This Sarah Westall video is a must see on Targeted Individuals (TIs). It may appear not to concern you because a TI is all a matter of degree. You maybe not directly targeted at this particular time with MKUltra mind control techniques, however I can guarantee that all of us are targeted to some degree - even now. Click here…
If you watch TV regularly or watch any form of dark PsyOps or futuristic movies, watch sporting events, listen to music, watch advertisements or read books…. you can be sure you have been exposed to some form of subliminal messaging.
Mind control techniques are a very real thing…. so you need to pay attention. Remember this foreboding U.S. Army PSYOPS recruitment video "GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE" which blatantly shows ‘who’s pulling the strings’? The “ghosts” are Lucifer’s demonic entities that are “hiding in the shadows”.
I covered this video in detail in The Zombie Apocalypse.
The minds of Targeted Individuals (TIs) are the central Target.
“The most dangerous weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.”
“We are our own worst enemies”! Humanity is running headlong into a trap of self-sabotage. Now "GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE 2” has been produced.
I’m writing this Substack to support Sarah Westall and Richard Lighthouse who claims that “Everyone in the United States is being tracked with Satellite & Cell Tower Microwave pulses”. Richard Lighthouse and others are providing an opportunity this Thursday night - the 29th August. - in Denver, Colorado - for Targeted Individuals (TIs) to come together to support each other and be a unified voice. Targeted Action 2024 will meet on Aug. 28-30th, 2024. It should also be livestreamed.
The numbers “in the CIA, FBI, NSA and NASA mind control program” both in the U.S. and worldwide is mindblowing! All programs are run by our Governments and our Military. If you know of anyone who is a Targeted Individual - please let them know that they are not alone.
Richard donates his time as a 5th Generation warfare expert. I covered this in detail in my Substack Mind Fog - Are You Confused?
Targeted Lives Matter.
Targeted Justice’s Main Message on their website is:
1) More than 300,000 Targeted Individuals in the U.S., are being tracked and attacked with High-Powered Microwave (HPM) weapons, from satellites and cell towers, 24/7. These weapons are controlled from Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado. See our pictures of microwave burns as proof:
This is the same weapon system, used on the U.S. Diplomats in Cuba, resulting in "Havana Syndrome."
Many famous people are Targeted Individuals: Ed Snowden, Julian Assange, and William Binney. Roseanne Barr, Cardi B, Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Tulsi Gabbard, Dr Steven Greer MD, Randy Quaid, Dennis Kucinich (former Congressman), Brian Wilson (Beach Boys), Billy Koch (former Oakland A's pitcher), John Frusciante (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Scott Stapp (Creed), and John McAfee (dec.). They are hit with microwave attacks, or Morgellons, or Voice-to-skull (V2K) every day.
2) Most people in the world, are being precisely tracked by microwave pulses using Lockheed GPS satellites, operated by the U.S. Space Force, Squadron 2, at Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado Springs. This is the largest satellite operations facility in the world.
3) Panel antennas on cell towers are part of a "global distributed weapon system." The antennas use digital beamforming to create microwave "bullets," that can be very painful, and even lethal. U.S. Patent 10,164,694
4) Subliminal messages are directed from Cell Towers, at everyone, 24/7. Schriever Space Force Base is the control source. U.S. Patent 4,877,027. Senators, Congressmen, Judges, and even the President, are being hit with specific subliminal messages to affect their decisions. This is the technology behind "Mass Formation Psychosis." (See the Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone at 2:37:00)
5) Approximately 1/3 of the global population is "highly suggestible" and easily manipulated by these subliminal messages, because many are effectively in a Deep Trance, even while their eyes are open. These people can be commanded to say or do, almost anything. Many secondary personalities are also involved.
6) The CIA controls and funds this illegal program, with direction from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The program is based on MK-Ultra mind control technology, and the FBI's illegal COINTELPRO.
7) Many people can feel the satellite-tracking microwave pulse, on the top-back part of your head – about one pulse each second. Many people can hear the cell tower tracking "popcorn," by cupping your hands over your ears for 60 seconds.
8) This news article quotes NSA data - as of 2019, there are 200,000 Targeted Individuals in the United States, and more than 5.5 million worldwide. The FBI calls these people "Targets," or "Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS)."
Creating a Highly-Suggestible Population: quoted from Targeted Justice
Cell towers - transmit frequencies to induce trance state, and subliminal messages.
Subliminal messages - used for behavioral programming
Vaccines - alter DNA and behavior. Contain toxins, nanites, & metals that accumulate in the brain. Metals resonate with trance-state frequencies.
Chemtrails - finely ground metals are being distributed by aircraft - such as barium & aluminum, accumulate in the brain and help to induce a trance state, which increases the susceptibility to subliminal messages.
Nanotech - deliver specific chemicals & metals to alter behavior.
Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) - used for measuring the effect of subliminal
messages and to optimize programming.
Implants - used to measure effects of behavioral modifications/sensors.
And this is the latest -
I’ve warned my Substack readers about The Coming Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch. I have it from good authority that the last COVID-19 mRNA vaccines administered by needle were marked according to batches. Therefore a good percentage were placebo vaccines distributed by chance. Therefore those who decided to get vaccinated may have only had a 40/60 chance of receiving adverse effects. The Coming Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch will be 100% effective.
For us individuals, we can either follow Lucifer’s fake spiritual kingdom of deception, mind control, iniquity of heart, destruction, chaos and death or our own Creator’s spiritual Kingdom of freedom, free will, peace, justice, righteousness and Life giving energy. Lucifer acts as an imposter generating this Beast system.
The latest Reese Report sheds light on the fact that each individual now has nowhere to hide from these Luciferian monsters. Even Klaus Schwab from the WEF is warning of a global cyber attack that will render all of humanities’ conveniences inoperative - even before the Nov. 2024 U.S. elections. View the full video here….
This is no surprise because America was targeted to be the global Stage for the “New World Order” ever since Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) who was the author of ‘New Atlantis’ gateway to a New World, and put this whole Luciferian revolt into action.
Therefore, America is at the forefront of this mass deception, however it impacts the entire world because it is programmed and controlled from Geneva, Switzerland. CERN is a spiritual portal that is at the forefront of Luciferian Information and the global CIA.
The main reason I am writing this Substack at all is because very few are telling us the Truth - it is all a coverup. And our so called “experts” and “truthers” have no real answers to any form of mind control.
I am blessed to have gained God-conscious awareness and thus -
I know that Targeted Individuals (TIs) is a program that is a very real experience.
I know that mass mind control is also a very real thing. This is how Lucifer’s kingdom reigns on earth with his false ‘Nachash’ of spiritual illumination.
I know that in the near future there will only be One “Way” to protect ourselves against this attack on our morals, freedoms and civil liberties and that is to quantum entangle ourselves with our Real spiritual Messiah and apply His blood over the doorpost of our hearts and minds.
I know that the only antidote to iniquity of heart is YHWH’s own righteousness and justice.
I also know that the so called “Christian Church” has not taught us how to gain spiritual authority and wage war against the attack on our minds. The “Christian Church” is a spiritual harlot and apostate church that is itself engrossed in iniquity and corruption of heart.
That really pisses me off! I have been deceived by the “Christian Church” for a fair percentage of my life. Not anymore!
Our Messiah is also pissed off that mankind has chosen to sell their souls to Lucifer’s spiritual and energetic kingdom and his false Kabbalah ‘Tree of Death’ - and not surrendered to our Creator’s Kingdom of divine Presence and His eternal Tree of Life. We are all spiritual beings and therefore we are all looking to experience a saviour. However, don’t be tempted to accept the false, nefarious ‘Nachash’, the illuminated one as your saviour.
Soon we will see a side of God that many will not like - God calls Himself both YHWH and Elohim - mercy and justice. God has shown us His mercy and grace for the last 1,994 years. God’s mercy is now growing thin and no longer replete because we have turned our back on Him in rebellion for so long. Therefore, soon He is returning as a roaring Lion to bring His judgement upon the earth.
That is what everyone fears deep down! I know SO many in that spiritual boat - they “know”, however they refuse to anything about repairing their relationship with their spiritual Father in heaven.
And you might find this interesting
Into not onto DNA apologies.