Listen in as the good Dr. James Giordano tells you exactly what they can do to you using nanotech smart dust! Elon Musk and the neurolink is complete BS and outdated tech. That’s designed to distract you from what they’ve already accomplished and it’s what they’re spraying on you daily!
Of course they also put tons of it into the COVID shots and it’s either killing people or taking them over, changing their minds and the way they think. That is why insanity is in plague proportions these days!
Karen Kingston from The Kingston Report confirms this in her Substack ‘MILLIONS of Self-Assembling Nanotech Entities’ in COVID-19 Injections on August 13, 2024: “400x magnification of 54 COVID-19 vials further confirms mRNA injections contain millions of undisclosed, bioengineered 'smart' entities that respond to electromagnetic signals and are highly toxic. Before we dive into the details of this newly published peer-reviewed article, I want to emphasize why this new scientific analysis is a critical piece of evidence in our battle to stop the extermination-level assault on humanity with mRNA nanoparticle technology. We can’t stop the crime if we can’t identify the weapon.
This newly released analysis is further evidence of the toxic (and sometimes lethal) self-assembling, AI nanotechnology entities found in the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ vials. Under the fraudulent promotion of “safe and effective vaccines” these toxic nanobiotechnologies were injected into billions of adults and children around the globe causing an unprecedented level of disease, disabilities, and death.”
My belief is, these bioengineered 'smart' entities are manifestations of spiritual parasites - or demonic entities.
Note that the instigators of climate change, the Club of Rome, states that “the common enemy of humanity is Man”! What they are referring to here is Man’s fallen spiritual state - the darkside of humanity is a problem that the MOB cannot overcome. It is what Sigmund Freud labelled the unconscious mind and the bible calls iniquity. It is the state we live in when we are quantum disentangled and no longer connected to our Creator. “The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
This Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor confirms there is little evidence of man-made climate change. It is a hoax.
Artificial Intelligence is also a operating system run by 'smart' entities that are manifestations of spiritual parasites - or demonic entities. According to Ray Kurzweil these spiritual parasites supercharge everything. However, spiritual parasites create all the diseases we humans experience - period. If the unseen realm was void of spiritual parasites we would not experience any form of dis-ease or insanity of mind. Kurzweil claims the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were created through a simulation process using quantum computers. We have already discussed the reality of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) that is driven by the software produced by Palantir . Remember - Peter Thiel? The technology behind the SWS resulted from over ten years of research at Purdue University, funded by the Department of Defence and DARPA. According to Ray Kurzweil, in two days the MOB created the MODERNA vaccine using the SWS quantum computers.
Notice Kurzweil says “we will be free from biological limitations” - what he means here is their mythical projection is that they will be free from YHWH (God) and His Creation. Their ultimate goal is not only longevity, but immortality. Their inverted believe maintains YHWH (God’s) judgement is what brings death - however it is their own iniquity that generates DEATH and erases Yeshua’s abundant LIFE. Notice that mankind demands everything YHWH (God) promises us when we are trusting Him and resonating with the energy of His Tree of Life - instead they hate their Provider of Life and His Creation.
If you want to explore this derelict looking Ray Kurzweil more try The Last 6 Decades of AI — and What Comes Next. Patrick Wood says in his article, The Transhuman: When Humans Merge With Science-Fiction “Lest you forget, Ray Kurzweil is the consummate Transhuman and Technocrat rolled into one. He is also chief scientist at Google and hopes for his head to be frozen by Alcor Life Extension in Scottsdale, Arizona, after he dies. In 2017, he doubled down on his prediction of reaching the Singularity by 2029, advancing his original timeline from 2045. The problem? Blending science fiction with reality always yields science fiction, and to bet your future on it will not end well.”
Futurists have long debated the arrival of the singularity, when human and artificial intelligence will merge, a concept borrowed from the world of quantum physics.
American computer scientist and futurist Ray Kurzweil has long argued that the singularity would likely occur around the middle of the 21st century, and with the rise of AI, his predictions are gaining more credence.
In his new book, The Singularity is Nearer, Kurzweil doubles down on those predictions and details how humanity’s intelligence will increase a millionfold via nanobots (among other things).
What we need to know here is, what Ray Kurzweil refers to, but does not mention, is the intent of the MOB using their sentient Quantum Computer, known as the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), that we will be relegated to being an avatar, acting as a computer node within this SWS! If we agree to accept the MOB’s FINAL SOLUTION (the digital ID), we will bear the image of the Beast, abandoning the image of God within us that has been gifted to us at conception via the information stored in our DNA.
Now, here is the punch line. This is what Ray Kurzweil is not telling us. The sole reason our OVERLORDS are pumping nanotech smart dust into our bodies lies in the artificial electrons contained within the smart dust.
The artificial electrons, or ‘warm and wet’ qubits, that are entangled in our bodies, communicating cell to cell, are also instantaneously entangled with the electrons, or qubits, in the centralised SWS, Quantum Computers. These Quantum Dots then act as a quantum sized quantum computer themselves, functioning as a brain/SWS computer interface. Changing the spin of electrons, both within the human body and the Quantum Computers, alters their previous condition, data & Information, thus our state of being. The electrons in our bodies and the electrons within the qubits of the centralised QC are quantum entangled, providing a quantum communication system between the two. 5G/6G is only there to kick-start the nanoscale quantum entangled electrons within the quantum dots. After this instigation, 5G/6G is rendered obsolete because the communication between the bodies’ cells and the SWS uses the free energy of quantum entanglement. This system surreptitiously gives the MOB automated control over the human mind, soul, body and spirit. The SWS becomes like a mind control minder, receiving Information and administering commands. In other words, once 5G/6G activates the process, Quantum entanglement automatically becomes the operating system to control each person.
When this virtual simulation occurs, individuals will lose all awareness that they have even experienced this change, because the MOB’s corrupted quantum entanglement will instantly transform their minds and erase all memories. In nature, Quantum entanglement connects human minds, one to another, as experienced in telepathy or spiritual discernment. In this artificial process, quantum entanglement connects our minds to the ‘Queen Bee’ running the ‘technological hive mind’ of the global Sentient World System (SWS), a simulated Virtual Reality. At this point of entanglement, human minds become enslaved to the anti-Christ Beast system.
This is the quantum explanation of the spiritual separation of an individual from their Creator. This is a spiritual disconnect we now observe manifesting in the physical. When we pray and communicate with Yeshua haMashiach, from a quantum mechanical standpoint, we are quantum entangling ourselves with His spiritual Presence. It is a communications system that is completely encrypted and cannot be hacked into. Lucifer’s final solution for humanity is eternal damnation of our souls. Those who take the Mark of the Beast are quantum entangled to the mind of the anti-Christ, and Satan. This artificial, counterfeit form of quantum entanglement is Satan and Lucifer’s means of communication with humans. It literally is the opening of demonic spiritual portals.
If you are wondering what the motive behind the Global Warming phenomena is, consider the fact that Quantum Computers not only simulate human behaviour, but they are also networked and “daisy chained’’ together to simulate the planet’s behaviour. The extension of the global Sentient World System (SWS) is the Digital Twin Earth. “Digital Twin Earth will help visualize, monitor, and forecast natural and human activity on the planet. The model will be able to monitor the health of the planet, perform simulations of Earth’s interconnected system with human behaviour (AI), and support the field of sustainable development (UN2030). Therefore, reinforcing Europe’s efforts for a better environment in order to respond to the urgent challenges and targets addressed by the Green Deal.” The digital twin is a digital replica of our planet, mimicking Earth's behaviour.
In this article, Digital Twin Earth, they openly declare that this is a disruptive technology that plans for the future changes of our world…..building on their experience in big data, data mining and pattern recognition. The digital twin is the ‘hive mind’: a virtual digital binary techno-pagan environment that humans are immersed in, with their minds entangled to centralised Quantum Computers. This is driven by artificial intelligence. AI systems learnt by observing, then mathematically emulating human behaviour. Humans will be plugged into a Virtual Reality environment full of Smart toys, whilst living in a Smart city. A virtual matrix of the mind; void of freewill.
Where does the MOB get such a weird name as Digital Twin Earth? Stephanie Moran’s book, “The Binary [Techno]Pagan and Vodun Ontologies of Cyberspace” gives us the answer, saying: “This paper will be tracing the Damballah double snake of virtual reality. Its twin ancestry in Paganism and Vodun, through its coding and its rituals. This doubling is inherent to cyberspace’s binary DNA.”
This is the fruit of the poisoned tree of Knowledge! It is literally the manifestation of duality. The tree of ‘the Knowledge of “Good” and Evil’, or the one spiritual tree consisting of twin paths, ’false light’ and ‘darkness’. This is the infrastructure by which the anti-Christ can connect every human to this virtual reality. Each individual is represented in the software as a node, and each person is allocated a digital twin or avatar.
Most people do not want to take accountability that their hearts are full of iniquity and demonic entities therefore they are already living as an avatar or digital twin. However, the Truth is - we all are.
All of this is is proven with direct evidence that Governments all over the world are creating digital twins of all major commercial buildings using drones.
Now the corrupted spiritual authority of the Vatican is going to determine what is a supernatural phenomena. How will we know if a fake “Jesus” appears in the sky - or the Real Yeshua haMashiach? We must ask ourselves - “Which Christ?” “Which Jesus?” or “Which anointing?” are we worshipping and spiritually quantum entangling with! In the meantime, the Vatican is positioning itself to play God (still/again) as they act as a divine medium and as a “go between” in order to confuse everyone.
Whilst the MOB plans our demise, they continually perform blood sacrifices to their ancient gods like Baal, as they do at The Bohemian Grove in July where hundreds of the most powerful and influential men attend what is known as the “Cremation of Care” ceremony. Greg Reece covers this in this video clip….
And probably a more relevant video for the times we live in with Theodor Herzl being the father of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to form a Rothschild directed Zionist Jewish state in 1948.
Once again, Greg Reece covers this important topic in this video clip….Evangelical Zionists Pushing the World Into Armageddon. For many unredeemed American Christians, it will always be Israel First.
This full video is a must watch….
This is the real reason the Gnostic Christians created this religion in AD 312. They had already hijacked and weaponised Yeshua’s teaching that declared that His resurrection was the only “Way” to discovering LIFE. However the Jews wanted to finally form an alliance with their own Jewish community who had already shameful crucified their own Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach in AD 30.
This will bring about the self-fulfilled prophecy of the Zionists and Zionist backed Christians fighting against Islam in the battle of Armageddon. This plan was already colluded upon prior to the Freemasonry announcement in AD 1871…. The Illuminati is a subset of the spiritual mafia MOB which was formed in 1776.
This my friends is where we sit in His-story. The final execution of WW3 is imminent. Mankind is self-fulfilling the prophecy of DEATH in order to create his/her own ‘messiah’, instead of availing himself/herself to the spirit of LIFE that ONLY the Real Messiah can provide for us. This is the only “Way” we humans can eradicate corruption in our own heart.
This is a warning to be vigilant. Thanks Graeme.