I love this photo! However, is it an accurate depiction of what is going on in the world right now? Well it will be! The spiritual King, the real Messiah and spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach will soon return and tip the whole merchant trading system - the Beast system - upside down within in a blink of the eye.
What is on the table? The four things that drive this Beast system- sexual pleasure, money/usury, power and the freedom of your spirit, mind, heart and soul.
And it ALL has to do with the sacrifice of something!
That something maybe you!
So what is inaccurate about this photo? Well remember, it is an illusion of the eye that impacts our mind. This Hollywood photo depicts a religious icon the Greeks and Jews called Jesus when they established the concept of a counterfeit religion in Alexandria, Egypt - after God had destroyed the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem exactly 40 years [to the day] after the Jews had crucified Yeshua haMashiach in AD 30.
In AD70, after their Temple in Jerusalem was flattened [literally stone by stone] by the Romans, as prophesied by Yeshua haMashiach 40 years prior, many Jews fled to Alexandria, Egypt where they joined force with the Pharaonic Hermetic belief system and Gnostic Christianity was born.
From the strife and discord caused by the destruction of the Jewish Temple came the Roman Catholic Church, born by Emperor Constantine in AD 312. That strife and discord is manifested today in the Christian religion. The American styled corporate “church” as we know it has a Greek goddess foundation. The Hollywood portrayal of Christ as a Greek icon has no spiritual resemblance to our spiritual saviour Yeshua haMashiach. Eris was/is the Greek goddess of conflict and dispute, which is basically like being the goddess of pointless arguments that end in fistfights — or even entire TROJAN WARS.
The Greek goddess Eris depicts the character, psyche, quality traits, ethos, energetic vibration, mould and essence of the spiritual mafia MOB.
Everything - and I mean everything that is occurring right now in 2023 is highly connected to, and relevant to the destruction and rebuilding of a Temple of worship. This is not only true for the Jews who are obsessed with rebuilding their own physical Temple - in an endeavour to worship the Messiah they themselves crucified - but also for all Gentiles who are obsessed with destroying and rebuilding their own spiritual temple.
This is where the likes of the weaponised COVID-19 “vaccine” comes in - it was/is a Trojan Horse designed to gain access to your fortress - the temple of God’s Holy Spirit within your body.
All signs point to the fact that the “apocalypse” the much loved Apostle John wrote about in about AD93, is about to begin in Sept. 2023 [1,930 years ago].
You maybe going through your own little ‘apocalypse’ right now. The collective little ‘apocalypses’ are very much related to the major global, collective ‘apocalypse’ that is about to begin.
Most people take the word ‘apocalypse’ to mean the complete final destruction of the world. But the word apocalypse actually means revelation. That which is uncovered. It comes from the Greek word which literally means ‘to pull the lid off something’.
I think humanity is going through an apocalypse, one that many of us welcome. It’s time to remove the veil of deception that maintains the false matrix of belief and reveal the Truth.
This is happening all around us, in the course of three years, more truths have been revealed than in the previous one hundred! But there’s still a long way to go.
The same process happening at a macro level is happening at a micro level too. People are also revealing themselves for who they truly are, we are seeing them for the first time in their True colours.
As they say - ‘As above, so below’ - but I’m not referring to Lucifer’s kingdom here, I’m referring to God’s spiritual Kingdom.
You will have experienced in your own life and witnessed in the lives of others, a lot of break ups and fall outs amongst people. It’s as if people’s true essence was being exposed so you can see how you may not want to be around some people and on the other hand, how you may really want to be with those whose spiritual essence is pure. This will make relationships going forward, stronger, more sincere and longer lasting.
So if you are going through difficult times with friends or loved ones, just know that you are not alone, we are all going through similar notions and it’s all part of the ‘apocalypse’ the world is going through right now.
The whole world is groaning under Lucifer’s spiritual rule and reign……
And….. Satan is applauding!
As painful as it is, it’s a necessary and positive thing for us all, for humanity and for the world as a whole. We are growing, we are transforming and we are evolving towards something much, much better. That transformation is spiritual. That transformation can only be found when we cast our minds into the 3rd heaven and we spiritually and energetically entangle ourselves with our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach.
He is more real that anything physical. He is more real than day and night. He is more real than time as we know it. He is more real than the sun. He is the Son of God.
This “apocalypse” will absolutely prove, beyond a shadow of doubt that John’s Revelation was and is absolutely True.
The spiritual mafia MOB knows it - in fact they are heavily investing in it! They know the significance of Sept. 2023 - that is why they are stating openly - “We are out of time!”
This “apocalypse” will absolutely prove that despite man’s attempts to erase it - and modify the written Word - the Word of God is infinite because the Word of God is Yeshua haMashiach and His Word is eternal - His Word is Truth. He is infinite - that is why death could not hold Him down!
What unveiling is going on in your heart right now? Don’t try to tell me it is not happening to you! That is absolute BS and spiritual ignorance!
God is the One who is lifting the veil within the darkness of your heart right now……
Are you listening?
How will you respond?
Who owns your spirit and soul right now?
Who will own your spirit and soul in the eternal future?
That is the biggest question you could ask yourself and meditate on right now…………….
Really….. nothing else matters………
Who owns your heart? Lucifer or Yeshua? Who have you surrendered too, either consciously or unconsciously?
This is what really, REALLY matters……..