Most of us believe deep down that our battle is between “good” versus “evil”. The MOB’s narrative is setup that way. However, this is simply not true. God never designed it this way - that is a consequence of mankind’s bent towards deception. In fact, it is the “angel of light” - the “good” side of duality that is the most deceptive of all.
Nobody expands on this as clearly as ‘Probably Alexandra’…..
The true battle is between Lucifer’s tree of DEATH and our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua’s Tree of LIFE. That is what you are either fighting against or aligning yourself with.
As she says “Satanism and Luciferianism are not two entirely different things independent of each other, but are on a spectrum from dark to light. And that light represents ‘enlightenment.’”
This chart is a good overview of how Satan/Lucifer’s Beast system manifests itself under the auspices of the Swiss Octogone Secret Society…. they control the MOB’s narrative.
Directly below this level would come the religious organisations that infiltrate into the minds of the masses. That is why Christianity, lead by the Pope in the Vatican and the World Council of Churches based in Geneva, have become an expression of all of the above - the spiritual mafia MOB, Zionism, the Khazarian Mafia and the Jesuits to name a few. I call modern day institutionalised Christianity, ‘ChristoMasonry’ because of the works mentality and the striving to gain “salvation” and “knowledge” from the Tree of “Knowledge” - the spiritual tree of Satan and Lucifer’s spiritual and energetic domain of destruction and death.
This whole world system - the whore of Babylon - is all about us being tempted to strive in order to gain. Therefore many professing Christians are unknowingly worshipping the ‘enlightenment’ of Lucifer, believing this imposter is the Creator God of the bible. Our perception of God is often moulded by mass mind control programs.
We can only find our Creator outside of this corrupted realm in the 3rd heaven, known as eternity or the Tree of Life. It is only there that we can find spiritual redemption.
Meanwhile Jason Christoff presents ‘The Most Advanced Mind Control Device Ever Tested Is Already Inside Your Home and It's Not What You Think’ - reflecting on the most effective mind control program ever tested, which is already inside most homes worldwide. Click here for a short report regarding what this mind control device is. It may surprise you! It's subtlety is pretty shocking. This technology alters the way your brain functions - therefore transforming your mind and rewiring the very essence of who you are.
The MOB does this by using blue light! Your computer and Smartphones are unsecured networks…. and ALL your personal information is at risk.
All of this technology was created by the Swiss Octagon at CERN, Switzerland and entered society through a measured distribution by the Military-Industrial Complex in Washington DC, which is a network of individuals and institutions involved in the production of weapons and military technologies. This is the source of all biological weapons being used against us in this war against humanity.
Once again, Greg Reece nails it - Donald J Trump has chosen Big Pharma’s Judy Wiles as Chief of Staff - and she appears to be Trump’s mind control handler. Of course she is - because in this corrupt Babylonian system EVERYONE has a handler overseeing them…. even you - even though you may not be consciously aware of it!
So what does Elon Musk really believe? Elon says that while he believes in something called “cultural Christianity” which sounds like the “Christ Consciousness” movement, but not believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ Himself as our Messiah. You can read more on Elon’s philosophies HERE. Elon Musk has recently reflected on his "Jewish roots" during his childhood in South Africa. He said: “I grew up around a lot of Jewish people. I went to a Hebrew preschool. My name is very Jewish…super Jewish.” Musk calls himself "Jewish by association" after a visit to the former Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz, Poland earlier this year.
What makes Elon Musk believe his “name is very Jewish…super Jewish?” This is crucial to understand. The answer lies in what he has personally experienced in the spiritual realm.
Shalom Girl claims she was procured by the Illuminati and sent to the Musk family to assist them when they arrived in Canada. Elon Musk learnt at an early age how to open up the gateway to the abyss, or a spiritual portal, and experience another realm by being lifted up into an energetic vortex.
Crying out to “Jesus” was the only thing that saved her and made her exit that dark dimension that she entered with Musk. The creatures in that abyss are subject to the name and blood of “Jesus”. Take note my friend ….. this will be your only means of escaping the digital prison that is engulfing society. It is simply called the NWO. You will not be excluded - you too need to cry out to this “Jesus” or Yeshua haMashiach to be saved and redeemed.
As a child born into an Illuminati family, Elon Musk was named El Elyon which means in the Hebrew text, "Lord Most High" and refers to the Creator of heaven and earth. Can you see the deception here? Elon Musk actually believes he is the Luciferian god which is a counterfeit of the True God, YHWH.
You need to watch this video on Youtube which prophesied Elon Musk will present the technology for the Mark [which means according to the book of Revelation Chapter 13, he is either one of the False Prophets of AI technology - or even the False Prophet]. In 1978 Shalom Girl Asked If Elon Musk Was The Antichrist. This video clearly presents the choice we all have…. to bend our knee to either the false Khazarian Mafia Jewish messiah, Lucifer - or our Creator God, Yeshua haMashiach.
In 1978 Shalom Girl was told by her Illuminati auntie: "ELON WILL LEAD THE GREAT DECEPTION"….
And Yeshua answered, “See to it that you are not deceived. For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.
And finally, this Greg Reece video introduces the subject of the Khazarian Mafia, Talmud believing Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians who have the blood of Cain on their hands. It is so hard to believe that Christians could be deceived to such an extent that they would possibly support the 1948 Rothschild State of Israel and therefore fall into bed with the self-righteous religious Pharisees that crucified our Messiah - and then set about to create their own false, counterfeit messiah some 1,994 years later.
The Zionist Jews are leading this surge to war against Yeshua haMashiach at Armageddon - and it will not be pretty. But why now? Because it is all set within God’s timing.
Then if you doubt the Khazarian Mafia, Talmud believing Zionist Jews are running the world and introducing of the false messiah, consider reading James Corbett’s The Strange Story of Peter Thiel – Part Three: Peter Thiel is a Vampire or The-strange-story-of-Peter-Thiel.
I’ve added my own notes on Peter Thiel below because like most investigative reporting they are not covering who is controlling your own data and information…. That is classified as secret according to the National Security Act of 1947 and not to be divulged to the targets of mass destruction. The MOB and their puppets always hide behind this curtain declaring ‘ACCESS DENIED’ For Reasons of National Security….
In order to understand just how mystical corporations are becoming, take the company Palantir as an example. Palantir is a software company that provides the leading edge software programs for intelligence communities globally. The company's name, philosophy and its motto is taken from J.R.R. Tolkien’s movie, ‘The Lord of the Rings' where the magical palantír were mystical, all-powerful “seeing-stones", described as indestructible balls of crystal used for communication and to see events in other parts of the world, whether past or future. One of the story's villains, the wizard Saruman, used a "palantir" to surveil his enemies. Now there’s a hint as to their final goal which to use the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) to keep the entire population under surveillance! Palantir produces the software that drives the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) and helps governments conduct surveillance on their citizens. The term “save the Shire” is superimposed to mean ‘save the Earth’. Not surprisingly, in early 2020 Palantir started working with the NHS on supporting the COVID-19 efforts to track and contain the contagion.
You can read more about the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) in The Greatest Whore in History.
The technology behind the SWS resulted from over ten years of research at Purdue University, funded by the Department of Defence and DARPA. The ultimate goal for the SWS is to be a "continuously running, continually updated mirror model of the real world that can be used to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action”. The definition of ‘sentience’ is analogous to the definition of consciousness: ‘Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive or experience subjectively’. Whilst academic sources reserve the term "strong AI" to refer to machines capable of experiencing consciousness.
The extension of the global Sentient World System (SWS) is the Digital Twin Earth. The digital twin is a digital replica of our planet, mimicking Earth's behaviour. Digital Twin Earth will help visualize, monitor, and forecast natural and human activity on the planet. This is what the false theory of “climate change” is all about!
The hidden message lurking in the shadows of this mystical company is the total control of God’s creation, both the earth and the human beings living on it. To do that, science and technology is continually striving to change and build upon God’s original design. The integration of humans and machines is what historian Yuval Harari calls — cyborgs — in a word, a biological hybrid, or more accustomed to his Jewish heritage, a golem.
The palantir of the globe seen here is a 600 cell tetrahedron that is a counterfeit of God’s design of his creation. That is all Satan can do; he can only counterfeit what God has designed and created. Satan has zero creativity.
Big data analytics, that which Palantir specialises in, is pattern recognition or the ‘golden nuggets’ buried in big data that, from a divination perspective, may help them predict the future. A palantir or crystal ball can recognise patterns in the past and derive prognostications from those patterns that may help foretell the future.
The founder of Palantir is Peter Thiel. Thiel is one of the top moguls of Silicon Valley. His companies are the principle data miners for the US Government, US Military, DARPA and the CIA that use the data for global intelligence purposes. Thiel has also heavily invested in psychotropic drugs, particularly hallucinogens that are designed to combat the likes of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Psychotropic drugs are what the pharmaceutical cartel use as their cure for PTSD.
These substances all produce similar alterations in perception, behaviour, mood, thoughts, feelings, and experiences that create dissociation (the feeling of being detached from reality). Hallucinogens like LSD, Mescaline, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, DMT or Dimethyltryptamine, GHB which is sold as Xyrem, being the FDA-approved prescription name, but it is also called Roofies, Easy Lay, Georgia Home Boy, Goop, Scoop, Grievous Bodily Harm, and Liquid Ecstasy. These dissociative drugs can produce auditory and visual distortions in the mind. New mind altering drugs are studied and created at Johns Hopkins University and financed by the likes of Peter Thiel and Bill Gates.
Therefore, here we see one demonically influenced individual helping to create a problem, COVID-19, that then drives the masses towards a reaction, using hallucinogens to combat PTSD, and then steering them towards the final solution, their incorporation into the global SWS Quantum Computer system in order to be totally controlled. His software companies benefiting from all stages of this process of insanity.
It was the SWS Quantum Computer that gave the spiritual mafia MOB the information as when and how to release the COVID-19 virus in order to reach maximum affect calculated from AI’s interpretation of human behaviour. Therefore they could access the masses response and reaction, before it even happened. That is what a simulator does! Even so, we have had lots of warning!
The ultimate goal is to create the scenario where people are unknowingly demanding genetic modification. GMO that transforms humans and modifies our God given DNA permanently, whilst the spiritual mafia MOB uses the technology in an attempt to become immortal. Terms like “the Great Reset”, “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “build back better” all refer to the same long-term globalist agenda to dismantle democracy and national borders in favour of a global governance by unelected leaders, and the reliance on technological surveillance rather than the rule of law to maintain public order.
Once pushed into a corner, the only way to protect ourselves is by giving up old-fashioned notions of privacy, liberty and personal decision-making. We as a society then become checkmate.
As James Corbett reported Peter Thiel is a Vampire who is sucking life giving blood out of society. Palantir's original clients were federal agencies of the United States Intelligence Community (USIC) and United States Department of Defense (DOD). The Military-Industrial Complex in Washington DC gave Palantir the contract to provide surveillance data and information for their global Sentient World Simulation (SWS) and digital twin capability. Along with Peter Thiel’s control of American citizen’s data and his move into politics through his mind control handling of VP J.D. Vance - makes Peter Thiel one of the most dangerous assets of the MOB in the world. “Thiel is now on the verge—thanks to his bought-and-paid-for lackey, J. D. Vance—of taking over the White House.”