For those of you who want to make a judgement and take sides with either the West or Russia, consider the facts in the picture below….
and then consider maybe just how erroneous your perceptions have become over time. There is one word that describes this - it is called brainwashing…. and it is not only Putin’s Russia that are experts at manipulating the mind of the masses………
But do not blame Americans - America is merely the chosen stage to play out the greatest occult stage play in the history of the world. America’s rise and fall is all apart of the scripted production. The final scene is about to begin……..
The news report below, having been televised over the last few days in Australia, is a classic example of brainwashing the masses en masse. It is a mixed message of confusion, fear and uncertainty. On one hand it claims that COVID-19 is a virus that can cause DNA changes in a woman’s placenta causing physical problems, but then state having done “tests in unvaccinated women who test positive to the virus, and those who had not been vaccinated or infested”.
This is a cunning bit of journalism “mumbo jumbo”. It is meaningless, yet very persuasive in changing, or enhancing, one’s perception of right and wrong. And generating FEAR! Mass media uses SPIN regularly to generate confusion of mind. One of the foundations of mind control is the use of mixed messages……… it turns clarity of mind into confusion, incoherence and haziness of thought.
I want to continue our discussion on human perception. How we perceive anything in life is of utmost importance. TV and movies are the greatest means of manipulating the masses towards the perception of FEAR.
A True perception of our Creator is the most important perception we can have. It is a perception free of Lucifer’s energetic and spiritual SPIN. When our perspective of God is True, we become the beneficiaries of health and well being. When our perspective of God is Right, we experience firsthand that which we all know deep down we have lost - it is an ache deep in our heart, and the pit of our stomach, that we have been robbed of life’s purpose.
There is a void in our human being that only the Creator God’s quantum field can fill. It is the field of God’s Intelligence that vibrates His Information within our body’s blood and DNA. Yet our own physical bodies’ health has been compromised due to the SPIN we have entertained in our minds. This essentially affects the blood and the interstitial fluids of the interstitium [the interstitium - literally means "space between” - it is a contiguous fluid-filled space existing between a structural barrier, such as a cell wall or the skin, and internal structures, such as organs, including muscles and the circulatory system. The fluid in this space is called the interstitial fluid which comprises water and solutes, and drains into the lymph system]. According to Dr. Robert O. Young, this is the largest organ in the body and is susceptible to becoming acidic.
The only problem is, we cannot possibly get an accurate perception of God from the ruling energy of this distorted matrix, and this Beast system, because the essence of their belief system is a grotesque hatred of God. This is the common denominator amongst those who have not personally experienced our Creator’s unconditional love. When we experience God’s unconditional love, it is quantum imprinted into our heart - and it erases all SPIN, fear, hatred and the spirit of death that had previously penetrated deep within our being.
This grotesque hatred of God is displayed everywhere in this Beast system….
Super Bowl 2024 was the most watched telecast of all time and an enormous number of viewers tuned in specifically for the icon, Taylor Swift. And she spent most of the time hanging out with an industry plant wearing a huge inverted cross. That is the SPIN that imprints on our unconscious mind. The inverted cross is the main symbol of Satanism and it is worn by occult elite pawns to show that they’ve sold their souls to Lucifer and/or Satan.
Take note in this video below, where this woman declares that “their one fundamental, all consuming purpose is to defeat God.” That’s it! They think they have God’s timing for His return to earth nailed at 2030….. and they truly believe they are going to defeat God at the battle of Armageddon just prior to that date. And they think they have to make their NWO happen now in 2024 in preparation for this - they think they are running out of time, so they are pushing hard to prepare well! How sad! Yet, that is how much they respect what Yeshua says in the bible and the book of Revelation. “Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who remains awake and clothed, so that he will not go naked and let his shame be exposed.” And they assembled the kings in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
The planned war in Gaza is all about the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon planning WW3 to take God out in the battle of Armageddon. That is what climate change and the false so called SARS-CoV-2 “virus” was/is all about - their entire purpose is to get you and me onside with their plans!
This grotesque hatred of God is the essence of all the judgements we make about God, ourselves and others. This is how we come to perceive life - totally disjoined. All of these judgments impact our own ego which we like to stroke and build up erroneously. That is because God said, “Let Us make man in Our image…” [Us refers to God, His divine Son, Yeshua and His Holy Spirit], yet our forefathers chose to follow Lucifer’s deceptive voice declaring, follow me “and you will become like God”.
This rebellious SPIN on God and themselves was then passed down through our DNA and has decimated our lives with a spirit of destruction and death. We became the beneficiaries of this iniquity in the hearts of Adam and Eve.
All of our desire then became an effort to try to change our ego and make it better, or “good” ourselves - not allowing God to transform our ego into being akin and connected to His Mind and His Ego.
We humans long to satisfy Lucifer’s promise to “become like God” through pleasure, illicit sex and wilful intent to oppose God. The bible calls this attitude of heart, “the flesh”. We often hear the term: “the sins of the flesh”. That is merely the physical manifestation of a heart attitude opposed to God - or what the bible calls iniquity - which is an ‘error’ caused by a personal miscalibration in our being to God’s True North. This ‘error’ in our moral compass only happens when we are misaligned and quantum disentangled with our Creator God.
God has stated that there is a “Way” to recalibrate our moral compass - and return to embracing His real Tree of Life. Hint: this is not through Kabbalah’s fake, Luciferian “Tree of Life” - which is really the “Tree of Death”!
In this video, a sincere Christian, James Delingpole defends his perspective of salvation through Jesus Christ as our only hope, by trying unsuccessfully to debate David Icke regarding the dark demonic realm.
Using James Delingpole’s own words; “I, [meaning me] winced at his vain attempt” to debate David Icke - he subsequently lost the debate from all sides. It’s not that I am doubting the sincerity of his beliefs, “rather it’s that I know that his well-meant attestations will, more often than not, have the very opposite effect to the one intended”.
David Icke is a well educated, well groomed advocate of those who perceive themselves to be “Awake”. To his credit, Icke started exposing the occult activities of the ruling class 30 years ago….. way, way before anyone was “Awake” to the supernatural realm of darkness. He knows his stuff. This segment above is a very accurate description of occult activity, Satanic rituals and the production of Adrenochrome from those innocent children used in Satanic rituals to the gods - or what they perceive to be the gods!.
David Icke correctly identifies the leaders of this Beast system as a global Cult - they are actually a global Sex Cult (SC) - because that is the nature and essence of the Nordic Vril energy and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system that is the energy behind all Baal worship. Baal or Baʻal (Hebrew: בַּעַל baʿal), was a title meaning 'owner' or 'lord' in the Northwest Semitic languages. those who worship Baal have sold their soul to Lucifer. Baal is worshipped as a fertility deity - that is why it is a Sex Cult (SC).
By default almost all of the 8.1 billion people in this world system in which we live, are trapped in the worship of Baal, unconsciously. It only took a small “heel-prick” test in the hospital where we were born and our parents signing us over to the State as a corporate entity, to already have our souls sold to the Beast system without our consent. This ‘claim of right’ was decreed through a Papal Bull way back in the 14th Century AD, by the Roman Catholic Church - and I’m sure you are not even aware of it! Consequently the spiritual mafia MOB already have all the data they need to control you - your blood type and your DNA frequency signature they need to target you individually. The PCR tests were merely a confirmation and update of that data and DNA frequency. In fact, they already have a virtual digital twin made of you.
The bottomline is - you have no where to run…….
Our ancestors, Adam and Eve entangled themselves with Lucifer 6,000 years ago, and humanity has suffered the consequences of that decision ever since. Lucifer and his demonic entourage operate just outside of the visual spectrum of our physical awareness, in the unseen realm. As a collective, we are now living through the culmination of living with that energy that brings destruction and death to our whole being. This is the energy field that is dementing our minds.
David Icke then asks the most important question any of us can ask - Why? Why do we do these sacrificial offerings to the gods? If the majority asked this one question, we would not be subject to the slavery of this despicable Sex Cult regime. Now here is his bottomline to the delusion of our perception; “These entities are feeding off low vibrational human energy, associated around FEAR, depression, hatred, conflict, regret, revenge etc.” The OVERLORDS create maximum TERROR [remember the definition of Terawatts in the last Substack which they will use to TERRORise the masses with 5/6G radiation signals] in the victim which naturally releases a low vibrational energy that the gods delight in, and absorb. This is how Adrenochrome is produced in the victims blood. This is also how witches gain temporary power from the gods - by shedding blood, then drinking it.
What they are offering to the gods is a sacrifice of blood in order to gain the power of the gods - the Nordic Vril energy and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic power. This is the same power used by the Vril Society that ushered in Hitler and Nazi Germany.
The interviewer of David Icke, James Delingpole wrote a Substack over the last few days called How To Put An Awake Person Off Christianity. In it he quotes -
“One reason for this is that the Awake - or red-pilled, call them what you will - are by nature sceptical of everything. And that definitely includes ‘organised religion.’ For them, Christianity - at least potentially - is yet another of those things we have taught (well, -ish) to believe as true, meaningful and real, but which turns out on closer examination to be yet another gigantic psyop. Maybe, even, the biggest psyop of them all.”
WOW!! James Delingpole in his banter, may well have just let the cat out of the bag. You need to read the whole article to place this paragraph in context of his argument. He is trying to argue through the eyes and perspective of the likes of David Icke - those who claim to be Awake - or the Enlightened ones.
However, it is true. Christianity has been created by the spiritual mafia MOB - in fact they have created all of the religions after the rule of the Greek Empire - and this religion, Christianity, is “the biggest psyops of them all.” The 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines planned this hundreds - if not thousands - of years ago when they created the Roman Catholic Church in AD 312 and Islam in Mecca at the start of the 7th century CE.
The House of Pallavicini: Palla = Allah (comes from Apollo) Vicini = ‘close to or vicinity’. The House of Pallavicini has major control over Islam. In fact, this is the family that created Islam. The Imams of Islam are all Persian descent. Furthermore its financial power is matched by few. Whereas the House of Borja crime family created the Jesuits. The words ´Papal Bull´ and the ´Bull of Wall Street´ likely derived their origins from the Bull of the House of Borgia as an icon of strength. The influence of the Borgia family goes beyond this. The image of Jesus Christ seen in photographs, that is known by everyone, is claimed to be modelled after Cesare Borgia.
Selah…. Think about that! Was the modern photographic depiction of Jesus based on Cesare Borgia?
The definition of a psyops is: military actions designed to influence the perceptions and attitudes of individuals, groups, and foreign governments OR military operations usually aimed at influencing the enemy's state of mind through noncombative means.
BOOM! “Influencing the enemy's state of mind through noncombative means” is exactly what they are doing. The MOB openly admit this - and you and I are their enemy!
What is sad is, the narrative of Christianity was targeted hundreds of years ago by the Jesuits and most Christians are not even aware of it. About 85% of the world's people identify with a religion. The world's largest religion is Christianity, which is practiced by almost 2.4 billion people or about 30% of the world’s population. Islam has 1.91 billion followers or 23%. Judaism supports 14.6 million or 0.0146 billion which is 1.8%.
Religion is the MOB’s biggest psyops. They have created and influenced every religion in the world - including Christianity.
The religion called Christianity is not only a psyops, is a dichotomy. It is a contradiction and is a message conflicting within itself. The reason for this is, it is making the same mistake as the Jews made when they were taken captivity into Babylon. Instead of repenting for the corrupt belief system they were entertaining in their hearts, the Jews turned away from God even further and embraced Lucifer. From this they developed a concept of God that did not embrace the character of their Creator. The Jewish Kabbalah was instigated and their dedication to their own corrupted version of the iconic Kabbalstic “Tree of Life” was instigated during the 48 years of Babylonian captivity between BC 586 - BC 538.
The Kabbalstic “Tree of Life” - or as I call it - Kabbalstic “Tree of Death”, is mankind’s attempt to embrace and spiritually entangle himself with Lucifer in order to gain the knowledge of God. The Kabbalstic “Tree of Life” and Baal worship are the foundation-stone of every secret society on planet earth. The Pharisees and Sadducees who crucified the Son of God, Yeshua ben Joseph, in AD 30 were obviously practising Kabbalists. They hated God and refused to accept God’s divine Son who came in the flesh to destroy the energy of death on our behalf - even though Yeshua was prophesied to be their Messiah hundreds of years prior to this.
Accepting Yeshua as their Saviour would have destroyed their occult based belief system, therefore they crucified their Messiah, then created a religion that acted as a diversion for the masses, but totally excluded Yeshua’s resurrectional power - the power of LIFE that overcomes our propensity towards the power of DEATH.
Christians, James Delingpole are always trying to defend God. God doesn’t need our defence. He needs our submission to His “Ways”, to His Matrix of unconditional love and His redemption process.
James Delingpole is unknowingly trying to debate David Icke based on our worldly knowledge - according to the spiritual Tree of the Knowledge of “Good” and Evil. Therefore, as a consequence, he is using the spirit of Lucifer’s “Tree of Life” to debate the same spirit of Lucifer - the same Vril spirit of death.
David Icke is an expert in being consciously aware of the spirit of death’s activities and the occult realm - that is why the Woke claim to be “Awake”……. however it is all knowledge based. David Icke has obviously never experienced his Creator God and resonated with God’s knowledge and wisdom. Neither has James Delingpole - otherwise he’d be asking David Icke about his experiences in entangling himself with God and His real Tree of Life - and Yeshua’s resurrection power!
Other than spiritually defeating Satan and Lucifer’s power of death with His resurrection power, our Saviour Yeshua ben Joseph had the authority to drive demons [or spiritual parasites] out of a human with ease. God’s main interest is the condition of our energetic hearts - i.e. the degree corruption or ‘error’ is impacting our moral Compass. In general, Christians do not have the authority to drive demons out - nor do even teach or consider the need to deal with the iniquity in their own heart. Therefore, the MOB has used the Jesuits to corrupt the church system and change the narrative away from God’s Truth.
This debate between David Icke and James Delingpole was all about attempting to prove who was right and who was wrong. This debate is dualistic in nature, trying to prove who is the “white hat” and who is the “black hat”.
The Creator God does not work on that level - at all. He is One in nature. When we believe in any manmade religion we open ourselves up to an Alternate fairytale reality that restructures our brain and makes us more susceptible to the MOBs’ mind control. Any Alternate Reality, whether it be the belief in a religion or hallucinating drugs, or Ayahuasca, impact our brain in the same way, and makes us more susceptible to mind control. This is because the unconscious part of our brain [the energy of iniquity] then dominates and convinces us we are right in what we believe and whatever we do.
This has the affect of trusting God less - not more! This is the route to righteousness.
This is what we need to learn from this interview - 1. Knowing and understanding about the dark occult activities of the global Deep State does not make us “Awake” or FREE spiritually. 2. Spiritual and physical FREEDOM can only be experienced when we return to our Creator’s fold with a willing determination to entangle ourselves with His Spirit. 3. ALL forms of virtual Alternate Reality in our mind engenders and incites the activity of spiritual parasites. That is the Deep States’ modus operandi. This is warfare. This is warfare against our minds. This is mind control.
Otherwise, not being consciously aware of this subtle manipulation, we will undoubtedly fall for another Beast system psyops.