Hard Evidence & Physical Proof
- that the COVID-19 injections were definitely the Mark of the Beast
It is now 3 1/2 years now since the MOB started injecting citizens with Military style mRNA injections that are no doubt bioweapons, replacing human tissues with synthetic biology. These mRNA injections are nanotechnological weapons of mass destruction. Now, in hindsight, I’m going to prove it to you that the "internet of bodies" (IoB) is a reality.
Since 9/11, 2001 we citizens have been at war - a war against our minds. 23 years after 9/11 when the whole world was stunned into believing the media controlled narrative, the majority is still asleep and unconsciously unaware to the real facts. We cannot afford that length of time again otherwise humanity, as we know it with God-consciousness and quantum entanglement to YHWH, our Creator, will not exist.
Think about it - mankind being feed information from the Nachash have taken a century to learn how to coordinate all the limbs and muscles of the body to form semi-conscious robots. Think about the cohesion, synchronisation and coordination even within our own muscles and joints - it is amazing. YHWH did it instantly using quantum mechanics when He created us.
Here is the real issue: These Zionist/Jesuit Technocrats do not acknowledge the soul and the spirit of a human. The reason is, they all detest and hate YHWH, our Creator.
When the spirit leaves us, the remains is a carcass without life. One cannot physically see or capture the spirit, the life force of a human. However, the MOB believe they can produce a machine that will never die and that they will somehow become immortal.
The dystopian future of robots replacing humans is already here.
Google engineer Ray Kurzweil discussed in his book from 2005 “The Singularity is near” that all aspects of cellular human tissue will be replaced ATOM FOR ATOM by nanobots swimming in our blood. “And all sides of political leadership are steering us towards a brave new world of A.I. and the internet of things. Where being an organic human being seems to not be an option.”
Now it is the "internet of bodies" (IoB)
Nanotechnology is a greater threat to humanity and all biological species than a nuclear war. Yet, for the most part, it’s being ignored. Greg Reese’s most recent report shows why it is not the robots being programmed outside of us, but it is the self-replicating robots inside of us that are a major concern! “While talk of mRNA is making it easily into the mainstream, the nano-tech is being ignored.” Click here Recent Study Shows Self-Assembly Nanobots in the COVID-19 Injectables or on the photo below for the full documentary….
Remember I said in What is Truth? that “Engineers who analysed the rubble, found nanothermite particles had been mixed into the original concrete during the construction of the Towers which began back in 1968, 33 years before the event”? The number 33 is a good old Freemasonry number of significance. Well it is exactly the same concept and technology being used now inside humans at the nanoparticle sized level. The graphene oxide nanoparticles being pumped inside our bodies have the ability to self assemble and move like nano and micro robotic sized Direct Energy Weapons(DEWs).
These are being labelled “Self-assembling Artificial Constructions”. Even the highly revered Dr John Campbell produced this video on 6th Sept 2024: self assembling mRNA nanostructures, and then withdrew the video because of peer pressure.
That occured, even after he interviewed Major Tom Haviland on Feb 8, 2024 re the massive number of growing white blood clots found post mortem by embalmers and morticians in the arteries and veins of corpses.
This is “hardcore evidence that is irrefutable truth”…. but the masses still don’t believe it!
The nanotechnology issue is still perceived as controversial. At 3 1/2 years into this absolute debacle, breach of trust and coup d'état against humanity, this should not be the case. This is the manifestation of brainwashed stupidity.
After 9/11, 2001 I studied Nikola Tesla and Scalar energy in order to work out what transpired on that fateful day in 2001. I reached the conclusion that it was a Direct Energy Weapon, even before Dr Judy Wood concluded herself that Scalar energy was used to pulverise or “Dustify” the total mass of the 110 story Twin Towers on 9/11. Dr Judy Wood stated emphatically: “He who controls the energy, controls the people”. And guess what - there is now clear evidence that Scalar energy is being used for DEW’s both externally and also within our own bodies as weapons of mass destruction.
The World Trade Center 7, a 47-story skyscraper, "collapsed" at 5:20 PM on September 11, 2001, despite not being struck by a plane. WTC 7 housed the following tenants: the CIA, IRS, Secret Service, Department of Defense, NYC Office of Emergency Management, Securities and Exchange Commission. The BBC reported that Building 7 had collapsed 25 minutes before it actually did. And where did the money evaporate to after the former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld revealed that the Pentagon had lost $2.3 trillion the day before the September 11, 2001, attacks? Oh yeh, now I get it!
Here is other evidence of the use of DEWs. For instance everything BLUE - including the blue roofed houses owned by billionaires that survived the Maui DEW attacks of lasers creating wildfires in 2023. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I am on this topic could enlighten me as to any connection between Bluetooth, the colour blue, and DEWs.
I wrote this back in 2020. “Nicola Tesla had invented this DEW technology prior to 1934. In 1915, Tesla stated: "It is perfectly practical to transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive effects at a distance.” On July 11, 1934 the inventor described a new weapon for the first time in the New York Sun and The New York Times as being able to be used against ground-based infantry or for anti-aircraft purposes. The press called it a "Peace Ray" or “Death Ray”. Tesla’s concept of “free energy” for humanity and its proposed design for peaceful purposes, was raped by the spiritual mafia MOB, who have since developed the “Death Ray”, not only for National Defence, but also as a weapon of adversity against humanity.
Tesla’s invention was a particle-beam projector and he intended it to be used as an instrument of national defence and peace. This article describing the concept of the “Death Ray” was written by Tesla himself. As Dr. Tesla explained it, “the tremendous speed of the particles will give them their destruction-dealing qualities”. “To be able to go deeper into the secrets of the structure of matter, the physicists found that they had to "crush", "hit" or "disturb" the atomic particles with the maximum energy as possible”. "Experiments conducted by Mr. Nikola Tesla with electromotive forces of 2.000.000 volts have convinced him that if 100.000.000 volts could be produced it might be possible to break down the atomic structure of any element and thus liberate a certain amount of energy.” The 100,000,000 volts that Tesla could only hold in his imagination equals .0001 TEV (tera electron volts). Today CERN operates at levels well above 10 TEV or 1012 Volts which is 10,000 times more powerful than Tesla’s imagination allowed.”
Update: On 5 APRIL, 2024, CERN reported “a record-breaking centre-of-mass energy of 13.6 TeV luminosity” on proton collisions.
The MOB conspired to kill the aging Nikola Tesla, then both Russia and America stole all of his invention papers in order to develope their modern technology. All CERN technology is merely an extension of Nikola Tesla’s brilliant mind. That is the modus operandi of the spiritual mafia MOB - our OVERLORDS - the global elite - they murder, destroy and steal everything that is designed and created in the image of those who are connected to YHWH’s data and Information - the essence of nature.
Remember that those who seek the data and Information from the ‘Nachash’ and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil are endeavouring to seek their godlike potential through their 3rd eye, the pineal gland, in an attempt to unlock the god within their own ego. This is the rebellious spiritual energy of Lucifer detailed in Isaiah 14:12-14
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O [d]Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13For you have said in your heart:
‘I WILL ascend into heaven,
I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I WILL also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I WILL be like the Most High.’
Notice there are five (5) I WILLs. The number five (5) in YHWH’s Kingdom symbolises His provision of grace. All of the fallen angels - the ‘Nachash’ - including Lucifer declared before YHWH, our Creator, I WILL rebel five (5) times. This represents a fake, counterfeit grace. Lucifer used the anointing he had in heaven before he was evicted to create the energy of a self-centered, false grace with his five “I wills”. That is the fake spiritual energy that Lucifer offers everyone connected to him and this Beast, Babylonian system. This distorted energy creates DEATH, not LIFE!
We must conform to YHWH, not He to us - His subjects; YHWH said “I will make man in my image” and “man spends all his time trying to mould God into his image.”
In Aleister Crowley’s Law of Thelema, his ”Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” statement is supplemented by a second, follow up statement: "Love is the law, love under will”. The claim of Luciferians and Satanists is that these two statements must go together so that love acts as a governor that helps regulate our will. Essentially it means free love and sex rules over our freewill and governs the laws of the Beast kingdom. It is Lucifer that tempts all humans with lust - just like he deceived Eve, then Adam.
Back to the MOB conspiring to kill Nikola Tesla. I experience this first hand back in the early ‘90’s. At that time I went to a Naturopath in Victoria Park, Perth, Australia. He had invented a hovering machine which would undoubtedly become the drones of today. He showed me the machine and used his imagination to describe exactly what drones do today - deliver parcels by air like a car or motorbike would do in the congestion of traffic. He would tell me how the system of patented inventions was so corrupt and how everything was controlled from America. I didn’t know back then that the epicentre of the mafia control is actually in Geneva, Switzerland, however the actors in the global play reside in America - which of course includes Hollywood - as a diversion and distraction away from their centralised management of the corrupt Beast system.
Anyhow…. this inventor was so stressed his life expectancy decreased - he died - and the MOB obviously stole his invention patents.
My family and friends mocked my claim that the “evidence is always the irrefutable truth”…. when it came to my beliefs that 9/11 was a planned and well executed Psyops. Meanwhile, Dr. Naomi Wolf in her book, The End of America, revealed the frequently repeated 10 steps taken by dictators to overthrow democracies and destroy people’s freedom and liberties. Since 2001 the narrative’s threat was terrorism which was used as the justification to strip us of our liberties. According to Naomi Wolf, the first 9 Steps played out shortly after 9/11 2001. Since Wolf wrote her book in 2007, the 10th Step had never played out, until Feb. 2020. Step 10 was swung into action by the Technocrats. The catalyst was the orchestrated synthetic virus, SARS-CoV-2.
Therefore COVID-19 was no real surprise for me. My family and Christian friends resisted 180° when I told them that COVID-19 was also a Psyops that resembled what Revelation calls the Mark of the Beast. I was considered a conspiratised and a nutter. The masses are brainwashed to think this way.
No matter what our views are on the future, we now have irrefutable evidence about the technology used in the past. Dr Judy Wood says “There is one irrefutable conclusion; 9/11 was well planned and executed by free energy devices. If we can see that energy used destructively, right in front of our eyes, just imagine what could be done with it if turned to peaceful purposes.”
The events of 9/11 demonstrates the existence of both DEW’s and Scalar energy weapons. It also demonstrates total insanity. This insanity does not originate with the Creator God, it originates with the hubris of mankind and their alliance to Lucifer, the Serpent and the Dragon, which are the ARCHITECTS of humanities’ destruction.
The memories of 9/11 may have faded but the technology lives on. 9/11 occurred 23 years ago. If the spiritual mafia MOB had the DEW and Scalar energy technology to destroy molecular bonding back in 2001, try to image how advance their technology is now. In fact there is every evidence that they are using similar technology in the proposed Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch as they used for 9/11, but at the quantum level. There is every chance that Quantum Dots (QD) embedded in a hydrogel was used in the COVID injections, and will soon be dispersed into our bodies with the application of a vaccine MNA Patch, which is merely a more efficient delivery system.
Quantum computers have a chipset which is a binary bit of quantum information. Essentially the chipset is a miniature particle accelerator. In a quantum computer they are not colliding particles, but they are accelerating particles. They are electrons moving in opposite directions near the speed of light that creates the quantum coherence needed to access the quantum field. Decoherence occurs when that wave function collapses. The quantum mechanics of a Quantum computer is identical to how the quantum mechanics of the universe works. It is a counterfeit of how God created the coherence in the physical realm.
Just briefly, Quantum Dots (QDs) are man-made nanoscale crystals that can transport electrons and will illuminate an identity mark just below the skin with a hydrogel containing Luciferase (note this is specifically named after Lucifer because they emit light). These fluorescent, ‘quantum dot DNA hydrogels’ contain ferro-magnetic particles that can be affected by magnetic lines of force. That means this hydrogel, with minute QD’s held in suspension, can be shaped to look and move like miniature missiles with their spin controlled so they can penetrate into the core of our cell’s nucleus and therefore change our DNA. These miniature missiles look like “tadpoles” of semen with magnetic nanoparticles in the head of the “tadpole” and directed through the body with magnetism. The hydrogel has the ability to morph and change shape to give the qualities of 1. locomotion 2. shape variation and 3. configuration. 5g is being used to electro-magnetically steer these hydrogels to their target.
Hydrogels are the key: they possess a degree of flexibility very similar to natural tissue due to their significant water content. Chemical hydrogels possess exceptional biocompatibility and biodegradability qualities particularly in biomedicine.
Quantum dots (QDs) are designed to be a delivery system to the cells in the body, just like the DEWs were designed as a delivery system to ‘Dustify’ the Twin Towers on 9/11. This MNA Patch delivery system information is all adequately accessible in public accessible Patents, passed US Legislative Bills, White Papers and Medical Peer Review Papers.
If this miniature scenario is sounding familiar to the technology used in the 9/11 deception, it should be. The very same occult family bloodlines that planned 9/11 are now planning and controlling the same technology at a quantum level. They even have developed a Miniature Particle Accelerator on a silicon (sand) chip using infrared laser pulses to speed up the electrons even at the nanoscale. This should not be a surprise to you by now as it is similar technology used by D-Wave Computing in the chipset of the world’s most powerful Quantum Computers.
This video gives proof of just one of the blue blood families behind the 9/11 technology. The Rockefella family was involved, not only in the destruction of the Twin Towers but also the construction of the One World Trade Centre. That is duality at its finest!
The question we have to ask ourselves is this: If the spiritual mafia MOB, our OVERLORDS had the technology to eradicate the Twin Towers in 2001, what are they capable of now with access to Quantum Computers, Synchrotrons, AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), the "internet of bodies" (IoB), DEW’s, MNA Patches, QD’s, hydrogel’s, Sentient World System (SWS), and 5g etc, etc.?
If you care to follow the thread of the Spider’s web, most of the modern day technology is developed by US Military agencies like DARPA, NSA, NASA, CIA, the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and the Pentagon. For the very latest update on the Forces’ technology advancement consider the Defence Secretary Speech at Air, Space and Cyber Conference with their own admission of the use of DEW’s at the 1:50 minute mark. This is hardcore evidence! All of these agencies are foremost in the funding of private companies to develope all of the SMART technologies.
Now 3 1/2 years after COVID-19 injections were first enforced on humanity, there is now hardcore evidence and “evidence is always the irrefutable truth”…. For instance, when we manifest demonic entities, or what I call spiritual parasites - we manifest the unseen spiritual energy into the physical realm mainly via our emotions. That unconscious manifestation is hardcore evidence that that person is harbouring a darkside in their personality that is defined as iniquity or unrighteousness. When iniquity, which is in essence the characteristic of Lucifer manifests itself emotionally, Satan also manifests and we sin or transgress against YHWH.
Here is the hardcore evidence that the COVID-19 injections were definitely the Mark of the Beast. Those who have been vaccinated have been marked as now belonging to our adversary, Satan. Download this App…. Bluetooth Terminal
Download this App and you can see direct evidence of who has been vaccinated around you! This is what I call hardcore evidence!!
Look at these algorithmic numbers assigned to each individual. I can almost guarantee that these individuals are marked with a digital encryption or ID or Mark of the Beast. When we humans give ourselves over to Lucifer and the energy of the ‘Nachash’, the Mark of the Beast is indelibly tattooed inside of us energetically that is called iniquity by YHWH. These numbers seen below are an individual’s digital algorithm which is the crypto ID to the global Blockchain on the MOB’s Sentient World System (SWS). This is the physical manifestation of the Mark of the Beast that is tattooed inside of us by the spiritual mafia MOB. This is that person’s Blockchain identity according to the ‘Nachash’. There is nothing surer!
I do have friends that only took two vaccinations that do not show up with this Bluetooth Blockchain tattoo. This is interesting! Remember, what we believe in our energetic heart will ALWAYS manifest somehow, somewhen, sometime.
Selah…. there is nothing more to be said here!