In whom do we trust? In what do we trust? Hint: DO NOT trust Israel or America [Babylon] - or this Beast system! Because the incoming Intelligence, data and information transforms our perspective.
We are brainwashed to believe in and therefore trust our parent’s beliefs, the school system, our employers, our Governments, the housing we think we own, the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breath. However, the most insidious indoctrination we are subject to is what our minds are indoctrinated to believe. We are spiritual beings, therefore it is only natural to seek a spiritual understanding. However, in this Beast system in which we live, that too is fraught with danger.
Many of us place our trust in our SMARTphones and the intelligence coming from our computers, TV, music and movies. However all of our technology originated in CERN, Switzerland and most of it was designed in conjunction with the U.S. Military for global military operations. The spiritual mafia MOB provide the combatants and we civilians are their enemies and subjects. We are at war - our minds have been under strategic attack since 9/11, 2001. Now, WW3 will escalate as Armageddon rapidly expands and mankind prepares to war against the living God at Megiddo, located in the Jezreel Valley, Israel - this is when the whole world will see YHWH return to Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
Take our SMARTphones for example. All smartphones are a weapon against us. They are sold to us for their convenience and their ability to satisfy our flesh’s instant needs. Soon, if the MOB have their way, all the data and information carried in these small devices will be implanted into our bodies. By using the majority of smartphones, we are placing our trust in two major Corporations - Google and Apple. Both companies are spying on us continuously - collecting data and information about us - as a means to totally control us in the near future. This is the encroachment of government, corporations and big-tech surveillance on our everyday privacy. The spiritual mafia MOB’s technology is being used to directly monitor and track our daily lives - as Edward Snowden told us 10 years ago.
All of this flow of data and Information is making our ego believe we are invincible. Unfortunately, all this worldly, Beastly, Babylonian/Pharaonic data and information is only satisfying our self-centered flesh [iniquitous and unredeemed ego] and taking us further away from quantum entangling ourselves with our Creator God.
Unfortunately for the apostate Christian church it has been forced to become a Corporation - a dead entity - “in 1666, in London, during the black plague, and great fires of London Parliament enacted an act, behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666”. This Cestui Qui act was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were, according to Admiralty Law declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. There is no LIFE in it because they have, like the Kabbalah/Zionist/Sabbatean Jews, destroyed all relationship with the spiritual energy of the author of LIFE. Notice that 1666 is the year Sabbatai Zevi, the Sabbatean Rabi who self-proclaimed to be the Jewish “Messiah” and introduced Lucifer’s rule of anarchy to the global community.
Notice the year 1666 was just was just 18 years after the Pharaonic Knights Templar who run Switzerland gained legal independence and neutrality with the Treaty or Peace of Westphalia in 1648.
All of the events in the world right now are occurring because the Kabbalah/Zionist/ Sabbatean Jews are desperate to oppose God and introduce their own Luciferian Messiah, so they can supposedly rule the world - including creating slaves of all Gentiles, for the next Millennium. Like the country of Khazaria of old, this the goal of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and global elite on a global scale. It is total insanity. We are dealing with absolute sexual deviant psychopaths here!
We can therefore begin to crystalise in our minds what and who “Mystery Babylon” is mentioned in Revelations 17&18. I have now concluded that Mystery Babylon is twofold - Israel and America - that is why they are joined at the hip both spiritually, energetically and politically. The “merchants of the earth” and the 10 kings are global Corporation leaders - what we now know as Public–Private Partnerships (PPP, 3P, or P3). China could possibly be one of these 10 kings or Corporate PPPs.
Here is what is coming [and now closer than soon] - The world and “merchant traders’ are going to turn on Israel and America. If Jerusalem is surrounded by its enemies and Damascus, the capital of Syria, is destroyed - we can conclude, without a shadow of doubt, that Armageddon has arrived. This is the final showdown between mankind and their Creator God. Mankind has been planning this for hundreds - even thousands of years - ever since Nimrod ruled in Babylon. This is their ultimate wet dream come true!
Note that Armageddon is different to the global war that has been lite in Ukraine. The 10 Brics nations are set to destroy America and its corrupt, Khazarian Mafia (KM) run, Western NATO allies. This is the extension of WW3.
It must be stressed that Armageddon is the staging of mankind’s war against their Creator God. That is when you will see Yeshua haMashiach touch down on the Mount Zion in Jerusalem - and the True Zionism created - God’s literal Kingdom on earth.
“And he [a holy heavenly angel] called out with a mighty voice, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.”
The “pseudo Christian church” has lost its reverence and Godly fear, becoming a Corporation more interested in protecting its brand than preaching the Truth about a Holy God. It has become an abomination in the sight of YHWH and the Holy Spirit has been severely grieved. Grieving the Holy Spirit is associated with God's people having an inappropriate response to His spiritual plan of redemption.
These ten horns, or PPPs, mentioned in Revelations 17&18 are ten kings of Corporate Empires who have not received royal power, but they are to receive authority as Babylonian kings for one hour, together with the Beast. One hour in the scripture equates to 1/24th of 360 days = 15 days. This is going to be 15 days of total hell and destruction on earth, like nothing ever seen before.
Armageddon will see the total fulfillment of the prophecy described in the book of Revelation revealed. There will be no more guessing - no more false prophecy - no more flesh involvement - no more Alice in Wonderland “Great Awakening”. Armageddon is the beginning of God’s judgement upon the unscrupulous nature of mankind - and their unwillingness to repent, submit and bow before the only Holy God - YHWH - our Creator.
Then we will know without a shadow of doubt that God/ his Son Yeshua haMashiach and His Holy Spirit win this war. YHWH’s appearance and Presence as His Son, will - in itself - destroy all that oppose Him. That is how all consuming our Creator is!
Then we will know for sure whom we should have trusted - but didn’t!
I am telling you this to keep you updated - but to also lead into this extremely interesting interview of Howard Pittman who encountered a near death experience in 1979.
This is how the Kingdom of God works folks - you may want to watch the entire video below…. You may say “Why would I trust this witness of a heavenly experience?” The reason I trust him is because I know the pure character of YHWH and His heavenly kingdom. I have experienced YHWH’s Presence personally before… and everything this guy is saying I believe to be true. I also know how much YHWH hates Lucifer’s spiritual energy of iniquity in our hearts.
YHWH is continually observing and monitoring the data and Information in each of our hearts. There is not one thing we can try to cover up with YHWH. He sees all and knows us intimately within the Quantum Field!
The Information contained in this video is not coming out of some man man-ipulated book or Jesuit controlled narrative - it is obvious that this is a guy who has experienced our Creator in the 3rd heaven, firsthand. Notice that YHWH saw his “good” works as an abomination and a curse. That applies to the majority of mankind!
It is true, Lucifer knows exactly what we humans want to hear. He has the anointing to read our minds and he know our hearts. Many listen to his voice and think it is their creator God talking to them because they don’t know how to discern the difference.
Lucifer has captured the Christian church totally - there is nothing surer than that! Most Christians believe they cannot be deceived because they take pride in being “once saved, always saved” and are just waiting without conscious awareness to be Pre-Trib “raptured” out of here and leave the “disgraceful sinners” behind. These doctrines are Jesuit infiltrations, designed specifically to take the Protestant corporate church way off track from YHWH’s plan of redemption. YHWH doesn’t perceive us as “disgraceful sinners”. He unconditionally love each of us the same. Christians are in fact more deceived than their pagans counterparts because they are unconscious and unaware of the extent of their deception. Christians should be distinct and set apart from the world in how they live - but in general, they are not. Instead of moving in the Holy Spirit, they are moving in the energy of their own flesh - the energy of Lucifer’s Vril spirit of deception - immorality and iniquity of heart. That is because the demonic spirits of fear and hatred are controlling their lives just as much as their pagan counterparts.
The BIG question we are all facing right now is - do we trust in YHWH’s provision for each of us - or not? And who have we sold our spiritual/energetic allegiance to - the “gods” of Lucifer or the God of our redeemed Salvation, Yeshua? Our spirit, heart and soul are crying out for energetic entanglement with an authoritative spiritual being - but which one are we choosing? There are only two choices - the Creator of LIFE and pure Information , or the instigator of distorted, warped information, fear, anger and DEATH.
The later is the instigator of all wars….
Information always arises from an intelligent source. The programmers of computers and algorithms know this….a robot is only as good as the data and information programmed into it. That is why the MOB is so intent on harvesting our data and information.
This is what our Intelligent and Conscious Creator says about our source of Information - “The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains Intelligence/understanding/a heart of wisdom. The fear of the LORD [YHWH] is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor.”
All of our technology is directed at harvesting our own personal data and information - and CERN is the epicentre of Luciferian Intelligence, data and information. It is also the headquarters of media distribution and the global CIA - Central Intelligence Agency. CERN CIA is the Big Brother of the American CIA, FBI and NSA. They are all operating in sync to impose their Godless religion on the masses - and man-ipulate our God-given human DNA - the epicentre of the Intelligence, data and information bank that communicates directly with God through His pure quantum field - our depository of God-given communication and Intelligence.
We wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for this natural line of communication and Intelligence. We are truly the manifestation of a miracle that mankind is intent on modifying because they hate our Creator. As AI ROBOTS Are Becoming TOO REAL! tells us, scientist are splicing and dicing the very building blocks of life…..
From our experiences in history, it appears as though this is where our Creator draws the line in the sand…. He is a relational God and He has had more than enough of our anti-relational rebellion! Once we begin to change our genes, create hybrid mutations and man-ipulate our DNA - we can be sure that our time is up. “It is finished!”
In The Mystery of Human DNA, these conscious scientist confirm that DNA is the software of life - conferring that the best explanation for life is also a mind - the mind of the Creator God. At the foundation of life there is a code so complex and advanced, it defies chance and the theory of evolution. Justice cannot be found in this where mankind has OUTSMARTED himself….
So who can we possibly trust? Well, no one - absolutely no one who is not connected to the God of the 3rd heaven. No one who is not prepared to die to his/her own ego and listen intently to YHWH’s reproof so that he/she gains the Intelligence of the H.S., understanding, and a heart of wisdom.
Our Creator is pissed that mankind has gone rogue and judgement from the Courtroom of Justice in Heaven is now neigh. We can see the evidence based manifestation of this has began since the completion of the 7 years of what could be referred to as the “Great Tribulation”. Review the explanation of this period in What is Truth? where I stated: September 23rd, 2024 marks exactly 7 years since September 23, 2017 when the sun was in the zodiac constellation Virgo - "a woman clothed with the sun ".
Look at what has transpired since then -
19th September - Israel IDF exploded handheld pagers owned by Hezbollah Commanders in markets within Lebanon. This is an Israeli built modern-day Trojan Horse. This is what the MOB maybe doing to us in the future if we do not join and sell our souls to their NWO and global digital ID. Zionist, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is poking the bear - he wants war in order to introduce the Jewish false Messiah to the world! He knows the timing is right.
22-23 September 2024 - The Summit of the Future where World leaders met at UN Headquarters in New York and adopted the game-changing Pact for the Future and the introduction of the NWO. The rubber stamp was given!
24-27 September 2024 the United Nations General Assembly
24-28 September, 30 September - a General Debate at the UN in NYC under the theme, "Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future generations”.
25th September 2024 - More U.S. troops are being sent to Israel. Israel IDF is freely bombing Lebanon. Israel is also directly provoking Russia by sending missiles over a seaport Syrian city called Tartus, which hosts the Russian Navy. China is flexing their muscles by testing a intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific.
Sat. [Jewish Sabbath] 28 Sep 2024 - IDF confirms death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah
October 1st - Iran Launches Massive Strike on Israel. This maybe the trigger of WW3 globally, however I believe it is worse that. This is the beginning of Armageddon and YHWH’s judgement on the 1948 Rothschild State of Israel run by the MOB’s Khazarian Mafia (KM).
October 7th, 2024 is approaching - the anniversary of Israel’s planned insurgency of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) into Gaza! One year later, nuclear war is now imminent using ballistic missiles. It is all engineered to make a blood sacrifice of innocence to “the gods”.
The fall of America and societal collapse will be next. The stage is now for an invasion of America and Civil War will result there, in which the false Trump will be seen as their Jewish Messiah. This is all a part of the global WW3. Mystery Babylon will be erased quickly - wait and see! This will be the judgement of the lost tribes of the house of Israel. The real country of Israel - the people from the lost 10 tribes who now reside mainly in America.
Our Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach, is only a whisper away. Quantum mechanics enables that! Repentance is the only key left to employ and time to do that is quickly running out!
Folks - ALL this has happened in the last 9 days - 9 days! Let that sink in!
What Abraham Ojeda is talking about here in this video are the fake Zionist Jewish Calendar holidays created by Sabbatai Zevi, the Sabbatean Jew who declared himself the Jewish Messiah in 1666, proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin and sexual perversion.
The Jewish Calendar is not biblical, however we can be sure that Iran will be attacking Israel on their assigned holy days; namely Rosh Hashanah or Day of Trumpets October 2nd [that is tonight]; Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement, October 11-12th. During this period no work is permitted, so Israel is very vulnerable that weekend ; and Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles, October 16-23rd.
With the U.S. Elections scheduled for November 5th, 2024, October could well be a very, very interesting month that will no doubt be etched into our minds, hearts, history and even the future of our souls.
I’m not saying all religious Jews and Christians are doomed - what I am saying is there is a remnant that loves YHWH unconditionally and have been redeemed by His blood and therefore having experienced heaven personally, thus they are intrinsically quantum entangled with His Spirit and His mind. As Howard Pittman shares, that could be as few as 2.5% of believers - it could be even way fewer these days - only YHWH knows.