Joseph Goebbels Big Lie theory dictum says: “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”. What is truth? This is a great question. Most cannot answer that question because our perception of truth is skewed as a consequence of the corrupted, distorted condition of our hearts.
When the Jews were convicting Yeshua for claiming He was G-D or YHWH, Pontius Pilate the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judea from AD 26 to 36, asked the same question. “You say that I am a king,” Yeshua answered. “For this reason I was born and have come into the world, to testify to the Truth. Everyone who belongs to the Truth listens to My voice.” 38“What is truth?” Pilate asked. And having said this, he went out again to the Jews and told them, “I find no basis for a charge against Him.”
Isn’t that interesting, the Gentile Roman leader in Israel at that time pronounced Yeshua to be innocent and yet the religious Pharisees crucified Him anyhow! The self righteous Pharisees crucified our Messiah!
Why is that? What is the driving energy behind this insanity?
That was 1,994 years ago! What about now? Well, in fact other than a small remnant who have learnt to cover the iniquity in their own corrupt hearts with the righteous blood of Yeshua, every human judges our Saviour the same way - guilt as accused.
We don’t even give Him a court case within our own hearts! Instead we just crucify Him over and over and over again!
As a whole, YHWH’s offer of restitution and redemption has been despised - and therefore the eternal Tree of Life remains closed to most human beings. Yeshua haMashiach is our spiritual covering of righteousness to those who are created in His image. However, because of our separation from Yeshua, we are enslaved to iniquity of heart, corruption of heart, lawlessness and unrighteousness.
As a consequence this is where the world stands today on the eve of Armageddon in which Jerusalem will be surrounded by Gentile armies and brought to its knees. This will make the destruction of the Jewish Temple in AD 70 look like Hollywood. BRICS has formed an economic bloc with this in mind. Tension is escalating within Israel right now as we speak….
Or/and ISTANBUL, Sept 7 (Reuters) - Turkey’s Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel.
“Repeat a lie often enough” has been used by the spiritual mafia MOB over and over again. Now we do not know who to trust. What we previously believed as a reliable sources of advice and information such as government, drug regulatory authorities, highly regarded and well known scientists and clinicians, iconic media, notable research institutes, international health advisory organisations and even synagogues, mosques and churches can no longer be relied upon to provide truthful and factual information.
The JFK assassination and then 9/11 are just two major events that were imprinted into our psychs by fear and repetition. This September 11, 2024 - tomorrow - marks the 23rd anniversary of the supposed coordinated Islamist terrorist suicide attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States in 2001. That was the media’s narrative! This was a complete lie and cover up by the real perpetrators which included the CIA both in the U.S. and in CERN, Switzerland. Instead of being an external attack, 9/11 was an inside job co-ordinated by the Jewish Zionist Kabbalists and Catholic Jesuits groups acting through the Deep State Cabal, Neocon/Zionist politicians - lead by VP Dick Cheney. As a consequence, 9/11 saw the Patriot Act passed, being legislation that was used as an excuse to remove Information “firewalls” within the National-Security state so that citizens’ information and data could be accessed easily. This began WW3 which is actually a Military run war against the minds of each individual citizen of America and now the rest of the world.
You can reread Dr Judy Wood’s 10 year investigation into what she termed the “Dawn of a New Age” in Understanding Unseen Weapons. She says “evidence is always the irrefutable truth”…. and so it is. It is the same in our lives - the fruit we manifest physically is always the irrefutable truth of what is in our energetic hearts. Always!
Was the shocking events of 9/11, 2001 planned to induce fear and terror into mankind? Let’s consider that possibility…. According to Albert Pike, a NWO would occur by “taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' (agency) of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.” 9/11 was a Zionist/Jesuit planned agenda, blamed on Islam. The number one agenda of the Illuminati’s 9/11 was to begin a “War on Terror”, sign off on the Patriot Act and the implementation of global mass MIND CONTROL.
On September 11th, 1990 - exactly 11 years to the day before the events of 9/11—George H. W. Bush Snr. announced the emergence of the "New World Order", or the Novus Ordo Seclorum, a phrase which has been repeated time and time again by proponents of a post-democratic one world government, ruled by an unelected technocratic "elite".
The number one method of communication between Lucifer’s fallen angels and mankind, and between members of both the 'dark' and 'light' side, is ‘symbology’. The events on 9/11 2001 were full of symbology. e.g. President Bush reading the famous children story, “The Pet Goat” whilst the World Trade Centre destruction occurred. Bush was noted reading the book upside down shortly before he was advised. This symbolism of “inversion” was a clear message of Satanic ritual, as Satan inverts everything YHWH has created, since that is one of his character traits. Eleven years (11 is also symbolic) later, in 2012, ’I, Pet Goat II’ was written, directed, produced and edited by Louis Lefebvre, also as an inversion.
In that occult movie ’I, Pet Goat II’ , the two (11) apple halves (also symbolic) becomes one (1) lotus flower, just like the Twin Towers became the One World Trade Centre after the “Dustification” of 9/11, 2001 - 2 (11) becomes 1 (1) .… do you really think this is a coincidence?
“Dustification” is described by Dr Judy Wood as “the process of turning a solid structure into powder or dust”. This process is an alchemist’s delight! Dr Wood claims that the Twin Towers did not collapse under their own weight, since the resultant 1.25 million tons of debris was literally pulverised into dust, in midair, before sinking vertically to the ground. Fifteen minutes after the “Dustification” event, there were clear blue skies and literally very little rubble to be found. Her study of the irrefutable evidence lead her to conclude that the seven Towers in Manhattan on 9/11, 2001 disintegrated due to a well planned, and orchestrated demolition, with the use of a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW).
There is now irrefutable evidence that the Twin Towers were intentionally demolished by a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW). The source of the DEW was more than likely a ring based Synchrotron Particle Accelerator, located nearby at the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island NY, a distance of just 66 miles from Manhattan. The DEW uses a magnetic gate to release accelerated particles into straight, directed beamlines. Affectively, the trajectory of accelerated particles are a source of disrupted 'light' or high ‘Luminosity’. At the end of the beam line, the gate is opened and the particles and the energy combined are released. When particles are accelerated, their mass is also increased, thus gaining energy which gives it a component of Kinetic energy. The result is destruction! Engineers who analysed the rubble, found nanothermite particles had been mixed into the original concrete during the construction of the Towers which began back in 1968, 33 years before the event [11 x 3]. (Selah) This nanothermite was triggered by the DEW beams on 9/11 2001. This may be viewed as conjecture however knowing how the the MOB operate and their long term planning, this is truly a very real possibility.
However, the following information is not conjecture! Dr Judy Wood is a Forensic Engineering Scientist, a structural engineer with degrees in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics with 35 years of experience in this specialised field of forensic investigation. She spent 10 years investigating and compiling forensic evidence pertaining to the destruction of the seven buildings in Manhattan, that included the 1,368 feet (417 m) Twin Towers. Her book “Where Did the Towers Go” provides the only scientific investigation into the events of 9/11 in the public domain. Every other investigation and public inquiry has been a coverup of the sacrificial ceremony and the obvious crime against humanity. None of the evidence published in her book has been, or can be refuted. Such evidence cannot be refuted, it can only be covered up by those who own the media so an unexpecting public is blinded to the truth.
9/11, 2001 was a planned fabricated lie or inversion of Truth, designed to confuse the masses and create extreme terror and panic in their minds - and thus make them more malleable in the hands of the MOB - this is called mind control.
Why is the date September 11 so important to the spiritual mafia MOB? Why was 911 chosen as the emergency number in the U.S. and why was the date 9/11 so important to the planning of the NWO and the restoration of Nimrod’s forbidden knowledge and the reconstruction of the ancient god’s spiritual Atlantis?
The answer to that is, September 11, 3 BC was Yeshua haMashiach’s birthday. It was our Messiah’s Real birthday [Christmas and Santa Claus is Mithra’s occult fantasy birthday] and everything the spiritual mafia MOB does is a counterfeit of YHWH’s Reality and Truth. Everything! They can only draw power from a counterfeit or simulated forgery. Every mystic illusionist or magician knows that the real thing must have value for a fraudulent copy to even work.
I’ve only recently discovered that September 11, 2024 just happens to fall on Rosh Hashanah or the FEAST OF TRUMPETS according to the only accurate calendar, the Enoch Calendar. Nine days later on September 20th is the Day of Atonement, or “Yom Kippur fast day which is the holiest day of the year, when we are closest to G‑d and to the essence of our souls.” Also…..September 23rd, 2024 marks exactly 7 years since September 23, 2017 when the sun was in the zodiac constellation Virgo - "a woman clothed with the sun ".
The moon was at the feet of Virgo -"with the moon under her feet ". The ‘nine' stars of the zodiac constellation Leo, plus three planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars, were at the head of Virgo - “on her head a crown of twelve stars”. The planet Jupiter was in the center of Virgo, and as the weeks passed after September 23 Jupiter Virgo exited to the east, past her feet, so to speak—“She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth”. This is described in Revelation 12:1,2.
The COVID-19 vaccinations began in Australia almost exactly 3 1/2 years ago and 3 1/2 years after September 23, 2017. All serious students of John’s Revelation and Daniel, Ezekiel and Esther know the significance of the numbers 7 years and 3 1/2 years ["time, times and half a time" (i.e. 1+2+0.5=3.5), ‘1,260 days’ or ‘42 months’].
Is all of this just coincidence or does the timing have specific significance? I’ve detailed this evidence from 9/11, 2001 to prove to you that we and our ancestors have been lied to by the Nachash for the last 6,000 years. Now is the climax or culmination of all of those lies and deception, manifesting in the physical realm at one time. The distorted energy of iniquity not only creates entropy - it is cumulative!
Remember Greg Reeces recent video…
Yes, we are dealing with religious psychopaths here - the same occult Kabbalah mentality as the insane Pharisees who crucified Yeshua.
However, there is hope! Today I want to hone in, with focused attention, on the keys to a fulfilled life, a future of immorality, a transformation where we can redeem our time, and also redeem our spirit, mind, heart, soul and body. It may sound impossible, but it is not! Entrance into YHWH’s Tree of Life, or what is called the Kingdom of God is available and open to everyone right now. In order to do that we need to open an account direct with heaven and allow Yeshua to deal with the iniquity and corruption in our own heart. Iniquity of heart is the root cause of all of our pain, fear, anxiety, stress, heartache, disease and hatred in this life.
All of our communication with the 3rd heaven, both the transmission and the receiving of divine Information is instant, since it uses quantum entanglement. It is much, much, much faster than light.
Iniquity of heart is a corrupt heart - or an energetic heart that is warped and distorted and not pure. It is a heart that is not connected or quantum entangled to its Creator. I want to return to Dr. Michael Lake’s book on spiritual awakening in his book The Shinar Directive. In it he addresses this issue of iniquity.
To understand iniquity and what we are fighting against we must understand the nefarious ‘Nachash’ or the fallen angel Lucifer that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to sin by defying YHWH’s commands. We need to understand that Lucifer was created by YHWH - he was originally “the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty”.
“You were the anointed cherub who covers;
I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God;
You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
15You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created,
Till iniquity was found in you. 16“By the abundance of your trading
You became filled with violence within, And you sinned;
Therefore I cast you as a profane thing
Out of the mountain of God; And I destroyed you.
Notice the sequence of events 1. He was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him. Then he manifested sin. Then he was cast out of the Kingdom of God. Notice that iniquity is not the same as sin. Iniquity is the root of humanity’s problem and sin is the fruit. In our physical realm, iniquity is distorted, crooked, contorted energy and sin is the physical manifestation of that twisted, warped energy. This energy is not upright and true, but deviate and divergent from YHWH’s Truth. The essential character trait of Satan/Lucifer and his fallen angels is not sin, but a heart full of pride and iniquity.
The Babylonian system with its forbidden knowledge of the ancient gods is foundational to the infusion of iniquity, lawlessness or unrighteousness on earth - it is the root cause - and therefore there is no remedy outside of YHWH’s provision of His righteousness. Our own striving towards righteousness [a good definition of all religions] only results in more self-righteousness.
Our OVERLORDS want to bring iniquity to its fulfilment, because they believe they will then become gods in their own right. And these WARLORDS want to make war against Yeshua haMashiach because they know He is coming to judge their own iniquity. Oh how these hybrids hate our Creator!
Yes, my claim is that our OVERLORDS, the global elite, the spiritual mafia MOB are not pure human beings, but they are to some degree hybrids in which case their DNA is no longer redeemable - that is why they hate and despise YHWH, our Creator so much.
Irrespective of this fact, YHWH is in total control - but we must align ourselves to His kingdom which is free of the pride of iniquity. Sin is the physical manifestation of the energetic realm of iniquity. Iniquity can be likened to the rich, dark soil in which sin grows and materialises in the physical realm. We humans always manifest the spiritual and energetic realms - that is merely quantum physics. Taking an axe to the tree of iniquity comes down to one word: heartfelt repentance.
Most Christian pastors teach that sin and iniquity are the same thing i.e. sin = iniquity. That is almost as ridiculous as saying ‘good’ and ‘evil’ are from different spiritual trees, when in fact they, like Satan and Lucifer, are merely two sides of the same coin. Many even teach that there is no Devil and no evil these days! Wow - aren’t they confused! Yeshua’s main concern for us is the iniquity in our hearts that even enables us to think like that.
YHWH’s righteousness bring to us clarity of mind. The Nachash’s [Lucifer’s] iniquity brings to us confusion, disruption and insanity of mind.
I have a written paper entitled ‘Righteousness verses Iniquity’ many years ago now. I highly recommend you read it and consider! You can also read Dr. Michael Lake’s, The Shinar Directive.
In this book Dr. Lake says “It was to glorify Nimrod that the whole Chaldean system of iniquity was formed.” Now the Beast’s Babylonia system is being formed to glorify the reincarnation of Nimrod, the antiChrist. “The Bible identifies that perverted power of the nefarious ‘Nachash’ as “iniquity”. This new perverted power was so great that it caused angels to fall. Iniquity (and the pride that flows from it) is still the major weapon in Lucifer’s arsenal in his fight against mankind. With that in mind, it is time to examine the theological definition of ‘iniquity’. See Part 2: Communion with Darkness - Lucifer’s False Grace - Iniquity.
The basic meaning of the verb ‘iniquity’, is “to bend, twist, distort, to make crooked”. This twisting or bending became associated with lawlessness, unrighteousness, gross injustice; unfairness; wickedness; crookedness, or perverseness.
In other words, God’s law goes against the very twisted nature that Lucifer created (or perverted) when he fell. Those who are a part of the Babylonian mystery religions will have a hatred for the law of God. In fact, one of the leading occultists of the past century, Aleister Crowley, channeled a book from his spirit guide entitled The Book of the Law. This book did not show reverence for God’s law, but desired to have the law replaced by another law. The teaching of this damnable book can be summarized in the Law of Thelema: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.”
You have to be hungry for the Truth in order to gain the desire to research this foundational word - ‘iniquity’ is foundational to Lucifer’s kingdom. If you are looking for hope in this hopeless world that is almost totally controlled by the ‘Nachash’ - then your pursuit of Yeshua’s blood and His covering of righteousness is your only hope. Literally!
The tree of iniquity is the tree of judgment. When we judge others, and our Creator YHWH, we are manifesting hatred towards them. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the same tree - it is the tree of judgment. Even our “good” works! This tree is the “enlightened” tree of deception of the ‘Nachash’. YHWH and the Tree of Life are not in this tree in any “Way”, shape or form. We cannot develope trust in YHWH when we are still connected to this tree to any degree! He is not there!
Listen up you Pharisaical, self righteous and deceived Christians!
This is a really difficult concept for us to get our head around - because we have been deceived to think otherwise! Prior to Adam and Eve’s fall from YHWH’s grace, they had no judgment of others or themselves in their heart because their hearts were pure and they felt no shame. Our own judgments now bring division and destruction. YHWH, viewing events from heaven is the only fair judge of justice and true divine understanding.
Iniquity is portrayed as an integral part of human behavior, underscoring the depth and pervasiveness of our sinful nature. It is the nature in our heart that twists us towards the desire to sin. It is the dark shadow that we have inherited from our ancestors, unconsciously. In the Old Testament, iniquity is frequently addressed as a characteristic of that twisted nature taken enboard within the heart of mankind that separates individuals from YHWH ’s righteousness, destroying our quantum entanglement with our Creator and therefore calls for repentance. The OT also expresses YHWH’s hatred of iniquity and all forms of hybrid and gene editing. In fact YHWH hates the mixing of anything that is not pure…. particularly man’s desire to mix the fake enlightenment of the‘Nachash’ with His own Glory.
In the New Testament, iniquity is discussed in the context of the redemptive work of Yeshua haMashiach, offering hope and salvation for those entrapped by its grip.
The Old Testament serves as a foundation for comprehending the concept of iniquity, while the New Testament provides insight into the ultimate resolution of iniquity through the sacrifice and resurrection of Yeshua haMashiach. The covering of our Messiah’s blood is required to erase the effects of iniquity - it has become so insidious within our unconscious minds.
The concept of Christians endeavouring to fight sin without dealing with the root cause is insanity at best! That is the story of American corporate Christianity - the apostate Zionist church. It is exactly the same as Big Pharma and doctors who treat the symptoms of sickness without even considering the root cause of the illness. Both are mere money making institutions of the Beast system of iniquitous intent.
Most Christian pastors refuse to teach about the effects of iniquity because they have never dealt with iniquity in their own hearts. That is why the Christian “church” is so powerless and has no authority in the spiritual realms. Below is quiet a good depiction of the word ‘iniquity’ because it shows the false “Christ” and the light of Lucifer’s enlightenment - or the ‘Nachash’ - in conjunction with the false tree of Gnostic, fleshly knowledge.
This teaching on ‘iniquity’ below is one of the few teachings in the Christian church that is worth a listen to here on this topic of iniquity and how this distorted information is incorporated into our DNA and becomes a generational weakness that is passed onto our children … or click on the photo below.
The only hope we have in these times of the ‘Nachash’s’ destruction is the worth and value Yeshua places on each individual. If you feel worthless it is because you are quantum entangled with the ‘Nachash’ - and his nature of iniquity is quantum entangling your energy field.
Lucifer, the so called “enlightened” one is the instigator of the Big Lie theory. All lies and the deception of humanity originates in this one spiritual being. And once he has you sucked in, and you sin, he instantly transforms into the manifestation of Satan. Yeshua gives us the tools to crucify our carnal desires, ego or iniquitous nature, whilst the ‘Nachash’ puts a fire under our carnal desires, flesh, ego or iniquitous nature.
This is the war of our minds that we find ourselves in! However, we can slay this Nephilim GIANT - with ease. David, before he became the most successful King of Israel took five (5) stones - the number five (5) represents YHWH’s grace - but he only need one stone to destroy Goliath. That one stone is Yeshua’s sacrificial blood - who destroyed Satan’s command of DEATH on our behalf when He was resurrected.
It is really that simple - Our only hope is in quantum entangling ourselves with YHWY’s righteousness with a covering of His sacrificial blood. Otherwise, there is nothing we can do to avoid iniquity or corruption of heart to any degree.
Transhumanism is the development of a hybrid race that is beyond redemption. Redemption is only a gift for human beings. That is why those who have been vaccinated have more than likely had their DNA changed to reflect a hybrid status and are therefore like the Nephilim, having been turned into the Serpent’s seed and therefore they are unredeemable.
There is really nothing more I can say now really - this redemptive process needs to be experienced personally to make any form of transformation. Remember that the spiritual energy present in our heart is always manifested physically at some stage. Therefore it is the unseen realm we must change by us pounding on the door of the 3rd heaven in order move into His peace. And yes, there is a place in YHWY’s righteousness were we do not have to strive or struggle anymore - it is a place of Shalom - it implies wholeness, completeness, and well-being in all aspects of life. Unfortunately I personally do not see many Christians or Jews resting in this peace. There is only a remnant - of the seed of Abraham - who have pleaded with YHWH in heaven to erase all iniquity and spiritual parasites from their hearts.
That is my desire for you!
And remember - “We have to know what we are saved from in order to know what we are saved to”.