We said in the last Substack that “…. what we believe spiritually will eventually manifest itself physically”. Well here we have a classic example of that occurring…. Listen closely to King Charles 111 - he states “Time has literally run out!” He knows! This is one of the few things this Viper says that is true.
Some are labelling King Charles 111’s recently released portrait, “the tampon” or “menstrual cycle”. I added the comment that maybe we are witnessing the end of “a period” called the Monarchy’s OWO…. and “The OVERLORD’s narrative is all asscociated with “bad” blood! The attempt to form the Khazarian NWO is going to be a heavy “menstrual cycle” for humanity!”
The other important point made in the last Substack that you may have missed is…. “The OWO is symbolised by the colour red.” The colour red in occult symbolism always refers to blood…. always! Because to the MOB’s twisted, artificial Khazarian belief system, blood is symbolic of sacrifice, terror, power and death. That is why they have to continually sacrifice innocent young children whilst in a state of terror, and then extract adrenochrome, which is the oxidation of adrenaline, from the pituitary gland of those tortured children.
To God’s OWO of everything natural and His coming NWO, blood is symbolic of LIFE. In fact, Yeshua’s pure, righteous blood brings justice and peace to our souls whilst destroying the Luciferian energy of destruction and DEATH. It is Yeshua ha Mashiach’s blood that they are trying desperately to counterfeit in order to gain power.
From God’s perspective, since the crucifixion blood sacrifice is no longer required to connect with Him. His divine Son, Yeshua, made the one off, perfect blood sacrifice on our behalf - therefore spiritual entanglement with God is now an open door.
However the Jews did not, nor do they now, accept Yeshua as their Messiah or their spiritual Saviour. That is why the Jews are desperate to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem and sacrifice the red heifer for their sins.
Therefore, all blood sacrifice is done to gain Baphomet’s approval and tap into his limited power. All occult activity demands blood sacrifice - especially of innocent, undefiled children. Baphomet is a deity which the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping that subsequently became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions. Everything Baphomet does is an inversion of God’s natural manifestation of Truth - including the use of blood sacrifice.
Wicked-pedia’s [an Israeli controlled e-pub btw] story of Éliphas Lévi’s life tells the whole story of how people fall into the trap of esoteric occult mysticism and belief. Below is a small summary of the MKUltra mind control technique which involves the basics of religion, physical and spiritual abuse, confusion, pain, isolation and darkness that creates destructive interference in the mind. Then Lévi experienced “the false light” of Lucifer’s knowledge and so he believed he had found the answer. Remember, the Cabal’s greatest spell is confusion in our minds.
“Baphomet was popularised by Éliphas Lévi a French esotericist, poet, and writer. Initially pursuing an ecclesiastical career in the Catholic Church, he abandoned the priesthood in his mid-twenties and became a ceremonial magician. At the age of 40, he began professing knowledge of the occult.[1] He wrote over 20 books on magic, Kabbalah, alchemical studies, and occultism. Unexpectedly, in 1850, at the age of 40, Levi succumbed to a period of heightened financial and spiritual crisis, leading him, more profoundly, to find refuge in the milieu of mid-19th-century esotericism and the occult.[11]”
If Wicked-pedia published the life story of each and every member of the spiritual mafia MOB, those stories would be a total replication of Éliphas Lévi’s story. The common denominated is, they all joined the false Catholic Church, the Kabbalah, Zionist Jewish faith or some other man-made religion in order to find their Creator God - and through physical and spiritual abuse they found Lucifer’s “light” ‘carrot’ and Satan’s occult ‘stick’ - as in the carrot and the stick scenario- a motivational tactic which uses both reward to motivate someone and then punishment to induce and seal cooperation!
This is the essence of the Catholic Church, the Kabbalah and the Jewish faith where it is believed one has to earn their salvation through some form of penance and self sabotage. Whereas the Creator God gives us salvation as a free gift - if we choose to submit to His Sovereign spiritual rule and reign Sovereignly as an act of our own free will.
It is therefore all about to whom we pay our allegiance too. It is pretty simple really. We consciously or unconsciously pay our allegiance to either Lucifer or Yeshua haMashiach…. either the unrighteous, wicked, rebellious one, or the only man who can claim to be 100% righteous, fair and just.
Right now, King Charles 111 is clearly manifesting physically who he pays spiritual allegiance too - he is aligned, connected to and even preparing to be totally possessed by Satan. It is now very, very clear. All is being revealed in this season of disorder and chaos on earth.
The video above paints a sobering picture of Aleister Crowley’s law as a 180°reversal, mirror image, a MK Ultra mind control Monarch butterfly and Freemasonry symbolism.
All is being revealed out in the open… here we have the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and the head of the Church of England, King Charles 111, both openly worshipping and showing their allegiance to Baphomet.
So we have King Charles 111 posing quite openly using a hand sign that is blatant Freemasonry symbolism - with the right hand clasping over the left hand. The terminology the Freemasons use for God is “the Great Architect of the Universe”. In this short video we can see the connection between the Freemasons, King Charles 11 and the setting up of The Royal Society which became the birthplace of modern alchemy science which has an occult foundation. When we consider that King Charles 1 was tried, convicted, and executed for high treason in January 1649, we can begin to see why Charles, the Prince of Wales, would call himself King Charles 111 - because the nature of the Beast is in their bloodline.
We have now laid a firm foundation to answer the question: Why has King Charles III become the foremost “stick wielder” in the world, as in the carrot and Stick scenario? This is foundational to MKUltra Mind control techniques employed by the Jesuits and CIA agencies. It is the old adage of “use and abuse”, which we could change these days to “poison and abuse”. The spiritual mafia MOB, our OVERLORDs, are experts at poisoning our minds so they can freely abuse us.
Whereas God has given us laws to live by that set boundaries to guard us against being deceived by Lucifer, Lucifer is the lawgiver for the Beast system. These Marine Laws are now universal, however they originate from those who we now identify as the spiritual harlot, the GREAT HARLOT - MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT. When God’s chosen people from Judah, rebelled against Him in Babylon they created an alternative, false Tree of Life, the Kabbalah belief system with Lucifer as their god, and a book of their own laws they called “the Talmud”. This has over 800 extra man-made laws of penance associated with it. These laws are the foundation for the proposed One World Religion that both the Pope and King Charles 111 are endeavouring to instigate. Remember, the Cabal’s greatest spell is confusion in our minds. These laws are totally enslaving.
These laws were summarised by Aleister Crowley….
and Satanist actress Nicole Kidman who states in this movie “..that it would be best if we were free to do as we pleased.” This is the main message of Éliphas Lévi’s life and the Great Harlot who came out of mystery Babylon, with the Jewish Kabbalah belief system as her foundation.
The Jews that were held captive in Babylon because they had turned their back on their own Creator God, are the original Great Harlot mentioned in Revelation Chapter 17 & 18. “And the woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth”- this great city is the Zionist ruled Jerusalem, the present capital of the Rothschild, Zionist formed State of Israel in 1948. Rome is not the only city in the world built on seven hills - Jerusalem is also!
This great city is going to be the epicentre of God’s wrath very soon.
These hidden secrets of blood sacrifice are held by certain powerful bloodlines, the esoteric, whilst the exoteric are kept in the dark. In fact what the exoteric [the masses] are not consciously aware of is the fact that they are the main targets of the OVERLORD’s blood sacrifice rituals. Do you comprehend that? The MOB wants your blood - they desire to sacrifice you and your LIFE energy. That is what this global play of Technocracy and Transhumanism is all about.
Have you ever noticed that everyone around you is judgemental and critical of you - and you cannot understand it because you do not perceive yourself as a judgemental person? Of course we all understand this dynamic when we become consciously aware with God consciousness. Judgement of self, others and God is a classic example of the invisible strings that we nurture that the Puppet Masters are using to destroy our freedom. Often we are often totally oblivious to our own weaknesses, but fully aware of everyone else’s. Then how often do we cast dispersion on anyone who may suggest that we challenge our own belief system? We thus become protective and dismissive.
The majority of our judgements about ourselves and others come to us when we entangle ourselves spiritually with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good [Lucifer] and Evil [Satan]. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is the spiritual tree of judgement - the judgement of self, judgement of others and the judgement of God. Notice that we don’t judgement Lucifer because he himself is the essence of judgement. Now you know why the desire for incessant “knowledge” and universities are the breeding grounds for the spiritual mafia MOB and the formation of the NWO. When we tap into the spiritual Tree of the Knowledge of Good, Lucifer is delighted because that is his forte. This then gives the Puppet Masters the spiritual authority to play with your invisible strings and play a merry tune of rebellion, hate and insurrection against our creator God.
The woman answered the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden, but about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You must not eat of it or touch it, or you will die.’ ” “You will not surely die,” the serpent told her. “For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
The trees in the garden of Eden were physical trees with spiritual connotations. Therefore, they are figurative, metaphorical and even symbolic. However they are as real as anything that manifests physically in this reality. Notice that there is no mention of an apple being eaten in the Hebrew text. The image of an symbolic apple is more of a Greek and Freemasonry way of thinking that makes up their narrative.
These invisible spiritual strings the Puppet Masters employ provide the source of any carrot and Stick activity in your life. Spiritually, Lucifer must be given authority to instigate any carrot tactics towards you. You are the one who gives that authority through consent.
The carrot and Stick phrase involves offering a "carrot" as a reward for good behaviour and a "Stick" as a negative consequence for behaviour that is not cooperative. Another definition says it “denotes a promised reward coupled with a threatened punishment as a method of persuasion or coercion”. To ‘induce cooperation’ are the operative words here.
When we quantum entangle ourselves with Lucifer, we contract with him by consent to be punished - in which case, in God’s universal courtroom, we have consented to play Lucifer’s game. When we play chess with Lucifer on his dualistic black and white chess board, we can be assured to lose, and the punishment of Satan is justified.
I’m reminded of my childhood learning to draft cattle on horseback. Enticing the cattle with hay was the initial carrot to move them from one paddock to the next - then if that didn’t work, the Stick approach soon followed by driving them to the desired destination. Sheep of course are different. A flock of sheep will always follow a leader, so the leader was used as the carrot to get the rest of the flock moving in the desired direction.
In the spiritual realm, Lucifer is the provider of all carrots. He woos people to follow him primarily through the deception of our “flesh” [or as Freud taught, the unconscious mind], and then temptation occurs. He compromises people by enticing them to sin. He is so subtle. He appeals to our ego, self satisfaction, self indulgence, greed, pleasure and our desire to feel good with his promise of instant gratification and expedient convenience.
As we know, Edward Bernays was an expert at using propaganda and the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed the "engineering of consent”. Bernays was the father of advertising and public relations because he understood the ‘shadow or dark side’ of humanity and how to manipulate their collective weaknesses. Bernays correctly viewed the masses as prone to their all-consuming ‘Self’ [ego]. Bernays used this human weakness to lure individuals into self indulgence and consumerism to satisfy their “selfish needs”. Therefore, Edward Bernays was one of the most influential occultists to have ever lived.
Some people say “the devil made me do it!” However, this is not quite right. Lucifer always comes into our mind with a thought that we can either reject or accept according to our conscious awareness. We always have the opportunity to stop sin in its tracks, but we normally choose not too because we enjoy the short term gratification. Think of the act of having illicit sex - it ALWAYS starts with the program we run in our minds visually - and we consent because we think we can benefit from its feeling of satisfaction and gratification!
What we don’t understand - and don’t want to understand - it that something as gratifying as illicit sex is Lucifer’s prime method of distributing his spiritual parasites from one being to another.
"Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, now, who is the fairest of us all?" So the Disney movies ask our children. The Magic Mirror belongs to the Evil Queen - Lucifer!
All of this information, just to tell you that King Charles 111 could well be the epitome [personification, embodiment, incarnation, essence of, archetype, avatar or representation] of Satan - the embodiment of evil in a stickman. However, no matter what his title, King Charles 111 is merely the spokesperson or the physical demonic incarnation of the spiritual mafia MOB operating in the City of London. King Charles 111 is a puppet of the spirit of EVIL and DEATH. The Monarchy is given its power from the Knight Templar in the City of London, the Swiss Octagon Pharaonic Nobility and their Freemasonry cohorts.
In the meantime, since the 40-Day “Nineveh” Window is now closed, there will be an explosion of false signs and wonders and the occurrence of greatest deceptions of all time. Technology coming out of CERN is empowering the Beast and the end game is to get that technology under our skin. We may see a fictional event in the skies, like a fake alien deception, a possible fake appearance of “Jesus” in the sky and/or a fake “Rapture” of the followers of “the Christ”. The recent Northern Aurora Borealis and Southern Aurora Australis spectacular could be a prelude to that Project Bluebeam.
“For the mystery of lawlessness [iniquity] is already at work, but the one who now restrains it will continue until he is taken out of the way [the Holy Spirit]. And then the lawless one will be revealed….The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the Truth and so be saved.”
“Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness [wickedness or iniquity].”
The spiritual mafia MOB are going to send forth their deceptive schemes and literally millions - if not billions - of lukewarm Great Harlot “Christians” are going to be deceived into thinking the false fake appearance of the occult “Jesus” in the sky, or/and a fake “Rapture” of the followers of “the Christ”, is real.
This is a period when God separates the sheep from the goats and the wheat from the tares. It will all depend what iniquity is found established in each ones’ energetic heart and is manifested.
Can you even imagine how dark and evil the world will get if God partially withdraws His Holy Spirit? It is literally going to be hell on earth.
I believe that is the time in history [His-story] we are now in!
How do you know that I’m not just a conspiracy theorist fruitcake and I’m not telling you God’s Truth? It is coming clearer to see as Yeshua is revealing more and more spiritually, and more and more is being manifested into the physical realm. You will soon know because all of these false signs and wonders we are beginning to witness are a counterfeit of the Real thing. It is not a mystery anymore! The conspiracies and the conspirators are being revealed for the Ponzi scheme it is. If the spiritual mafia MOB, our OVERLORDS, are going to all the trouble to counterfeit God’s resurrectional power and His redeeming Holy Spirit, then the fact that the MOB mirrors it, or inverts it, or reverses God’s Truth 180° is total evidence, and absolute proof, that the mirror image has to be True.
There is nothing surer!
The Southern Aurora Australis lights could be seen in Perth, Western Australia which is located on a Latitude of approximately 32° South. This is the equivalent of seeing the Northern Aurora Borealis from Tel Aviv or Perth’s sister city San Diego in the U.S in the Northern Hemispere.
Is this a natural phenomenon - or a DARPA, DEW initiative to create an explosion of false signs and wonders. Time will tell - and real soon as “Time is literally running out!”
If you think my writing style is too complex, try the Substack of another ex-pilot who also has a bigger picture, our overview, of life than most - Mark Attwood’s The King of Demons.
Whatever, I trust you are beginning to see through the corrupt narrative we have been feed all of our lives - the best way to define the cause of that ‘corrupt narrative’ is ‘iniquity resident in our energetic heart’. This is important to be consciously aware of because we are now living in “a den of iniquity”!
Shilom, Shilom