Outside of the 4 eBooks I have written, this Blog is no doubt one of the most significant Blogs I have personally written. Fully comprehending this topic is one of the cornerstones of the spiritual jigsaw puzzle I have been putting together for the last 30 years. Read it several times and drink into your parched spirit the truth of what is now manifesting as physical evidence.
We all have minds that are veiled from seeing and perceiving the Truth. That corruption and ‘error’ of judgement originates in our spirits, defiles our hearts, then veils, or clouds, our minds.
Unveiling our minds gives us a form of Godly protection. When 5G/6G microwave radar frequencies are soon released in anger against us, this spiritual unveiling may well save our lives. Without that spiritual protection, the MOB’s microwave radar frequencies may well fry our minds. That is how important this God given wisdom and understanding is………………..
Walt Disney used this occult optical illusion in his theme parks and in all of his children’s occult cartoons - yes everyone of them had subliminal messages that engaged mind control tactics on ourselves and our children. We now have a whole generation of sexual deviants who demand power, money and success - instantly. This is how the Illuminati MOB operate - through the subtle allure and deception of our minds and hearts. Allegations have it that Walt Disney was a known pedophile who engaged in vile sexual acts with child protege Hollywood movie actors, actresses and music pop stars [protege means “protected” ones btw i.e. mind control “protectors” or controllers] who were hopeful to experience stardom. He was a paid FBI informant and worked with the CIA due to his expertise in subliminal messaging/mind control. He attended Nazi rallies and was an advocate for eugenics.
Walt Disney started Disney as a covert pedophilia child trafficking operation with their Disney Amusement Parks being littered with underground tunnels used as centres of a child mind control program. All the pedophilia rings operating underground today started with CIA mind control operatives like Walt Disney. Child trafficing is becoming a bigger global traffic ring than the pushers of illicit drugs - both are operated and controlled by the Cabal in CERN. The main puppets being controlled by the MOB are the nation’s political leaders and Heads of State. The Bush dynasty, Clinton dynasty, the Obamas and the majority of politicians in Europe, Canada and Australia have been compromised and involved in this trade of “the souls of mankind”.
In the Roman empire, the followers of “the Way” were feed to the lions for the entertainment of the masses. Entertainment has once again become the highway to hell for those involved on both sides of the fence. All entertainment - including the vulva designed stadiums where sport is played by mind controlled victims and the spectator’s egos entertained and amused with distraction, and their attention diverted away from the Truth.
Everything in this life is about image - how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. The preservation of our own ego is all about image. God created us in His own image. The devil or Satan is battling to win our hearts through Lucifer, so that we reflect his image. Everything Lucifer and Satan does in the spirit realm is a reflection or mirror image of that which is natural, and real. The Devil’s realm is synthetic and made of sand - it is not real. Anything made of sand, like glass is fragile and easily broken.
One day soon, God is going to intervene and King Yeshua will smash and crush this Beast system and annihilate it - instantly!
But this is so true….. Lucifer knows this Reality [read his message in the following picture]…. the MOB also knows this secret, however the general public are ignorant of this God-given spiritual law - that law states that Satan and Lucifer have no power over us, unless they have our willing consent. The spiritual mafia MOB - or Black Nobility - also know God’s law that states that EVERYTHING they do must be openly revealed - so you and I have no excuse when we meet God for our own judgement.
In this picture above, where “is an inversion of” is written, the word VEIL should be written. VEIL is another anagram of the words VILE, EVIL and LIVE. LIVE or LIFE is concealed with a veil of Truth.
The book of Revelation in the bible unlocks the VEIL that is covering our eyes spiritually. A “revelation” is the act of making something known that was secret, or a fact that is made known. It is defined as: 1 a: an act of revealing or communicating divine truth b : something that is revealed by God to humans 2 a : an act of revealing to view or making known b : something that is revealed especially: an enlightening or astonishing disclosure - shocking revelations.
In the 3rd heaven - that which is God’s economy - God’s Son, Yeshua haMashiach is the revelator! Yeshua is the One who made a ginormous revelation to mankind 1993 years ago when He rose from the dead and overcame death [aka Lucifer and Satan]. He became the spiritual revealer of Truth to us humans. Therefore, when we are energetically entangled to Him, we have also gained the revelation, power and wisdom that we too can do the same - in Yeshua, we become Godlike [as apposed too “godlike” in the strength of our own ego].
Entangling ourselves to Lucifer and Satan is a VILE, shameful, repugnant and wicked proposition that only brings death and disease to our spirits, hearts, minds, bodies and souls.
The MOB rationalises it and states that they reveal everything openly through symbols so others in the Illuminati know who is in control. They also reason that they will avoid karma if their evil schemes are openly declared. This is not true - God’s universal spiritual law declares that all must be revealed to us openly. To whom we show our spiritual allegiance to then becomes our freedom of choice.
To the scientists among us, this topic of inversion, symmetry and reflection of chemistry maybe of interest - EVERYTHING Lucifer and Satan command is a 180°reversal to nature and God’s creation. The same principle applies to God’s Truth - it is often 180°removed from our own perceived truth.
The inversion, symmetry and reflection of chemistry is the essence of all alchemic science.
The modern Darwinians claim that we come from robots - it is called evolution by intelligent design. The inversion, symmetry and reflection of chemistry is the essence of evolution by intelligent design.
This is The Evil Twins Of Transhumanism And Technocracy. It is as simple and straight forward as that…………..
This is what creates mankind’s fake parallel Universe….. it is not genuine …… it is a counterfeit belief system that we create in our hearts and minds. Notice Chapter 6-13, which says “What are the four basic symmetry elements and operations?” The number four is a very important number in occult numerology and communication with demonic fallen angels. John Dee’s communication with fallen angels in 1581 is central to the operation of the Quantum Computer today - and the formation of the DOD’s contractor, D-Wave [Dee-Wave].
This is the essence of all coding of numbers and computer programming of “0’s” and “1’s” - that is what occultist John Dee taught the generation of today. All computer coding is occult based and adversed to God’s programming for humanity - that is why AI will be self-destructing.
This is an important principle to grasp………………..
Citizens of America …… Australians, Canadians and all other nations controlled by the City of London and the Commonwealth heralded by King Charles 111 - your enemy is NOT Russia, China and Iran - they are merely diversions - your enemy is the hidden Illuminati - the spiritual mafia MOB - or Black Nobility headquartered in CERN, Switzerland.
The Black Nobility bloodlines are 2,400 years old - their enemy is the creator God - they despise God, you and nature - their aim is to form a partnership with Lucifer and Satan to destroy it all. The Canton of Geneva was literally formed hundreds of years ago to plan, conquer and try to destroy God. That is their ultimate goal. Their chances or probability is about the same as their theory of evolution - nil! The probability is so infinite, it is nonexistent.
Could this be what is occurring with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)?
Meanwhile….. a minuscule group of honest politicians fight the good fight for our freedom and true democracy.
The global resistance to globalisation and scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy, is picking up around the world. German MP Christine Anderson is emerging as a potent leader in Europe, saying that Technocrats have no business making policies in free societies.
German MP Christine Anderson recently shredded the World Health Organization, calling it a group of “globalitarian misanthropists” who she – and a group of seven other MPs, have vowed to dismantle in order to oppose the WHO supplanting democratically elected governments. Anderson said during the Citizen’s Initiative conference in Brussels, “An unelected body like who is controlled and run by multi-billionaires should never be allowed to act in place of a democratically elected government”.
Anderson says she’ll expose and name any individuals, including government officials and parliamentarians, who support the WHO ‘power grab’ and disrespect democracy.
“It is you [WHO] that is the small fringe minority” she continued. “You are the ones who do not have the right to dictate to the people what they want and what they don’t want.”
“So take it from me … take it from the millions and millions of people around the world. We will bring you down, and we will not tire until we have done just that. So brace yourselves. We are here, and the fight is on. So let’s have the fight.”
The founding members of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “Trust & Freedom” are:
Justyna Walker (Poland)
Mattias Desmet (Belgium)
Maria Hubmer-Mogg (Austria)
Alexander Christ (Germany)
Ladislav Vrabel (Czech Republic)
Isabel Eliseu Arroseiro de Mesquita (Portugal)
Georgi Todorov (Bulgaria)
Will they succeed? Will mankind be able to save himself? The answer is a resounding NO! The utopian “Great Awakening” will not occur. The Pre-Rapture will not occur - these are mere fantasies created by the spiritual mafia MOB - or Black Nobility.
Mankind will not - and cannot save himself. Only Yeshua haMashiach - the true Messiah can do that - and the Jews crucified Him - just like we are all doing today - if we are not resonating in tune with His spiritual frequency.
Really - it is that simple and uncomplicated.
Remember - connection with God is our #1 need!
True salvation is a free gift - given to us by the most marvellous, unconditional loving and just God.
Not many have personally experienced the same God Abraham, Moses and David experienced. The Kabbalah Jews chose another god to worship - Lucifer - and the rest is history! Which of course involves His-story! If you have failed to personally experience His-story - you are living in deception - an inversion, symmetry and reflection of the Truth.
The future of this false believe system is limited and time wise - very short. The Devil is a liar. The Devil is a deception. The Devil is the inverse of LIFE - he is the author of deception and destruction.
ALL of the MOB’s religions - including America’s style Corporate Christianity - are worshiping the god Shiva - not only the Hindus and Buddhist! It is the inverse of LIFE! The Beast system is a counterfeit of the Truth. Yeshua haMashiach is the Truth - and the Jews crucified Him…. and the Khazarian Jews were, and still are, a prototype of the spiritual mafia MOB - or the Black Nobility’s activities of today - including the sacrifice of children to their god Molech or Baal.
No - nothing has changed since Babylon and the Tower of Babel. That manifestation is merely coming to a culmination and a tipping point ….. What you are observing is a veiled reality….. it is not real!
We cannot fight against an illusion……
Hi Darren.... once again, thank you for your support. I would appreciate it if you could pass her my Substacks https://graemehopkins.substack.com/publish/posts. Also... I've lost contact and the name of your friend you put me in contact with long ago! Please refresh my memory! :)
Hi Graeme,
Hope you're well.I am a regular reader and distribute" The light newspaper"I don't know if you have read it but i feel you would write good articles for them based on your research.
I have also been involved with an awake lawyer who I feel you would have alot in common.
Would you like me to pass on your details to her.
Keep up the good work.It truely is inspired!