In my last Substack Aliens; The Inbuilt 'Error' of Our Ways we considered “how our lives ought be”. Then we examined the cause of an ‘error’ we all have in our hearts that prevents that Truth being our reality - and what affect that subtle distorted quantum energy has on our lives. We became aware of the disposition we find ourselves in as humans having failed to rectify our dilemma because we are unconscious of it and falsely believe we have no means to make our bent minds and hearts, straight again.
In other words, a corrupted heart is not our normal, natural state of being. This Alternate reality is an artificial, false state of being instigated by spiritual, alien beings.
We also said that the Roman Catholic Jesuits and the Ashkenazi Jews are the two main offenders of the distribution of this energy we are calling “iniquity”. And the means of impregnating the minds of the masses with this energy of “iniquity” is through brainwashing and mind control. Somebody else thinks so too - the picture above shows Yeshua driving the Pope out of the Temple of God, clearly showing the Pope’s allegiance to the Jewish Star of David and the Alternate LGBT Pride rainbow movement.
As you watch this short video consider the words, twisted cross, bent, broken, distorted and Mark of the Beast - all of these words refer to the word “iniquity”.
Why is this so important? Because “iniquity” is the word God uses to describe the energy Lucifer used to deceive and trap Adam and Eve into breaking their alliance with God. Every human being born since then has been cursed with this energy of rebellion.
“Iniquity” in our heart is the Mark of the Beast - now widely known as 666! “Iniquity” is an energy that quantum imprints Lucifer’s unrighteousness and injustice onto our hearts and minds without us even knowing. This is how Eve conceived Cain and established this evil bloodline. We can be sure that this bloodline is the same bloodline as the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines, the Black Nobility, the Holy See, and the spiritual mafia MOB.
They all represent the Mark of the Beast or the Mark of “Iniquity”. It is one and the same thing…… you really need to let this Truth to sink in - because you will never understand what is coming in respect to the book of Revelation if you don’t grasp this Truth. The Mark of “Iniquity” is what everyone fears - the number 666. However, we only fear it because that energy that creates our dark shadow, actually resides in our own hearts! Ooooch!
All the members of our OVERLORDS know this, all the members of the spiritual mafia MOB know this, the Holy See knows this, the Pope knows this and probably most of the members of the Deep State know this, the Jesuits know this, the Tavistock Institute in London knows this, Satanists know this…… BUT DO YOU KNOW THIS?
There is a good chance you don’t know this because it is not taught in Preschool Child Care, schools, universities, on the internet, in the media, on TV or in the movies because all of these are controlled by the spiritual mafia MOB who are the instigators of the subtle energy of “Iniquity”.
Two of the most fascinating museums are located just 6 miles ESE of the Grand Lodge of England and the City of London. The Royal Observatory Greenwich is home to the Prime Meridian Line [or 0°Longitude line] and the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) line upon which global time and navigation are based. In fact the Knights Templar ruling the City of London and the Freemasons instigated the 0°Prime Meridian Line to run through Greenwich so that every time you check your watch, you are referencing time based on GMT, thus the world’s attention is subconsciously focused on them. This makes the City of London - along with the Canton of Geneva - the epicentre of global occult Freemasonry.
The National Maritime Museum tells the history of the British East Indies Company which was used to not only allow Britain to colonise the world, but to operate the world’s largest opium trade. What most people don’t know is the British East Indies Company was financed by - the Black Nobility or what is now the spiritual mafia MOB, the merchant bankers from the Canton of Geneva.
Everything in this Beast system revolves around numerology and the number 666. It is all a part of Predictive Programming. However, it is merely a diversion to prevent you from seeing what 666 really is. Iniquity and 666 is a heart issue that prevents you from seeking and reaching your True divine identity.
We should be doing the same as Yeshua and driving “Iniquity” out of our own hearts because Yeshua has declared that our own bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Yeshua’s resurrection made the physical Jewish Temple obsolete. That is why God allowed the Romans to erase the Jewish Temple in AD 70 - exactly 40 years, to the day, after Yeshua was crucified and rose again on the 3rd day, enabling us to overcome the spirit of death - or the spirit of “Iniquity”.
As this video says, in AUGUST 6, 1964 Pope Paul V1 wrote the encyclical ECCLESIAM SUAM, which called on the nations of the world to abandon sovereignty to form a world government. He declared that the ultimate goal is full-bodied humanism and the encyclical even has a Subtitle called the ‘Modem Bent of Mind’. Can you believe it?
This video is from Gregg Braden’s research that opens the door for evolutionists to mend or “straighten out” their thinking about the origin of the universe. Every piece of creative work has an identifying mark on it. If we are the product of an intentional creation, then it makes perfect sense that the creator God would put his Mark of Ownership upon our DNA. And so He does - well until we give ourselves over to another Lord, another owner, then we receive that mark - Satan’s tattoo - which is evidence of his ownership.
Dr. Robert O Young adds to this with this article GOD Has Written HIS NAME in Every Strand of Human DNA where he states emphatically - “The Language of Science and Spirituality Merge Together to Reveal the TRUTH of the Creation Story - There is a GOD who Created US and HIS Name is Written on Every Strand of Human DNA! Each alphabet letter in the human DNA strand reveals an important scientific and spiritual message for each of us to know and understand. When the DNA alphabetic language is translated to the atomic mass of the Periodic Elemental Table, YOU receive a spiritual message from GOD! Here is the message written on every strand of DNA given to each us from Our True and Only Everlasting Omnipotent Creator - "God Eternal Within The Body"!
The End of Times & The Anti-Christ Revealed by his mark which is 666! The plan today of Luciferians is clear - to "Crispr" or gene edit GOD out of our human DNA and replace it with Luciferian intelligence! This so-called CoV-19 vaccine contains the Mark of the Beast or 666 which are the numbers for carbon (reduced graphene or graphene hydroxide) having 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons or 666.
The Mark of the Beast or reduced graphene or graphene hydroxide is delivered in a jelly-like material called hydrosol [or hydrogel] contained in the CoV-19 so-called “vaccines”. The injection of the 'Mark of the Beast' with reduced graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide directly into the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium of the body has the potential to erase or "crispr "or cut out the "God Eternal Within the Body" and turn "US" into "transhumans.""
Gregg Braden is a “good” man - I’ve followed some of his work for years. However, Gregg Braden is trying to answer this question “Where did God come from?” from an inappropriate source of Intelligence and Information - from the data of the Beast system. Gregg Braden is trying to answer this question from the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Iniquity. It contains faulty, distorted, inaccurate data. Therefore Braden - like most of us when asking this question - is assuming God is a limited God. This is the essence and nature of “Iniquity”!
The God of our creation is not limited like Lucifer and satan are!
The creator God is not a god we worship in this realm we live in that is bound by time, space and matter. The creator God is not bound by time, space and matter in any way. That is why, if we are going to spiritually entangle ourselves with the God of the 3rd heaven, we must imagine Him being outside of this limited realm we live in when we communicate with Him.
He lives outside of time, space and matter. In the beginning [time - past, present, future] God created the heavens [space- depth, height, width] and the earth [matter - gas, solid, liquid]. Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters [as the observer].
The God who created the universe had to be outside of it in order to create it - and now sustain it. AND, according to quantum physics, He needed an observer to materialise His universe - the observer is the One He calls His Son, Yeshua ben Yosef, the Word of God.
True science - not the pseudoscience or alchemy science which is erroneously taught in universities today - confirms all of this. God created the heaven and the earth - period.
Click on this picture of Dr. Rashid Buttar to watch his video in which he embraces the topic of the MOB’s use of a “payload” system that delivers toxins, pathogens and military grade bioweapons into the cells of the body. We now know this to be true. But I want you to focus on this video below where this interviewer is acting as a MK Ultra mind controlled CIA agent, persecuting Dr. Rashid Buttar prior to his unexpected death on May 18, 2023, at just 57 years of age. Notice how Wick-pedia describes Buttar as “an American conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer and licensed osteopathic physician”.
Notice the interviewer’s role is to belittle and scoff at Dr. Rashid Buttar’s beliefs - claiming Buttar is using false, twisted information and unproven conspiracies to push disinformation on the public! Unknowingly, this interviewer is living in a box of psychological manipulation. This is no fault of his own, as most people are under this exact form of mind control. The MOB has spun a narrative that leaves us all in a conundrum that we are all trying to work out. That is why this interviewer says “I just want to be straight with you…. I think you’re crazy!”
So in hindsight - who do you think is crazy?
You know, this is what the Kabbalah believing Pharisees told our spiritual Saviour Yeshua ben Yosef in AD 30. That is what my family and friends have told me for the last 40 years because I happen to trust in Yeshua and His resurrection power. I can guarantee that Dr. Rashid Buttar was a totally sane man who was quantum entangled spiritually to his creator God. One can tell from his countenance and the truth he is speaking.
They despised and crucified Dr. Rashid Buttar, just like they despised and crucified the divine Son of God. However…… just image the Deep State’s reaction if Dr. Rashid Buttar had risen again from the grave 3 days after his death - emanating and exuding eternal LIFE, thus being in completely victory over DEATH? Could you imagine the spin the Deep State would be using whilst trying to cover it up, and diverting the masses attention away from the Truth? Well that is what the Pharisees had to contend with when the divine person Yeshua unexpectantly rose from the dead.
It created havoc, great turmoil and even a new gnostic religion.
So let’s go back to the Pope’s crooked, bent and twisted cross! This of course is an oxymoron! The gnostic religion formed in AD 312 was merely the ancient Persian religion Mithra, dressed in a new title of “Christian” clothes. The whole object was to place attention and focus solely on the cross, and take people’s focus and conscious awareness away from the “Way’s” resurrection after 3 days in the grave, which culminated on day #4. Day 4 changed everything for us. On day #4, we humans gained the ability to reconnect to God and His spiritual Tree of Life directly. On day #4 Yeshua instantly transformed two of His disciples psych, on the road to Emmaus, from utter doom and gloom into complete joy and sustained hope that He was indeed their Saviour after they had experienced, firsthand His divine Presence and their spiritual eyes were opened by Him.
The MOB always counterfeits God’s Truth….. that is why the Freemasons and the MOB use the number 3 and the #4 in all of their corporate logos, in the form of pictorial circles and squares. Go to any of the websites of the WEF Corporate Partners and prove it for yourself.
If you are keen to learn more about psychopaths, narcissists and those who gaslight us, listen to James Corbett and Thomas Sheridan who both discuss the movie ‘Gaslight’, the 1940 British psychological thriller that introduced us to the concept of 'gaslighting.' In the discussion they point out how common gaslighting is, whilst asking "Are you being gaslighted?". As well they talk about techniques for defending oneself from gaslighting, and talk about how this technique is used on a societal level by the psychopaths at the top of the pyramid.
I like what Thomas Sheridan has to say - he says psychopaths have no creative intent [God given], they only have devious intent [Lucifer given]. Is someone trying to make you doubt yourself by telling you that you are crazy because of your ethical beliefs? Then read this….. Thomas Sheridan says the key to dealing with someone who is trying to gaslight you is to deal with the repressed shadow inside of yourself first, which is an integral part of every unredeemed human being.
Sheridan also says, if we as a collective are going to “Awaken”, each individual has to deal with, and free themselves from, their own shadow [iniquity]…. you are spot on Thomas Sheridan.
This is the bottom line…………
The problem with those who live in their own shadow, is they are never satisfied. They want more and more of everything. A bigger, or newer house, a more modern car, another partner, a bigger boat, more money, better sexual experiences…… and so the list goes on. Their own ego keeps them trapped in self sabotage and falsely believing they are doing ok! Their own shadow is the dark soil in which their own fears, anxieties and hubris flourish.
These are very traits our OVERLORDS use to control our minds.
With what is coming real soon, people are going to be left terrified, violated and totally confused - with no place to turn too…. EXCEPT…..
If one thinks their spiritual Saviour Yeshua ben Yosef is crazy, then there is no doubt they are suffering from the same delusion that this interviewer suffers from….. but here is the good news - God’s Holy Spirit can transform that instantly and bring LIFE to their soul!
Where did God come from? Great question….. but it is best if we ask God directly before trying to answer it from our own false data bank - that source of knowledge is no doubt somehow corrupted by the MOB’s dark subtle energy.
This is our dilemma - and our answer - in a nutshell…….
Thank you for presenting your views. I agree with you - ALL manmade religion is rooted in the deception of the serpent Satan.
Where did "GOD" come from?
Well I can tell you where all the post Abrahamic Religions that defined 'GOD" came from they came from "SATAN"
Good vs Bad is an age old story
I think Confucius thought gets it right
In Chinese characters the character 'pictogram' for "GOOD" is a man with a sword, next to a woman holding a baby; That is "GOOD"
That evil 'bad men' ( hate armed men, and hate man-woman relationships ) control the world is fairly easy, good men are too busy caring for their family. But bad men don't have anything else to do be but sodomize, an rob the good-men.