Why is the mind so important? Why are the spiritual mafia MOB so intent on controlling our minds? What is MKUltra mind control? How does predictive programming unconsciously impact our minds?
And why does the bible give so much air play to the topic of the mind? What does it mean when it says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” What does it mean “For, let this mind be in you which was also in Messiah יהושע”?
Remember we have said that the spiritual mafia MOB can only counterfeit that which is True and of the Mind of God? Well, here is a classic example. The more determined the MOB is to counterfeit the mind…. or counterfeit and twist the reality of quantum physics, the more we know how important these topics are to God’s spiritual Kingdom.
In fact, quantum mechanics is so important, God created the brain to be the most powerful quantum computer ever designed. Our mind is merely the spiritual energy that has been processed by our brains - mainly when we are asleep. This is when short term memory is converted into long term memory as Information is transversed over the prefrontal cortex via the targeted “VMAT2”, or “God gene” located in the RH Frontal Lobe.
This is why it is SO important for us to immerse our minds in the Holy Spirit - the Hebrew word Ruach Hakodésh means holy “wind,” “breath,” or “spirit.” The corresponding Greek word is pneuma. Both words are commonly used in passages referring to the Holy Spirit. This words first use in the bible appears in the second verse: “The Spirit of God [Ruach Elohim] was hovering over the waters” (Genesis 1:2).
We are instructed to have fellowship with Ruach Hakodésh - that means to immerse our minds in God’s Ruach [Spirit] - to connect our mind with His Mind - to be spiritually and energetically entangled with God’s Ruach. This is where quantum mechanics comes in because this is God’s medium through which He speaks to us and disperses His Information into our minds and hearts. God’s Ruach is the source of resurrection LIFE and our personal redemption.
This is a promise YHWH has made to the ancient house of Israel [not the modern day Rothschild formed State of Israel] “But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares YHWH. I will put My Torah in their minds and inscribe it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they will be My people.” The main point is, our energetic minds and our energetic hearts are intrinsically intertwined, and one in nature. That which is held foremost in our mind will play out in our heart energetically and spiritually.
Now I encourage you to watch this Clif High video. Clif High is a futurist and computer programmer, who has made a reputation for eerily reliable predictions of future events. Clif claims his predictions are from extreme data-crunching and shrewd deduction however there could well also be an element of channelling spirits of divination. Therefore, his Hindu/Buddhist beliefs make him a bit “woo, woo” however, on this topic of mind control, I believe he is quite knowledgeable. What do you think? His video is called DEFEND YOUR Hippo….. I used this photo for you to click on below because I have actually been on this rock (Cliff) and if you believe all of his false narrative of Eastern mysticism you too will fall off the high spiritual Cliff has built for himself, for sure.
This is Cliff’s hypothesis regarding how the mind operates and how the MOB are using this knowledge to control our minds. Notice how complex the whole system is. You may want to keep these diagrams below in mind as you try to get your head around this intricate operating system!
Forget Charles Darwin’s evolution by chance and Yuval Noah Harari’s evolution by intelligent design - they are both false narratives made up by the spiritual mafia MOB to take society off course. This narrative is getting closer to how God designed our brains and our minds!
So Clif High states that the coordination of these six (6) elements are necessary for the retention of memory in the human mind.
Nature of Information: I would give this much more emphasis because this Information coming into our brains is spiritual/energetic Information that is either from Gods’ Ruach Hakodésh or Lucifer’s false god’s demonic entities or fallen angels.
Emotional impact: emotion is energy-in-motion. Our heart energy is paramount in what impacts our physical brain and our energetic mind.
Repetition and rehearsal: this is how the MOB indoctrinates us with their false reality - subtle repetition in fear, anxiety, anger & terror is how we are brainwashed and psychologically preconditioned.
Sleep patterns
Age and cognitive health
Then there is the functional part the brain plays in bringing these six (6) elements into being. The…
hippocampus; is in charge of declarative memory i.e. the facts of what we experience and our perception of those facts
prefrontal cortex
amygdala; emotional memory
cerebellum; complex physical memory that is stored in our subconscious .i.e how to play a musical instrument, or learn a language
…..are all involved in writing data and Information to storage. The hippocampus is responsible for binding the thought, experience, story, narrative or fantasy into a file format that can be stored on your internal hard drive.
This next group are hormone producing glandular complexes, and is where all the above information input is taken and transformed into the pattern of a thought.
hypothalamus: this attaches emotion to an abstract thought in your brain, over producing hormones if the emotion is charged and negative. This is how spiritual parasites are manifested btw.
pituitary complex
pineal gland
All of these hormones producing glandular complexes 1-4 make up what is known as the ancient Pharaonic Eye of Providence or All-Seeing Eye…. also known as the Eye of Horus. Horus, in ancient Egyptian religion, a god in the form of a falcon whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing Lucifer’s power and whose left eye was the moon or evening star, representing healing.
This region in the brain containing these four (4) hormone producing glandular complexes are perceived by the MOB to be mystical because this is the section of the brain that can be manipulated, exploited, twisted and controlled to create ‘Alternate’ or ‘Augmented’ Realities. I cover this in detail in my eBook Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons. This process is very much at the forefront of brainwashing, predictive programming and mind control.
The Eye of Horus, also known as left wedjat eye or udjat eye, which is a “mirror” of the Eye of Ra (right wedjat eye), is a concept and symbol in the ancient Egyptian religion that represents protection, health, restoration, wholeness and immortality.
Horus subsequently offered “the eye” to his deceased father Osiris, and its revitalizing power sustained Osiris in the afterlife [supposedly]. The Eye of Horus symbol, a stylised eye with distinctive markings, was believed to have protective magical power and appeared frequently in ancient Egyptian art.
The ancient Egyptian god Horus was a sky deity, and many Egyptian texts say that Horus's right eye [male] was the sun and his left eye [female] the moon.[2] The solar eye and lunar eye were sometimes equated with the red and white crown of Egypt, respectively.
Remember these distinct colours? Red and white are still used in occult symbology right throughout the Beast system we live in. Red represents Upper Egypt (OWO) and white represents Lower Egypt (NWO)….it originated in the worship of the Pharaonic gods whilst seeking immortality. Everything the MOB does, including technology and Intelligence that is Artificial (AI) is created with the foolish assumption that they do not need God to gain eternal life. They believe they can become immortal according to Aleister Crowley’s ”Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” and be totally separate from our Creator God.
Here we see the visual representation of the the spiritual mafia MOB whose headquarters and operating rooms are underground within the CERN complex in Geneva, Switzerland. Here we have the Swiss Templar Octagon secret society which in essence is based on Jewish Kabbalism or the Aryan Indo-Iranian race that is essentially ancient Zoroastrianism and Mithraism (the precursor to the “Christian” religion) - they all have the same mystical roots that tap into Satan’s Hermetic FORCE or Lucifer’s Vril energy that took root in Medo-Persia [Iran] and Babylon.
This is the author, whilst acting as a B777 Captain on a charter flight in December 2016 from Al Ain, UAE to Algeria taking 350+ Muslim Arabs and 30+ Falcons on a Falcon hunting trip in Northern Africa. Remember that one of the main symbols of the Muslim religion is the Star and Crescent which is symbolic of the moon. The French croissant was designed after this symbol. Also, remember I told you that Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai since 2008 is not really a Muslim per say. He is actually a 33 degree Freemason working solely for the spiritual mafia MOB based in Geneva and the City of London. I’ve lived and worked in Dubai for 13 years - I know!
When you realise that the House of Pallavicini from the bloodline described in Who Are "They"? have Persian blood this all begins to make sense. Palla means ‘Allah’ (comes from Apollo), whilst ‘Vicini’ means ‘close to or vicinity’. The House of Pallavicini has major control over Islam. In fact, this is the family that created Islam. Today even, the Imams of Islam are all Persian descent. Furthermore its financial power is matched by few. The Rothschilds and the British Monarchy are both subservient to the House of Pallavicini.
Do you now see the connection? They are all worshipping Lucifer through either Egyptian Hermetic gods or the Jewish Kabbalah or Aryan gods from Babylon and Persia.
So what does this have to do with our minds? Everything! This mystic Information is what your mind has been bombarded with ever since you were born. Childcare, school, university and in the job working for the MOB - is all dispensing Information that is operated and controlled by the Beast system - the occult system that is bringing DEATH to our bodies, souls and spirits and sealing our demise.
The hormonal, biochemical flush that Clif High talks about in which memory is formed and stored occurs at night during our natural sleep cycles. This is God’s design and creation during whichghgg short term memory is converted into long term memory. Mankind is merely using and abusing that part of our brain. Carl Rogers stumbled upon the key to modern techniques of mind control through fallen angels, insider information and as Clif says, "talking to the space aliens". Clif leads his listeners to believe that he gathers his spiritual 'insights' from his own 'psychic connection' in the 'ether'. What Cliff calls “the Elohim worship cult” are really occult groups that worship the godhead Lucifer and Satan.
We need to take a look at the Brief Biography of Carl Rogers in order to understand why a mind controlled young man would become a mind controlling shrink and a main proponent of MKUltra - “he was born on January 8, 1902, in Chicago, Illinois. His parents loved their six children, of whom Rogers was the fourth, but they exerted a distinct control over them. They were fundamentalist Christians, who emphasized a close-knit family and constant, productive work, but approved of little else. The Rogers household expected standards of behaviour appropriate for the ‘elect’ of God: there was no drinking of alcohol, no dancing, no visits to the theatre, no card games, and little social life at all (DeCarvalho, 1991; Thorne, 2003). Rogers was not the healthiest of children, and his family considered him to be overly sensitive. The more his family teased him, the more he retreated into a lonely world of fantasy. He sought consolation by reading books, and he was well above his grade level for reading when he began school. During his first year of college, Rogers attended a Sunday morning group of students led by Professor George Humphrey. Professor Humphrey was a facilitative leader, who refused to be conventional and who encouraged the students to make their own decisions. Rogers found the intellectual freedom very stimulating, and he also began to make close friends. This increased intellectual and emotional energy led Rogers to re-examine his commitment to Christianity. He began taking courses at nearby Teachers’ College of Columbia University, where he learned about clinical and educational psychology, as well as working with disturbed children. He then transferred to Teachers’ College, and after writing a dissertation in which he developed a test for measuring personality adjustment in children, he earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. He found that even the most elaborate theories made little sense when dealing with children who had suffered severe psychological damage after traveling through the courts and the social work systems.”
The reason I include this Carl Rogers Biography is because I noticed whilst researching my eBook Beelzebub- Darwin’s Demons, that nearly all the main players in the MOB’s global genetic modification play have the same mind controlled upbringing. Many had been indoctrinated with Catholicism or Protestantism, some even doing Seminary studies, before swinging over to the Kabbalah/Khazarian/Jesuit mafia, without even experiencing their Creator God. Therefore instead of developing a personal relationship with an unconditional loving God, they turn and emote hatred towards God instead. If you read right through the Brief Biography of Carl Rogers , you will observe that this is the case with Carl Rogers, one of the main contributors to MK Ultra mind control, which is now used globally for mass mind control.
The main point is, it takes a mind-controlled individual, to be a perpetrator, a handler or watcher to control another human. They all have the same Nordic/Aryan ‘warrior’ spirit.
Clif High believes Carl Rogers was involved in discovering that if interference is used to interrupt the storage of declarative memory in the hippocampus right here where his finger points….. before the memory is set but after the formation of the original thought, that thought is erased from both parts of the hippocampus and all memory is lost. Carl Rogers proved that predetermined, appropriate amounts of aluminium oxide Al₂O₃ could be used on Targeted Individuals (TIs) to interrupt the hippocampus so that it could no longer naturally write declarative memory. This creates creates memory loss and symptoms of dementia. However, the MKUltra team discovered that this also created a clean slate upon which they could now write their own scripts using #2. Emotional impact and #3. Repetition and rehearsal (as per the list above). And then the MKUltra team uses #4. sleep patterns because it is during our sleep that long-term memory is actually written.
This imprints a total new (NWO) Alternate or ‘Augmented’ Reality that then entertains Lucifer’s demonic entities. MKUltra TIs no longer know what real memory is and what is artificial memory from a Disneyland fantasy script. This is the whole purpose and goal of MKUltra and the MOB’s NWO philosophy.
You may remember in Quantum Consciousness we stated “We may even be receiving these forms of hyper communication when we are asleep. [The MOB often uses our sleep time to instil mind control tactics - for further info watch this video on how the MOB can transfere ones consciousness to human cloning centres whilst the TI is in REM sleep].” Human cloning is “woo, woo” for sure, but the spiritual mafia MOB has been using this, and refining the use of human cloning, since WW2. This is what Clif High is referring to.
Clif High declares that the use of chemtrails, 5G and the experimental mRNA, military designed graphenated synthetic hydrogel, and biological nanotechnology weaponry which is used to penetrate our sacred bodies are a carefully designed process, not a virus. And I agree with him. Humanity is under attack - and our minds are central to that warfare strategy. This is what is causing memory loss, faded, cloudy minds and the disruption of our sleep patterns. The COVID-19 “vaccinations” are literally changing the way people think - and it is divisive, not wholesome. These are all war tactics that you are maybe still unconscious of, because they are subtly destroying your sense of God-consciousness, which is a natural ability and our sovereign right.
It is true, mind control eradicates all concept of the dimension of time. Cathy O’Brien spoke a lot about that - see Are You Subject to Subtle Mind Control Tactics?. The reason is, God created time, space and matter. This simply means time, space and matter are connected in a way that makes them inseparable, and that is what Genesis 1:1 says! In the beginning [time] God created the heavens [space] and the earth [matter].” Time, space and matter are all the ingredients of God-consciousness.
What we need to understand is, psychologists like Carl Rogers are people who have found a way to establish a spiritual portal in the brain through which demonic entities - or spiritual parasites - can flow unimpeded into our bodies which God has designed to be temples of His Holy Spirit, not temples of communication with Lucifer’s evil spirits. Carl Rogers labels this process through a spiritual portal, the “mind virus” - and so it is! I have concluded that all labelled “viruses” are merely energetic/spiritual parasites. If we eliminate all energetic/spiritual parasites from our being [spirit, soul and body], there is no disease to fear or affect us. Fear in and of itself is an energetic/spiritual parasite.
Our sense of smell is being affected the more the “mind virus” is implemented. The last issue I want to raise is the whole gender issue that is being placed on our children. Society is being blamed for forcing gender stereotypes onto children. “Helping trans, non-binary and gender diverse kids thrive. Misunderstanding and stigma about being gender diverse or transgender remains one of the biggest challenges facing children and their families.” Blaming children and making them feel guilty for their gender is the greatest sign of a sick and depraved society. As Clif High correctly declares, this phenomenon is also coming from the Kabbalah/Khazarian/Jesuit mafia mind control techniques.
As Clif High says, our physical sexuality and our ability to deal with it is controlled by the pheromonic process that runs through the hypothalamus and thalamus. The aluminium oxide and other soft metals degrade all the hormone producing glandular complexes and creates great confusion in our minds.
Are you beginning to see how the Eye of Horus, or the All-Seeing Eye topples the gyros in our brain by changing the highly important hormone producing glandular complexes? This is the key to mind control and the demise of humanity.
We are at War against an enemy that Dr. Naomi Wolf describes as a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) driven fascist dictatorship. Dr. Naomi Wolf in her book, The End of America, reveals the frequently repeated 10 steps taken by dictators to overthrow democracies and destroy people’s freedom and liberties.
The whole climate crisis scenario is totally about mass mind control. That’s it! And it takes a MKUltra mind controlled TI to be their puppets - like Yuval Noah Harari and Greta Thunberg. The whole climate crisis is merely a diversion of interest.
The bottom line is, the spiritual mafia MOB is endeavouring to do a MKUltra programming on 8.2 billion individuals on the planet - minus the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines - so that includes you and me.
I KNEW he was going to undermine the Biblical teachings about the character of the most high God, by branding Him as a boundless but impersonal It, a Consciousness that put us into a 'simulation' to see what would happen, rather than a Person of boundless Love who created us in order to experience Love with Him and with one another.
What you share I too believe is correct - especially “ and it is openly attributed to direct revelation from disembodied spirits who live in the... wait for it... ether”. What we also need to recognise is that Clif gains his knowledge from the exact same place as the mystical Jewish Kabbalist, the Talmud, the Zohar and all of Zionist Judaism. God loves the original Jews and says He will restore relationship with them, however that can only be done through the revelation that Yeshua is their Messiah! No “woo,woo” needed for that! But it looks like the world is going to have to go through a lot more pain for that to happen….
The war plan against humanity always uses Hegelian Dialectics, a divisionary tactic to manipulate the public into creating their own solution to any given problem. When executed well through propaganda, it is perceived by the exoteric to create Order out of the Chaos. In this case, the problem is the virus taking away individual freedoms. The solution is mass vaccine inoculation to bring about ‘herd immunity’.
We are at war, so we need to know the enemies tactical moves in advance……..