Let’s be crystal clear. The MOB’s goal is to destroy freedom and enslave humanity. This is first done in the spiritual realm - the 2nd heaven - then it manifests into the physical realm or 1st heaven.
The main reason humans fail to understand the two spiritual realms - one that manifests LIFE from YHWH and one the manifests DEATH from Lucifer - is because both are unseen realms.
Remember, we said in the last Substack that “what we believe in our energetic heart will ALWAYS manifest somehow, somewhen, sometime.” This is merely quantum mechanics. This is how life was designed to operate before the ‘Nachash’ intervened and distorted/twisted our God-given creative abilities.
We are creative because we are made in His image. The ‘Nachash’ - the body of fallen angels turfed out of heaven - is trying desperately to use quantum mechanics, and the unseen subatomic realm, to change and eradicate our Creator’s design of the pure quantum field. The root meaning of Nachash (נחש), "to whisper" or "hiss", was used for the whispering of soothsayers; in the Pi'el (intensive) form it means "to practice enchantment" or "use sorcery" and was used also to imply "black magic".
Today, pattern recognition is the golden nugget of data. Google, Chrome, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok etc. are all falling over themselves to obtain your data and personal information to use against you. Pattern recognition is how Quantum Computers function to recognise the patterns hidden and embedded in the vast quantities of BIG data. The nuggets are the hidden patterns that are discovered with Quantum Computers using coherence and quantum entanglement. That is what the data mining of our information is all about.
“Information and data is power. When the MOB has Information about you, they have power over you.”
Why do they try to recognise patterns in the data? Because of the vast quantities of data that humans produce, those patterns of behaviour are normally very difficult to discern. It is like flakes of gold, sparsely distributed in the sand of a desert. Quantum Computer pattern recognition solves that problem. Its ability to do so is like magic, because it is magic! That is the nugget scientists have discovered in the realm of quantum mechanics.
The pattern recognition of the randomly generated data of each individual, and in fact the entire world, enables the spiritual mafia MOB to foretell the future. From their perspective, humanity’s only worth is to generate data that produces the random dots used in geomancy. Pattern recognition’s sole purpose is to divine, or prognosticate the future. It is an interdimensional communication tool with occult entities. The ‘Nachash’ uses the creativity of humans to try to discover God’s plan and his timing of it. He uses humanity to divine what God is going to do next. It is only in the recognition of patterns that they are able to discern the future, albeit to a limited degree, because it is only based on probabilities, not certainty. Quantum Computers can only provide a probabilistic solution, in silicon (sand).
In Coding the Digital Occult, it illustrates the occult origins of today's digital virtual realities found within computers and computer gaming. Pattern recognition, or combinatorial optimisation, is random number generation involving geomancy divination, having its roots established by individuals including Ramon Llull (1232-1315/16), Gottfried Wilhelm (von)Leibniz(1646-1716), and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891). Stephanie Moran’s book, “The Binary [Techno]Pagan and Vodun Ontologies of Cyberspace” provides a historical overview of modern computing's direct connections with ancient occult magic based on stochastic operation and binary recursion. In order to build out modern technology systems, it was necessary for technicians to establish occult ritualistic communications with demons. These hardware systems and software systems are demonic communication tools. Linked and entangled Quantum Computers are truly the mind of the antiChrist.
The main thing to get our heads around here is the fact that all computers and modern technology uses geomancy - and geomancy is a form of divination coming from the spiritual energy of the ‘Nachash’ - as opposed to having its origins in the mind of our Creator. Combinatorial optimisation, is random number generation involving geomancy divination and is at the root of Technocracy and Transhumanism - our evil twins. All man made religions and doctrines are evil because all of our OVERLORD’s “ism’s” are rooted in the spiritual energy of the ‘Nachash’, fake illumination and false hope.
Renowned 9/11 whistleblower, researcher and author, Kevin Ryan, compares the official responses to the two most transformative events of the 21st century thus far – September 11th, 2001 and the Coronavirus worldwide pandemic. He begins with the four steps of the scientific method: observation, hypothesis/question, experiments and conclusion; and observes that in both instances, people are unable to follow through with objective observation. He begins with eleven observations about 9/11 and then compares these to the coronavirus plandemic. These observations include fear based coverage; no investigation; response kills far more people; false official accounts; preceded by drills mimicking the event; insider trading; benefits for a powerful few; intelligence agency control of evidence; illusive all powerful enemy; pseudoscience; and censorship of dissent.
These 11 observations highlight the parallels between 9/11 and COVID because it is the same Playbook and false flag operations using an abusive science that ignores the four steps of the scientific method, which creates a climate of fear and the manipulation of people through a changing narrative created by intelligence agencies. We now have foreknowledge of both events.
The first of Kevin Ryan’s observations is fear. Fear is the root of all occult activity. Fear is foundational to our deception by the ‘Nachash’. Fear and then shame were the first two emotions Adam and Eve manifested after choosing to disentangle themselves from their Creator. Both fear and shame are spiritual parasites that are residing in our hearts. That is why Adam and Eve both instinctively hid from YHWH. That is where unconsciousness of mind first took root. When fear shuts down our prefrontal cortex we become unconscious and unaware of all evidence based, critical thinking. Individuals say “I simply cannot go there!”. That means they cannot observe something from a perspective that contradicts their predetermined engrained worldview - or belief system based on fear. Both fear, shame and every other destructive emotion belongs to the Serpent seed of the ‘Nachash’.
The scientific method begins with observation - and most individuals cannot even go there to process any confrontive situation objectively. They are too much in fear, terror and panic because their prefrontal cortex has been shut down. They don’t want to jump to a hypothesis that their minds cannot process psychologically - or allow their minds to think in a way that contradicts the official account or narrative.
This attitude of the masses is what enables the MOB to do what they do! This is the dark soil in which they plant and reap!
So am I saying we are at fault? Well in a way, yes. If the collective would or could eradicate fear from their hearts, the MOB could not operate effectively - they would have nothing to work with. The cause and effect process would have no effect. They work off of our dark-side or unconsciousness. It is really that simple!
Lucifer, in conjunction with the MOB have usurped and spiritually annexed our God-given authority and the collective have legally forfeited their dominion over the earth.
This is a spiritual problem that requires a spiritual answer. Fear must be erased from our heart before we can even proceed with the scientific method. This “I simply cannot go there!” is definitely the supreme manifestation since the whole COVID 19 debacle began - and it is all shame and fear based. It appears that when we fear unconsciously, we fear ourselves, we fear others, all because we fear YHWH, our Creator. Another emotion that is manifesting itself big time amongst the masses is hatred. And it seems to be the case that the foundation of fear is the hatred of our natural fathers, the hatred of men - and our hatred of God. The hatred of God is prime and paramount to the occult belief system.
This is the problem with most so called corporate “Christians” - their religion has not taught them how to have the spiritual authority to eradicate their spiritual parasites, including fear and shame, from their hearts. This is what Yeshua’s resurrection power does with ease - if we are prepared to submit to His spiritual energy whilst walking and talking with our Creator!
Our perspective in life must be that the ‘Nachash’ and his whole essence of fear are defeated foes. Then our prefrontal cortex can process incoming God-conscious Information that enables us to be aware and think critically. This is how we can gain clarity of mind, even in the darkest external circumstances.
Any human who desires to be famous in this Babylon Beast system are required to turn their back on their Creator God and sell their soul to the Devil. Bob Dylan probably summarises it all in this video clip…..
It is always important to listen closely to those who have been raised in depths of darkness and have risked their lives to become whistleblowers. The verse Eira Wulfnothsson is quoting here is Yeshua speaking to the Apostle John at the beginning of his Revelation of Yeshua haMashiach…..“Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last, 18the Living One. I was dead, and behold, now I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of Death and of Hades.”
The bottom line to Eira’s interview is - Yeshua conquered and triumphed over the spiritual energy of DEATH in AD 30. That is what His resurrection was all about…. and the very thing the Jewish Pharisees and the MOB set about to cover up, distort and try to erase from history. However, that is an impossible feat! Yeshua haMashiach holds the keys to the Tree of Life and nobody enters that except through Him - since His holy Presence is THE only spiritual “Way” for us to be redeemed.
Like the way of Lucifer and the occult, our spiritual Messiah, Yeshua also requires a sacrificial contract to be made and signed in blood. We either sell our soul to Lucifer with a blood sacrifice or to Yeshua haMashiach. That is our freewill choice. If we choose Yeshua haMashiach, our soul is covered with His blood sacrificed on our behalf, which was sealed with His resurrection and victory over DEATH. Most Jews have turned their back on their Messiah and sold their souls to Lucifer. So have the majority of the GOYIM.
We are reaching a pinnacle or culmination in this spiritual battle. Lucifer may think he can win, but Yeshua KNOWS He is the winner - because He has manifested that already as hardcore evidence.
This is why the UN is staging a Summit of the Future on 22-23 September 2024. “This Summit of the Future is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together at UN Headquarters in New York, to forge a new international consensus on how we humans can deliver a better present and safeguard the future. With conflict and violence at record levels, the UN Member States have called on Secretary-General António Guterres to come up with a template for a more peaceful, secure world.”
Really? Notice the colours of rebellion associated with the UN Summit. 22-23 September 2024! - now isn’t that interesting 22-23 September 2024 is exactly 7 years after September 23, 2017 when the sun was in the zodiac constellation Virgo - "a woman clothed with the sun " as described in Revelation 12:1,2. This was covered in What is Truth?.
Then we have 7 World Trade Center (7 WTC, WTC-7, or Tower 7), colloquially known as Building 7 or the Salomon Brothers Building, which was constructed as part of the original World Trade Center Complex in Lower Manhattan, New York City which we covered in Hard Evidence & Physical Proof.
Why was this Jewish Salomon Brothers Building even called the # 7 World Trade Center?
It was developed by another Zionist Jew, Larry Silverstein who held a ground lease for the site from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and designed by Emery Roth & Sons.
Folks - I’m not pointing fingers - however all of these are Zionist Jews who have a blood lineage from Eastern Europe and are originally the Khazarian Jews from the ancient Khazarian tribes. Isn’t it interesting that Ukraine is a part of that region!?
Now is all of this just coincidence? The “I simply cannot go there!” group would consider it to be. I know lots, and lots of them!
This is more hardcore evidence and “evidence is always the irrefutable truth”!
Remember we said in What is Truth? “All serious students of John’s Revelation and Daniel, Ezekiel and Esther know the significance of the numbers 7 years and 3 1/2 years ["time, times and half a time" (i.e. 1+2+0.5=3.5), ‘1,260 days’ or ‘42 months’]? Well trust me - the spiritual mafia MOB also know the significance of these numbers. Lucifer knows his time is short - way short - and he is now moving fast to secure and undergird his faulty spiritual kingdom.
Chapter 7: of my eBook Are You Con-CERN-ed? published in 2021 is titled The Zionist: Khazarian Jews. WOW! This just blows me away! It begins: “However the Jesuits are not the only criminals running the global mafia show. In order to understand the term Nazi and even the 2022 war in Ukraine we must investigate another group of tyrannical despots; the Zionist Jews.”….. So is this coincidence too?
As always, Greg Reece has his finger right on the pulse…
It is worthwhile watching this video in full as the MOB is pulling everything together now and 22-23 September 2024 maybe a time in history we would rather forget.
Remember Event 201 which was a high-level simulation exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in October 2019?
We have spoken a lot recently about 9/11, 2001 being the beginning of WW3. 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, is seared into our brains, minds and hearts. So what does Revelation 9:11 say, just as a matter of interest? “They have a king over them, the angel of the abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon [destruction], and in the Greek, he has the name Apollyon.”
Is this also coincidence?
I think not!
Remember: “Information and data is power. The MOB own your data and Information, therefore there is a good chance they own you! You need to make sure you change that if it is becoming hardcore evidence.