WOW...WOW...WOW was the only response I could make when my London informant pointed out to me the cross in the middle of the newly released WHO Global Vaccine Passport. I nearly fell off my chair in amazement. If you understand occult symbolism, you understand that these manipulative undesirables are revealing who is behind this assault on humanity, right before our eyes. It is now a visual confirmation.
This report came in this morning, June 9th 2023 from Technocracy News & Trends stating - WHO Global Vaccine Passports Go Live In Europe - It is official! “As borders in Europe are now controlled by the World Health Organization, anti-vaxxers and other nay-sayers will be banned from movement between countries. This will spread rapidly around the world. Expect other add-ons to the passport that may or may not relate to health, such as certain co-morbidities or carbon footprint. The universal ID will also dovetail to Internet access and use of Central Bank Digital Currencies.”
Everything the Public Health™ experts have done since the start of the COVID-19 plandemic has led to this moment of triumph for global Technocracy.
George Orwell's novel ‘1984’ took a major step forward this last week in the EU. Remember the four ministries: the Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Peace, the Ministry of Love, and the Ministry of Plenty. The name of the ministries is rather contradictory as the ministry of truth deals with lies, the ministry of peace with war, the ministry of love with torture, and the ministry of plenty with starvation.
No we have a new word in 1984's Newspeak - it is Digital Health. The New-speak language was created to replace Old-speak (that's Standard English to you and me) and shares mostly the same vocabulary and grammar as English. However with the MOB’s Newspeak, the definitions are inverted. Digital Health is literally Digital Slavery. Digital Health is closely connected to the new global religion - Dataism. The MOB believes that all organisms are algorithms - according to Yuval Noah Harari, this is the big Luciferian “insight” of the modern life sciences.
The other great “insight” the MOB has is that we are merely animals, thus we should be treated as such! That is the intuitive “insight” they receive from their “gods”!
In February 2020 [notice the supposed virus outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan was December 2019], the Canadian Government released this preconditioning article, called Exploring Biodigital Convergence written by a WEF trained and TI, Kristel Van der Elst. They told us that “Digital technologies and biological systems are beginning to combine and merge in ways that could be profoundly disruptive to our assumptions about society, the economy, and our bodies. We call this the biodigital convergence”.
We have been forewarned that what is coming is “the full physical integration of biological and digital entities” in order to “change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours and change or create other organisms….” “The physical meshing, manipulating, and merging of the biological and digital are creating new hybrid forms of life and technology, each functioning in the tangible world, often with heightened capabilities.” Here is the secret, hidden message…. “We are now godlike and will play god with you and you must submit.” “Gene sequencing combined with artificial Intelligence (AI) leads to understanding genetic expression, which is then used to alter existing organisms to create organic compounds in new ways or even entirely synthetic organisms.”
You need to be aware that these digital entities that are creating new hybrid forms of life are in fact demonic spiritual entities that we call demons - but don’t really believe exist [especially in our own bodies - however, they are simply spiritual parasites. That is what they are referring too!
Notice well that the EU and WHO leaders claim that this new Digital Health apparatus is for the global public “good”, being built on the power and knowledge of “science”. “In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics.”
I want to highlight this comment - global public “good”. This is yet another “Good Cop - Bad Cop” scenario. Once again, the WHO in Switzerland is playing the “good guy”, the neutral country who administers “peace, justice and human rights”, whilst at the same time plays the role of adversary to all other nations. It is yet another example of the spiritual “Tree of the Knowledge of “Good” and “Evil”. The spirit of Lucifer is enticing nations to accept their digital system to help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics. The problem is, most people are consciously sound asleep to the implications of the MOB’s “Evil” intent.
So let me introduce you to the new Global Vaccine Passport. Notice well the symbolism here - the red cross embedded into the middle of the pass QR code.
This is the BIG give away! The Red Cross is yet another Swiss “Good Cop - Bad Cop” creation. The Red Cross of course has been hailed as a way “good” people can give their own blood in order to serve the community and save lives. However, like everything else created in Switzerland, the Red Cross is being used as a two-sided coin having both a “good” side and an “evil” side - the manifestation of Lucifer and Satan yet again.
Therefore, let’s look briefly at the dark side of the Red Cross and that will show us the hidden intent behind the WHO’s Global Vaccine Passport.
The Red Cross is an international humanitarian network founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Red Cross’s roots date to 1859, when Swiss banker Henry Dunant witnessed the bloody aftermath of the Battle of Solferino in Italy, in which there was little medical support for injured soldiers. The fighting had left some 40,000 troops dead, wounded or missing, and both the armies, as well as the residents of the region, were ill-equipped to deal with the situation.
Dunant went on to advocate for the establishment of National relief organisations made up of trained volunteers who could offer assistance to war-wounded soldiers, regardless of which side of the fighting they were on [in appearance -so commendable hey!]. In 1863 Dunant was part of a Swiss-based committee, called the Genevese Public Welfare Organisation, that put together a plan for a national relief association.
The group, which eventually became known as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), adopted the symbol of a red cross on a white background, an inverse of the Swiss flag, as a way to identify neutral medical workers on the battlefield.
In 1901, the Swiss banker Henry Dunant received the first-ever Nobel Peace Prize; his citation for the award stated: “Without you, the Red Cross, the supreme humanitarian achievement of the nineteenth century would probably have never been undertaken.”
But wait …… haven’t we already proven that the “Lombard bankers” and The Genevian Council of 200 have planned and financed all wars since the The Peace Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 when Switzerland gained neutrality?
Geneva and the “Lombard bankers” are the global epicentre of money usury. Therefore, what a money spinner to plan and finance wars, then go in to the same war devastated area and build and provide hospitals to care for the sick and own the corporations that rebuild the countries. What a win/win engineered business plan!
The story of Dick Cheney in the movie ‘Vice’, tells of an unassuming bureaucratic Washington insider, who quietly wielded immense power as Vice President to George W. Bush, reshaping the country and the globe in ways that are still felt today. What the movie doesn’t tell us is that Dick Cheney commanded the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11, 2001 then sent the US to Iraq to fight an illegal war that destroyed 4.6 million souls and created 38 million refugees in the Middle East. All so the company he was CEO of before he became VP - Halliburton - could be given the contracts to rebuild the rubble of a devastated country. This is how the “Lombard bankers” use usury to influence the world through mass mind control. All of this directed through the original CIA in CERN, Switzerland - there were no Arabic “terrorists” slamming into the Towers in Manhattan - that was all Hollywood - it was an engineered fabrication, not real, an artificial event - just like the engineered virus and Global Vaccine Passport.
In both cases - the instrument that dictated global fear was an unseen military grade weapon - a Direct Energy Weapon (DEW) - the later engineered fabrication are lasers directed from 5G Towers and satellites [and yet many believe Elon Musk is the “good guy” - their “saviour”!] Elon Musk is the manifestation of the Joker - he even looks like him!
The artificial, counterfeit, engineered “vaccine” is not life giving - it is life destroying! It literally is a bioweapon used to destroy humanity. The real “terrorists” - the real “conspirators” come from the Canton of Geneva. Dick Cheney and all of his other Deep State mind controlled mates are merely puppets in the grand scheme of things.
These “Lombard bankers” indeed founded the International Red Cross through the Freemasonic networks of the Grande Loge Alpina that run the Red Cross as a vast global Intelligence operation, and use it as the best of covers. The Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland, founded in 1844 is one of the Grand Lodges of Freemasons in Switzerland.
The Red Cross has acted as a cover for Swiss Diplomates to travel with Diplomatic immunity which is a principle of international law [founded of course in Geneva] by which certain foreign government officials are recognised as having legal immunity from the jurisdiction of another country. It allows diplomats safe passage and freedom of travel in a host country and affords almost total protection from local lawsuits and prosecution. Many members of the Grand Lodge Alpina also belong to the Helvetica Lodge No 4894 (UGLE) in London, which exists to serve Swiss Freemasons in England, and to cement Anglo-Swiss relations.
Now isn’t that a coincidence! :) The Swiss and the British Monarchy in bed together - served through the Crown in the City of London.
The Red Cross has thus been implicated in child harvesting, child trafficing as well as human parts trafficing. What is also disconcerting is the fact that Red Cross has been using donors blood to sell their DNA data to China for genetic surveillance.
Quote from Are you con-CERN-ed?: “The Swiss Red Cross (SRC) is perceived as the largest and most important ‘humanitarian’ organisation in Switzerland. On the contrary, since it was founded in 1863, the SRC has acted in the “Global Fascism” play as a vast Intelligence, spy operation, with the best of humanitarian covers. They have created an immense smuggling empire which works in smooth co-operation with the Intelligence services of all other nations. This allows their agents to move from country to country under the cover of diplomatic immunity, carrying top level security clearances that the average person doesn’t have access too. All to cover the illegal trade in so many different commodities.
The Rothschild archive shows their family was closely associated with the British Red Cross since its inception in 1870 with Nathaniel Rothschild becoming chairman of the Society 1901-1915. The general census is, the Swiss Military Industrial Complex creates “natural disasters” in poor countries, like the Haiti earthquake, then the Red Cross rides in like a white knight bringing cheap plastic water & crackers — only to steal the aid money and assist children only by trafficking them for monetary gain. Meanwhile, more than 8 million children go missing every year, unaccounted for, whilst the other 7.7 billion people turn their heads away in disbelief! This describes a collective, unconscious state of mind. This is exactly what the “Global Fascists” command. The ICRC unscrupulous behaviour continues in Ukraine right now, where they are using the Swiss Red Cross as a cover for military operations. Check out this video of a large cache hidden by the ICRC at an unknown location.”
This is the key to global spiritual deception…. and who financed the Knights Templar and the Raiders of the Lost Ark? You guessed it - the spiritual mafia MOB or as they were know then - the Venetian Black Nobility.
The Red Cross emblem is an inversion of the Swiss flag. An ‘inversion’ is defined as; a situation in which something is changed so that it is the opposite of what it was before, or in which something is turned upside down. The spiritual mafia MOB use inversions all the time. Newspeak is the inversion of word meaning.
“Turned upside down” adequately describes the occult world - and more than likely your brainwashed belief system. I know that is difficult to swallow - however that is how mass mind control works - first you must become consciously aware of it and then learn how to break free from its large spiritual tentacles. It literally is a web of deception and lies.
Ok, this may not be a WOW for you, however for me the design of this red cross embedded into the middle of the pass QR code is absolute proof that my 40 years of study and searching for the spiritual Truth has not been in vain.
Red signifies blood and the cross, the sacrifice of blood. The Beast system represents the collective of unredeemed man. The Beast system is a direct counterfeit - an inversion of that which our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach provided for us on the cross at Calvary 1,993 years ago. Our spiritual entanglement with our Creator is the only Way we can be redeemed from the iniquity we espouse in our hearts.
The unredeemed, unregenerate man or woman is marked spiritually with a mark of righteousness or a mark of unrighteousness imprinted on our body. That is how quantum physics works.
Many believe we need to give our blood as a sacrifice to Satan. Satan demands the sacrifice of human blood embodied in sheer terror, in order to worship him [think of your reaction to 9/11]. Could this Red Cross on the WHO’s Global Vaccine Passport signify the mark of the Beast?
This is the most egregious, abominable fraud and coverup ever known to mankind.
Therefore - we must ask ourselves this question - Are the Vaccinated made to be a blood sacrifice to Satan in an attempt to further empower the spiritual mafia MOB?
When it is all said and done - it is our choice and our consent to give away. We have been endowed with the God-given characteristic of free—will! We only have two choices - God’s offer of redemption - or Satan’s “lucrative” offer of empowered destruction. The MOB’s engineered proposal might look “good” to our self-satisfied hearts - but really, it is not worth the temptation!
Which Ministry of Truth is your heart aligned with? The real Ministry of Truth or the counterfeited, inverted one? What are your thoughts?
Thank you for your comment. You are onto it with the Goddard Tunnel Satanic opening ceremony, June 1, 2016. I've lived in Switzerland and observed how they brainwash their children by experiencing such occult rituals regularly throughout the year. Once again - both sides of the Ukraine war is planned and financed by the authors of Nazism and Fascism in Geneva. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world - only eclipsed by Switzerland.
You nailed it with the Swiss elites. They are anything but neutral. You only have to watch the Goddard Tunnel opening ceremony, starirng Baphomet the transsexual. to see it openly displayed. Careful examination of it reveals many manifestoions of this old age religion that have been appearing in Ukraine with much of the symbolism in military graveyards.