In the last Substack we entertained the view that our spirit, mind, heart and souls are infested with spiritual parasites which have attached themselves to our spirits and sucked us dry of Life’s real life-saving energy. We stated that the pioneers of the Vril Society or The Luminous Lodge [who lite the Luciferian match of Nazism] were two women ….. Maria Orsic and another medium who only went by the name of Sigrun. Both women channelled a powerful goddess, Freyja who is supposedly beautiful, sensual, wears a feathered cloak, and practices seiðr.
We then finished the post by saying that one of the greatest deceptions is that multitudes of Christians are led to believe that they cannot be affected by spiritual parasites….. this is far, far from the Truth….. and their salvation will not be complete until such time they have eliminated them from their lives. Only then will they be spiritually and energetically FREE! The self-righteous Jews in the days when Messiah Yeshua walked the earth were battling against the very same thing…. and it was the manifestation of the dark energy of spiritual parasites in their iniquitous hearts that crucified their own Saviour.
We also spoke about this looser who is the god of Norse mythology and who looks like Santa Claus. This is the same spiritual foundation behind the NWO, WEF, WHO, UN and the energetic evil twins of Technocratic Nazism and Transhumanism.
The Vril Force or Vril Energy is the worship and blood sacrifice of Baal. Where do you think all of our children are disappearing to now? This is the same force that the Nazis and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed Hitler.
The multiple gods associated with Norse mythology, like any secret society is confusing and nondescript - because they are all fake, mythical gods - and are associated with the proliferation of elves, gnomes and dwarfs in Switzerland. Do you recognise the “Elf cross”? An elf (pl: elves) is a type of humanoid supernatural being in Germanic folklore. Elves appear especially in North Germanic mythology. In folk stories, Scandinavian elves often play the role of disease spirits.
The “Elf cross” associated with the god of Norse mythology was used by the Nazis and Hitler during WW2. The five-pointed star, also commonly called a pentagram, has been in use for thousands of years by a variety of cultures. “Nineteenth-century occult groups such as the Golden Dawn held that the point-up pentagram represented the rulership of Spirit over the physical elements, while a point-down pentagram represented the descent of Spirit into matter or matter subsuming Spirit. It is largely this interpretation that led the religion of Wicca [Luciferianism] to adopt the point-up pentagram and Satanism the point-down version as their representative symbols.”
Luciferianism is a belief system that admires and venerates the characteristics and personality traits exhibited by Lucifer. Luciferians model themselves after the original Lucifer, a character of enlightenment, independence, and progressiveness. The error associated with Luciferianism is much more subtle than in Satanism which is overtly dark and evil. Instead, Luciferianism is rooted in the “good” side of the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’ and is thus much more deceptive. It must be noted that both come from the same spiritual tree.
Neither of these religions or belief systems are associated with God’s own spiritual Tree of Life.
The Æsir are the gods of the principal pantheon in Old Norse religion and Norse mythology. The second Norse pantheon is the Vanir; these two pantheons waged war against each other, resulting in a unified pantheon - or NWO.
All of these pagan religions operate within duality, separation polarity and opposition. Luciferianism and Satanism are opposites yet from the same spiritual tree.
I just want to reiterate again what we stated in the last Blog: The Æsir [male gods] abuse their children, mainly females physically, psychologically, emotionally and sexually. This prolonged trauma fragments their minds as a natural God-given mechanism to protect themselves. This opens the spiritual doorway for the Vril spiritual parasites to enter that precious child and the Vanir [female gods] of vanity and their self image of self [ego] takes over. This process now makes them victims of the tangled web of personal narcissism.
The practice of seiðr is believed to be a form of magic which is related to both the telling and the shaping of the future. This energy is the essence of all women’s hatred towards men, the creator God and the male spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach. These practises creates the entangled web of Lucifer and Satan.
Lucifer is the author of any manmade Great Awakening, and he is also the author of the mind control of its citizens….. it too is a deception to behold. Listen closely to what Jason Christoff says about the need to erase “the parasitical force that dries up all of our energy”. The word ‘Government’ actually means mind-control: ‘Derived from the Latin verb Guverno/Guvernare meaning “to control” & the Latin noun Mens/Mentis meaning “Mind” = therefore ‘Government’ is designed “TO CONTROL THE MIND”.
Likewise, a demented person is not in their right mind; hence, they are crazy, insane, and highly irrational. “-ment” means “mind,” meaning that anything with the suffix “-ment” means it is connected to the mind thus meaning "to control the mind".
Therefore, demented politicians are used to implement the control of the minds of the masses.
A ‘soothsayer’ is one who predicts the future by magical, intuitive means; a seer. One who prognosticates: a diviner: generally used to describe one who possesses prophetic powers.
Those who raise concerns about the WHOs medical treatment of disease are being bullied, slandered, mocked, censored, ostracised, threatened, and fired from their employment.
The rise of cancel culture is used to isolate and silence those who oppose the fake science and technology, choosing to use independent and critical thinking skills.
Cancel culture is a contemporary phrase used to refer to a culture in which those who are deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner are ostracised, boycotted, or shunned. They want to call healthy public discourse, toxic. “The dissenters are silenced, not praised ……” Essentially, those who believe we are sovereign individuals will be persecuted.
This thesis on the disruptive impact of COVID19 wouldn’t be complete without a discussion on group psychology, or ‘groupthink’.
COVID was nothing more than a behaviour modification exercise injecting military designed bioweapons into our bodies. It is a Military Psyops Operation. The movie Ghosts in the Machine literally gives their game away!
Narcissism has two opposite poles [its essence is dualism, or the tree of knowledge at work, so what a surprise] - a misogynist is one who hates, mistrusts and discriminates against women.
A misogynist is a man who feels genuine contempt and aversion towards women. He is one who has a hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women, thus believes that men are much superior than women. A misogynist gets a dopamine high when they put a woman down. Likely due to past trauma, misogynists hold an unconscious hatred for women and will mistreat them without hesitation. This feeds feelings of dislike, hatred, abhorrence, animosity, disgust, distasteful enmity and loathing in men.
Misogynists, ironically, need women. They need them to validate their complexes, define their self-worth and enable them to continue their toxic behaviour. Without women, misogynists are nothing. Because of that, then, these kinds of men are often very "Jekyll & Hyde" in nature [bipolar].
‘Misandry’ on the other hand is typically an unconscious hatred that women form early in life, often as a result of a trauma involving a male figure they trusted [like a father figure]. An abusive or negligent father, brother, teacher or boyfriend can plant a seed deep down in their brain's subcortical matter. She has a hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men, thus believes that women are much superior than men. This feeds feelings of dislike, hatred, abhorrence, animosity, disgust, distasteful enmity and loathing in women.
Toxic femininity is just as real as toxic masculinity, and acknowledging it is the first step towards convincing other people that women can be just as problematic with their own personality traits as men.
Misandrists ironically, need men. A misandrist gets a dopamine high when they put a man down - especially in a public setting where their ego is supported by other females and the feelings of shame and embarrassment of the male is extenuated and heightened. Likely due to past trauma, misandrists hold an unconscious hatred for men and will mistreat and abuse them without hesitation.
Both male misogynists and female misandrists are narcissists who are consumed by their own ego. It is the Vril spirit coming from the underground world of dark energy that is leading to the proliferation of spiritual parasites in individuals.
For collective sanity to prevail right now, there is a need to treat both men and women with more respect and kindness….. but I’m not sure that is going to happen. It didn’t when Hitler ruled Germany….. why should the Old Norse religion that was the foundation of Nazism - the Nordic Vril energy force - be any different today?
Vril energy as first described in ‘The Power of the Coming Race”, a novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton published anonymously in 1871. Some believe the account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril", the name of which is a shortened version of "virile" - it has a high relationship to ones own sexual energy.