
The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Did It Begin with The Genevan Bible?

Inside our heads is the most complex matter in the entire universe! So can we get to become superhumans? Klaus Schwab of the WEF thinks so! He says “One of the features of this Fourth Industrial Revolution is it doesn’t change what we are doing, it changes us!” Let that sink in! This will also change our relationship to the creator God!

The MOB’s main gaol is to change and control our minds. Your mind and my mind are the NWO’s planned battleground - it has been since 9/11, 2001.

We need to be really clear as to what The Fourth Industrial Revolution is. This is how the World Economic Forum (WEF) themselves explain it. You could say, “This is from the horses’ mouth” - the horse in this case is the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva! Remember we said that we are in a Revolutionary war? Klaus Schwab from the WEF is the spokes person for the MOB. The MOB’s overall leader is about to be Crowned King Charles 111 of England. The coronation will take place Saturday, May 6, at London's Westminster Abbey. What is the significance of this one event? Mark it in your dairy - this one event will change everything globally. This climate change psychopath and head of the Church of England is the cornerstone of the Global Reset and the NWO.

But you may say, “One is from Geneva, and the other England, how can they be cohorts in all the crimes against humanity?” The truth is, the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva have been financing, running and directing all wars, the Nobility in London since before 1527 and the East India Company since 1600. The King of England at that time was Henry VIII, who was best known for his six marriages and especially for his efforts to have his first marriage annulled. His disagreement with Pope Clement VII about such an annulment led Henry to initiate the English Reformation, separating the Church of England from papal authority.

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Notice, the Christian Reformation began because a Godless King wanted his way in accordance with the MOB’s dictum: ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’. The German priest Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, Germany on 31 October 1517 and was also in agreeance with Henry VIII stance. The disputed Scripture was “If a man marries his deceasedbrother’s wife, it is an act of impurity. He has uncovered the nakedness of his brother; they shall be childless.” Lev 20:21 Thus Henry VIII’s first marriage to Catherine of Aragon [his deceased brother’s wife] was annulled because she was barren and could not produce him a son. Henry VIII had the blessing of Martin Luther - the Protestant forefather of Corporate Christianity.

Can you now see King Charles 111’s role important role as the head of the Church of England? He is the #1 spokes person for the spiritual mafia MOB located in Geneva, Switzerland, the cornerstone of the NWO.

This maybe a little different to the narrative you have been told in your local church about Martin Luther. The spiritual mafia MOB has been controlling the press and this fanciful storyline for years, so you cannot be blamed.

A lot of the information I’m sharing with you will fly in the face of what the medical and religious establishment preaches. The reason is, the spiritual mafia MOB owns and operates Big Pharma and all the world’s religions from their base in Switzerland, the epicentre of the Beast system. Basel, or ‘Baal’ in French is the epicentre of global big Pharma. The Lombard private banking group [aka the spiritual mafia MOB] has one common denominator. Basel is also the home of global usury and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel. It is located right next door to Roche and Novartis which are the two largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Roche and its U.S. subsidiary Genentech mass produced the first commercially developed PCR test for SARS Covid-19, ready to be distributed in March 2020 to “fight” a non-existent virus labelled SARS-CoV-2. This is how the MOB generated collective fear in the community.

However today, I want to concentrate on one of the MOB’s well devised global religions - Christianity.

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I feel like the Apostle Paul who asked his followers: “So have I become your enemy speaking truth to you?” Galatians 4:16 BLB

There is One Truth which comes in the form of Godly Intelligence, however the spiritual mafia MOB are the masters of knowledge, deceit, deception and corruption.

The King James Authorized version of the Bible is familiar to many, but few know about the Geneva Bible, preceding the King James authorised translation by 51 years. It was the primary bible of the 16th century Protestants and used by the likes of William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Knox, John Dunne, and John Bunyan (author of Pilgrim's Progress). 

The Cambridge Geneva Bible of 1591 was the edition carried by the Pilgrims when they fled to America - the MOB’s self declared “New World” [the already designed epicentre of focus for the NWO]. As such, it directly provided much of the genius and inspiration which carried those courageous and faithful souls through their trials, and provided the spiritual, intellectual and legal basis for the establishment and flourishing of the colonies. Thus, it became the foundation for establishment of the American Nation.

Little did the Pilgrims know that the formation of the Protestant religion in the “New World” included their persecution and the implementation of a new corrupted bible, printed exclusively for the evangelising of the global masses, and was a part of a longterm plan which would eventually play out 403 years later in 2023. After a gruelling 10 weeks at sea, Mayflower, with 102 passengers and a crew of about 30, reached what is today the United States, on November 21, 1620. We could say this was the beginning of The Fourth Industrial Revolution - we could say it began with the Corporatisation of countries which originated in Switzerland in 1648. Or we could say it began when the Geneva Bible was first published in 1557. Take your pick! However there is one common denominator - Geneva, Switzerland - and you guessed it - the GENEVA BIBLE!

Honestly, the spiritual mafia MOB could not have written a more open and identifiable script for their global play. Our creator God demands that they openly reveal their intent before they do it. This play, I call “Global Fascism”, “Global Nazism”, “The Beast System”, “The Pharaonic Octagon” or “Mystery Babylon” was about to begin! The theatrical stage was now set! 400+ years of mythology was about to play out! America was to be centre stage - a complete diversion and distraction away from the epicentre of occult activity in Geneva - the modern day Tower of Babel. 

The Geneva Bible is significant because it was the first mechanically printed and mass-produced bible intended for the general public that included scriptural study guides, subjective citations, and cross-reference notations. There are introductions to each book of the bible and included maps, tables, woodcut illustrations and indexes. It was the first study bible available to the general public.

Remember, the Hebrew name Yeshua, which was later Hellenised into Jesus, was derived from the Greek term “IZEUS”. Well, the Geneva Bible was the first bible to translate “IZEUS” into the name Jesus Christ. The year? AD 1557 - just 466 years ago! This event took place 1527 years after the resurrection of our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach - the only divine human that ever lived who was solely from the Hebraic bloodline. To put it into perspective, this was 1,245 after Constantine created the mythical, occult based Roman Catholic Church. Note well - Yeshua was NOT Greek, never was and never will be! “IZEUS” was a Greek concept, a god icon that captured the minds and imagination of those who were keen to destroy the record of Yeshua’s divinity, His divine birth, His divine resurrection, and His divine ascension.

This is what the The Da Vinci Code is all about. It is the MOB’s Thirteenth Satanic Bloodline known as the Merovingian bloodline’s attempt to discredit Yeshua’s divinity and claim their own bloodline is connected to the bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene who were married and that the union apparently produced a daughter. This is one of the greatest coverups in human history.

The The Fourth Industrial Revolution is now manifesting itself…. but it has taken 400+ years whilst the members of “the Christian church” have been wooed off to sleep by their spiritual mediums…… the self-appointed “gods”, the Priests and Pastors alike!

We, the people, the collective, have ordained this predicament……. whilst God perceives it as witchcraft. Just like the Jews’ move in Babylon towards the mystical Kabbalah, so too “the Christian church” is now entertaining esoteric mediums in an endeavour to seek God. There is no difference from God’s perspective!

Did Abraham, or Moses or even David trust God through a medium? God forbid! May it never be! “So have I become your enemy speaking truth to you?”

This is a HUGE topic….. I’ll leave it there until next week!


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