the masses in order to usher in their Novus Ordo Seclorum. Hegel himself called the Vril energy the “absolute spirit”. The unified pantheon consists of the concept of PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION. Dualism always consists of two sides, black and white, ying and yang, Satan and Lucifer. The theory is if those two opposing sides can be continually rubbed together and they therefore destroy each other, a SOLUTION or “unified pantheon”, or a Grand Awakening will rise “like a phoenix from the ashes”.
This is utter deception! This is the essence of the Hindu gods of Shiva who is the Supreme Lord who supposedly creates, protects and transforms the universe - first Shiva is known as The Destroyer, whilst Brahma is the Hindu creator god who restores, “like a phoenix from the ashes”.
Swindoll makes the statement that we are being “intentionally deceived”! This is so true. However, he and the likes of the futurist Clif High believe their version of the truth is coming from their “enlightened” state of mind. These meditating, Kundali seeking Hindu/Buddhists, take every effort to blame and war against other religious groups like the Jews, believing that the Jews are the cause of the dark side of humanity. They make judgements about others before taking accountability for their own dark heart attitudes. In doing so, they do not realise that they too are “intentionally deceived” by the spiritual mafia MOB, as they themselves are also involved in a ‘Hegelian Dialectic’ and waring against others whilst being totally deceived themselves.
The Truth is, the spiritual mafia MOB created all the Aryan religions in both the West and the East and use ‘Hegelian Dialectics’ to format their own global religion that they believe will be the ultimate Solution - the Final Solution. It matters not what religion we, the masses worship according to the MOB, because they know that their bloodlines created them all - and they know how to control them. It just means the Hindu/Buddhists - and all other exponents of “the light” are worshipping Lucifer, the "light bearer”. Lucifer interchangeably means "shining one," "light bearer" or "morning star." They then mistakenly believe they are “right” because they appear to be opposing Satan, not realising that Satan and Lucifer are just two different sides of the same coin of evil.
Because we are created as spiritual beings, the MOB uses our deep seated faith in man-made religions as the main means of mind control - and we are all so sure our religion is right. Right? Wrong actually! All of these religions are merely a means of keeping individuals trapped in different mental boxes of religious propaganda.
No religion teaches us how to spiritually entangle ourselves with our Creator God….. only God’s Holy Spirit (Rauakh) can do that if we choose to immerse ourselves in Him. To do that we need to move out of our enclosed boxes of non-critical thinking. God cannot be found inside our boxed, mind controlled beliefs. There is no space nor time for God in that space.
Our souls are at stake here! The spiritual mafia MOB are selling and trading our souls on the global market as we freely hand our God-given sovereignty to them.
Now, I want to reflect again on What & Where is the All-Seeing Eye? to show you how we can all be so easily deceived. Those religions that believe in Pharaonic Hermetics is a case in point. This Hermeticism and Gnostic belief system is foundational in the spiritual mafia MOB’s quiver for subtle mind control.
Remember we said that this region in the brain containing these four (4) hormone producing glandular complexes are perceived by the MOB to be mystical and mythical because this is the section of the brain that can be manipulated, exploited, twisted and controlled to create ‘Alternate’ or ‘Augmented’ Realities.
I have been curious to see what the divine teacher, Yeshua haMashiach had to say about our mind’s eye. So let’s step slowly in order to gain an accurate interpretation of this seemingly mysterious verse.
This is how it reads for Christians from the original KJV. When Yeshua taught the multitudes on a mountain called the Beatitudes, Jesus said “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23 KJV. Most Christians view Jesus’ strange teaching about a ‘single eye’ very challenging, so this is a verse most skip over without much thought. However today, we cannot afford to do that!
New Agers, Hermeticism and Gnosticism may argue that Jesus was speaking of the “third eye chakra” or inner eye of enlightenment. They may argue, “When humans were first created perfect, they were enlightened by this third eye, but after the fall, it is now only reached through meditation and connection with the"light bearer".”
But notice this verse infers that the false light that ‘Lucifer the light bearer’ emits also brings darkness to our “single eye”. Ooch!
A better way to discern what Yeshua haMashiach was saying is to look at his words in the context of their first century culture. To understand the Mind of God, we have to revert to the Aramaic Hebrew mindset which was a pictorial language that focuses on function rather than the Western Greek thinking which focuses solely on appearance and form. However, it is never black and white, either/or in the Mind of Yeshua when He is talking - His statements are all encompassing. Therefore the teaching regarding “having a single eye” can be multifaceted - however, coming from the Mind of Yeshua, it has to be centred on pointing us towards having a righteous heart, and not living in error. In other words, it has to be heart related, because our heart attitude is what He is seeing when He looks upon us - He is perceiving what is going on in our energetic heart. He is looking at our spiritual/energetic function, not our physical appearance and form, because that is what matters to Him - and it is what should matter to us.
How we look physically and the image we perceive of ourselves is very shallow, temporal and egotistically Greek.
We can make the bible say anything to confirm what we already believe in our heart - however it will, more often than not, be in error. However, if we immerse ourselves in the Holy Spirit and ask Yeshua, the true Word of God, we will somehow find the True answers. If we trust that Yeshua ben Joseph is our Messiah, then we need to know what He is saving us from! The answer to that of course is, He is saving us from ourselves - He is saving us from our own dark shadow - He is saving us from the corruption and iniquity in our own hearts. He is saving us from our unconscious state of mind! And the means by which to do that is Yeshua’s blood that provides us with His righteousness, on our behalf. Only then we can re-establish relationship with our Creator God.
Now we would have to be blind not to see that Yeshua is referring to one eye - a single eye - the word is singular, not plural. So, lets see what the Greek word is for eye.
It says the Greek word ‘ophthalmos’, means “metaphorically, of the eyes of the mind, the faculty of knowing”. Strong’s Concordance also calls it “the mind's eye”. Vine’s Dictionary calls it “singleness of motive”, which is a healthy interpretation of the word.
So what about the Greek word ‘haplous’ which is translated ‘be single’? It is referring to the eye having "singleness" of purpose which keeps us from the snare of having a double treasure and consequently a divided heart. This is the real issue… in the context of this teaching, Yeshua is saying “do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth [this Beast system], but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. 21For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”. Effectively He is saying greed and “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”.
Therefore, we can see quite clearly that “having a single eye” has nothing to do with the Pharaonic Hermetic and Gnostic false All-Seeing Eye or the Eye of Horus, however it could have everything to do with mind control and the four (4) glandular complexes Clif High teaches about. Cliff is a good example of an unredeemed man teaching from the Tree of Knowledge, instead of the Tree of Life - therefore it cannot be 100% accurate.
What Clif High is saying is, these four (4) glandular complexes are used by the MOB to control one’s mind. One of the things Yeshua could be saying is, these four (4) glandular complexes are the epicentre of the spiritual and energetic Information that is being imprinting onto our energetic heart. If it is single, and undivided, the inbound Information is undivide and coming from the single seed of Yeshua, our Messiah. If it is divided and divisive, it is coming from the single seed of Lucifer and Satan.
It is obvious that the ‘eye’ Yeshua was referring too was not so much the physical eyes, but “the eyes of the mind”, or the “mind’s eye”…. and that determines what we know.
However, wait…. there is even more subtle deception going on here with the interpretation and printing of this verse, and many other verses in the bible …. and this is why so many Christians are totally deceived. One cannot tell a Christian that they are deceived because they believe the Jesuit theology that says “once saved always saved”…. and this is a total lie. That is what makes this subtle deception even more deceptive than a pagan’s interpretation of life.
In his famous quote, Arthur Conan Doyle once stated, "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact."
“There is none so blind as he who will not see” Matthew Henry
The main problem is, from the 1st century the Gnostics began changing the written scriptures from Aramaic Hebrew to Greek and then in the 16th century when the printing press came along, into English. Since then, every translation has man made adjustments to the original inspired text. Therefore this has weakened the validity and inerrancy of the scriptures and made every translation more appealing to everyone’s own ego and false belief system.
Take this scripture in question for example… “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23 KJV For the phrase, ‘thine eye be single’, other modern day American/Western translations use the words ‘healthy’, ‘good’, ‘sound’, ‘clear [spiritually perceptive]’ or ‘unclouded’. However, the two original bibles to be printed after the printing press became vogue (more than likely created by a puppet of the MOB), the King James Version (KJV) and the Geneva Bible (GNV) both use the words “thine eye be single”.
The word ‘unclouded’ is worth some consideration. If you have ever lived in an area that is subject to a lot of fog, you will have experienced how think fog can be present for most of the morning, sometimes all day. Does that mean we have to fear that the sun has disappeared and is not above the fog? No, but for that period of time we do not experience its direct sunlight. This is a good analogy of how mind control and brainwashing fogs up our spiritual vision so we begin to reason that God is not there. That is why so many people hate and despise God these days. It doesn’t mean he is not there - it just means that we have lost our ability to see Him with the cloudy eye we have which has resulted in us having a double eye, not a single eye for Yeshua. The other eye is more than likely on Lucifer.
This leads to a mixture of beliefs and we fail to fully trust the only trustworthy spiritual option.
So let’s backtrack a little…. back in April, 2024 I wrote, The Fourth Industrial Revolution in which I stated - “The King James Authorized version of the Bible is familiar to many, but few know about the Geneva Bible, preceding the King James authorised translation by 51 years.”
So let’s get back to the task in hand of exposing the corruption in the great Behemoth monster - “the Christian church”.
We claimed the Hebrew name Yeshua, which was later Hellenised into Jesus, was derived from the Greek term "Iēsous". The Geneva Bible was the first bible to translate "Iēsous" into the name Jesus Christ. "Iēsous" was a Greek icon that captured the mind’s imagination of those who were keen to destroy the record of Yeshua’s divinity.
When the King James Authorised Version Bible was printed by command of King James, the Geneva Bible became forbidden in England. Many Christians claim that the KJV is “The only inspired Word of God”…. which is a load of propaganda bullsh*t because the KJV has been tampered with and corrupted just as much as all the other modern translations. The King James Version (KJV) was published in 1611 at the behest of King James I of England and Scotland. As king, James was also the head of the Church of England, and he had to approve the new English translation of the bible. The actual translating (writing) of the KJV was done by a committee of 54 scholars and clergymen over the course of many years.
Sir Francis Bacon, (1561-1626), was Lord Chancellor of England (1618–21) under the rule of King James. A lawyer, statesman, philosopher and master of the English language, he is remembered in literary terms for his sharp worldly wisdom. Some believe that Sir Francis Bacon’s book entitled “New Atlantis” actually outlined America - the New World - as the site of the New Atlantis. Indeed, Sir Francis Bacon’s spirit is deemed to be a demigod for the establishment of the Rosicrucians dream of a NWO - a return of the lost Atlantis, and thus Washington DC became the focal point. Some even question if the Venetian MOB had reached the New World a full century before Columbus.
I suggest you reread The FINAL SCENE Is Now Unfolding and how the Genevans and the British manipulated the original Greek Texts to reflect their own Hermetic and Gnostic ideas. Now isn’t it interesting that the two countries that falsified their own versions of the bible are also leading the race for both Lucifer and Satan to take over the authoritarian dictatorship of the world. The British OWO (red) who constructed the King James Authorised Version Bible and the Swiss NWO (white) who constructed the Geneva Bible are both guilty of this crime against humanity. We can be pretty sure that the one they call the antiChrist will come out of the British Crown - the one who is also Head of the Protestant, Church of England.
Is this just another coincidence? Or is this a designed and well planned deception of the masses. It is now becoming obvious that our OVERLORDS manipulated the original texts to make Matthew 6:22-23 into a mysterious verse that can have multiple meanings. Can you see now how this all ties in?
So let’s follow this premise some more ….. The original Gospel of Matthew written in Aramaic Hebrew [Paleo-Hebrew script] was found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls which were discovered between 1946 and 1956 at the Qumran Caves on the northern shore of the Dead Sea.
We now have written proof of what Yeshua Mashiach actually said in Hebrew in Matthew 6:19-23 ….. These Hebrew manuscripts are translated from the ‘Sephardic’ tradition. Please note, this original manuscript refers to the Messiah as Yeshua Mashiach - not the MOB’s Greek icon Jesus Christ, which is a false diversion - a red herring fallacy created by the Hermetic Gnostics of Alexandria, Egypt.
Note: A ‘good eye’ in Hebrew means ‘generous’ and an ‘evil eye’ means ‘stingy’.
“If your eye is complete….. but if your eye is wicked” Let’s consider this diversity. Firstly, I do not have access to the original Aramaic Hebrew and its translation into English. So how do we know what “is complete” means and why the MOB would change this to “thine eye be single”? Well, we can reverse engineer it. All the texts agree in the “your eye is wicked” interpretation. Now, isn’t that interesting? We also know that everything Lucifer and Satan teach their believers is a complete 180°counterfeit of the Truth. Therefore, let’s discover the antonyms or 180°reversal of the word “wicked”?
Meditate on how we manifest into the physical realm either the virtue of righteousness - or the iniquitous behaviour of an unrighteous heart. Within these definitions we have described the total sum of our Messiah, Yeshua’s character and the total sum of Lucifer and Satan’s destructive character. Yeshua was innocent, pure, upright and just…. yet He was sacrificed for our immoral, noxious, depraved, unrighteous, iniquitous hearts so that we can be spiritually re-connected to our Father God.
So we could deduce that having a mind’s eye that is “complete”, is to have the four (4) hormone producing glandular complexes inside our brain resonating at a frequency that is conducive to being righteous or right minded.
And the only way a fallen, unrighteous, unredeemed human being can do that is to be spiritually and energetically realigned with, quantum entangled with, and immersed in God’s Holy Spirit. Otherwise, we are locked out of that opportunity.
So tell me…. which group of words adequately describes the dictation of the minds of the collective? Which spiritual energy is manifesting itself in the world right now?
Answering this question accurately with a repentant heart is the only way an individual can defeat the warring spiritual mafia MOB and maintain sanity of mind.
God’s Living Word, Yeshua haMashiach, is the only Word we can trust.
Yet…. “The god of this age [Lucifer] has blinded the minds of unbelievers…..”
Very clear and "meaty". Well done and thanks, Graeme.