I’ve taken an article written by Author Harriet Sim - AUGUST 7, 2024 that was posted in an online newspaper that is targeting the need for females to express their own sexual gratification through sexual intercourse with supernatural entities. Is this a reality? Of course it is - and here is why!
“I’ll never forget the day I fell in love with a vampire. It was the summer of 2007 and the air was thick with teenage angst and the sugary scent of Impulse body spray.
I was fourteen when my immortal soulmate entered my life and rewired my desire for an unobtainable, forbidden love that only exists between monsters and humans. The lion and the lamb.
Sadly for me I wasn’t the only one fostering a parasocial attachment to a fictional character. Selling over 160 million copies, it turned out women everywhere were equally eager to sink their teeth into Stephanie Myers cold-blooded love affair, The Twilight saga.
As I moved into my late teens and early twenties, I grew up and out of the fantasy genre. Instead finding my fix in memoirs and flawed twenty-something fiction, which usually involved a fractured family trope or an unlucky in love type-narrative.
I had put my teenage desires to bed and pushed my supernatural thirst to the back of the wardrobe along with the rest of my skeletons. Or so I thought.
Like most millennial readers, it was on BookTok that I first became acquainted with best-selling fantasy author Sarah J Maas and her beloved A Court Of Thorns And Roses (ACOTAR) universe.
With 8.5 billion views and counting on the #ACOTAR hashtag alone, I was intrigued at how in an ever growing digital age, Maas had single-handedly diverted attention back to paper.
Set in a faerie realm, the six novel series follows nineteen-year-old human huntress, Feyre Archeron in a ‘romantasy’ tale of adventure, love and politics.
Admittedly, it sounded awful. But after the announcement that a planned Hulu adaptation was in the works and Margot Robbie had been allegedly sighted meeting with Maas herself, I decided to push judgments aside and find out.
Call it intimidation, but my past experience with the fantasy genre had often lost me at the lengthy otherworldly names and settings spanning several dimensions, so to improve the experience I decided to opt for a dramatised audiobook version.
Also, given the ‘fairy porn’ conversations I had seen online, I thought the audible erotica claims would make for a more engaging listen.
I’m about half way through the first novel, when I begin to wonder if the real quest is the mission to find the overly-hyped literary smut. Where was all the spice I had heard about?
A few gruffly spoken whispers and some flirty wing flutters later, I do eventually reach the highly-anticipated, yet somewhat underwhelming sex scenes.
Eventually, after the wretched villain is defeated and a century-long curse is broken, the two main protagonists finally consummate the relationship in a true fantasy fashion (horns, wings and all). It is here, between the twisted sheets, that I finally begin to understand the ‘Maas appeal’.
It’s not about sensationalising supernatural sex, it’s about escape.
As the architect of her own female-centric universe, Maas has successfully reclaimed the fantasy genre from the male gaze, and as a result carved out a space where women female pleasure is front of mind and women can indulge in their own desires, free from judgement.
In a recent interview, Maas told marie claire, “The promise of the happily ever after is a huge part of the appeal of romance for me. Reading is a refuge from our real world. But in a romance story, no matter how bleak things seem, it’s reassuring to know that the characters you love will still find each other.”
In an ever growing tense political and economic landscape, Maas lends us the gift of freedom through fairy tales. A space free from taboos and trolls (except the mythical kind), where women can express and explore their sexuality by rewriting the blueprint for a world better designed for women.”
More and more we are finding that mythology in general, though greatly contorted, very often has some historic base. And the interesting thing is that one myth which occurs over and over again in many parts of the world is that somewhere a long time ago supernatural beings had sexual intercourse with natural women and produced a special breed of people. Mythology is replete with stories of men who were half god or demigod, such as the legendary Hercules.
However, can we afford to throw this activity into the classification of past mythology - or are woman using mythology today, to insight sexual activity with a certain breed of fallen angels called Watchers in this environment of sexual fantasy?
Incubus is defined ‘as a demon in human form that has sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping’. This is inaccurate for a start because these entities performing acts are of a much higher rank than demons - they are fallen angels form the realm of the 3rd heaven called Watchers. Mind boggling? Absolutely! I don’t claim to know how this works in the natural, however I do have enough evidence to know it does.
This activity goes back to Genesis 6, prior to the Great Flood when fallen angels, called the ‘Nachash’ in Hebrew, had sexual intercourse with human women, forming demonically possessed giants or Nephilim. This activity began the process of mixing genetic material within human DNA and creating hybrid entities. Just like alchemists are doing today. “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.” A DNA Hybrid refers to a method in which double-helical DNA from two species is denatured, cut, spliced and mixed. Hybrid DNA includes mismatched base pairs. It is a reciprocal exchange between two homologous DNA molecules. A position in duplex DNA where the two strands are not complementary, either because the base pair is not a Watson/Crick base pair (AT or GC) or because there is an insertion or deletion of one or a few base pairs in one strand relative to the other. This is how chimeric DNA is formed. A genetic chimerism or chimera is a single organism composed of cells with more than one distinct genotype.
We don’t have to go past this interview below for evidence based proof that our human DNA is being transformed by the spiritual mafia MOB - those who worship the ‘Nachash’ - into a form of chimera that is no longer in the image of YHWH. Click here or on the photo below to watch Joseph Ladapo MD, PhD the Surgeon General of Florida…. This fact is now indisputable.
Joseph Ladapo correctly says that DNA is designed by God, is the building blocks of life, and it is God’s source of information within our DNA that sustains our life and connects us to YHWH/God. Modern day scientists are indeed playing god with the blueprint of life by injecting a form of spiritual cancer into our veins coming from the spiritual energy of this ‘Nachash’ or fallen angels. Joseph Ladapo make a very valid point that scientists only know about the function of 1-2% of DNA. The rest is a mystery known only by God. Scientists right off the remaining 98-99% of the human genome as “junk DNA”, however this Information is critically important to our ‘being’ as it determines gene expression.
The spiritual mafia MOB, and the likes of the FDA in the U.S. and the TGA in Australia are playing dice with our lives. It is pretty simple really. God does not play dice with His Creation. Therefore, the one playing dice with us must be a foe, an insurgent and enemy of mankind. This is the nature of the ‘Nachash’. The Reality is, we do not have to live by chance and inherent randomness.
So what was Albert Einstein referring to when he wrote to Max Born in December 1926 that "the theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One. I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice"? What did Einstein mean by his apparent statement “God does not play dice”? For a start, Einstein’s parents were non-observant Ashkenazi Jews. Despite his parents’ secularism, the young Albert discovered and embraced Judaism with some considerable passion, and for a time he was a dutiful, observant Jew. Many years prior to Einstein, John Dee communicated directly with fallen angels, or what he described as the “Great Old Ones”, back in the 1580’s. John Dee learnt how to open up a spiritual portal, just like CERN continually does in Geneva. Dee received Luciferian Information via the Enochian language that D-Wave now arranges in their cubits on the chipsets for their Quantum Computers using the occult "Great Table of the Earth”.
Therefore, may I suggest that the ‘God’ Albert Einstein was referring to was the fake god, Lucifer or the illuminated ‘Nachash’ who originally tempted and deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden.
All due respect to Joseph Ladapo, however there will be no accountability until our Messiah returns, destroying the ‘Nachash’ and judges mankind for not engaging in His perfect spiritual Kingdom.
So what is this ‘Nachash’? The ‘Nachash’ consist of the 1/3rd (33.3%) of angels who fell from God’s Holy Presence in heaven prior to the creation of Adam and Eve. We could refer to them as the “Great Old Ones”, fallen angels or the fiery serpent Lucifer. It is the Hebrew word nachash that is used to identify this serpent as “a deceptive creature or trickster, who promotes as good what God had forbidden and shows particular cunning in its deception”. Michael S. Heiser, PhD in his paper ‘The Nachash and His Seed’ states that “Eve was not deceived by a snake. She was speaking to an bright, shining upright being who was serpentine in appearance, and who was trying to bewitch her with lies. She was in the presence of one of the ‘sons of God’ [fallen angels], beings who had free will, who were more powerful than mere angels.”
Go back now and study the picture at the beginning of this Substack. This representation is more like the ‘Nachash’ described in Genesis. As the picture depicts, the ‘Nachash’ in the Tree of the “Knowledge” of Good and Evil was a winged serpent, Seraphim or Phoenix. The ‘Nachash’ conspires to be the holder of the key to the “forbidden Knowledge”.
Adam was called to serve God in the Garden and use his spiritual authority to be a watchman and guard himself and all God’s creation against the ‘Nachash’, strife, chaos and iniquity. The light that the ‘Nachash’ displayed in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was a counterfeit glory that he displayed, along with the promise of wisdom and knowledge and that claimed that Adam and Eve could become “as gods”, knowing all the forbidden knowledge - if Lucifer could simply tempt Eve into having sex intercourse with him.
Prior to Eve’s temptation, Adam was given direct commands that he disobeyed. God’s Word, His commands and God’s spiritual Kingdom are inseparable. Even before Eve was created, “YHWH commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die [to the Kingdom].” The N.T. defines sin as the violation of YHWH’s commandments - and death is separation from YHWH and His Kingdom. Therefore, if Adam had not have received commandments in the Garden, he could not have sinned.
The man Adam set the stage for Eve’s temptation by transgressing God’s commands maintain the Garden in holiness and to protect his soul mate from the ‘Nachash’ - yet his transgression opened the door of Eve’s heart to the Nachash’s deception.
The first thing the ‘Nachash’ did to Eve was to question God’s motives by bringing into question the commandments of God. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
The ‘Nachash’ reasoned that God was keeping something from them through His commandments. This then established the seed of iniquity in their hearts and Eve became confused and deceived. Which raises the question: Are women as more susceptible to the demonic and/or fallen angles than men? Adam’s transgression that violated God’s commands now opened their hearts up to the sin nature of corruption or iniquity which is a deep down inclination to violate every commandment. Iniquity of heart is a deep rooted attitude of rebellion that generates corruption. It is an energetic state of heart that when acted upon produces sin. Remember, iniquity is the root, and sin is the fruit. Whichever seed is planted will produce and manifest itself in the physical realm.
Eve was created with a need for affectionate intimacy and the Nachash appeared as ‘the enlightened one’ who believed he could fulfil her need. Thus the seed of Cain was established. Thus the war between two spiritual seeds began - Lucifer’s seed and Yeshua’s seed. This is only coming to fulfillment with an amazing climax 6,000 years later. Therefore woman have the propensity to open their hearts up to the ‘Nachash’ and seek his illumination.
Dr. Miryam Brand from the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem has some interesting insights. “The Book of the Watchers (250-200 BCE) contains three main threads regarding the sin of the angels that reflect earlier traditions: 1. Forbidden Knowledge: Make-up and Weapons: In one account, the angel Asael[6] descends to earth and teaches forbidden knowledge to women concerning female adornment, which facilitates lust. He also teaches men how to create weapons, which enables war.[7] 2. Forbidden Knowledge : Magic and Other Forbidden Knowledge 3. Mating and Reproducing with Women.” Therefore the Nachash is continually appealing to a woman’s image.
Once Adam and Eve possessed a deep down inclination to violate every commandment, they were isolated from the Kingdom of God and the eternal Tree of Life. That is what every human being, made in the image of God, is aching to return to. It is the void that exists in the heart of every individual. However most still believe in the Nachash’s false promise of a spiritual utopia. It is the promise of hidden knowledge that everyone, including the spiritual mafia MOB, and the seed of Cain are so desperately trying to gain from Lucifer. But never will. There is only one “Way” to re-enter into the real Tree of Life, and that is through the doorway of Yeshua’s sacrificial blood.
There is a cost to everything we think in our minds, cultivate in our hearts and do actively in life. It takes a blood sacrifice to pay for our iniquity, sin and transgression. Even ‘the illuminated one’, Lucifer and the spiritual mafia MOB know that! There is no doubt in my mind that the spiritual mafia MOB, the global elite and our OVERLORDS are chimera, of the bloodline of Cain. That is why they have no compassion for their fellow man, they hate God’s creation and they detest their Creator. That is why they are trying to destroy all three. And there is no better way than to employ that angel of DEATH, the shining one, Lucifer, to do that.
Another name for the ‘Nachash’ is Prometheus who in ancient Greek mythology is worshipped as one of the Titans and a god of fire.
For those of you who argue that Eve wasn’t deceived, the Apostle Paul certainly didn’t think so….
“and I fear that somehow your minds may be seduced away from simple and pure devotion to the Messiah, just as Eve was deceived by the serpent and his craftiness. For if someone comes and tells you about some other Yeshua [or some other Jesus!] than the one we told you about, or if you receive a spirit different [the spirit of Nachash] from the one you received or accept some so-called “good news” different from the Good News you already accepted, you bear with him well enough!” 2 Corinthians (2 Co) 11:3,4 CJB
This spiritual principle of deception holds true right throughout history.
I want to close with a short personal story. I was a B777 Captain with Emirates Airlines based in Dubai for 12 years. Mingling amongst people from every nation and religion was certainly a huge learning curve. I counselled a woman for a short time who was Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s own personal artist. Her parents were initial employees at CERN when it started in 1952. She had been raised in an occult bloodline and was trying desperately to break out of its deep entangled influence. That was what go me interested in researching the workings of CERN and how a woman could be so possessed with demonic entities.
However, the story which impacted my life the most was when I flew twice with an devout Islamic Purser [the one who is in charge of all the Flight Attendants in the cabin] from Tunisia. A small percentage of Pursers in EK really know what is going on in the world because they are rubbing shoulders continually with the global elite. He confided in me [mainly because no one else understood the spirit realm that was threatening him and he had no one else to confide in] that he had recently had a girlfriend in Dubai of Russian-Greek descent. According to him she was absolutely stunning. However she regularly had sex and orgasms with an angelic Watchman whilst he was lying in bed next to him. Can you believe that? I do now!
Woman who are high up the occult ladder have sex with angelic Watchman in order to gain more power and influence.
She would consummate with an angelic Watchman, then she would be so deranged and strange for 4-5 weeks, in that she would be totally unapproachable relationally - she became a different, totally unconscious person during that period of time where she was totally consumed in another unconscious Alternate Reality. During this time she would manifest spiritual parasites and be emotionally out of control. See Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons on how this works…. Then this couple would resume their relationship until the next time ‘the illuminated one’, ‘Nachash’ was invited back on stage…. inside the spiritual vortex of evil intent between her legs.
This woman was highly elevated in the female Freemasonry movement in Dubai and had become very wealthy colluding with the Sheikh and dealing in Dubai Real Estate. The couple’s relationship continued until such time the local OVERLORDS approached him with a ultimatum to either keep dating this Satanic witch in which case he was to swear allegiance to, and join their corrupt Freemasonry club - or break up with her. If he didn’t cooperate he would meet headlong with death.
His faith in Allah meant more to him that joining their corrupt Freemasonry club, so he left her in fear. So I wrestled with this knowledge for some time, however during our relationship he confided in me that Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum was also a Freemason.
This turned out to be 100% true. Sheikh Mo became a Freemason through his now estranged wife, Princess Haya Bint Al-Hussain formerly from British controlled Jordan. His divorce is described as the biggest case in British legal history - a settlement of more than £500m. Sheikh Mo also ‘disappeared’ one of his sons, and detained two of his daughters who had fled the country.
The UAE is a country run as a prototype for the coming NWO and Sheikh Mo is a high ranking puppet of the spiritual mafia MOB.
So can we answer this question as yet? Are women as more susceptible to the demonic and/or fallen angles than men? Well it all depends on the area that question is focused on. Women are more likely than men to believe in supernatural or paranormal phenomena that cannot be scientifically validated, including foretelling, knowing the future, astrology and telekinesis - hauntings, advanced ancient civilisations such as Atlantis, extra-terrestrials, ghosts and psychic powers. All of this is classified hidden knowledge coming from the Enlightened one.
We were created to be spiritual and relational beings. Therefore, that is an instinctive and innate desire. We also have a propensity towards entering back into that which we have all lost - the Tree of Life - or our own Garden of Eden - or what we imagine as heaven. More often than not, we are merely striving to bring heaven back to earth. That quest is possible, but not through striving whilst in relationship with Lucifer, the ‘Nachash’. That door is closed until we enter via Yeshua’s sacrificial blood. He is the only “Way” to enter that guarded spiritual doorway.
Several studies have found that paranormal and supernatural beliefs are related to intuitive thinking and less toward analytical and critical thinking. Generally, women are also more romantic than men. All a woman’s flesh desires is to be loved unconditionally and feel secure in a relationship. It would appear that women can see more vividly in the unseen realm as they employ their imagination, empathy and intuition, thus they often have access to a video in their mind where they can visualise a romantic scene and that can become their Alternate Reality. Women also have the ability to listen more intently to their spirits via their intuitive thinking.
Because of these qualities, women were used by the spiritual mafia MOB and even Hitler to remote view using the Nordic Vril energy force. The Vril Society, or what became known as the Thule Society was formed by two mediums Maria Orsic and Sigrun. Now the MOB uses Quantum Computers to remote view in the spirit realm using quantum tunneling and quantum teleportation.
What becomes important is: Which spirit are men and woman relating to and quantum entangling with? Is it their Creator’s Holy Spirit, or are they succumbing to the quiet still voice of the fiery winged serpent of the ‘Nachash’, who appears to us as an illuminated phoenix and claiming to have the secrets to all “forbidden Knowledge”? The later one speaks to one’s unredeemed ego, therefore it is the default option of choice.
Eve was certainly the first one to be deceived by the ‘Nachash’, therefore that is still resident in a woman’s DNA. This therefore makes them more susceptible to Lucifer’s deceptive tactics of mind control through their emotions. All mind control is based on compliance, whether is be male or female. Men are less emotional and more anylictical by design, therefore they fall for less subtle forms of deception and sin. That is why mind controllers and handlers tend to be male. Men are merely wired differently - however the possession of Lucifer and Satan’s demonic spirits all leads to the same result. The sale of one’s heart, mind and soul to the ‘Nachash’.
This is the spiritual mafia MOB’s ultimate goal for each individual. However, it is ultimately each individual’s choice - it is an act of our sovereign free will as to which spirit we engage in. It all comes down to the eternal value we place on our own soul - whether we be male or female.